
Showing posts from May, 2011

Repost: Searching for Bigfoot in Washington State

Does Bigfoot really exist? Mike Barish travels to Washington State and links up with a real life Sasquatch expert to try to coax him out of his forest hideaway. Mike Baris writes on his blog: Bigfoot. Sasquatch. Yeti. Whatever you call it, youā€™ve most certainly heard tales of an ape-like creature that lives in the woods. Is it the missing link? Is it a prehistoric beast that defied extinction? Or, is it simply a myth with a few ardent believers? I ventured to the woods of Whidbey Island in Washington State to attempt to find out for myself. I met up with Paul Graves, a Sasquatch expert, part of the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization and a man who has dedicated his life to studying and searching for this seemingly mythical animal. I, of course, am already the father of a yeti. Granted, heā€™s a SkyMall product who Iā€™ve forced to bake brownies, but heā€™s mine and I love him. That said, I wanted to find the real thing. At his cabin in the woods, Paul showed me the tools of the t...

Animal Planet: 6 Reasons to Believe in Bigfoot, Courtesy of the BFRO

The new Animal Planet show "Finding Bigfoot" gives several reasons to believe in Bigfoot. They've asked Matt Moneymaker and the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization to count down what they believe to be the strongest pieces of evidence for the existence of Bigfoot. The BFRO gave six reasons why a giant ape-like creature may be lurking in the forests and wild places of North America. THE EVIDENCE FOR BIGFOOT: The number of credible witnesses and their geographic distribution. The scientific examination of casts and photos of footprints. The Patterson-Gimlin footage. Native American folklore about bigfoots. Sounds recordings attributed to bigfoots. Healed dermal scars on track casts. You can read the full article over at Animal Planet's Finding Bigfoot page .

BFRO: Spokane figure could be a man in dark clothes

The BFRO or the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization founded in 1995 is a scientific research organization exploring the bigfoot/sasquatch mystery. In the past few days they have received several emails asking about their opinion about the new footage from Spokane, Washington. The clip has been shown on a few news channels in that part of the country and around the world. Although they are not calling the video a hoax, they are questioning the behavior of "Samantha" who originally uploaded the footage. "There may be very valid reasons for Samantha to remain anonymous, but that's not the typical pattern for authentic footage," said the BFRO. BFRO: Now that you've seen the footage you'll see what I'm talking about. It could be a man in dark clothing running by, perhaps even staged to run by. At this time the camera person (a female) has chosen to remain anonymous, except for her first name: Samantha. It is poor form to involve children in ...

Researcher's Analysis of Footprint Casts Suggest Bigfoot Inbreeding

Jaime has been tracking a couple Bigfoot individuals in the Sierras for about 3 years now. He has made some interesting discoveries about the footprints he found. In this video he examines 10 and 8 inch tracks he picked up over the years. The pairs are at least a year apart. Jaime noticed "how long the heel looks and size difference between the pairs" and sees possible inbreeding. Jaime: This is an examination of the 10 and 8 inch tracks I have been picking up. The pairs are at least a year apart. Notice how long the heel looks and the size differences between the pairs. The 8 inch casts were taken at least 100 miles apart. Check out my site as I go into the probabilities of why this could be as I do an analysis of this. If this is inbreeding then the byproducts of inbreeding can be small adults and slow growth, something that must be considered. Do they look like a match to you?

Animal Planet: Finding Bigfoot, Reactions from the East Coast

Tonight 11PM e/p Update:   Animal Planet's Finding Bigfoot Watched By 1.3 Million People, Thanks to Viral Video and Coincidence Things are looking good for the new Animal Planet: Finding Bigfoot Show. Response on Twitter looks pretty positive. People on the West Coast still have to wait a few more hours before it airs. Here's what some on the East Coast are saying: Mjjjr ā€Ž Hahaha awesome stories everyone of them! Finding bigfoot should be prime time network tv after the simpsons like it was in the 90's 2BeUnbroken ā€Ž im now addicted to "finding bigfoot".....thanks alot animal planet! PatTAndrews ā€Ž This finding bigfoot show is hilarious. Someone just claimed that a sasquatch was throwing boulders at him through trees #lol animmariahkirbyyoā€Ž RT @LukeMoriartyy: Finding bigfoot is the funniest show, fat guys in the woods screaming "bigfoot" noises looking around with binoculars - there's a fat guy on the show? loveraexo ā€Ž Finding Bigfoot i...

Tim Fasano And Tom Biscardi on the Hunt for Florida's Bigfoot, Double-teams Matt Moneymaker

Biscardi And Fasano Are Working The Swamps Of Florida Tom and his team of six Bigfoot researchers and $250,000 of high tech gear enter behind me into a deep jungle campsite to film a documentary. You will see for the next week something not seen on Animal Planet with "Finding Bigfoot." This expedition was planned to counter Moneymakers series which will feature Florida next Friday. Watch his show and watch these videos and see who is more onto Bigfoot. We already have found evidence and we will blow your minds over the next week with what we will find. Judge for yourselves! - Fasano Tim Fasano , who calls himself the "Florida Beast Hunter" announced he have teamed up with world famous Bigfoot Hunter Tom Biscardi. Fasano, together with Tom and his team of six experts have been working the Green Swamp of Florida and the Richloam track with high-tech night optics and computer radar imaging. "This will be ground breaking for this area for this type of gear has not...


Don't forget the Sneak Peek episode of Animal Planet's: Finding Bigfoot that's airing tonight at 11PM. Show Description: BIGFOOT CROSSING IN GEORGIA Sneak Peek Monday, May 30, 11PM e/p Famed bigfoot investigator Matt Moneymaker and his team of Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization (BFRO) experts travel to the forests of northern Georgia to examine footage of what they believe is a bigfoot running across the road.

Spokane River Bigfoot Gets a Fair Shake on CBS Local News KPHO

Click here to watch the video at KPHO When we first blogged about the Spokane River Bigfoot video a few days ago on May 24, we had no idea it was going to receive so much attention. The video has completely gone viral. Our "stabilized and enhanced" version of the original YouTube video posted by samantha13950 have received almost 600,000 views. Local news station from all over the world picked up on the video and brought it out into the mainstream. The footage has created a ruckus among skeptics and believers alike. KPHO aired a few comments posted on their station's Facebook Page: Source: Spokane River Bigfoot Stabilized and Enhanced

FB/FB breaks down Sobe Bomb Bigfoot 09 Oklahoma

The boys at FB/FB have done it again. This time they broke down the "Sobe Bomb Bigfoot 09 Oklahoma" video. The footage is #28th on their "Best Bigfoot Video" list.

Humor: The Bigfoot Hunter, not a BBC America production

The Bigfoot Hunter quicklaughproduction takes a serious look into the life of a Bigfoot Hunter. Uploaded by quicklaughproduction on May 28, 2011 Come along on a journey to the heart of reality. BBC America presents, The Bigfoot Hunter, a mini-series so real and beautiful it makes other documentaries look like a Kool-Aid commercial from 1984.

Who is Cliff Barackman?

Cliff Barackman teaches how to photograph Bigfoot using game camera Also see: Cliff Barackman Explains Using Your Senses Cliff was born in Long Beach California, in 1970. His first bigfoot encounter occurred while camping in Northern California. Determined to understand the nature of his experience, he began immersing himself in sasquatch research. After engaging in squatching expeditions up and down the west coast, from the Sierras to the Cascades, he finally settled in the Pacific Northwest. Considering the high concentration of sasquatch sightings and similar sasquatch encounters, Portland was a practical residence for a dedicated bigfoot researcher. Today, Cliff splits his time between filming Finding Bigfoot for the Animal Planet, and teaching the fourth grade. Cliff just recently launched a website dedicated to the new show on Animal Planet call Finding Bigfoot. This is where you will get exclusive behind the scenes commentary by Findin...

Happy Memorial Day Bigfoot Footage

The Memorial Day Bigfoot Video This video was filmed by Lori and Owen Pate in 1996 on Chopaka lake north Central Washington state. This video has been yet to be proven real or fake. Before there was the Ketchikan Alaskan Bigfoot , or the Spokane River Bigfoot , there was another famous video that made it's way into the mainstream on this special Memorial Day holiday. Countless articles, blogs, and television shows have scrutinized the video, and has yet to prove whether it's real or fake. Just like it's grandmother Patty, from the infamous Patterson-Gimlin film, it has stood the test of time. It has been 15 years since the release of the video, and yet no scientific study, can conclusively prove it to be a hoax. That's what makes this one special. The Memorial Day footage is a Hi-8mm video that is purported to show a Bigfoot. It was recorded on May 26, 1996, by Lori Pate at Okanogan County, Washington's Chopaka Laka while on a fishing trip with her family and ...

Is Bigfoot a Giant Ape?

Could Bigfoot be descended from the prehistoric giant ape known as Gigantopithacus?

ABC News Fixation starting lineup, The Spokane Bigfoot first at-bat

ABC News Fixation is a show about anything that captured their attention over the week. For this weekend, the "GMA" gang revealed a few stories that really grabbed their attention. Dan, the newest member on the team kicked-off with the Spokane River Bigfoot video. "I've always hope to find that day, that there will be firm evidence that Bigfoot exist," said Dan. Of course, they're just having a little fun with all this. Watch the clip. And if Bigfoot isn't your thing, you can watch the Lindsay Lohan segment. Lindsay has officially begun serving time for stealing a necklace. She's been sitting on the roof top of her townhouse in Venice, CA enjoying the warm California sun. If I knew that would be my punishment I would commit a crime... I'm just sayin. Source:

Classic Bigfoot Documentaries

Watch Classic Bigfoot Documentaries on BFRO. Currently, their lineup showcases 4 films. In Search Of... Leonard Nimoy's Bigfoot Episode A&E Ancient Mysteries Bigfoot with Leonard Nimoy The Legend of Boggy Creek, 1972 Documentary Mysterious Monsters, 1976 Documentary Click here to check them all out at BFRO.

Safety in the field, tips for Bigfoot Field Researchers

Director Jason Goldring talks briefly on safety while doing field research. Visit their website:

Animal Planet: Finding Bigfoot Clips (New)

Time for Animal Planet to stop teasing and show us some actual clips. Here you go. Thanks Animal Planet! Enjoy. Finding Bigfoot: Large Footprints While researching a bigfoot sighting in northern Georgia, the team comes across a pair of large footprints and decide that, yes, these were made by a sasquatch. Finding Bigfoot: The Bigfoot Lottery The bigfoot team decides that they may have found actual bigfoot footprints, which they say are extremely rare. Are they being fooled or is this the real thing? Finding Bigfoot: A Howl In the Woods The bigfoot team descends on a Georgia forest with night vision and thermal imaging cameras. They take turns "calling out," but when something seems to call back, they are stunned. Finding Bigfoot: Bigfoot's Handprint? The team meets a woman who claims Bigfoot opened up her back door. Amateur video shows a greasy smear mark that she claims is Bigfoot's handprint. Is she right? Finding Bigfoot: Real vs. Fake Evidence ...

Humor: Bigfoot. The Real Reason He Is So Elusive.


Spokane Bigfoot, Satellite view show community college next to reported sighting

View Larger Map See:   Hikers accidentally caught footage of Bigfoot walking through woods in Spokane Satellite view of Downriver Park, Western Spokane where the sighting allegedly occurred. Directly below the park is Spokane Falls Community College. Hmmmm... From the Satellite imagery, there doesn't appear to be a big enough area to sustain a Bigfoot habitat.  Watch: The Survival of Sasquatch  to learn about the type of habitat Bigfoot needs to survive in the wild. We're a little skeptical on this one. The Spokane River Bigfoot Video Everyone's talking about

Finding Bigfoot Launch Promo, Animal Planet won't stop teasing

The 60-second promo for new Animal Planet series, Finding Bigfoot. Sneak preview on May 30th at 11pm and series premiere on June 5th at 10pm. Just a few more days to go before Animal Planet starts to air their new show about about four experts going out to look for the truth on Bigfoot. Finding Bigfoot is about four bigfooters: Matt Moneymaker (BFRO), James "Bobo" Fay (an enigma wrapped in a conundrum), Ranae Holland (a skeptical biologist), and Cliff Barackman (some bigfoot nerd). "Throughout the various episodes we visit locations determined by evidence from the region, eyewitness reports, and opportunities for night investigations. Lots of cool, bigfooty things happened all along the way, so I'm optimistic that this will be a great series", said Barackman . Cliff Barackman, Ranae Holland, James "Bobo" Fay,  and Matt Moneymaker on location in the wilds. The Special Preview Promo: Related: Gibsonville Muddy Footprints To Be...

Aussies hanging out with crazy American Bigfoot Researchers

Or  Click here to watch video The Aussies have been hanging out with the FB/FB (Facebook Find Bigfoot) guys for a few weeks now. On May 22, they decided to update us on what they thought about the expedition and Bigfoot so far. The verdict? They're still undecided about Bigfoot. That's why this is so interesting. You see, it's a lot more interesting when you have people asking the right questions, like, why haven't we found any Bigfoot bones, or why haven't we captured one yet? These great questions only come from innocent bystanders and innocent Aussies. Nevertheless, these Australians hope to be proven wrong. FYI: Aussie is Australian slang for an Australian. Matt Sharp (one of the Aussies from the video): Hey guys, we do not believe in the existence of Bigfoot. However, I strongly believe in the 'possibility' that it could exist. The film is not about documenting the existence, it's about documenting the culture and community of rese...

Is Bigfoot a Hairy Man?

If Bigfoot exists, is it actually a form of primitive early human still surviving on Earth?

Gawker covering Spokane Bigfoot footage, using our stabilized version?

Awesome! On Gawker's front page is the infamous Spokane River bigfoot story. Since we were the first to blog about it and at the same time posted the stabilized version, you heard about it here first ! Interesting enough, it looks like Gawker maybe using our stabilized version. Our stabilized version: Related: Hikers accidentally caught footage of Bigfoot walking through woods in Spokane Local News KXLY interviews Spokane River Bigfoot uploader, Samantha more elusive than Bigfoot Spokane River Bigfoot, Samantha13950 not interested in getting involved The Crypto Hunters beakdown of Spokane Bigfoot Video, believes the uploader is honest BFResearchSE breaks down Spokane Hiking Bigfoot Spokane Bigfoot, Satellite view show community college next to reported sighting

Promo Pitch for "Search for the Sierra Sasquatch"

Matt Morgan: This is a 2 minute pitch for the promotion of the documentary "Search for the Sierra Sasquatch" to be filmed in June 2011. We are seeking donations to fund the Expedition to the Sierra Nevada's to search for evidence of this elusive creature. Check out Matt Morgan's pitch . If you like what you hear, then you can head over to  and back them up by pledging some $dough$. Their goal is $5000, and they currently have 2 backers donating about $11. You have 29 days to do it. Support your fellow Bigfoot researchers! You can pledge a minimum of $1, so it's not going hurt you that much. If you pledge $5 or more: SNEEK PEEK: Being on this email list, you will get Video updates. I will be putting out some periodic blogcasts on my website and will be giving progress on how the project is going. You'll have exclusive info and insights on how the project is going that no one else will be seeing. About the project: On June 17th, I...

Monsters' Ball: Matt Moneymaker not afraid of Bigfoot, truly has monster balls

The Science Channel released a clip showing how brave Matt Moneymaker really is. While others are scared to death after hearing giant rocks being thrown into the water nearby, Matt remained calm "like he had seen this before", said one researcher. Matt is a former military man   (corrected, see Matt's comment below, thanks Matt) and President of the BFRO, so he is not afraid of anything. Matt Moneymaker Before they began their Bigfoot research, Matt warned the team that "if you go into their area at night, they will try to intimidate you and make you leave. There's various things they will try to do to scare you out." Stories like this is no wonder the researchers were scared to death! To see more of Matt Moneymaker, be sure to watch the new Animal Planet: Finding Bigfoot show, starring Matt Moneymaker, Cliff Barackman and some other people (only kidding here, we know who the rest are, just hit the link below) Related:  Finding Bigfoot - Animal P...

Local News KXLY interviews Spokane River Bigfoot uploader, Samantha more elusive than Bigfoot

Search For Bigfoot In Spokane KXLY Local News station KXLY in Spokane tried to get an interview with Samantha about the Bigfoot footage she recorded on her iPhone at Downriver Park, but Samantha is shy, and refused the interview. Interview or no interview, that's not going to stop the news reporter from reporting on the most important story of our life time. Source KXLY: A Spokane woman out for a day hike along the Spokane river claims to have proof of the mysterious and elusive Bigfoot. KXLY4's Annie Bishop tried to find him. ... "Someone asked me in the comments section if I believed in Bigfoot before the video," wrote Samantha in an e-mail to KXLY. ... "I have never given it much thought, but now I'm not so sure. Seem real enough to me," she said. Related: Hikers accidentally caught footage of Bigfoot walking through woods in Spokane Spokane Bigfoot, Satellite view show community college next to reported sighting

Humor: Bigfoot Find Facebook


Something new, Something furry, Something blurry captured on security camera

Unidentified Update: Video was filmed near Upton Massachusetts about 30 miles west of Boston. The creature in the video looks a little small to be a Bigfoot. What makes this video interesting is how large the creature appeared on the tree before it jumped down. Too blurry to tell exactly what kind of animal it is. Whatever it is, it moves fast! Uploaded by lucysandini on May 26, 2011 This is security video captured on 5/25/11 at my house. Keep your eye on the tree next to the vehicle across the street. Watch as the blurry object descends the tree, seems to attack something in the driveway and then climbs back up the trees actually going from tree to tree. My own Bigfoot lol.

Tim Fasano Florida SkunkApe Expedition This Weekend

Click here to visit Tim Fasano's YouTube Channel to see his latest videos Tim has been preparing for the expedition this weekend for sometime now. We're happy to see him go out there with some extra help this time. Tim and his crew is going to be rigged up like the U.S. Navy Seals going after Osama Bin Laden in a compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan. The only difference is Tim and his crew will not be carrying out any drone strikes. Bigfoot Expedition Set In Florida Memorial Day Weekend There will be a major Bigfoot expedition over the Memorial Day weekend in Florida. A team has been assembled by Tim Fasano (fasanotampa on youtube). He has a crew from California, New Mexico, Arizona, Montana and Arkansas on its way to Central Florida. They will be using high tech infrared and thermal gear, as well as, image enhancement radar. With the use of computer software it will be able to detect anomalies in the field that are not consistent with the surrounding. Tim will be shooting hun...

Spokane River Bigfoot, Samantha13950 not interested in getting involved

Hiker swatting "ginormous mosquitoes" gives us a quote from Samantha13950 saying she's not interested in a news story about the Bigfoot that was caught using her iPhone and uploaded on May 24th. "I will let you know that we were in downriver park where the big hill starts to flatten out down by the river. The video is from my iphone. I was filming my friends slapping at ginormous mosquitoes and trying to get through some thick weeds." - Samantha13950 Some who have viewed the footage noticed her friend slapping something in the air and pointed out it could have been a signal for someone to walk into view, if it was a hoax. This doesn't seem to be the case at all. Samantha13950 mentioned the "ginormous mosquitoes" swarming the area and naturally her friend was swatting the mosquitoes away from his face. Click here to read when we broke the news on the Spokane River Bigfoot video on May 24th. Related: Hikers accidentally ca...

Are There Bigfoots in Western New York?

A woman records strange screams at 2:30am in the morning. "The screams sounded like a woman who had lost her child" she said. When they woke up, they discovered multiple footprints near their property. What wakes you up in the middle of the night making hair-raising screams? What animal makes these noises and how come the only sounds that were anywhere similar were found on the internet in bigfoot sites?

Finding Bigfoot - Animal Planet show this coming Monday

Update:   Animal Planet's Finding Bigfoot Watched By 1.3 Million People, Thanks to Viral Video and Coincidence New Animal Planet Bigfoot show that previews this coming Monday! (Monday, May 30th) Cliff Barackman: "Finding Bigfoot is about four bigfooters: Matt Moneymaker (BFRO), James "Bobo" Fay (an enigma wrapped in a conundrum), Ranae Holland (a skeptical biologist), and me (some bigfoot nerd)." "Throughout the various episodes we visit locations determined by evidence from the region, eyewitness reports, and opportunities for night investigations. Lots of cool, bigfooty things happened all along the way, so I'm optimistic that this will be a great series." Cliff Barackman, Ranae Holland, James "Bobo" Fay, and Matt Moneymaker on location in the wilds. Related: MrMayDX08 Review Of Finding Bigfoot: Caught On Camera Episode Gibsonville Muddy Footprints To Be Featured On Finding Bigfoot North Carolina Episode? Anim...

Honor our heroes and adopt a war dog

Image Hero war dog helped get Osama bin laden Did you know you can adopt a war dog? According to the AP , when these war dogs retire from their duties overseas, they usually go up for adoption. Up to 300 war dogs go up for adoption each year and adopting one is not cheap. Owners often have to pay $1,000 to $2,000 to bring them back to the U.S. These military dogs only fly commercial, so it's gonna cost you an arm and a leg. However, if you love the outdoors and want that sense of protection, you can always use another best friend. A best friend is priceless. The AP : While about 300 retired U.S. military dogs are put up for adoption each year, military officials say they've received more than 400 adoption applications in the three weeks since the May 2 raid. In past generations, most military dogs were euthanized once their tours of duty were done. "They made a really big deal about Cairo being a super dog but all dogs in the military are super dogs,...

10 worst Bigfoot/Yeti films in the history of films

3-MINUTE TO CATCH A YETI! - #10 on list has compiled a list of "The 10 worst bigfoots and yetis in the history of recorded film". Little Bigfoot is ranked #2 on the list. Can you guess what's #1? : Not every cinematic Bigfoot's as dashing as Andre the Giant in a fur suit. No, some celluloid yetis and sasquatches are downright mediocre. Here are 10 of the cheapest, most inept, or grossest lost hominids ever to grace Hollywood.  Click here to read the full article  Source:

The Crypto Hunters breakdown of Spokane Bigfoot Video, believes the uploader is honest

"It appears to have long arms and coned head" - The Crypto Hunters Here's another breakdown of the Spokane Bigfoot video that was uploaded on May 24. The Crypto Hunters have some problems with the footage, but believes the YouTube uploader is "very truthful".

Colorado man sets up trail cam to capture Bigfoot, instead catches an Alien

Caught On Cam: Bigfoot In Colorado? Local news station KRDO 13 interviews a man who is convinced that a Bigfoot is visiting his home. So he sets up an infrared trail cam outside his house to get a good look of the creature. What he discovered blew him away...

Humor: Bigfoot & Tiki - Burned


BFResearchSE breaks down Spokane Hiking Bigfoot

"I am sold on the motion and even the head." -  BFResearchSE The first official breakdown of the Spokane Bigfoot by BFResearchSE shows hair on legs, convincing stride, sloped forehead and lightness on face. Below is a list of the breakdown: If they did fake it, they did an incredible job. Does not look like pants leg. Looks like a lot of hair around the legs. The stride is convincing. Difficult for humans to do. Humans naturally lift knee to pull forward. The bigfoot pull forward in such a fluid movement. Looks like a lanky youngster, still growing (maybe) Does not see any flaws (in the video) Sloped forehead Lightness on face, does not look like mask. Would be blown away if this was a fake. Related: Hikers accidentally caught footage of Bigfoot walking through woods in Spokane