Ketchikan Alaska Bigfoot, the real story
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User's last activity 1 week ago (when BigfootEvidence first blogged about it) |
BFRO commented on the user's YouTube channel, "He hasn't replied to us (BFRO) yet ... Maybe to someone else? I think we'll hear more about this clip eventually, but maybe not for a long while ... who knows ... If those were real squatches then they won't be coming so close to that road ever again in daylight."
So here's the story so far. We left a comment on the user's page and explained to others how we originally discovered video when it had 0 views:
When I discovered this video, it had 0 views. I decided to put it on my blog at and immediately notified the uploader asking for more details. So far, there's been no response. You have to wonder if this was something the user uploaded just for the fun of it or this was an actual sighting. The witness does sound a little convincing, even calling out for his friend afterwards. The nature of how this all came about is somewhat unsettling. This user hasn't visited his site for the past week (when we discovered it fresh and blogged on it). So, in my opinion, this could just be something the user uploaded and forgot about it. If the user was paying attention, they would have received the emails coming from their YouTube account.
Note that the person didn't even show it to anybody until BigfootEvidence blogged on it. This makes you wonder if it was meant to be shown at all.
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I dislike this particular vid. At the :23 mark its almost like a cowl or hood hanging down.
ReplyDeleteThe subject doesn't walk away or attempt to hide but walks parallel to the camera.
It's FAKE. Anyone in their right mind can tell it's someone in a GHILLIE suit!
ReplyDeleteI worked for a tour company when I was 13 years old called Sea Horse tours. This is 92-93, the company was owned by a guy named John Allen or Ellen not sure on spelling. Going past Saxman (away from Ketchikan) there was a gas station on the right side of the road. Then there was little industrial yard with a boat dock where the Chilkat maid docked sometimes. Just past that also on the right was John's office/house where we used to keep the horses. Across the street from there there was a rock quarry area with some screen plants in the front & pretty much a junk yard in the back. Back in the junk there was a horrible little travel trailer where my alcoholic dad stayed, did work for John & drank. The summer I worked for the tour company I was also living with my dad in the trailer. One day one of the horses was not doing well & we had the vet come out. It had a twisted stomach or something (not sure as I am not a horseman). The pumped some oil into the horse & my job for the day was to keep the horse from laying down. So I walked her for awhile in the quarry area then decided I should ride her as I was lazy & it accomplished what I needed to do. As I came around one of the piles of screened rock towards the back where the trailer was (there was also a small cliff area where they blasted the rock away. This was also the place where South Coast construction got in trouble for burning a huge pile of junk they had at the base of the cliff) everything was normal. Then suddenly the horse stopped & it's ears went back. She started breathing heavily & making a strange sound (again I don't know much about horses). I said it's name a few times & gave it a little kick but she was frozen. I looked up in the direction the horse was & there is was on the top of the cliff standing out from the trees. It was standing back from the ledge so I only saw it from the mid upper leg up but there it was. I could tell it was very big but not sure on exact size. It was fully covered in hair & looked like a giant man without much of a neck. It was watching us & just standing there. I was terrified & not sure what to do so I kind of screamed, but not like a normal scream. It then looked back at the trees looked at us again while turning its body towards the woods & walking upright into the trees. From that point I remember hearing sticks crunching as it walked into the woods while I jumped off the horse & ran into the trailer screaming & the most scared I had ever been. My dad was drinking & asked what was wrong, I told him what I saw & he said it was just a hairy native looking for hunting territory. The next day I moved back in with my mom on Fireweed Lane in Forest Park..