Mysterious Universe Discusses The Matilda Bigfoot Footage

The Matilda Bigfoot footage has finally been release by Dr. Melba Ketchum and the Erickson Project. While some are saying it looks like a shag carpet and calling it fake, most have no idea that the 19 second clip is just a part of what Adrian Erickson has decided to release publicly. In the actual full-length video, the teenage Bigfoot actually gets up and walks up to the camera and growls. Black fangs are visible in the full video, and according to billionaire Wally Hersom and others who had the privilege to privately view it, it looks like a Wookiee from Star Wars.

Mysterious Universe just came out with a brand new podcast this morning. Listen to what they have to say about the video:

Click here to download the full podcast from Mysterious Universe.


  1. Replies
    1. how long till the BFF to close?

      they have nowhere to hide now, their lies and deception are now out in the open for all to see.

      science rejects them.

      JREF pwns them.

    2. LOL

      Oops! Something went wrong!

      The administrator is currently not accepting new membership registrations.

      AHAHAHAHA speaks volumes.

    3. interesting i posted something above which got auto converted to that link

      very interesting shawn

    4. anyone got an account they dont use for the BFF? they wont allow registrations anymore (LOL)

    5. BFF can't handle the traffic now numb nuts.

    6. ahh and i was gonna troll DWA.

    7. cant handle the traffic? what is this 1995 with servers hosted by dial up modems? rofl

      they got pwned simple as.

    8. hey anon 11:08
      were you the guy with the Enoch Ya link?
      If so, that was cool.
      Was that Melba's journal page website?
      With email and contact phone #?
      Glad I wrote it all down lol

    9. I doubt the traffic has anything to do with it.

      They've been getting trolled here for months. The Ketchup Bomb just exploded in their faces.

      The most overlooked factor is that mods and admins there have had to face the reality that their biggest proponents are a complete embarassment to the topic and their site.

      If I was running a unicorn site, and the only logical and critical thought was coming from people who say unicorns don't exist, I would appear to be a pretty lousy unicorn site owner.

      Bleevers have been drinking their own bath water long enough that the site has gone into panic mode.

    10. Hey I have a report on the strand of DNA that allows unicorns to fly can you help me publish it

    11. What a crock, if that was really Bigfoot, he'd have jumped up and ripped the camera mans face off! As good as he is at not being seen, I'm sure he's going to just lay down in the brush and take a nap! It's crap like this that ruins it for the serious Bigfoot hunters!!!

  2. Good job. No bigfoot supporters?

  3. If you had such video and it was real, why wouldn't you release it? What's the point of holding it back?

    1. Yeah, I agree. No valid reason but trying to capitalize on revenue.


    2. Melba sez she licenced the clip from Ericson and the rest is up to him.

    3. Okay, let me elaborate a little. If this is Ketchum's footage, and she's being financed by Wally Hersom, billionaire, and he really thought this was real footage, why wouldn't he make them release it? I can't imagine a billionaire would back this penny-ante hoax of getting a few dozen people to buy Ketchum's paper. I might believe Hersom is a bit (a lot) gullible, and he's being taken for a ride, but what story are they feeding him to keep him from demanding they release the footage he paid for?

    4. Maybe Wally will pay the artist that Melba cheated and stiffed for 75 bucks.

    5. Scott Hamilton... Hersom a billionaire? LOL The guy might be worth around $100 million but he is certainly no billionaire.

    6. Erikson said he was going to release all his footage when Ketchum's paper was published. We're waiting, whats the hold up now?

    7. I have seen the entire video. All of you naysayers will be sucking like a leech, when you do too. It will change you, forever.

    8. He's pissed and tired of bigfoot,I reckon he'll ultimately release it,he still controls it and I think Melba desperately needs it now

    9. More video release is imminent.

    10. its all about money, and who finds it first,and this video helps them bring in money to keep on going.

  4. I'm the greatest bigfoot hunter!!

  5. Star Wars RULES!!!

    Solo! Hay lapa no ya, Solo!


    1. "Yang chas Solo chone Wookiee!"


    2. "The word will be familiar to anyone who has studied the Bible."

      ......M K Davies

    3. ....and that word is "Enoch."

    4. Filthy creature! Worse than Jawas the wookies are....they don't look real either!

    5. Well he's most likely a smaller gay wookie

    6. I wonder if these here wookies have a triple jointed penis?

    7. Well if they do maybe MK can enhance & stabilize it for the rest of the Bigfoot community to enjoy!

      or Triple super duper!!!

  6. Those are the sneakiest cameramen on the planet, too. With all that leaf litter on the ground they must be like ninjas not to have made a huge racket getting within 3 feet of that Afghan.

    1. Todd Standing was a "consultant".

    2. Exactly right Rob^ Shawn's description says the bigfoot gets up and approaches the camera and growls. It's apparent the camera is being held by a the bigfoot walked up to the person holding the camera and growled. I'm assuming the bigfoot was at this point within a foot of the person holding the camera? BS!

  7. Will the last person get the lights, on the way out the door?

    Thank you

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. Dear Robin,

    Or is it really DeVono Scientific Publishing, as indicated by the copyright notice on the Contact page?

    Also, I attempted to follow you via your social media links, but they took me to the pages for "Wix free HTML5 publishing".

    Kilaak Kommander

  10. Is this footage of "matilda" the same as the black and white photo from this blog post (

    It seems to be exactly the same based on simple comparisons and if so, I'm sure this was already revealed/proven to be a small sleeping dog, which is pretty apparent when viewing the full (uncropped and coloured) picture.

    This alone kills the whole "matilda" thing for me, unfortunately and disappointingly I might add, because I really was looking forward to seeing some real evidence this time after all the build up...

    1. not sure why everyone isnt calling these people fore verything. its cleary asmall animal and most likely a dog. there is no way you walk up to a sleeping s citish apeman and it would ignore you. what does the camerman do,stand a meter awy and film nothing of sifnificnce.

      all he had to do was step back,walk 2 meters either side filming it so we cold see head/FEET/arms/legs etc...they didnt as they knew it was a known animal /hoax. We now learn this isnt eriksson sought film but a local rsident who filmed it!

      we also learn Ketchum has bought he rights to all the erikson film. if there is no bigfoot standing up and walking away etc...the whole thing is one big lot of nonsense.

      her report didnt pass peer review,hence she had to creat her own journal alledgadly, to get the paper ut there after 5 years work!

      if youspent 5 years of your life you would have to produce smething or you have wasted your life,credibility and future work offer! of whic i doubt there will be many

      also whats with showing her press release picture of her 25years ago,when yes ,she did look age ,like us all,has caugt up with her. any intelligent person of professional accuman wouldnt be bothered that mother time has caught up,it would be all about the work

      she does appear to be desperate ie creating own journal after failed peer review, the whole film mistake"[lol] whervy the mistakenly released 4 secsof a 'sleeping BF'[crazy claim].

      If i saw a sleeping BFand had the courage to wal within a meter id make damn sure i filmed the best footge i could,not what could easily be described as a rug with a pump underneath it and not a living beast

  11. Major Hoax? or Real? stay tune to "Bigfoot Evidence", for all information!

  12. Think about it: You film a sasquatch in the wild. You know it is real and you have conclusive proof. What do you do?

    Do you hold onto it for years and try to turn it into some type of project/documentary, all the while knowing that the possibility of someone else discovering it and filming it themselves is very likely?

    Or do you release it right away for the world to see?

    Whether your motives are for money or science, getting your story/evidence out there immediately would be your only choice.

    The bullshit meter here is working overtime. There's no DNA evidence, there's no real sasquatch footage, there's no hi res photos. There's no bigfoot.

    1. Here, here. My sentiments exactly, Anon 11:53:00. Except for the last three words. There MIGHT be a new species out there.

    2. Wrong dudes the DNA study has the real thing proven so thsee beings exist, you can deny that all day long too bad but a flood of genuine squatch footage is about to hit us putting all the newer obvious youtube fakes to shame.

  13. You can't creep up on the Dogmen like that. No siree!

    They would eat your face.


  14. Here they had a chance to at least shoot a tranquilizer dart into it and bring the squatch in for public display. Its hard to believe. Bring out the whole footage, but without a body to show to the amaerican people then I believe bigfoots are still going to be a myth and nothing but a myth.

    1. Do you really care whether your old senile neighbor or some joe sixpack you've never met believes in bigfoot or not, what matters is that it's been proven and mainstream science will have to change its closed mind.

  15. Cnn has now debunked the whole Ketchum Hoax/episode.

  16. where are the flies and nats that are around every sleeping animal in the woods?

    1. scared off by the guy operating the foot pump.

  17. Perfect oppertunity to spoon a BigFoot and they blew it.

  18. If this was a real Sasquatch, it should have been clubbed to death like a baby seal. Like a goddamm baby seal!

    1. They should have clubbed it no matter what it was.

      Don't mess with Texas.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  19. Not a very bright creature to pick such a vulnerable spot to lay down and sleep.

    1. Yep. and where is mom and dad bigfoot? do you think they would allow (if they existed)a human to get close to their offspring? don't think so.

    2. You were there to know this, I suppose.

  20. Omf! Can people really be so gullible to believe utter bullshit! I mean, I want bigfoot to exist as much as the next guy, but it only takes quarter a brain to distinguish all the bullshit... And all of it sadly is.... Bullshit. Believe when you see REAL evidence! And so far none has been presented! You believe the bullshit because you want to make it feel more real to yourself! Get back to reality people!

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  21. as has been commented on youtube[probaboy here too]. At the bottom left there is an eye that opens and shuts. if this animal[ifit is] doesnt actualy get up and walk about then its clear a hoax. as these guys obviously point out just pan the camera around the bigfoot. walk 2 meters either side ,get its head /feet.trunk/hands all we get is what could be a carpet with a pump set at 6 pumps per min!

    if they ha built up enough trust that this animalalowed them to walk up and film it they SHOULD have the smokin gun" footage hat,puts to bed,once and for all the existance of bigfoot

    So called trolls like me would glady eat crow[whatever that is aiut,must be teenage thing as i havet hear of the term till a few months ago,and only on here! hmmmm]. We all have he excited little bot in us hat wathed the p/g film in the 70's and thought there were monstes in North America only to realise this wa it in terms of ecent film[the u realise patterson character and different elements of the film and that isa 50/50 thing,wh knows]the rest are all ropey fuzzy blobs or hoaxes for me. No NA until this dr melba,if her science is goom, which has to be questionable id no journals wouldpick it up,to the extent she ha to set up her own journal[so it cleary seems,the omapn i months old,whats the odds?a no brainer,she set it up]

    that oesnt make it bad science just questionable that her peers didnt think it wss worthy of being associated with.we are talking about a 5year project so it should be water tight. This is it,its either proof or bigfoot doesnt exists,we cant keep this myth alive on eyewitness acconts and hoaxed film!

    we need 'smokin gun; film[i really hope Eriksson has this BF standing uo=p and proesits real afterall! wow its ubelievable to think 8-10ft ape man is walking about north An=merca]

    if true its going to rochk the worl forgood n bad. religion,natural science, overnment comspiracies etc...will all come into question and is all the world will talk about all year. Please be true or its all dead. we;ll see


    2. I usually think the typo trolls are a little overzealous, but I gave up trying to read that mess

    3. Same here it started to give me a headache trying to figure out what the words were supposed to say

    4. You're not only a troll gavin you're retarded.

  22. Hey dingbats over at the Erickson Project! Wake the F up and show the gosh darn video!!!!! WAKE UP!!!!!

  23. Wookie from Star Wars, huh? Well...Bullshit, I Call.


  24. There's something on the hill!

  25. i usualy dtetest people self appointing themselves as sarcastic peer reviewers of others work,whils hey heselves, have zero evidence or film of iterest hemselves ie team tazer dicks,and teir mout piee in particular, i gues its a decent way to make a living withot working!

    this one is fair imo though. we have waited years for the erikson and ketchum paper. the paper was rejected by peer journal weeks ago,a fact, so she allegdly, they come across a haituation site where they fiomed bigfoots in HD yet all we get is a 'mistaken' released film of a carpet with a pump under it!

    if this is it afetr 5 years then its 1 huge hoax and the end of footery for me!

    as is correctly pointed out why did the camerman not pan round the animal. why didnt they film it waken u and walking away,why didnt they film it from different angles and not so close so u cant see nothing but a shag pile. which to me looks like a dog and nothng like 8ft 600pd apeman/woman! wtf ,itwas no mistake to release an already shown photo from years ago! so i m guessing this is it!

    weve been had andleft dissapointed. we dnt want bad scincewhichas a layman,we can only assume given it w rejected by her peer reviewers{ fact],so any self appointed journal isnt passing peer review but a vehicle to et her paper out here! the film is laughable. its bo Bf,its BS/a hoax.we earn nowit wasnt even part of the erikson project camera wrok but a lcal rwsident'who came across the BF sleeping'. so he was allowed,ny the skitish BF, to walk up to it

    the only point of interest in the filmis the apparnt 'eye' that pens at the end in the bottom left of the fur pile.

    we'll all have to wait and see if tis fur pile stands up and turns nto a 8ft muscle bound apeman of myth! and walks straight into fact and rocks our world

    i wont be holding my breath we are about to see HD film of a bf or thats what would have'mistakingly' released


  26. this is exactly how I had my own bigfoot encounter. I was hiking in the Sierras when I heard a low grunt and rustle from the underbrush, and as I sniffed out the source of the strong musk in the air I stumbled onto two squatches making love. they both paused and looked up at me as I turned to run, but to my amazement they smiled and went right back to boning as if I wasn't there. I decided to stay and watch the carnal spectacle, and my arousal quickly became apparent...if you know what I'm saying. the male took notice, and before I knew what was happening I had become entangled between them. I was terrified at first, but the way bigfoot held me so gently in his big strong arms quickly put my mind at ease. I can still smell his sweet scent, with my cheek pressed into his strong and hairy chest...I couldn't have broken free if I wanted to! He is a vigorous, but gentle lover. It was like a dream, and I still don't know if we laid there for minutes, or hours. Exhausted and glistening with a fine sheen of sweat earned making sweet sasquatch love, I drifted off to sleep, cradled between the two bigfoots. When I awoke it had grown dark out, and they were gone. I still return to that spot, hoping to see them again, but it has been no to no avail. I should mention - this entire episode occurred several years ago, and it was precluded by excessive alcohol and magic mushroom ingestion. Please tell me if something similar has happened to you, or if you know where to find my lovers. godspeed

  27. i love how well u play all these people....
    hey guys if 1000 people pay 30$ he walks away with 30,000 at the end of the day.
    so how much money have u made from this in 5 years of Bigfoot clams??
    Its nice to see your costume profession is being put to use... yea i found out about your last real job

    i feel its wrong to scam people using there curiosity of Bigfoot but this guy has it down to a T for just 30.99$ u can see Bigfoot too.......give me a brake....

  28. Graham Wellington....
    i think that was just the drunk mushrooms XD

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  30. It's a rotting body of a goat that a group of bigfooters gangbanged it the woods then killed it and left there to rot came back sometime later videoed it and called it a sleeping bigfoot. These bigfoot fools are known to screw animals while hunting bigfoot the worst offender is that idiot Matt Moneymaker.

  31. It's a large bolder sticking up from the ground. But On Matt Moneymakers thermal he said it's a sheep "lets go boy's tackle that sucker before it gets away"

  32. even the most ardent footer must admit this is nonsense. there is nothing here other than a rug with a pump under it. if you walked up to the find of the century,i think 100% of people would take a step to either side and film its head and limbs. taking a 5sec film of an object is a joke. this casmerman had the opportunity to tell the world bigfoot exits if they did that. no they decide to take 5secs of a blob on the florr and cut. no approaching/walking away/waiting for the thing to stand up. oh thats right,they claim they have footgae. if the'leaked' footage is anything to go by its no wonder they decided to leak it to see the response. which was unanimous ridicule as it was nothing more than a wookie mask,as munns showwed with his side by side comparison.

    if the forest giants were living in North American National Parks in their thousand s you can be sure there would be plenty of evidence in the way of bodies, films, sightings by groups, pictures that shwd the money shot not 50yeas of blobs and single oics of the back of something!

    Its all 1 big hoax. i guess there are people in life who need a myth to add something to their existance

    all funny but sad

  33. Thank God parabreakdown dullard has been shut down. he was a parasite living off others films,breaking down the onviouse hoaxes with zero wit or insight

    footery will do well to ignore this tool ppping up somewhere else


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