As the Squatch Turns S01E09 [Grab Some Popcorn]

Editor's Note: This is a guest post by Jeffrey Kelley, an administrator for the Facebook group, The Squatchers Lounge! (Click on link to join).

Trolled and liking it.

The saga of "Daisy in the box" seems to have come to a close. As of early this afternoon Steve Kulls has uncovered the suspected true identity of the super spy like Ed. Smith. In an all night extensive search the squatchdetective was able to verify thru online searches of names and locations that the information is indeed correct. Known siblings and family is also included. Through his search Kulls uncovers a web of lies to include the lack of any known land ownership or business sales as well as a lack of any found background in bigfooting prior to 2008.

Read the rest of the story here:

What does it mean? Well, it means the community was led on a fantasy like voyage of intrigue and suspense not unlike a bond movie. Who called it first? I remember the biggest nobody in bigfooting said "I can see the TV movie now. Bigfoot in a box Staring Jack Black as Bigfoot..." (S01E01 As the Squatch Turns) in fact if you go back and read all of the episodes you will notice this story has played out just as predicted. I did not get personally involved in the story. I just accepted the troll for what it was and sat back and watched the fun.

So now that Edward * Smith is known can he be contacted for further information? What are the thoughts of the MABRC? They have been silent since the announcement of Ed Smith being suspended. Has anyone actually confirmed this to be a hoax? Since the silencing of Ed Smith on the MABRC I have not seen any official communications claiming to be Ed Smith.

What comes next? Now starts the blame game. Everyone begins pointing fingers blaming someone else for their own involvement in being trolled. That is like saying I'm fat because you have food in the house. Everyone is responsible for their own level of involvement in this saga. If you want to point fingers find a mirror first and say out loud "I got Trolled and it is my own fault." Everybody say it with me... I got Trolled and it is my own fault. Now that we have said it out loud we can all start to feel better. Check back for the final episode of the first season of As the Squatch Turns. I will give some insight into why I hoped it was real all along.

Here are the links to previous episodes of "As the Squatch Turns" by Jeffrey Kelley:


  1. Replies
    1. They seem to be so good at knowing what we are thinking, especially people that they are familiar with. They are "tuned in" to our frequency, & we have to learn to keep our minds quiet & how to shut them out.

    2. They zapped me with the infrasound one time, it knocked me out cold. I believe it was two of them, ganging up on me with the telepathic powers.

    3. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO it was all a hoax???there is no Ed smith??No quantra???No Daisy,No trap?No Geneva connection?

      Ed you can only fool some of the people some of the time..But u can rest assure you can fool this bunch all of the time....HAAAAAA Happy New Year and a Bobba Booey to you all

    4. The reason Bigfoots avoid us is that if they made contact, it would cause an imbalance in the space time continuum. We all know that this would create a paradox and then we'd all be fucked. So, whatever you do, don't try to make contact.

    5. Shawn Evidence is a site-hit whore and gay moron! Bigfoot is fake you fucking queers!!


    6. The only people that were trolled were the bigfoot blogs everyone else said bullshit.

  2. Replies
    1. So, we read yesterday that Melba Toast Ketchum was going to have her paper out TODAY and there would be a press conference... Now I supose there will be more delays, this is sounding awfully lot like the 5 Step Hoax. NO evidence and delayed evidence over and over again.

      Can't you people on here see thru this crap? I never really realized how many naive people there are. Blog squatches, fake tracks, Daisy, RD the shooter, Bigfoot in the cooler, Sierra kills *poached bear,* FUCK. How gullible do you have to be. Most of you believers/bigfooters were totally taken in by each and everyone of these hoaxes... Now your setting yourselves up for another. Get your wallets out to by the documentry!!!

      Simple minds believe simple things!

    2. Jan 5 to Jan 15, 2013 or can't you read?

    3. Just watch some late-night televangicals if you want to witness some first-rate naiviety. At least this crowd isn't dialing into a 1-800 number with their credit card in hand with the hopes of having their prayers answered.

      Wait a minute - scratch that. I forgot about the BFRO. Carry on...

    4. I know they can be "invisible" out in the sunlight, but I don't think it's paranormal, I think their hairs have some kind of optical property enabling them to "disappear."

    5. Anon 1:44: Ok, on Jan. 14 when you are still waiting for Melba's Toast you need to start looking into counseling.

    6. Anon 1:50,

      That wouldn't explain why only retards are able to see Bigfoot.

    7. I've developed a theory that they just poop into each others' open mouths. They leave the forest cleaner than when they found it.

    8. Or maybe a jar and then bury them.

    9. The mastermind is the person who organizes the actors in the country to make up bigfoot stories, year after year, and act sincere when they speak.
      Bobo must be one of those actors as he claims to have seen a big foot--If we waterboard him we can get to the true master hoaxer that has been around for a long time. Maybe we should look in Bora Bora..whose with me???

    10. Hashbrowns is a genius. I shoot sperm into my own mouth.

  3. Melba is going to prove bigfoot just Waite and see its coming soon.

    1. If she was going to she would have already done it!! There are people out there shooting them and she has done nothing to stop it. NO EVIDENCE HAS EVER BEEN BROUGHT OUT TO THE PUBLIC FROM HER IN OVER 2YRS OF DNA STUDIES.

      Hey "Daisy/Bigfoots is in the box"

    2. People who have BF around, eventually realize that they have orbs, too.

    3. The also have extra chromosomes.

  4. Great post by Jeff Kelley, I hope he becomes a regular contributor!

    1. This Steve Kulls article took me to a article about Ivan Marx. Seems these outrageous HOAXes have been going on for many decades. He is worth Googling. Maybe these guys can make some filler articles featuring some of the older hoaxers. I had never heard of Ivan Marx. This is a good read.

    2. Bigfoots don't cast a shadow.

    3. 2:13 Marx was indeed the author of some ridiculous hoaxed footage in the mid-seventies. One clip featured a bigfoot with a serious limp.
      Now in '69 Bossburg, Wash some prints were found that indicated the donor had a serious foot deformity. Marx and other footers were soon on the scene and subsequently a long track-way where again it was concluded one of the feet was deformed.
      Marx most likely hoaxed the long track, being a lying conman hoaxer and all. The big question is: Did Marx hoax the initial set of
      prints as well or were those real and just gave Marx the idea to create "cripple foots"?

      Grover Krantz couldn't believe someone would come up with the idea of hoaxing a handicapped or injured bigfoot. He thought those prints were the best evidence of existence. I would agree if Ivan Marx was not on the scene...(google "Cripple Foot bigfoot" to find items about this if you are intersted.

    4. ^ S/B...and susequently a long track-way 'was found' where again it was concluded one of the feet was deformed. ..Sorry

  5. Jeffrey Kelley is trolling and liking it.

    1. To disbelieve that bigfoot is paranormal in any way without stopping to actually see if it's true or not is being closed-minded.This closed-mindedness is the very reason the bigfoot community doesn't know what the creature is to this day.

    2. There are forces we do not happen to have instruments to detect.

    3. I have the instruments necessary to detect retardation.

    4. On the flip side-The paranormal contingent hampers discovery(if it exists) because scientists and intelligent amateurs do not want to be associated with nut jobs.

  6. Replies
    1. Melba "mind rape" Ketchum the notorious cat vet and brisket cook of ill repute is a "bigfoot personality" who has claimed to have "proven" the existence of the magic ape in a paper which is considered (by some) to be even more mythological than Bigfoot itself.

  7. I have to admit I bought it hook line and sinker. I went back and listened to the Podcasts. Boy do I feel like a dope

    1. Are you joking? If you really believed all that “Daisy in a box” nonsense then you were completely unique in that respect. I don’t know why this Jeffrey Kelley fella thinks that he had some kind of superior insight. I didn’t think that anyone had ever believed it for a second.

    2. Yo, Averege Joe.... It's spelled Average.. lol lol lol ...

    3. I agree 1:22. The weird thing about this story was its longevity despite the fact few believed it. Ed Smith has posted several negative comments about the Ketchum study, alienating her supporters. Thus even the must gullible faction of our community, the friends of the forest people, blew the rumors off.

    4. Personally I believe that they are capable of both physical infrasound and also telepathic abilities that produce a physical effect on your mind or body.

    5. Personally I believe you are a moron the paranormal is a load of shit

  8. Replies
    1. *in a sing-song voice*

      Then you should taaaaaake a Baaaaaath!

  9. these articles have been some of my favorite to come along in awhile

    1. Ed Smith. Quantra group. A bunch of inbred assholes.

    2. inbred asshole is you for believing this shit fromt the start.

      Skeptic = 2,202,918,384 Belivers = ZERO

    3. I thought all the skeptics were bursting from all the crow eating?!

  10. So no press release yesterday, no publication today still.

    1. BF is a living breathing reproducing creature scientifically unacknowledged at this time, but they are as real as you and I are!
      Soon the world will also know the truth.

    2. No press release and no publication.

      But the fact of the matter is, Melba did not say a press conference was going to happen, it was RL.

      Best thing to do is take everything posted on any BF blog or forum with a giant sized bigfoot grain of salt, unless it actually comes from the "horse's mouth".

      The BF community revels in posting rumors as facts.

    3. Ain't no such thing as Bigfoot.

      -the horse’s mouth

    4. sure you fuggin looney, sure......

  11. Didn't MABRC and DO say that Ed Smith bought them equipment, even that ATV? Didn't DO meet Ed Smith in person and vouch for him and the legitimate DNA study at an OK university. Then you have Kull's now playing detective when he can "claim" glory for outing another hoaxer yet never before tried to verify Ed Smith, what a friggen joke. Gotta also wonder if Ed Smith sent the hoax bigfoot back picture to Hovey. LMFAO

    1. Steve sure likes to puff up his chest and play the detective doesn't he.

    2. Maybe Sasquatch can only project mindspeak a short distance hence they have to tree knock and make noise to communicate.

    3. Maybe Sasquatch can only project mindspeak a short distance hence they have to tree knock and make noise to communicate.

    4. *places fingers on temples*

      I'm thinking of a number between one and you're retarded.

  12. I don't know how many actually, truly fell for it. I think there were a lot of people who wanted it to be true but that is not the same thing. If you got trolled you must be new or very gullible.

    1. We had one take giant bites out of the tomatoes ripening on the kitchen windowsill. It also stole my grandmother's partial and hid in a ceiling light fixture. It must have had an oral fixation of some type.

  13. The worst part of this thing was trying to figure out who was who. Between the simple names and forum monikers it was a pain in the ass.

    1. You could take the same kind of screening they use in microwave doors and make a snazzy little cap or bonnet to protect your temporal lobes if you think you may get zapped while out looking for bigfoot.

    2. Your father should have used a "snazzy little" condom to prevent your retarded existence. You would have accomplished more as a stain.

    3. It's easier to just label them Loonytunes #1, Loonytunes #2, etc.

  14. OK. I'm done with this bullshit. Too many hoaxes. Time to find another hobby. Goodbye everyone.

    1. My situation drastically changed one night all alone in the woods when I just began to speak to them like I would any other person.

    2. So, you spoke to them with your ass?

  15. Has anyone stopped to think the reason bigfoot is so hard to find might be because many of the people looking for them are complete cocks. I would avoid them as well....

    1. Should of stayed out of Kansas!

      Team Qauntrill

    2. Murdering Rebel scum! Speaking of staying out of Kansas - we invited Melba Ketchum to move her business to Kansas but she declined saying you boys would just burn it to the ground. We can never have nice things. You can burn our towns, murder our sons and daughters but discouraging a world-class business from relocating was going too far!

    3. Hey - just got word that Tim Fasano might relocate his taxi business to Kansas. Things are looking up!


  16. So, this whole thing is a hoax?

  17. It always was a hoax, and is just a matter of who knew and went along with the hoax cough-----MABRC----cough

  18. It was a crock and now is proven to be a crock. What's next, Loch Ness, Orbs or perhaps the old standby UFOs.

    1. *shudders*
      If you think the footers are bad you should see a UFO board. The most sensible UFO believer is even dumber than a Ketchumite.

    2. Didn't the aliens flying the UFOs leave Bigfoot here as a watcher?

  19. It's funny how peoples personal opinions tend to be thought of as "fact", when in fact it's just someones personal opinion.

  20. Anyone who calls themself the Squatch Detective is clearly smoking huge amounts of cock.

  21. Smoked cocks lmfao^ buy one get one free coming soon smoked squatch crotch

  22. Steve K (Mall Cop) couldn't detect a dick in his own ass.

  23. The answer might have been right under our nose all along. Has anyone thought about using one of those criminal record searches advertised on this site? If BF was ever arrested, we got him!

  24. LMAO,

    Gets you dumb hillbilly retarded faggots EVERY TIME. Like clockwork and easier than shooting fish in a barrel.

    Don't act like ALL of you bleevers didn't believe this one. Every time an article was posted the bleevers hanged up for a massive circle jerk. Steve Kulls took the bukkake ALL over his face this time.

    1. And they'll line up eagerly for the next one.

  25. Watch Out Goudet has gone to Oklahoma to meet with the Master and try and figure out how to save this one! Who is Super Dave and what is his connection in all of this? Same Squatch Time Same Squatch Channel ! Spinning out making the Batman sound track .....

  26. "Who called it first?"

    Um, anybody with a working brain? Don't break your arm trying to pat yourself on the back.

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