Ketchikan Alaska Bigfoot Sighting Video, uploader wanted for questioning

Quiet. Almost too quiet.

Hello? Mr. "putua76"? Would you please respond to these people? You have teased us with your video for a few days now. Would appreciate it if you would respond to people like Tom Biscardi, a cryptozoology enthusiast, Las Vegas promoter, internet radio host, and film producer. He also describes himself as the "Real Bigfoot Hunter".

Listen to Tom Biscardi's radio show, go to

What video are we referring to? Your one and only video:
User only has 1 video, and it happen to be a Bigfoot in Alaska video.


  1. This is a fake video. This is a person in a suit. The suit is terribly saggy and baggy.
    It's a shame some noted researcher are even considering this as being a real sasquatch sighting.
    The Crypto Hunters

  2. Oh my god, please get closer to the creature, I can't see a damn thing because there is too many trees and it looks like a ghille suit.

  3. could of swore around the 21-24 second mark a perfectly "white" hand flashes the screen, then "it" jumps sprawl legged forwards a bit towards the camera, brush. Obviously human, perhaps in a Ghillie suit or similar..

  4. Looks like Peremalfait from the Night Stalker


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