Tim Fasano: Hurricane Irene Disrupts Bigfoot Operations

Tim's last video before the hurricane

If you're a fan of Tim Fasano and his skunk ape videos, then we are sorry to inform you that he will not have any new videos for this week. It looks like the large amount of rain and wind from Hurricane Irene has put a stop to the operation this weekend. This means that Tim will have to wait for the weather to dry up a bit before he goes back into the field again.

Latest update from Fasano posted on Sunday, August 28:

There has been a large amount of rain and wind from Hurricane Irene even though Florida was not in this hurricanes path. The ground is saturated and I have decided to wait for next weekend. No big deal. The people up north have their electricity out and cities are flooded. Things can always be worse, I guess.

Florida has been very lucky in the last few years. Our time must be due. They say there is a storm forming off of Africa right now. It is headed due west, and of course, it is too early to tell how strong it will be or the direction it may take.
Perhaps some good will come of all of this. Maybe the economic demand for the rebuilding job will stimulate the economy up North. Its not like the Obama plan has done anything. We will take work anyway we can get it.

You can check out my partner blog Skunkape Florida. It has lots of additional information,

source: www.bigfootresearcher.com


  1. I like my Bigfoot free of partisan propaganda, especially out of freaking Florida--if that short excerpt is any measure of the whole, I think I'll pass.


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