Watch Video of Bigfoot Sighting in Ketchikan area, Southeast Alaska

This video is fresh off the logging road. Looks really recent. A guy and his friend spotted the Bigfoot while hiking on a logging road. This footage looks like the real deal. The cone shape head was obvious, and the shiny back is trademarked Bigfoot.


I was on a logging road hiking with my friend when I saw it! Boy did my heart start racing!! It was about 40 yards from the road! Not sure if it knew I was there or not, because the noise of flowing water from the stream. It seemed to travel fast! It made my hair stand up!! At one point you can see a whitish yellowish thing in it's hand! I believe it was skunk cabbage. Not sure, but it is in bloom.

You see it jump and after that point it just seems to disappear. There was a lot of brush and trees between it and I, I could not tell where it had gone. It was a scary sort of exciting feeling at the same time!! We went to search for tracks but the river bed where we thought it was walking was full of perfect skiping rocks, we found no prints! If there is a BigFoot, Sasquatch, or Kushtaka I swear I saw him!!

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  1. This is a nice footage. I wonder what's the whitish yellow thing in it's hand?

  2. Shawn, you comment was marked as spam on the YouTube page.

  3. Interesting. They flagged us twice. Could there be other dark forces at play? Hmmm

  4. Did anyone notice that at frame 55 thatwhen you heart is beating a million miles an hour and you scanned over tothe right and right in this ittle grassy wooded area there is a small opening in the brush and you can clearly see his big ass eye staring right at you and even blinked..then you scanned back to the left...wish you would have stayed there a few more seconds; you would have prpbably been able to film it a little more...he was clearly hiding and I can see his eye and he blinked as yu scan back to the left....go see for yourself and determine if what I say is true...when you forward the video to 55 stop and watch to the left center of the video and you will see him peeking out at you thru the brushes...I checked it over and over ...just wish I had a few more seconds to see it...very interesting video guys...

  5. Yup, at 1:02, pause, and right in the middle of the frame, there is a break in the trees, it's staring right back at the camera, and very clearly blinks!

  6. Look at frame 27 u will c a tree to the left some leaves so u have c and e and in between u see d's nut's


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