Spokane Bigfoot, Satellite view show community college next to reported sighting

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See: Hikers accidentally caught footage of Bigfoot walking through woods in Spokane

Satellite view of Downriver Park, Western Spokane where the sighting allegedly occurred. Directly below the park is Spokane Falls Community College. Hmmmm...

From the Satellite imagery, there doesn't appear to be a big enough area to sustain a Bigfoot habitat. Watch: The Survival of Sasquatch to learn about the type of habitat Bigfoot needs to survive in the wild.

We're a little skeptical on this one.

The Spokane River Bigfoot Video Everyone's talking about


  1. I've seen tighter areas with their presence. This area is along the river (key) and adjoins to other smaller park systems. Good research though.
    Alex aka MW

  2. Yesterday the BFRO received a message from Spokane saying that students from this community college had been assigned to make a viral video. This was one of the videos made for that assignment, supposedly.

    If that is so, then I assume other students would know about it by now, which means we'll be getting confirmation from other sources eventually. It is not a bigfoot though. The question is whether the footage just captured a guy fleeing in the woods (perhaps an illegal alien laborer - out west they often camp secretly in parks and river bottoms near towns), or was it done in cahoots with the camera person and kids. Whatever the answer is between those two possibilities ... it is irrelevant to bigfoot research at this stage. It is a non-bigfoot.

  3. It's good to hear some more details on this from someone! I was thinking that it was a hoax but I'm just an armchair observer.

  4. The Schools mascot is Bigfoot, and yes, they have a costume.


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