Finding Bigfoot - Animal Planet show this coming Monday

Update: Animal Planet's Finding Bigfoot Watched By 1.3 Million People, Thanks to Viral Video and Coincidence

New Animal Planet Bigfoot show that previews this coming Monday! (Monday, May 30th)

Cliff Barackman:
"Finding Bigfoot is about four bigfooters: Matt Moneymaker (BFRO), James "Bobo" Fay (an enigma wrapped in a conundrum), Ranae Holland (a skeptical biologist), and me (some bigfoot nerd)."

"Throughout the various episodes we visit locations determined by evidence from the region, eyewitness reports, and opportunities for night investigations. Lots of cool, bigfooty things happened all along the way, so I'm optimistic that this will be a great series."

Cliff Barackman, Ranae Holland, James "Bobo" Fay,
and Matt Moneymaker on location in the wilds.


  1. I thought the show was good. But I think if there was a animal that big in the US. I would think it would have been hunted and killed and put in a freek show. I want to beleive there a bigfoot it would be cool seeing something that not alot of people have seen before. But good luck in finding one!

    1. Cliff read this please! I have a sighting here in Rogersville,Tennessee

  2. That's classic: "I do think there's a squach in these woods..."

  3. They can't prove anything with it on a thermal camera. They need to bring tranquilizer guns and actually capture one.

  4. Funny how every time they see a "bigfoot" on thermal something happens and you wind up not seeing what it really is. Last week had them walking towards a bigfoot in an open field with the creature on thermal and suddenly the creature was gone with no video. How do they always manage to miss the critical shot??

  5. can't remember, but i think the thermal image they caught was either a horse or a deer. moneymaker said he ran away from him as he got closer to the creature.

  6. I prefer the Yeti over Sasquatch, Skunk Ape, Ab Snowman or Bigfoot

    1. Look anonymous bigfoot is real and if you don't believe that then I have a sighting

  7. The leader always states there is proof, but it's all circumstantial, no real proof. The pictures are all shady, dark images, none are close ups. Even the time the guy was walking towards the so called Bigfoot in the middle of a field, there were no close ups, yet the guy does carry a camera. Why weren't there pictures as he got closer? The woman who tries to get real proof is disrespected by her team mates all the time.

  8. Howlings, whistles, talking, mumblings are not proof of Bigfoot because many other animals can make these same noises. Wolves,coyotes, birds, frogs to name just a few for example. I don't like the leader states they know as fact as to what Bigfoot's eat or how they sleep, or make their beds or anything about them. These are not facts, they are theories. facts are backed up by scat pellets, or finding real bedding with fur from Bigfoot creatures. This show is not done scientifically at all. How can anyone respect the so called findings when they can't be proven with real facts?!

  9. Living in the Upstate of SC, we have this enormous Creature that resembles "Big Foot" that we call the "Wompus Monster". Seeing this Creature for the first time in my life, back in 1957, when I was 5 years old. Since then, I have seen it 4 times. My Mother has seen it close to a dozen times and one of my brothers have seen it 5 or 6 times. The closest I have been was around 2;00am, back in 2007 , down in the woods where we have a Haunted Trail that we open in October for 16 years now, and it stands between 8 and 10 feet tall and is enormous in size. Much larger than any man that I have ever seen. It is hairy and has a face almost like a Wolf and I only saw one eye. However, My Mother said she saw 2 eyes. Could be different Creatures as I do believe there is more than one out here. It's extremely fast and was stalking a deer when I stepped out of a man made cave in those woods and stood face up to his chest. I say, "His". I dont know whether a male or female. We do have a web site on it at with a picture drawn of it as the best we could get,but that site is mostly about the Haunted Trail. I have not seen this WOMPUS since this time but I can tell you,it is very real.

  10. I have watched this show, and I do believe some of it is staged. However I can say this with certainty, I have heard something when I was about ten years old. It happened right after all the tornadoes that hit the eastern part of the U.S. in 1974. I would not go back to where I heard these things in the dark. I grew up in this certain area, and I hate it to this day. And I am forty-six years old. I do not care whether people believe me or not, these things communicated with each other similiar to an ape sound but much deeper. It is really hard to describe. My dad use to set out on the front porch at nite and listen to these things, he kept a gun by his side. Maybe one day if God intends for us to know what these things are, we might change our minds about really wanting to know what exist. I just know this, there isnt enough money in the world to get me to live in that area again. Believe it or not. I know!


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