Animal Planet: Finding Bigfoot, Reactions from the East Coast

Tonight 11PM e/p

Update: Animal Planet's Finding Bigfoot Watched By 1.3 Million People, Thanks to Viral Video and Coincidence

Things are looking good for the new Animal Planet: Finding Bigfoot Show. Response on Twitter looks pretty positive. People on the West Coast still have to wait a few more hours before it airs.

Here's what some on the East Coast are saying:
  • Mjjjr‎ Hahaha awesome stories everyone of them! Finding bigfoot should be prime time network tv after the simpsons like it was in the 90's
  • 2BeUnbroken‎ im now addicted to "finding bigfoot".....thanks alot animal planet!
  • PatTAndrews‎ This finding bigfoot show is hilarious. Someone just claimed that a sasquatch was throwing boulders at him through trees #lol
  • animmariahkirbyyo‎ RT @LukeMoriartyy: Finding bigfoot is the funniest show, fat guys in the woods screaming "bigfoot" noises looking around with binoculars - there's a fat guy on the show?
  • loveraexo‎ Finding Bigfoot is my new favorite show on #AnimalPlanet
  • NizzyOfNaptown‎ Is watching Finding Bigfoot... This is intense
  • hal4sn‎ Watching "Finding Bigfoot" on Animal Planet. I sure hope they find it. So far I have learned it is OK to call him Squatch.
  • mudd4goals‎ The DVR left me a nice gift tonight: "Finding Bigfoot" from the Animal Planet.
  • Bigfootology‎ I am making play-by-play commentary about the Finding Bigfoot show here.
If you're on the West Coast and can't wait another 2 hours, you can read Bigfootology's real-time play-by-play commentary on Facebook.  Go here to check it out:

Finding Bigfoot: A Howl In the Woods

Watch More Animal Planet: Finding Bigfoot Video Clips: Click here.

Animal Planet’s Finding Bigfoot: Episode Guide:

Premiering Sunday, June 5, 10PM e/p

Bigfoot expert Matt Moneymaker takes his team to northern Florida to help a family that believes they have a bigfoot living on their property. The team meets with members of the Seminole nation, whose history with the creature allegedly goes back hundreds of years.

Premiering Sunday, June 12, 10PM e/p

From deep inside the North Carolina Uhwarrie National Forest comes one of the most convincing pieces of bigfoot footage from the past 40 years. The team of BFRO investigators use decades worth of experiences to determine if this footage is the real deal.

Premiering Sunday, June 19, 10PM e/p

Bigfoot expert Matt Moneymaker takes his team of specialists to Oregon to examine a video taken on a rafting expedition. While investigating, the BFRO team hears a sound in the middle of the night that they believe could prove the creature’s existence.

Premiering Sunday, June 26, 10PM e/p

Famed bigfoot expert Matt Moneymaker and his team of bigfoot investigators journey into the mountains of southern Washington to explore a series of photos that depict what some believe is a bigfoot on a snowy peak.

Premiering Sunday, July 10, 10PM e/p

A call from a concerned mayor brings Matt Moneymaker and his team of bigfoot experts to the island of Prince of Wales, Alaska. The island allegedly has a long history with the beast, and a recent spike in reported activity has the townspeople on edge.



  1. Replies
    1. As a matter of fact they prefer to be called sasquatch-americans.They consider sqatch derogatory.

  2. watching it right now. Cliff and Ranae found a footprint! how rare is that!


  3. These people jump at every sound in the woods or any thermal hit. Do they even know how many known animals are in the woods, and active at night?
    Even a small animal in the dry brush makes a lot of noise. I know this for a fact, as I live in southern Oregon, pretty far into a remote forested area. I am open to there being a bigfoot type animal out there. I would just like a serious show about it. Not just Animal Planets typical show that recaps and previews the next clip throughout the show more than than showing us anything different. We only see about 30 minutes of footage between commercials, and repeat footage. We are watching, so we don't need to see the same clip after each commercial, as before.

    1. true that. I find it kind of pathetic that they think they know all about bigfoot. the show isnt so bad, but its like all the ghost shows;same thing every time

  4. I find it so amusing which people get most offended by my comment that most bigfoot researchers don't get out in the field much. Of course, that used to be a lot more true than it is today. Back when I first started doing it in the 80's there were fewer than 10 people in all of North America who investigated sighting reports in the field with any regularity.

    Gotta laugh that Rhettman Mullis got perturbed by what I said. He's a good representative of the rest of them. Take a look at Rhettman and tell me if you think he gets out much:


    1. youre a tool moneymaker, put down the crackpipe. you dont spend months at a time in a hotspot untill you find one. "oh i go out for a few hours a day a few times a week, to listen to people talk about a sighting, or get scared of a twig snap in the woods, im a field researcher!! im the cats meow and the worlds foremost authority on bigfoot" you make me laugh and puke at the same time. your clueless

    2. I was just wondering how much time is spent in the field on a hot spot,or do the producers call the shots ..spending a little more time on a so called "hotspot" would more than help the show.You have opened people eyes in the forest. Thats great..I'm not a bragger but I've been investigating these creatures for only 3 years now and finally have some decent equipment. Matt, they are in UTAH!!!High Uintas Mtns..Vernal close to the UTE reservation..check it out.close to Provo Canyon.Too

  5. A better link:

  6. A quote from Bigfootology:

    Mullis calls himself an "academic researcher". What type, you may ask?

    From his website "Bigfootology":

    "Rhettman has a Bachelor’s degree in Christian Leadership ... He consults and counsels individuals and professionals as a pastoral care counselor as he is a licensed chaplain and ordained pastor."

  7. Rhettman Mullis certainly looks like a "arm chair" researcher to me. LOL


  8. Here's the deal, folks: Yes, Moneymaker (who IS the BFRO) is a joke and his name really does say it all. That said, there ARE undocumented primates in North America, and yes I know that 100%. Please don't judge everyone who believes it (or KNOWS it) by this bunch of doofuses.

  9. LOL. Someone one the show used Bigfoot as adjective at one point saying, "That's a very bigfooty thing to do". I think it's an interesting show though. Getting tired of Ghost Hunters...

  10. "Wait, I have to ask 1 thing....does it have toes? Yesssss."
    Oh the small victorys for a moneymaker. :)

  11. What a crap show, they have a thermal "image" in a meadow, then suddenly they cut away and when the camera is allegedly turned back the "image" is gone. Why do they not show the "image" walking away? No one in their right mind would turn the camera away if they thought they had a Bigfoot on film - it reeks of fakery. While I believe Bigfoot exists, I think this show is a crock. It reminds me of UFO Hunters where they have " scientist", in this case a "biologist" who tries to bring some objectivity to the investigations, it's the same tired formula. could hear alleged "howls", now how come they didn't show any audio analysis of these howls? If they were so certain it was Bigfoot, wouldn't the vocal pattern analysis bolster their claims? Moneymaker is aware that the average viewer knows nothing about real investigations and he's taking it to the bank.

  12. Lose the woman reseacher.She takes away,from the show and is awful.I can't watch the show,with her talking.She is idiototic.And,Bobo,is a boob.I'm sure he's a nice enough guy,but--him falling off the porch,and landing on his butt,last week,was just a big doofus moment.Moneymaker should realize,that if you have to say "I'm the leader,here",to win an argument,or more than the first time,you're not the leader.Just a wannabe.

  13. I would prefer a more objective approach. However this makes a good guilty pleasure, even if it is a little bit goofy.


  15. This show is ridiculous! It gives Bigfoot believers a bad name.

  16. Matt Moneymaker posted this on cryptomundo about the caught on tape episode:

    … the thing I ran after up the hill was a human — someone who was sneaking around us in the woods trying to watch the production in progress. I said so repeatedly and vehemently at the time, for the cameras, but they edited out all of that in order to make it seem unclear what I was chasing after.

    I was the only one who got a good look at it through a thermal. It was quite clear that it was person wearing clothes and struggling to flank the hillside. The video they showed was substituted in (as they typically do), and wasn’t anything like what I saw.

    The production people did not have my thermal imager plugged into the recorder when that happened, but I don’t think they would have used the footage anyway. It would have clearly showed that I was right about that … but they were trying to make it look as though I was wrong about it.

  17. Moneymaker, you are NO better than Tom Biscardi!!!

  18. Matt, I have one question for your team when you were in Oregon in the most recent episode. When you guys found the fresh urine on the thermal cam, why didn't you collect a sample of it? That could have at least determined whether it was from another animal, such as a mountain lion, or a Bigfoot's.

  19. This show is a friggin JOKE!! One episode has a family stating they are regularly visited by a stunk ape. What is first thing anyone would do if they were actually being visited by a big foot??? Set up cameras, bait it and get REAL footage! These people had a smeared hand print on a glass door...that it! But according to Matt and Bobo that's proof. That and a bent bird feeder poll, a dented fence post cap and that is hard proof they are in a Bigfoot habitat. They did have a cast of what they say is a foot print but on TV it looks like nothing and there is never expert analyses. I would be embarrassed to be a part of this show. They know everything there is to know about an animal that they do not have one picture of. They are not trying to scientifically seek out evidence of big foot and I'm betting you'll never see them set up game cameras. What you will see is episode after episode of strategically edited thermal footage and vaguely shaped plaster foot prints to keep the "Matts" and the "Bobos" coming back for more. I hope there is such a creature as bigfoot but how many shows and specials like this have we all seen and there has been nothing other than maybe some unidentifiable hair. Or hair that seems ape bones, no dens, no bodies. And out of the thousands of people that have claimed to have seen a BF, no one has ever shot one, or has ever snapped a picture that is close enough or clear enough to see features, hair..anything. Come on Animal Planet this is beneath you.

    1. I was thinking the same thing. How can these people act like they kknow what bigfoot likes when there never been one studied. Another thing that pisses me off on the show is when they think they can call one in, there is no animal in usa that will come to a human yelling. maby a dog. But they think they can yell like little bitches and get a animal that obesly if it is real avoids humen real good they are only scaring it. best chance would be trail camra leave it set up for at least a month to keep human stink out of there

    2. This organization is really a bunch of dip shits who only think they are scientific Bigfoot trackers.they are opportunist because they make money on a creature for 25 years they can't find-----snake oil salesman.

    3. I wonder if Cliff on bfro has a hard time trying to hide the fact he is gay

  20. I am so dissapointed in animal planet for having such a dumb ass show with you freaking clowns on it. If Matt moneymaker has had 25 years of experiance. Why havent you ever found one. Oh yeah because your a quack.

    1. Exactly.....25 years and don't have shit- you are real scientific Matt moneymaker....clown.

  21. Hey I herd that the bigfoot breaks the legs first when the dead carcass of dear showed up in Carolina, you guys are idiots!

  22. The voices you guys hear in the woods can also be spirits, supernatural.

  23. What a crappy show! Ghost Hunters find more evidence of non-existent ghosts than these guys find of any Bigfoot whatsoever! I just love it when they show as proof those plaster of paris cast of footprints that are so obviously sculpted with all the toes so evenly spaced and dainty, that all it needs is to have the nails on the cast painted.

    All these guys do is take mug shots of their ugly snouts with their low quality night vision cameras, and howl at each other in the woods! For all we know they may be filming this crap in their own backyard!

    I especially love the thermal image shots where they have the big guy run in the background in a monkey suit just to spice the show enough from total and complete boredom!

    There are more "Bigfoots" in the L.A. Lakers than these guys have ever or will ever encounter! LOL!

    I don't think they will be around for a second season....

  24. Im not sure how to explain what i hear and see is an attempt to find bigfoot or if its just plain retardation. Probable retardation to the max

  25. I dont feel that this 'Finding Bigfoot' show is helping the cause any. If Matt Moneymaker has been hunting these creatures for 25 yrs. he hasn't been very good at it. No clear pictures, no good film footage. He's got more footage of this 'BOBO' guy, the equivalent of comic relief. Every episode is spent running around the woods at night with infra-red cameras till its time for Matt to do his Bigfoot call. Then they all stand around going 'Did you hear that?' or 'Whats that over there?' Even that catch phrase 'I Think Theres a Squatch In These Wooooooods' is annoying. This show is a real disappointment. At least 'Monsterquest' had believable eye witnesses and their experts didn't make fools of themselves.

  26. Your are absolutely right Anonymous. Indeed the "Monsterquest" Sasquatch show on the History Channel had more believable eye witnesses, approached the investigation far more seriously and scientifically, and their experts didn't make fools of themselves traipsing around the woods at night howling like lunatics to each other in the dark!

    On the other hand, this 'BOBO' guy's name is so appropriate.... It means "Dumb-ass" in Spanish! LOL!

  27. Has anyone noticed? These BFRO “Bigfoot Experts” have been searching for Bigfoot for twenty five years, traipsing and howling at each other in the woods, without ever having found - not a Bigfoot, or the remains of a Bigfoot - but even some Bigfoot “scat” with the DNA in it with which to prove scientifically the existence of an unknown species of primate living in those woods!

    Also, how come since these loons claim there have been Bigfoot sightings in all fifty states, all over America: from the “Windigo” of the New England woods, to the “Booger Boo” of South Carolina, to the Florida “Skunk Ape”, to the Ohio “Devil Monkey”, to the “Sasquatch” of the Pacific Northwest, to the “Bigfoot” proper of the Alaskan wilderness (even in Hawaii, where the “Maui-Aui Pink Skank Ape” is supposed to have made it across the ocean sneaking in the hold of a Hawaii-bound ship from “Gay Old” San Francisco. Ha!) one has to wonder, if Bigfoot sightings are so prevalent all over America, how is it then that no one has ever reported sighting a “Bigfoot” in Washington D.C.?

    Oh, stupid me! Of course, I forgot! It must be because in today’s “ultra-sensitive” politically correct climate, if these fools ever claim that someone saw a “Tall Ape” loitering in the vicinity of the White House, they would instantly be demonized as “racists” and Animal Planet would cancel their stupid show off the air on the spot! LOL!

  28. Matt Moneymaker, I have a question are yetis and bigfoots all the same because bigfoots would live in the same habitat right? By the way, you Bobo, Cliff, and Ranae should tottaly do some research in indiana

  29. By the way my name is Terrell Miller

  30. Whenever i go to the country for my family i go searching for squatchs


  32. the thing is im the only who aappreciates this show based on hard cold facts

  33. Hey morons of the show, just FYI. If bigfoot does exist and has eluded humans for so long, more than likely it has some type of intelligence to it and knows when your stupid research team and cameramen are trampling into an area with potential bigfoot. Also, get rid of the stupid calls please. Once again, if a creature can avoid people for so long, it more than likely is smart to enough to decipher their own voice from yours. You guys are pathetic.

    It's also kind of sad that the woman is the most manly out of the entire group.

    And wasn't BoBo part of some other big foot show with some woman who drove around in a huge RV doing the exact same things these idiots do? Guy needs to get a life.

  34. i was in the woods one time and bigfoot contacted me in morse code, by hitting branches up against trees, saying your stupid for thinking im real. Then he howledscreeched/screamed at me. Dumb ass show.

  35. I am a 14 year old boy and I have to say have you ever thought about getting past knowledge from a bigfoot they lived very long they should know lots of things. Might have encountered aliens. They could know things from the 1800s and the way they are so afraid may mean that they have seem horrible events from way back what I'm saying is try to communicate with them know there ways and get information out of them if u can teach them English it will make it easier

  36. Wow. could you imagine if a Surgeon had never successfully treated a patient in 25 years of practicing medicine??? These idiots are all quacks and Animal Planet should be ASHAMED of putting this programming on their station. They have tarnished their credibility. What next? A special on the "Tooth Fairy?" Better yet, just schedule Wrestling on their channel and give up entirely.

  37. "Squatch" like these Douche-bags are on a first name basis with Bigfoot. From here on in, all Bigfoot Hunters will be known as "Bags."

    Seriously this is what Animal Planet has degenreated down to?

  38. They are going about it all wrong. I would try calling a bigfoot by whacking Bobo in head with a big stick then just listen for the bigfoots...feet to start laughing their asses off.

  39. Apparently the woods of America will now be a bit quieter, since it seems Animal Planet has thought better of these morons running at night in the forest with low-lux cameras howling, and it appears have given Moneymaker (ironically, it seems aptly enough, that is all this individual was doing chasing Sasquatches on Animal Planet), and his sidekick "Bobo" a "Bigfoot" kick up both their asses off the programming! LOL!

  40. Watched several of these shows last nite (1/1/12). Mike Moneymaker has to be a giant ass. He wants to believe so bad in bigfoot. If the guys who filmed the famous P&G film came out and said, no we faked it, Moneymaker would disagree with them. One episode he funs off in the woods chasing an image. When questioned by a scientist of his methods, he states he has been doing this for 25 years. Well Mike, what has the 25 years of chasing images got you? Another eipsode the female scientist disagrees as to whether she fully believes a thermal image is bigfoot or a fake and she states until it can't be duplicated she can't fully believe it is bigfoot. Moneymaker rolls over her and states it is bigfoot. Same episode he states on the thermal a human's cloths woudl show up dark, well Mike, Bobo's thermal matched the Green footage.

    1. Make no mistake, no one on that show is a scientist by any stretch of the word.

  41. who are these idiots?! one has been chasing bigfoot for 25 years. dude get a LIFE! and I like the episode where he believes bigfoot would have laid down on a mattress if he had a choice! what a moron?! even the girl on the show looked at him like an idiot! these guys are all losers. one of them looks like bigfoot! the fat idiotic lard looking guy. get a haircut dude, you might get confused with the beast. this show is the most stupid show on earth. why is it that anyone that ever takes a picture of bigfoot always ownns a cheap ass camera that takes blurry crapped out pictures?!? wjhat a fricken joke!

  42. ya and they know every thing about them to like yelling will make them come or banging stick come on, and hunter will tell you if your load you wont see anything

  43. Change up the program it's the same formula episode after episode. Or, don't show another epeisode until you have an actual bigfoot?

  44. I am sitting here watching this inane drivel...matt moneymaker just described something called "Dawn patrol" which sounds cool but he explains it is a technique that they often use to detect "squatches" (gosh i hate when he says that) increased activity around dawn.....uhhh okay...and then he Howls and you hear ominous music and hear a bunch of coyote howl back...this of course PROOF of sasquatches since CO-FREAKING-YOTES howl back...Uhh hey dumbass, I think its a sign that there are...ummm coyotes in the woods. These guys know nothing of scientific method and their "evidence" is all anecdotal and in science that is NOT evidence, it is...well anecdote. sigh...why am I watching this shit?

  45. I couldn't finish a show I saw them talking to people who supposedly may have seen a sasquatch. Then the team leaves then goes and says that what those people said doesn't sound like regular "bigfoot behaviour". Seriously!? Acting like they sat down with a sasquatch and had coffee with it. Ahahahaha!

  46. Matt Moneymaker and the rest of his retarded group should we really ask themselves what they are doing..

    First of all..


    Have you ever found a bigfoot while tracking him? NOOO!! so how the fuck do you know what you are tracking is bigfoot.... You can call yourself a TRACKER OF BULLSHIT.. A tracker can prove that he is tracking something, by actually finding the item he is tracking you ass!

    OMG it's a broken branche, it must be a bigfoot.. i ate the candybar myself, but lets blame bigfoot, it would make great televisiion.. BOBO (casted for trying to look like a bigfoot, probably actually casted for imitating bigfoots in the show, so they have something on tape)

    You really disgust the people that actually thought that there would be something there, because you are actually making fun of these people by calling out so carelessly what you think. And really you have no brain at all.. I am really thinking you belong in a mental institute for the things you say...


    A fuckin 6 year old can explain all of your so called bigfoot proof. It makes me sad that animal planet would send out such crap.. I think i will send them a letter as well for being not educative and putting up the biggest shit stories i have ever heard.

    if there are people who are actually so retarded that they believe the shit Matt Moneymakers is telling. You should really do yourself and your environment a pleasure by:
    A. killing yourself
    B. not having children

  47. It only goes to show the gullibility of the American public that Animal Planet would have brought about another season of this farce - but then, again, they are so desperate for programming they also brought back “Tattoed Whores, Pit Bulls, and Parolees” and “Felon and Lesbian Midgets and Pit Bulls” (why so much obsession with Pit Bulls? Is Animal Planet trying to gain a dog-fighting black audience?), so what else can you expect from Animal Planet?

    To see these idiots howling in the woods at each other and calling everything around them “squatchy” is priceless! They find some of Bobo’s own scat in the woods, and call it “incontrovertible evidence”! If someone throws a rock, that must definitely be a “squatch”! OMG! How stupid can you be? I just wish there would really be some real “squatches” out there that would one day catch up to them and beat their asses senseless for being the assholes they are, making so much needless noise in the woods at night, and calling everything around them “squatchy”!

    Or how Bobo likes to use lesbo Ranae as a sexual bait to catch Big Foot, when what he subliminally wants is a squatch to put a “Big Foot” up his arse!

    This show is but a waste of time!

    Did I mention, that appropriately enough “Bobo” means “dumb” in Spanish? It is so befitting.

    1. I thought I was the only one that thought this show was a joke! Are these people seriously getting paid by Animal Planet to go hunt for something that doesn't exist? We would have found bones of one by now. Maybe they should look here in Hawaii lol he might be at the beach on a hammock sipping a mai tai.

  48. Moneymaker and his team of buffoons are no better or different than paranormal investigators hankering after non-existent ghosts. What sets them apart is that whereas paranormal investigators can claim that they see a spirit, that a ghost just touched them, or that they feel its presence, unfortunately for Moneymaker and his loons they can only take such “squatchy” evasiveness in their case so far before they are forced to come up with a physical evidence that is simply not there.

    The real historical “Big Foot” or “Sasquatch” was in fact Giagantopithecus,

    ( )

    a now extinct genus of ape that stood 10 feet tall, that once existed in what is now China, India, and Vietnam, from approximately one million years ago to about three thousand years ago. Undoubtedly humans came across him during that span. Maybe that is why our collective psyche is wired to accept the existence of such a primate, being that in fact it did once exist. But at least we have found fossil tooths and fragments of a jaw of this real Gigantopithecus. Can you imagine?. If we have been able to find real, concrete, evidence of this extinct ape by even finding something so insignificant as a fossil molar, how come we can’t find even that, in support of a supposedly “LIVING” population of “Big Foots” and “Sasquatches”, which must certainly leave a trace? Pray tell me, where is the fossil evidence, or any other credible evidence for that matter, for the existence nowadays of these giant simians, other than that of people in monkey suits, footprints made with molds (with all too dainty and perfectly spaced toes - as if a primate, like us, would not ever suffer from gout, arthritis, bunions, genetic deformities, and such?), and the scat of hunters, or Bobo searching after the elusive ape, out in the woods, all of which these idiots call “incontrovertible evidence” and “squatchy”! If what Moneymaker (that is all he’s actually doing with this farce of a show - living up to his name) is doing, so irrefutably proves the existence of “Sasquatches” everywhere, why isn’t there one in the American Museum of Natural History!?!?

    Much like many paranormal investigators, who indulge in such mumbo-jumbo wishing to give sense to their empty, meaningless, lives, and or assuage their fears of death by pretending there is something in their worthless lives worth preserving beyond our common mortality, these loons searching for “Big Foot” are but projecting their own fears and insecurities!

    I guess in the case of estrogen deprived Ranae Holland , the lesbian biologist, she subliminally wishes that she would have been a beautiful woman that could have wooed a man, and have a husband - like nature and evolution intended - instead of licking carpets, but hey, maybe a desperate “Squatch” would do!

    Maybe what Bobo, subliminally wants is for a “Big Foot” to rape him, so he can “fulfill" those inner insecurities of his, move to San Francisco, stop chasing big phalluses...err, I mean, “Big Foots", all over the woods at night howling like a madman, and instead parade himself with a feather up his arse in the Gay Pride Parade!


  49. I couldn't finish watching single episode of this crap. One of the big foot trackers claimed he knew big foot existed even without evidence because he also believed in atoms and he he'd never seen of those before. Yeah! except that there is mathematical logic and over a century of consensus in the scientific community that atoms do exists. How can any of these plastered jogger footprints, noise in the woods made by wildlife, and 70's quality video of "apes" hold up to scrutiny by any skeptics? true people will never be convinced by video alone, because is so easy to manipulate video! duh!

    This show is exactly what it is, a show. A show with no facts whatsoever, purely made for entertainment that even fails at that. Glad at least some people watch it but personally it is one of the stupidest shows on tv and surely a downgrade for animal planet.

  50. This show is indeed one of the stupidest and most absurd shows ever! It makes Beavis and Butthead look like MIT geniuses - with these idiots, with night vision cameras pointed at their ugly snouts, howling in the woods at night like madmen; Money maker finding everything everywhere "squatchy", and a Big Foot always conveniently hiding just out of sight behind some bush; Bobo and his scat the only "real" Big Foot evidence they have ever come across; and doubting Ranae participating in all the madness even though allegedly she's as unsure of Big Foot's existence as she is of her androgynous sexuality! LOL!

    And now Moneymaker claims that Big Foots love to hang out by cemeteries! What? Is he going to move in on Ghost Hunters and hunt for ghosts as well as Sasquatches - anything to keep this farce of a program going ?

    And now they use fireworks to attract “Squatches” in the middle of the forest? Wait ‘til they start the next big forest fire, the dumbasses!

    It'd be safer, and perhaps more entertaining, if they would stick to beating tree trunks at night, and perhaps ask Tony Orlando to join them. That way Orlando can do a “squatchy” rendition of “Knock Three Times” while beating three times on a tree trunk. Hey, who knows, the sqautches might like it!

  51. Keep the episodes coming. They are far better than any shows on network stations. Real or not, it's all fun to watch.

  52. As a matter of fact they prefer sasqutch-american. They consider squatch derogatory.

  53. hey a friend of mine were walking down a road when a rock was thrown and about 15 minutes after a BIG THING ran across the road.Ever since it happened i've never went outside without a gun!

    1. Why would a bigfoot or any type of animal throw a stone at you and run away.. Isn't that kind of weird? Wouldn't it just eat you right away instead of scaring you with a rock..

      And then you need a gun to protect you from a stone throwing sasquatch..


  54. I was driving down the highway when a big branch on atree was thrown in the road I stopped and pulled over and got out and looked in the brush and it came out and charged my car.I got in my car quickly and drove away.Later I came back and there were footprints along the road.I guess it was around 7to8 feet tall.

  55. You guys are a bunch of lard asses.If I had a choice to pick between you guys and somthin else I'd kick your sorry little asses off our world.

  56. hey i request you guys come checkout Idaho, my friend lives in clarkia and has seen multiple sightings up by bear wallow it has deer,berries,water,and a whole lot of other stuff

  57. Dont believe in bigfoots yet, look at the evidence and make up your mind. You call that hodge podge of hoaxing and I saw this and that evidence. A grizzly can stand on its hind legs at 1000 lbs. and run up to 35 mph, and can be gone as quick as they are seen. Its a wonder we have seen them uuummmm!

  58. Once i was on the toilet and suddenly i heard a splash in the water. It freaked me out because i was only there to pee. It must have been bigfoot. I was so scared i never went there again.

  59. This website asks us to look at the evidence and draw our own conclusions about the existence of "Big Foot". Well, there is actually not much of an evidence for "Big Foot", except a multitude of "evenly-spaced-toes" fake plaster casts of supposed footprints, hair samples from everything from bears to racoons, Moneymaker's "Squatchy Feelings", and FLIR videos of Bobo running through the woods!

    C'mon guys, let's get real here! At least the real "Big Foot" of the actual fossil record, Gigantopithecus, left some teeth and a piece of jaw-bone behind! What kind of comparable proof of "Big Foot" has Moneymaker, and his team of misfits and lesbians, have?...Other than Bobo's scat, when he shits in the woods? :)

  60. What I love best about the show, is watching Bobo running through the woods in his monkey suit.

  61. You know, what amazes me is that for a supposed population of such large primates, not one molar - such as those of the real, extinct, Gigantopithecus that have been found, not one piece of bone, hair, or any DNA has been found of Big Foot. Yet, Moneymaker claims everything is “Squatchy” and that these mythical apes populate all 50 states!

    According to the way Moneymaker puts it in his idiocy, “Sasquatches” are so common, that we should be able to see them strolling leisurely down Main Street, and or having a “Latte” at your local Starbucks!

    Oddly enough, the only place Moneymaker doesn’t claim there are any “Sasquatches”, is around the White House...lest he be deemed a racist. Ha! Instead of howling in the woods, maybe that is the first place he should look - look at Michelle. :p

  62. Who needs to buy a CD of sounds of nature to relax? All you need on TV is Moneymaker howling in the woods and Bobo running around his uncomfortable monkey suit! For everything else there is Master Card.

  63. As if intelligent people did not have enough of Moneymaker and his smelly, lesbian, androgynous, Sasquatch bait; of Bobo running around in his monkey suit; of everything being "Squatchy"; and or of these Moneymaker assholes howling in the empty woods at night. Now we have a new series of similar assholes, with similar low-light cameras pointed at their ugly snouts looking, of all things, for UFO's!

    Any time the Airforce does some training with flares, it will be interpeted as UFO's. That is nuts!

    So, now, instead of having Moneymaker howling in the woods, androgyneous assholes playing sexual bait for Big Foot, and or Bobo running around in a monkey suit; now we have other assholes chasing lights in the skies, and non-existent aliens! Lord have Mercy!

  64. Anonymous, obviously you don't like Moneymaker's programs. Don't worry. After howling in the woods so many times, and playing the same magic tricks and the same monkey suit bullshit over and over, eventually the public will not buy it anymore and the preposterous show will be cancelled.

    As you pointed out, then Animal Planet will come up with a similar show about chasing aliens (and I don't mean illegal Mexicans), chasing the mythical chupacabra, or the Loch Ness monster. But then, you have to understand, it is hard to come up with 24/7 programming nowadays!

    That is why Animal Planet keeps resurrecting such unpopular shows as those about midget felons, lesbians, and pit bulls; about tattooed crack whores and pit bulls; and or about eco-terrorist losers like Paul Watson and his naive crew of "Occupy Whales" misfits terrorizing the Antartic! What else would you expect? Some intelligent and scientifically sound Animal Adventures programming like the ones Disney used to make before their priority chnged to being gay?

  65. I apologize. Apparently "Big Brother" is watching, and a word I wrote is not permissible on this site. Waht I meant to say was, that what could you possibly expect of Animal Planet in today's world? Such scientifically sound programming as the old Animal Adventure Disney films, before Disney's priority was to advance the agenda (I cannot write the word or it will be blotted as before) of those misfits who are born male and think themselves women, or are born females and think themselves dominating men? Hope this gets through our "political correctness" filter muffles on our First Amendment rights! LOL!

  66. I love Bigfoot and believe. But these guys are going about thier search all wrong. I say, find a good location and hunker down. AND BE QUIET. They obviously travel along very isolated and quiet paths. Sit in silence, then knock on a tree now and then or howl once in a while. Let them come to you. Most sightings happen when people, are hiking, hunting, or camping. Try looking in the day time as well.

    1. you must be smoking crack! if they existed we would have found sceletal remains. Or you know they might just have cloaking devises like in the predator movies maybe only Arnie can find them lol

  67. I love Finding Bigfoot - it's the funniest comedy on television!!! Seriously people, you have to tip your hat to Moneymaker and his crew - they have figured out a way to cash in and make money off of other people's far fetched stupidity. To be honest I don't blame them for that - it's entertainment.
    But for you boneheads who actually really believe in bigfoots, wake up. We can take a picture of your license plate from space, we can climb to the top of Everest, we even found Titanic - do you really believe bigfoots are out there and we just can't find them????

  68. i know for a fact that the first big foot that was filmed was a hoax my father and a group of loggers he worked with did this using a female bear skin!!i have kept this secret for fifty two years now i remember when i was small listening to all of them talking and drinking in the kitchen and laughing about it!!! in case you havent noticed all the sightings are around bear hunting season and alot of those recorded howlings in the seqoua forest is nothing mor than the wind in the trees!!!

  69. I just want a job like that! Just go around the woods making noises as if they know what one would sound like lol. Are they seriously paying these idiots to look for something they will never find? I would take that job quick and laugh all the way to the bank.

  70. saw the new episode tonight where they found some of bobo's ass hairs and had it analyzed. once again didn't find shit. lol

  71. We got helicopters with thermal catching and finding ppl every day in the US and still we have yet to catch a single sighting of bigfoot. wow maybe the government trains them like navy seals maybe it was seal team squatch that got bin laden ?

  72. Here we go with another season of this absurd farce! Doesn’t Animal Planet have any better programming to put in its place? I guess not. I mean, this pseudo-reality sham of a show is offensive to intelligence!

    Look, I would welcome that a yet unknown species of hominid or ape, such as the now extinct Gigantopithecus, would still be amongst us, even if but a remnant population. But this BFRO, Moneymaker (he does live up to his name) “Finding Big Foot” reality show is so blatantly a farce, that it makes the Kardashians look like serious television!

    I just watched a program on the National Geographic Channel about a group of scientists in Costa Rica trying to film the elusive Jaguar. They went to great lengths to be able to film it, but eventually they were able to, because unlike Sasquatch, no matter how elusive, such creatures as the Siberian Tiger, the Himalayan Snow Leopard, and the Jaguar do exist!

    All Moneymaker and his clowns do is meander in the forests at night, making calls like howler monkeys, and fools of themselves, without ever any conclusive evidence. It’s just a farce. And he pretends that he knows Sasquatch population concentrations, physical attributes, behavioral patterns, and sexual dimorphic differences! Really? Moneymaker may as well have described the same for the dinosaurs in Dinotopia!

    Why hasn’t Moneymaker applied the same methods that all of these serious scientists have, with results? All Moneymaker and his buffoons do is wander the woods at night hollering at each other and scaring the animals. I am sure that may hunters and or locals even answer their Sasquatch calls to mock them!

    Show me a Sasquatch molar. Show me a bone. Show me some credible identifiable DNA, show me a carcass! Where are the Sasquatch, if not in Moneymaker’s snake oil?

    This show is a sham, and a shame. They should all go do something else and respect the viewer’s intelligence!

  73. I Love This Show!! They could change a few things up as far as the show goes but overall it's great show!!

  74. I haven't missed 1 episode yet!! It has it all, a little humor, some seriousness, evidence, thermal images, Now if they can produce quality images that leave NO DOUBT it is real for all the skeptics..This is a quality show people..We'll make a believer outta you yet Ranae!!

  75. I think bigfoot is just some overgrown workshy negro who is wanted by the police on drugs charges, so hides out in the woods knocking on trees and making whooping sounds

  76. I saw 3 bigfeet walking around the Bluff Creek area back in the late 1990's, My father, grandfather, brother and a couple of cousins have also seen Bigfeet around that area.
    It was very squatchy when i had my encounter, i viewed them moving around for around 5 mins and took lots of photos but lost my camera on the hike back, my brother had the same thing happen when he saw 2 adult bigfeet back in 2003, he took over 20mins of good video of them moving about,but accidently recorded over the footage before he showed it to anyone else.
    my cousin also took photos of a single bigfoot in 2009 but when he got home his younger brother took his camera and deleted all the photos..

    1. I have watched every episode of finding bigfoot.I love the passion of the 3 belivers and block out Ranae Hollands remarks. The native americans have it right. Respect it. Let it be. In Lake Superior we have 5 types of Freshwater Whales.We repect them and realize how fortunate we are to see this miracle of evolution. I hope a live sasquatch is never caught except on film.

  77. What do you think a Bigfoot really is?

  78. My My My,look at all the little trollers!They bash the good shows,Pitbulls and Parolees,Whale Wars,Pittboss,and our Big Foot bunch.They indulge in foul language and even make fun of our president.They do this and hide like the cowards they are behind the name anonymous.I enjoys these shows and am NOT ashamed to sign my name.You can change the channel if you do not like the show.You can state why you do not like the shows without resorting to childish derogatory remarks.I have your back BoBo....You were great on Jimmys show.
    signed Margaret Griffin

    1. Dear Miss Griffin,

      I apologize for having taken nearly two months to answer your comment, but, frankly, I have better things to do with my time than to follow this ludicrous thread, though I check on it every now and then to simply amuse myself.

      I respect your right to view whatever shows appeal to your intelligence, and be enthralled by whatever tawdry spectacle tickles your fancy as “entertainment.” However, your calling such shows as “Pitbulls, Tattooed Wh*res, and Felons”, “High-Seas Eco-terrorist Pirates’ Wars”, “Ex-Felon and Lesb*an Midgets and Pitbulls”, and “Finding Bobo In a Monkey Suit” good shows, is simply offensive to anyone’s intelligence!

      At least all those other shows you deem to call “good”do not hide the fact that, just like the Roman Circus in Roman times, they appeal to the basest common denominator of that “entertainment” that keeps the rabble, along with “bread” (Food Stamps?), as in ancient Rome, stupefied, docile, and compliant! But Moneymaker and his clowns claim their approach to “Finding Big Foot” is “scientific”. What a joke!

      I am not a troll. My name is Al Rodriguez of Las Vegas, Nevada, and I really detest that a channel such as Animal Planet, that could offer a multitude of available instructive and educational programs about earth-science, geology, paleontology, anthropology, history (maybe that belongs in another channel), nature, and zoology, chooses, rather out of the base necessity to market commercials that support it, to sell itself like a prostit*te, and pander its programming to the basest most despicable aspects of its audience, like you.

      In short, I would welcome the existence of an unknown primate in North America. Perhaps a descendant of the Asian Gigantopithecus. But whereas even if but molars, a few teeth, and a partial jaw of this now extinct primate have been found, not one tooth, not one piece of scat (other than Bobo’s), or other physical evidence of the existence of “Big Foot”, “Sasquatch”, or whatever you choose to call it, has ever been found! And please, do not insult again my intelligence by asking me to accept as proof those plentiful, spurious, foot prints, so obviously made with molds!

      The most elusive animals in the world have all been convincingly caught in camera: The Himalayan Snow Leopard in Nepal, the Okapi in deepest Congo, the Siberian Tiger and the Siberian Leopard - of which less than 50 survive! And yet Moneymaker wants to make us believe that thriving populations of “Sasquatches” populate most of the United States, and even in Australia, just because his group of clownish misfits pretend that they do by howling like assh*les in the woods at night and pretending every sound in the night, every animal call, and everything around them is “squatchy”, and yet, unlike the elusive Gigantopithecus, we don’t have for all these unknown primates , who according to Moneymaker and his clowns are not only alive, but “thriving”, not even one fuck*n tooth as evidence, as with extinct Gigantopithecus???

      I am sorry Miss SoandSo, you may find all these shows “good” and appropriate to your intelligence and expectations, but they are very far away from anything even remotely resembling “science” or “scientific inquiry”! I am sorry to burst your bubble, but then, there are always the Shopping Channels...

      With best regards,

      Alberto Rodriguez, Las Vegas, Nevada.

  79. Your show is awesome. I love it when you call Bigfoot your calls are amazing. I watch your a lot. But I have a question about Bigfoot is it real?

  80. Does anybody know what channel finding Bigfoot is on I forgot

  81. Tell me what do you think a Bigfoot is please reply and tell me what you think

  82. This show is a scam and an insult to intelligence!

    Al Rrodriguez, Las Vegas, Nevada.

  83. Let me use one myth to justify another: Perhaps the reason we don't find any "Big Foot" teeth is because they have lost them all to "Global Warming".... LMAO!

    Al Rodriguez, Las Vegas, Nevada.

  84. I saw a bigfoot on a basketball court last week.

    1. I saw that thing too! But I think that was actually the killer turkey from thankskilling, not a squatch... Basketball courts usually aren't very squatchy in general... I can't believe these guys can cash their paychecks and still sleep at night. I would say that they make their money preying on the lowest common denominator of society, but then when you hear them talk, I realize that they fit into that category themselves. Absolute retards all. They should just play a continuous picture in picture stream of cars driving in circles during the show

  85. I have never seen the mystical 7 legged, buck toothed, 3 assed llama in person "per se"... However, I do know without any doubt that he prefers his water to be wrist temperature, his prey cooked to a perfect med-rare, and if he doesn't get at least 6 hours of sleep he can be a real asshole in the morning. Welcome to another compelling episode of Bigfoot hunters.

  86. Bobo is the only bigfoot I see in this lousy program stomping around in the woods, howling, and leaving behind feces and urine to be sampled! Can they at least break away from the format and make one episode a bit more interesting than the next? I know everything is "squatchy", but I have not yet seen even one remotely credible evidence of sasquatch in this program!


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