BFResearchSE breaks down Spokane Hiking Bigfoot

"I am sold on the motion and even the head." - BFResearchSE

The first official breakdown of the Spokane Bigfoot by BFResearchSE shows hair on legs, convincing stride, sloped forehead and lightness on face.

Below is a list of the breakdown:
  • If they did fake it, they did an incredible job.
  • Does not look like pants leg. Looks like a lot of hair around the legs.
  • The stride is convincing. Difficult for humans to do. Humans naturally lift knee to pull forward. The bigfoot pull forward in such a fluid movement.
  • Looks like a lanky youngster, still growing (maybe)
  • Does not see any flaws (in the video)
  • Sloped forehead
  • Lightness on face, does not look like mask.
  • Would be blown away if this was a fake.



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