Ketchikan Alaska Bigfoot Sighting Video Exposed as Hoax?

Thanks to a YouTube user name mattelius, the Ketchikan Alaska Bigfoot Sighting Video is now possibly a hoax.  You can definitely kinda see the yellow sleeve coming up in the shot. And yes, we are the first to report this and we were the first to discover and blog about the original video when it still had 0 views.

Strange behavior by the uploader of the video. He has not responded to a single comment or question yet. Even Marco Bill has been trying to reach this person (for days now) via the user's YouTube channel.
I'm Marco Bill and work with Tom Biscardi, Tom is trying to contact you to make arrangements to see you on his next expedition coming up very soon. Please email me or contact me via phone to make arrangements to talk with Tom. My email is . You video is superb no matter what others are saying.
Contact me please as soon as you can. Marco Bill

Others believe this is a real Sasquatch and not a hoax. 

Case close?


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  1. Hmmm...not so sure. The cameraman reported that the creature was holding a skunk cabbage. Google images of skunk cabbage and you will see that they have a bright yellow flower. It looks to me like it could be holding the plant by the stalk, with the flower pointing behind the hand and the roots between the thumb and forefinger. Skunk cabbage are one of the earliest flowering plants in the spring. They grow to be quite large and are a food source for bears and have also been used as a food source by first nation's people. View the video again with this in mind. This looks authentic to me. "Yellow sleeve" evidence is not convincing.

  2. If this was a person in a suit, you have to ask yourself why they made the inside of the suit so bright? Usually, suits are darkish, sorta black almost. If they were going this length to try to fool us, doesn't make sense at all why they did not at least try to cover up the yellow part, which would make it pretty obvious to skeptics.


  3. Also not sure, Shawn, that this should be labelled a hoax at this point. You state:
    "Thanks to a YouTube user name mattelius, the Ketchikan Alaska Bigfoot Sighting Video is now a hoax."
    I feel that this is jumping the gun to judge this video as such at this point. There definitely needs to be further investigation into this video. Until it is fully analyzed, to label it a hoax is unwarranted. It has not been proven that this is a shot of a yellow sleeve, it could very well be a skunk cabbage. I think you should label mattelius' video as his opinion that it is a hoax. To state that it has now been proven as such is incorrect. It hasn't.

  4. Even with the "?" at the end of the headline, it was meant as a completely sensationa­listic headline. My attempt to "stir the pot" might have been a little bit misleading, and I'll admit to that. For a few minutes, we flagged this one as "possible hoax", but then we removed it after reviewing it a few times. It does appear like it was holding onto some sort of yellow vegetation. We're usually pretty cautious around here and might have jumped the gun a little bit here.

    In any case, our attempts to reach the uploader "putua76" for comments has failed multiple times. If you noticed, he has not responded to any of the comments or questions posted on YouTube (he will probably respond to them now that "hoaxing" claims are coming to light). A little too quiet for something that could possibly be perceive as a hoax, don't you think? On the coming days or weeks, there will probably be more sensational headlines like this from other bloggers. This might draw him out of the woodwork and hopefully respond to some of the comments from people. As of now, no new revelations has come to light. Good footage like this deserves a respond, because skeptics will jump all over it.

    Also, we were the first to reference a video proving the creature in the video is a Sasquatch. We've already updated this post with the url.

  5. Even Marco Bill has been trying to reach him for 5 days now. No word yet whether any messages were exchange between them.

    I'm Marco Bill and work with Tom Biscardi, Tom is trying to contact you to make arrangements to see you on his next expedition coming up very soon. Please email me or contact me via phone to make arrangements to talk with Tom. My email is . You video is superb no matter what others are saying.
    Contact me please as soon as you can. Marco Bill

  6. Definitely a hoax not just because of the yellow showing, but because of these things:
    1. The way it moved was way too human and also deliberately theatrical as if wanting to look like they weren't human.
    2. The bad way it was filmed and then not edited to make it look authentic. If it was real they wouldn't bother to show us all that crap. This is done all the time in fake UFO videos.
    3. The person filming it was saying all the stereotypical stuff you'd expect. It did not sound natural at all.
    4. the biggest tip being the anonymous posting and lack of answering of questions. If I had taped a real bigfoot, I would be wanting people to know that it was me.

  7. don't forget the frame by frame dissection on this video,AND the actual face you can clearly see towards the end of the footage right after he says "my heart is pounding a million miles an hour"...stop it at's a face with an eye blink...and it's real.

  8. Admin, your site and blog is very impressive and good to see.


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