As the Squatch Turns S01E06 [Grab Some Popcorn]

Editor's Note: This is a guest post by Jeffrey Kelley, an administrator for the Facebook group, The Squatchers Lounge! (Click on link to join).

The Meeting is Set.

When last we left things Dr. Meldrum's involvement was still in question. Now a statement has been issued. The time, date and location have been set and agreed upon. Does the mean Dr. Meldrum has been convinced? We still don't know. There have been no statements as to actual attending invitees to this point. It is still being treated in cloak and dagger.

So far the story goes as follows.

The release of info the team "Quantra" has "Daisy in the box"

Next came the incredible event that set everything in motion that a capture had indeed occurred.

The captured animal was then moved to a study facility.

A phone meeting was called to attempt to help move the project along.

Ed Smith confirms the animal is in captivity and it has a health concern.

A meeting is set in TX with Ed Smith and Quantra

The meeting is concluded and calls go out seeking members for a bridging team.

All of the suggested members are contacted and the team is assembled.

The date, time and location are agreed upon.

The story will continue. Will the team include Dr. Meldurm? How much evidence will the bridging team get to view? Will the team get to see the location? Where is the meeting going to occur? Come back next time for the next episode of As the Squatch Turns.

Here are the links to previous episodes of "As the Squatch Turns" by Jeffrey Kelley:


  1. First? I don't know..... I just feel..... Empty

    1. i will remain....... open minded...... for a short while....

    2. I give them skeptics what they want. A delusion.

    3. Munns just ballparked the material cost of a high quality pgf suit at $950.

      Add on a professionally trained bigfoot suit model and a workshop and the cost balloons to $5000.

      Or he could just admit he doesn't have the tools for the job and save U of Idaho a lot of money.

    4. I stand corrected. Munns just backtracked on $5000 and says 10 grand is a "fair ballpark"

      I'm pretty sure Mrs. Patterson didn't bill ten thousand to BobH when she fitted him for the suit in her home in front of witnesses.

    5. Munns will run with Kit's handoff all the way to the end zone.

      He'll be celebrated as the hero who found the suit, and he'll have an amazing historical archival knowledge of the (generational) film stock.

      And he will completely ignore the fact that he was fundamentally wrong and failed in his stance on the pgf creature.

      That is, if he doesn't condescend and insult DeAtley at the front door and get turned away. Which he most likely will.

  2. the date and time is set... but we aint gonna tell you.. you are on a need to know basis... right..the creature has a " health concern "... oops , it just died, and we buried it. End of story. Thank you, good night.

  3. Things we already knew, again?

  4. I love As The Squatch Turns. I can't wait to see if Daisy is pregnant with John Black's baby.

    1. Who the hell is John Black?

    2. Like sands through the hourglass so are the days of our lives. Honestly who could actually live with that much drama in their lives on a day to day basis?

  5. Question. In the title it states 'As the Squatch Turns' but, in the videos, it states Sasquatch, instead of Squatch. We like Squatch better. The Squatchier, the betterer!

    Also, what if it has taken them so long because of injuries sustained to the animal and they are hoping for it to recover, before they are made to look like dumbasses for injuring the specimen?

    If they pay for Meldrum's airfare and $5000 spending money, then it may be legit. I'd buy one of those shirts 'Run, I hear dueling banjos', if I were him.

    WTF did we ever decide about Hovey's Big Sassy Ass Back pic? Is it still on the back burner because someone cried foul and that was all she wrote?

  6. It would be nice to think so, but the timing of this correlating with the Ketchum and Sykes studies, it seems suspect. That Palo Alto fiasco with the phony costume in the freezer makes all of us assume hoax until otherwise proven. The topic surely is interesting, though.

  7. Why am I grabbing popcorn? Shouldn't I be grabbing some crow?

    1. No you should be grabbing a fat cock.

    2. I grabbed some Popcorn Sutton, F-yeah!

    3. Typical bleever has fat cock on the brain.

  8. Oh, what a tangled web...If this were a hoax, then real heads would roll, i.e., professional suicide, really stupid. If all of this is true, this means that Quantra is guilty of the irresponsible kidnapping, cruel confinement, and possibly the torture and/or useless killing of an intelligent and rare primate. Also professional suicide, maybe even criminal offense, and they need to be held accountable. And if the being is indeed a human hybrid, then this would be tantamount to kidnapping and torturing and/or murdering a person of a primitive tribe, a viewpoint held by Native Americans for hundreds of years. This is absolutely unacceptable and should be subject to indictment and prosecution by offical national or even international agencies. And the reaction of most commenters?...Sorry, not worth commenting. Any way you slice it, this is a no-win situation for anyone. If Daisy is real and still alive and intact, they should cease and desist their activities, return her to her own, and pray to goshen that they don't retaliate and "capture and study" one - or more - of us...

    1. But isn't this what we needed, a body of some sort. They won't prosecute for a previoisly unknown creature. If I had a body by any means possible, I'd call CNN. Get Robin Meade in up in here, Wuz Up! How you doin?

    2. 8:38 takes the cake for the most delusioned asshole this side of the nuthouse. You sincerely have no frigging idea what you are talking about when it comes to a "criminal offense" in this instance. You're so clueless in fact that I would just keep my mouth shutnifni were you to save some face. You make other Anon's look bad.

    3. I agree, species is "unknown" until it was caught and identified. If thats the case then its not recognized by our government as anything until an event like this occurs.

    4. Footers are morons. The only thing more elusive than this creature is you fucktards losing your virginity to a woman besides your own mom or sister.

    5. thank goodness it's all bullshit then

    6. Holy shit do you walk away from your computer long enough to watch the fuckin news no one cares about Bigfoot as much as you they will not prosecute anyone wether the " ANIMAL" looks human or not it is an "ANIMAL" to every other non delusional human being whether it be an actual animal or mythical it's still an animal and out for debate

    7. Lose your virginity to your mom or sister? You really have to wonder about the mentality of an individual who makes a reference to incest let alone uses it in an insult on a Bigfoot blog. A psychiatrists wet dream.

    8. i would hope psychiatrists have plenty of wet dreams by hypnotizing themselves and mentally stimulating the pleasure center of the brain

  9. This hoax that I won't ever call a hoax is directly following the Melba hoax that I won't ever call a hoax. This sort of thing doesn't happen. Ever.

    Never, in the history of hoaxes that I won't ever call a hoax has a hoax that I won't ever call a hoax happened hot on the trail of another hoax that I won't ever call a hoax. These hoaxes that I won't ever call hoaxes are practically overlapping.

    That just doesn't happen. That doesn't get to happen.

    Not in the real world.

  10. Well, it does seem to be rolling out a bit hoax like. Reminds me of when the Russians invited Dr M to have a look at something they staged (i.e. implicate a 'name' in bigfoot land to lend legitimacy). Poor Dr M, bad for the reputation amongst his peers (i.e. being targeted by possible hoaxers). If this were real I dare say the scientific 'team' to be assembled would be multi-disciplinary (including big name zoologists, physiologists etc.) not people from within the 'bigfoot community'. But, lets wait and see.

  11. When this finally is exposed as a hoax, then the only names associated with this hoax will be Meldrum, Kathy Strain and Melissa Hovey. Nobody will remember the MABRC and some internet radio bozos. Nobody will ever know the names of the hoaxers from Team Quantra. Ed Smith and everybody from the MABRC have already disconnected himself from Team Quantra. Meldrum will be left holding the bag, in the eyes of the juvenile JREF paid skeptics.

  12. This is going nowhere fast....


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