Tim Fasano: Photo of sleeping Bigfoot released by Erickson Project is just a puppy dog

Rest little puppy dog..rest - Tim Fasano The Florida Skunk Ape hunter Tim Fasano is on a rampage this week. First, he accuses Todd Standing and Matt Moneymaker of being hoaxers (that's if Matt is shown to be too nice to Todd and decides to let him off the hook). Now, he thinks the Erickson Project photo released earlier this month is not a Sasquatch at all. He says the creature in the photo shows "an animal that's appears to be no bigger then a medium to small dog!" "The tree limbs in the foreground are frail and thin meaning the shooter was VERY close... Bigfoot weights about 50 lbs! Get real. This is as bad as bad gets. Adrian Erickson must of gone to the local dog park for this photo. How can you people not see this?" said Fasano. Read the rest of the "Sleeping Bigfoot" breakdown by Tim Fasano below: Tim Fasano, Florida Skunk Ape Hunter