Who is Cliff Barackman?

Also see: Cliff Barackman Explains Using Your Senses

Cliff was born in Long Beach California, in 1970. His first bigfoot encounter occurred while camping in Northern California. Determined to understand the nature of his experience, he began immersing himself in sasquatch research. After engaging in squatching expeditions up and down the west coast, from the Sierras to the Cascades, he finally settled in the Pacific Northwest. Considering the high concentration of sasquatch sightings and similar sasquatch encounters, Portland was a practical residence for a dedicated bigfoot researcher. Today, Cliff splits his time between filming Finding Bigfoot for the Animal Planet, and teaching the fourth grade.

Cliff just recently launched a website dedicated to the new show on Animal Planet call Finding Bigfoot. This is where you will get exclusive behind the scenes commentary by Finding Bigfoot co-host Cliff Barackman. Starting May 31st, after each episode of Finding Bigfooot, Cliff will share what happened when the cameras weren't rolling!

Listed on Cliff's new website are the cast members of Finding Bigfoot, each with their own little Bio:

Source: www.cliffbarackman.com



  1. someone who cleary hasnt got the balls to ask renee out. the 2 seem quite the item.

    think cliff would rather be buggered by a BF probably. like the other 2


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