As the Squatch Turns S01E08 [Grab Some Popcorn]

Editor's Note: This is a guest post by Jeffrey Kelley, an administrator for the Facebook group, The Squatchers Lounge! (Click on link to join).

Just before 10am the message from Dr. Jeff Meldrum is posted.

"Just learned by way of Kathy Strain that the entire "Bridge Group" meeting has been cancelled."

What has happened? Is "Daisy" ok? Did Quantra pull out? It was a tense hour until the next announcement was released by the Independent Researchers.

Official Announcement Regarding Ed Smith/Quantra from Indepenent Researchers
Posted by Rob Gaudet on January 9, 2013 at 10:22am

In communications with Ed Smith, Quantra claimed to have involved a public relations firm that negated the need for outside researchers involvement. This occurred within 48 hours after the announcement of the composition of the list of independent researchers.

There has been nothing presented to the individuals involved to substantiate any claims of Ed Smith. The researchers involved attempted to verify the claims in reference to Quantra but were denied an opportunity to do so.

What does it all mean? No one involved seems to know. "Quanta" hires a PR firm that decides against using the best persons in the field to verify the claims and see the evidence? That seems strange. The "Bridging Team" did consist of an awful lot of members, possibly too many to be productive in such a cloak and dagger situation.

What will come next? According to a source close to the "Bridging Group" no meeting will be held with anyone outside of the "Quantra" group. Where does that leave the community? Right back where it was a few days ago, waiting on answers and proof of the extremely exciting news that bigfoot has in fact been captured and studied.

The community has been a buzz all day since the meeting announcement was released. No new news from the MABRC site. It even appears to have been taken off line as of 12:34CST. Much talk of I told you so but no one has any more information than the next person does. Not even those named to be part of the bridging team.

There is still hope. Perhaps the bridging team just grew too large. Maybe the PR firm feels the evidence is enough to not need the big names in bigfooting to share in the glory and fame. Maybe they plan to sell "Daisy". Only time will tell now.

Here it is. The bombshell report as to why the Bridging Group meeting was canceled.

Statement form Ed Smith regarding the capture of a Sasquatch specimen:

Two former members of the O-6 and myself attended a meeting with Mr Alexander, Mr. Parson and some of the principles of the Quantra Group.

We were informed that it had been determined that the public relations firm representing the Quantra Group would handle the release of information concerning the specimen, therefore, the Bridging Group would not be required.

We voiced our objections and we were asked to leave the repository site.

Here is what I know: I remain positive that the Quantra Group has a live or dead specimen. While this meeting took place at the western Tennessee repository, the specimen was captured in southeastern Missouri. Then transported to the Arkansas repository located the southern portion of the state.
The capture operations are continuing.

Here is what I don't know: the press conference is a certainty, but I would not venture a guess as to when.

Here is what I think : the specimen is gravely ill or injured from what I can surmise is injuries from handling after capture.

It's believed by the three of us that private investors are in play, our understanding is it moved 1.5 million last night to the upside.

It is also our thinking that there is serious split in the ownership view relating to the operations of the group. I.e. some want to stop the operation and others wish to continue

I know how this must sound and we know that others will, think what they must, but so be it. We have worked to relay information and endeavored have it validated for all to know. We have not succeeded.
I would like to thank the members of the Bridging Group for stepping forward under ill-regular circumstances and I personally apologize for any undue inconvenience.

I would like to thank DW "Darkwing" Lee for his assistance in getting information out when I could not and his leadership in assembling the Bridging Group. I would like to extend a thank you to the MABRC members and members of the forum, I know this has not been easy.

And remember: The MABRC ownership, management, organizational members, forum members and affiliates are NOT responsible for the content of my posts or the data that has been presented in them over the years.

I will become an observer right along with everyone else. What is it they say on the BFF, "where's the popcorn" well pass some over here.

Be safe,
Ed Smith

The news was of a secret meeting in Tennessee. Why cancel the Bridging Group they are here to help? Ownership seems split on what path to take next. Should they continue to study “Daisy" or should it stop. Is the animal alive or has it perished from mishandling of the specimen as alluded to by Ed Smith. While Ed is now POSITIVE that "Quantra" has a live or dead specimen they are no longer willing to share any further information.

More back ground of the "Quantra" infrastructure is revealed with talk of "Repositories" in more than 4 locations such as AR, TN, Mo and TX have been mentioned as well as an operation in OK from the first few posts.

From the TX meeting to the secret location in TN Ed Smith has worked hard to get more information to the community. Although he is certain a press conference is coming, Ed Smith admits he has no clue on a time line. Ed now claims to be an outsider after negotiations broke down during the FBI like meeting in Tn.
Is this the end of the story? Is "Daisy" still alive? Why did "Quantra" clam up and cancel the meeting? The answers to these questions and more are still to come.

In a shocking move upon returning the MABRC forum Admin posted that

"Ed Smith has been suspended from the MABRC forums."

Is this the end? Was it just one big troll? Has the MABRC learned the truth; even, with last statement of confirmation that he is still positive that the group has an animal. Let the distancing begin. After 11 days of stirring up the community it seems that no one wants to take the blame for this new development. But is there blame to be place? Many people have asked the hard questions and not getting any answers which would lead most to not believe in the story. Are they completing the documentary on just how they would go about capturing a bigfoot and how the community would react? So many questions left unanswered.

Shortly after Rob Gaudet of Squatch Unlimited posted:

"MABRC leadersip has decided that Ed Smith's account on the MABRC forums should be suspended until he can produce anything factual to back up claims about Quantra."

This gives us further details as now it seems a split is immerging between the gospel of Ed Smith who just days ago was the messiah of the bigfoot world is now asked to put up or shut up to get his posting rights back on the forum. As this is the only means of the community having contact with Ed Smith could this be the end of all contact with the story of "Daisy"?

Dw "Darkwing" Lee posts on the Facebook forums:

"Dw Darkwing Lee
Special MABRC Organizational Online Meeting tonight at 8 PM Central time, e-mails have been sent out to all members regarding it. Another e-mail will go out 30 minutes before it starts with the meeting ID."

Is there new information? Did Ed Smith come up with some proof of his claims? Was he able to produce plane tickets from both TX and TX from the last few days? Who where the 2 people he claims that they met with "Quantra" principals? Will they come forward and be heard? It seems with every new posting more questions are created than answers given. Does the MABRC have responsibility if it all turns out to be a hoax? These are still the answers many people are screaming for throughout the bigfoot community. Dr. Meldrum has been silent since his announcement that the bridging group meeting had been canceled.

Everything has fallen silent as the solemn news that the meeting was canceled. Many meetings behind closed doors are taking place to try and jockey for what they see as the proper path to follow. I will say at least at this point the MABRC is taking a stand and asking for reasonable proof of statements before allowing their forum to be used in any further communications.

Come back next time for the next episode of As the Squatch Turns.

Here are the links to previous episodes of "As the Squatch Turns" by Jeffrey Kelley:


  1. Replies
    1. ...and so it ends. What might be considered a Hoax as big and encompassing as the Smeja bear/bigfootvHoax of lastvyear.

      MAMBC suspends this guys account. No more Ed Smith...Was there an Ed Smith at all or was it a PR ploy all along by MAMBC. Either way... That's all folks!!!

      Like I said before... The Anatomy of a HOAX

    2. Bigfoot is Bullshit. Signing off.........Thursday, January 10, 2013 at 12:29:00 AM PST

      People always want to know "why you ar here then"...THiS shit is why! Why do believer keep buying into this total crap? Melba and her team on non-existent researchers, Smeja's Bear DNA, Team Quantra, Matt Moneymaker...seriously people, there is NO evidence for Squatch, NONE!! And looneytoon PGF worshiper, we have plenty of evidence to show that while the film was good for its time, it is just a hoax...magic mythological monkeymen dont exist in north america, period. And dont say "well Natives knew" because they also ate peyote, followed talking bears, foxes and wolves, and hunted Bison on the moon when they died and yet all you believers latch onto is Sasquatch.

      Its all fake and all bullshit, and you all have your wish....I am through trying to help. No more posts for me because anyone who actually keeps following this shit is just stupid or mentally challenged. Have fun with your magic apeman mythos, and dont say you weren't warned.

      One last thing: REAL research scientists do NOT do research anonymously, or behind another for "protection" as that idiotic moron Ketchum has stated. No scientist ever hid from the public spotlight to "protect their family" over a cutting edge paper, particularly one that would blow the lid off of evolution and mainstream science. What a friggin joke....have fun with your fake monkey and earning a living for these ridiculous hoaxers and charlatans.

    3. BIB-Moneymaker does not deserve to be lumped in with those others: he started his group in 95 when bigfoots popularity was at a low, the internet was not as deep and wide as it is now and basic cable had a few channels and was still not in every home(History Channel showed history back then). He is a controversial guy, but he is sincere.

      The Indian legends you mention are all directly related to easily recognizable animals. Bigfoot is the exception, and that is the interesting point: the source or inspiration is an open question for those who study such things.

      Take care....

    4. The footers will now drop this embarrassing hoax and move on to the next one, as if it never happened.

    5. Anyone that props up and promotes the mythical monkey man as being real should be dismissed and seen as a snake oil salesman. Moneymaker is right a the top of the list. He promotes this mythical creature as REAL while profiting from it. The Vet ketchum is in the same boat but worse, she takes the integrity of the scientific community and tries to prop it up as a sheild to ease her own scrutiny.

      Its very easy.... Simple minds believe simple things

    6. Thank god your done! Even though I don't believe you. You will just pop up as another name or your Many aliases. Just proved you were also Looney Toon because you used it in your post. I knew it all along. Good riddance you fuctard BiB and all 30 of your aliases!

    7. Anon 12:29, don't let the door hit you in the head on the way out

  2. Here we go you dumb ass footer looney toon motherfuckers. bunch of idiot losers. chasing fake ass shit. GET THE FUCK OVER IT COCK MUNCHERS!

    1. I take offense to your insults, sir! How dare you make such claims!

    2. Bob Gimlin said the PGF is legit. Why would he lie after all this time? Drink cum with a 10" dildo up your taterhole you fucking queer!

    3. I thought he just said he was done being on this site as stated above. Now your posting again looney toons. I knew it you can't stop Moron!

  3. you are correct. it is one big troll... the whole story that is. quantra, orig 6.

    LOL to those that fall for this crap.

  4. Has anyone realized that you ate dipshits for chasing hairy unicorns around?

    1. I fart in your general direction!

    2. ate dipsits?

      Team Qauntrill

    3. Blah blah blah has anyone realized I'm a little bitch and I'm gonna cry because you chased away my mentor bib

      ------Ed smith @9:19

  5. At times it is annoying that the comments section of this blog is uncensored and unmoderated, but at this particular moment I am grateful for that fact. Because, you see, once in a while there comes a time when you have to call someone a "Mother Fucking Cocksucker!"

    Ed Smith: YOU are a Mother Fucking Cocksucker!

    MABRC coverup artists: YOU are a pack of Mother Fucking Cocksuckers!

    Anyone who knows who Ed Smith is and won't out him: YOU TOO are a Mother Fucking Cocksucker!


    1. Just come out of the closet already. If it wasn't for ed smith you couldn't chase your imagination through the woods. Like when you fantasize about bigcocks.

  6. Let's just say it is all real, wouldn't it be illegal, immoral, pathetic and downright unethical to sell a living and new species?? And if money is what they wanted, wouldn't it make sense to get as much out there as possible before the big reveal?

    1. Let's just stop chasing leprachauns. Douche.

    2. TKW, universities will pay for specimens but really big bucks would come from media. One could charge a network for the right to come on to one's property and film the thing for a half hour, for example. The proper course of action is to partner up with an
      entertainment lawyer after you grab one or figure out where and how to repeatedly view one.
      Scientists will come looking for you after they see the thing on pay-per-view or the news!

    3. Why because it looks human otherwise what make it different from any other species like hey I discovered a new cow and the steaks it comes out to are better than anything I've ever eaten but crap I just discovered it we better not sell them not happening it's cattle see my point

  7. When the London trackway news broke, the likes of Cliff Barrackman posted pics and updates from the scene and as the moulded prints were being analysed. That shows class and respect. This joke, the ketchum malarky... less class than a dog eating its own turds.

    1. Um no, the London TW was a hoax too...sorry.

  8. Who's a bigger liar ? Ed on the Head Smith or Kitakaze who now claims to be a secret agent ? LMAO.
    They're both fuckin nutjobs.

    1. And to think the JREF footers idolized that lying piece of shit.

    2. Heaven only knows who or what either one of them really is. At least this Kitakaze contributed to some pretty good debates on the BFF before he jumped the shark and created his elaborate "found the suit" fantasy. Ed Smith is worthless.

  9. Replies
    1. It's blacker than black. How much more black can it be? None more back.

    2. But this one goes to 11

  10. They can't keep it alive unless they make it fully conscious. Once it becomes conscious, it has 3 choices. First choice, kill enough Team Quantra members in order to safe escape. Second choice, cause all Team Quantra members to lose consciousness. Third choice, dematerilize into the higher dimensions, and float right through the bars, the walls, and just simply split this pop stand. Since Team Quantra is making like they are not in a hurry to do anything, then they do not yet have a specimen. Rob Gaudet is associated with a not yet shot, edited and released bigfoot movie that desperately needs funding. This could all be a publicity stunt in order to get funding for that movie.

  11. Replies
    1. Have a little patience, this thing isn't over yet. I still have hope that one of these creatures have been captured.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. WTF did you post ^ that gotten removed very interesting enquiring minds want to know. Didn't even think that could happen on this site after all the crap I've seem here it's almost magical.

    4. The stupid shit was it wasn't even that amusing

    5. He took it off himself idiot .

    6. So it leaves two things either I bad mouthed a moderater or I am being made an example of or too many swear words not enough substance

    7. Oh on this one here no I took that off myself

    8. There was two earlier at the top they removed an hr ago

  12. Either way a lot of info came from all of this.. Looking at everything as a whole...

  13. Publicity stunt--For who? internet trollers --This isn't in mainstream news.
    It's a lot of effort for a hoax with minimal coverage.
    If true--the silence in my opinion is because they found a way to kill the specimen and now trying to figure out how not to be sued by every nature lover and federal department.

  14. I was molested by Michael Jackson and Bigfoot at never neverland.

  15. Here's what's going on. Mark my words. They are trying to create an urban legend to sell a screenplay to a gullible production company. They play up a mysterious captivity hoping to get tons of media attention, associate themselves with "respectable and serious" BF names, then plant a few confusing but enticing details - is it still alive? did they kill it? will other BFs retaliate?, keep the buzz going for a while then drop out of sight hoping that the incident becomes the next great conspiracy/mystery only to have a film come out in a year's time to "set the record straight." Melba will then threaten to sue for copyright infringement on a DNA report and website that was never released.

    1. I think it is a simple situation-one man, with a history of trolling the community, is the source of all the bullshit(Moneymaker's take). MABRC happily lent its name and forum to "Smith" in exchange for attention. The whole story is just a retarded, lazy ass hoax. 100% anecdote, ala Mucklegrunt. At least Justin got off his ass and grabbed some bear skin....

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I do hope Daisy is safe and unharmed. It makes me want to cry, thinking about how lonely she might be, all alone in that horrible cage. And what must her family think, not Knowing where she is. They are probably worried to death.


    1. Don't worry.If she's a Missourian she's torching their lab as we speak. Thats how we roll!

      Team Qauntrill

  17. This still has more to play out. There will be many bigfoot people at each others throat. It is a ploy to cause havok. Do not think of it in any way but entertainment.

    John Titor time traverler from 2036

  18. Susieq
    I have been at the point of tears just thinking about poor Daisy, all locked up behind cold steel bars and nothing but needles and probs coming at her. Her family has to be missing her, never knowing what happend to their mom or sister.

    Come on lady, stop drinking your used douche! Its fucking with your brain. Yeah, I know it doesn't say don't drink after use but looser bitches like you need some ed-u-mu-k-shon.

    1. You need some "ed-u-mu-k-shon" and learn how to spell loser,loser.

    2. im so cool i can pick on a lady you fuckin pussy

  19. does anyone really care about this crap now anyway, shawn is a website hit whore, thats all he cares about, so i guess this will be going on for a while and its all BS!!

    1. So you say Sawn is the same as the rest of these money gubbing loosers? Just looking to put a meal on the table on the back of a myth.... well, if you haven't noticed there are enogh moron believers here to do so. What a nitch to get into, promoting hoaxes!!

      More power to him!

  20. If anyone is interested in what the MABRC really do in their off time, is cause enough promblems for people that really do try and sue the hell out of them. Check this out


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