Florida Skunk Ape Encounters

A couple encounter stories from the state of Florida, home of the skunk ape, bigfoot's swampy cousin. From the Bigfoot Case Files youtube channel.


  1. It'd be nice to hear a TRUE story every now and then.

    1. And how would you discern an eyewitness report to be true, PS?

    2. Sorry, wrong number again.

    3. What you so worried about, PS? Answer the question. You’re like a man on the run.

    4. I don’t know who PS is, but you’re right that I’m on the run from a crazed, stalking imbecile who’s fixated on me for some bizarre reason.

    5. You’re dodging the question, PS... anyone would think you were worried of illogically tripping yourself up again.

      Yet... again...

    6. ^ stupid boy IS "ps" himself

    7. Who you talking to, PS? Go on, treat yourself to those links. You know you want to.

    8. Bravo iktomi ! it really warms my cocles when he schools the sceptards ! iktomi , would you fancy coming round to my flat for some rumpy-pumpy with me and another cute bloke ? Now that would be a proper celebration ! Tiddly doo !


    9. ^ There he goes again !

    10. PS strikes again pretending to be me. I know the poor boy is obsessed with me and luvs masqurading as me because god knows his life is in a bloody shambles. But carry on sot, at least one of us is getting their thrills


    11. ^ Joe/Iktomi are the same person and the ONLY poster charged with the vile crime of kiddy-interfering.

    12. Psychological projection at 12am in the morning? You’ll never sleep at this rate, PS.

      I hear the headspace app is great, go check it out.

    13. ^ wrong as ever Mr Kiddyfiddler.

    14. You know the more you try and take control over the fact, does not eradicate the conversation I had with the authorities about you, PS.

    15. PS is a lonely, pathetic twisted soul who luvs causing drama on this page . Once gone i assure you this site will be much better than before. Everyone give him the good old heave ho


  2. We need a story that has blood, body part or captured creature in the ending.

    Thousands of years talk but no results.

    1. How about a “story” about three government employees who witnessed one of these hominin, and got tracks and DNA evidence? How about that?

      And for the thousands of years you finally seem to acknowledge, PS, the anthropological data is impossible to ignore as whole cultures have this hominin at their cultural core.

      “Results” are what constitutes the most prolific body of scientific data that permits repeatable objective evaluation - and this is what we have in the footprint evidence that is now peer reviewed and consistent with hominin trackway studies. This type of evidence is simply impossible to hoax.

      If you’re looking for an amateur researcher to drag an 800lbs, highly intelligent/social hominin out of the woods then you’ll be waiting a long time, because like recognised primates; they’re always in groups. Here we go, here’s an example of how they move in the brush;



      I know how you love your YouTube channels so I’m sure you’ll very much enjoy them.

    2. ^ fairies are "real" too - especially the "Joe" types

    3. Fairies don’t leave tracks I’m afraid, PS.

    4. ^ They leave a brown-cream dribble all the way from your flabby paedo ass.

    5. Careful now PS, we don’t want to bring up your history here, it gets you extra angry and you end up saying things you don’t mean.

    6. ^ take a look at this blog history and find the reality you pretend to yourself is not there.

      It is...you are the Joe charged with Paedophilia

    7. Pffffffft! PS, only one of us was actually reported to the US authorities for child rape intimidation. I know you’re looking to get off on me providing the evidence for that, but I’m not feeding it.

      If you had better arguments against the existence of what is commonly known as Bigfoot, then you wouldn’t rage so hard.

    8. Yes - thinking back I seem to remember the poster "ps" regularly gave you a thorough dressing down and humiliated you and your alter-ego-boy Joe on a daily basis.

      Remember ?

      Yes of course you do.

      hahahahah hahahahah

    9. So is PS an “illusion” of mine or someone that allegedly gave me “dressing downs”? You seem to be all over the place - get some coffee down you before waking straight up into a blogger rage, PS.

  3. Is THIS the real evidence people have been waiting for?


    1. That looks really good.I can't believe some people thing that's a beaver hand.I just so happen to have watched a beaver on youtube yesterday and their hands look nothing like that xx


    2. that is amazing evidence ! skeptics ask why no remains are ever found but the truth is other animals take care of whatever remains are out in the woods pretty quickly so there wont be much left by the time humans come by. i wish they had taken the photo with something to compare it to for size . It does look like a genuine bigfoot hand but i wish they had picked it up and got it tested


    3. They found this hand when a mountain lion was chewing on it, and then after they looked at it and photographed it, they GAVE IT BACK TO THE MOUNTAIN LION TO FINISH ???!!!

      Yeah, right. It's a hoax. It's yet more bigfoot BS.

    4. I know, right? No one would just leave it there if it wasn't a hoax. This is a prank.

    5. It was the same thing with Justin Smeja's BS bigfoot shooting story. He shoots a baby bigfoot and then leaves the body there? And yet some people fell for that story. It shows you that the bigfoot world includes gullible dumbasses.

    6. Some would say you have to be pretty gullible to believe in a thousand year old hoaxing conspiracy theory.

      You know what they say about people who adhere to conspiracy theories, right?

    7. A thousand year old conspiracy theory based on a few wankers putting on wooden feet and stomping through the woods. They must be pretty active considering all the prints that have been found. Oh and let's not forget for a second their wonderfully crafted monkey suits . Fact is all these monkey suits are just bollocks and only a drunken sot like PS wouldn't know the difference between a bear , a bloke in a suit and a real bigfoot. Seem obvious to everyone else except him


    8. “Why hasn’t a hunter shot one?”

      One could say the same about people in monkey suits. If what people are seeing is split between hoaxing and miss-understanding... then statistically there should be LOADS of hoaxers being shot accidentally by hunters.

      There isn’t.

      There are however crazy amounts of reports by hunters who know what they’re seeing due to their experience in the bush. And plenty of them missing too.

    9. People have been killed hoaxing bigfoot:

      Business Insider › man-dressed-...
      Man Dressed As Bigfoot Was Fatally Run Over While Attempting A Hoax - Business Insider

    10. Yeah, I’m aware of that case as there’s also a reference to it in Bigfoot The Definitive Guide. But one case of someone running across a highway and getting run over does not reflect the stats that should be there if clowns want to argue that Bigfoot should be turning up everywhere SHOT by hunters. Because as I said, if a large proportion of all reported Bigfoot sightings are down to people being hoaxed, then hoaxers should be getting smoked very often and they’re not.

      This is turning the hoax logic against its proponent.

  4. Didn't think I'd get a real answer here....

    1. PS, on the other thread you expressed you’re religious. And whilst I respect your religion and your right to express it, don’t you think it’s a little ironic that you can have faith in something without scientific data to point at... but can be shown countless times the solid scientific data for these hominin (that cannot be hoaxed), and still be in denial about them?

    2. I’ll pop back tomorrow to see you.

      : )

    3. Who is PS and why does this fruitcake keep mentioning the name?

    4. Argh PS, you let yourself down every time, old boy.

    5. ^ got nothing else to offer?

      you old fool.

    6. I have so much to offer, it seems, that you’ve embarked on a ten year meltdown because of it.

    7. You are confined to illusions on an obscure blog-site....you even have the reply notification facility on...that is your world...and I can tell you honestly that I laugh out loud at times due to the idiocy of your attitudes and non-persona.

      hahaha hahahaha HAHAHA

      sheesh you total imbecile

    8. Watch out... the fake laugher is out in force.

    9. And PS, how might you convince your imaginary audience of these “dressing downs” if you’re persistent in showing you’re too scared to engage on the topic of this blog?

  5. The internet needs to take this website around to the back of the barn and shoot it.

    1. Why don’t you report your own comments to blogger again, PS?

      Remember that little phase you had?

    2. ^ get your brain from the closet you jerk...is every poster the imaginary ps because you have no ability to control anything or body?

    3. Yes - thinking back I seem to remember the poster "ps" regu;larly gave you a thorough dressing down and humiliated you and your alter-ego-boy Joe on a daily basis.

      Remember ?

      Yes of course you do.

      hahahahah hahahahah

    4. Why would I need to control anyone? Was that a bit of a Freudian slip there, old boy? You should be happy, given psychologists are now branding trolls like you as chronically lonely, this is the most attention you’ve had in months!

    5. I as well have a hard time trying to recall any "dressing down" either me or Iktomi ever got by this crazed madman named PS . i will go even farther and say the lashings he got on this site will surely leave lifetime mental scars on his rather already weak minded psyche . That rotter has never won an argument , even with himself so it's best if he drifts off into irrelevance


    6. PS chooses his faith wisely. He’s religious, believes in hoaxing conspiracy theories based on zero evidence... it doesn’t appear the evidence for Bigfoot falls in that category so he cannot discern it. Too many big words and ready things.

    7. PS is quite the dodgy figure changing his identity every few days pretending to be me one day and Scott Green the next but we all know this is all part of his role playing game he luvs to partake in for his twisted amusement . He's not the bees knees you must know


    8. ^ Quite the dodgy poster being several posters in each thread......he`s humiliated usually by his made up "opponent" he calls "ps".....his dread of ridicule is most comical to witness.

      Chortle chuckle GUFFAW

    9. Ok, so let’s try and breakdown your attempt at logic.

      I’m humiliated by a poster I’ve allegedly made up?

      Is that logical to you, PS?

  6. Hurry up Matt!

    PS is going nuts refreshing 50 times a day waiting for you to post a new thread!

  7. Bigfoot must be paranormal according to the TV show Alaskan Triangle because not one shred of physical evidence has ever been produced.

    Not one.

    1. Do you understand what physical evidence is? Footprints are a physical impression laid in the ground by a biological entity. There is 80 years of this physical evidence, detailed by the many track casts easily viewable online.

      If it is biological evidence that you are referring to, well that exists also in the many hair samples that are morphologically congruent, ruling out any suggestion of hoaxing. These have been tested repeatedly and the DNA shows as human.

      Though I personally do not rule out any preternatural abilities of these hominin (and enjoy the reports), I think calling them “paranormal” might be the best compliment you can give them when describing their genuine stealth abilities and heightened senses to their evasion.

    2. You'll have to take all that up with the experts & producers of the television show The Alaskan Triangle. I'm just repeating what they came to the conclusion of.

      Not one.

    3. “Experts and producers” of a paranormal show? Is that what you’re basing your understanding on?

      I really don’t think the primatologists, anthropologists, wildlife biologists and forensic experts I can reference... you know, people actually qualified in relevant professions that have verified the physical evidence for Bigfoot... would be too concerned about the opinions by your boogeyman shows.



      Give those a little read and let me know if you need help with anything. I’ll be more than happy to help.

    4. “ The most important kinds of physical evidence are fingerprints, tire marks, footprints, fibers [sic], paint, and building materials.”

      Physical Evidence - Encyclopedia.com

    5. Nope, not one shred of evidence. Until there is at least a body part everything you just listed is complete nonsense. Your so called experts are bought and paid for...follow the money.

      It's really pretty simple.

    6. Ok PS. By asserting that there is “not a shred of evidence”, I’m assuming you’re still claiming the evidence I reference is bunk? Well how’s this... how about explaining just how, because for all the very relevant and highly intelligent scientists in the world, there is not one that can debunk that level of evidence above, which puts the plight of your entertainment series in perspective really, doesn’t it?

      Might I also add PS, that the producers of your entertainment series were paid. They were paid of the back of the subject of Bigfoot. This is how things work in the big wide world out there. For example... Experts & scientists who work for networks like Nat Geo are paid too. This is because when you are a scientist and do some work for someone, you then get paid and that’s how you make something referred to as a living. Very telling that I have to explain the process of working for money to you.

      And I’m afraid that’s not how field biology works most of the time. None of the field studies to find any number of primates in the last 150 years have ever needed a body part BEFORE partaking in such.

    7. Sounds like a nice hobby. Have fun.

    8. Word of advice PS, if you’re going to debate science with programmes from the Travel Channel (I seem to remember you melting down for a whole month when a pro-Bigfoot show was aired on this channel, that gathered hair samples and thermal evidence)... then that’s all the argument someone opposing you needs.

    9. PS says not a shred of evidence which is so typical of him to say knowing all the great evidence that does exist. Obviously he is blind to real science and living in the land of simon and his chalk drawings


    10. Just for the record. There has never been any Bigfoot hair samples, provable thermals or anything else documented by science.

      But thanks for the giggles.

    11. Aaaaaaaand wrong again. We can even study these hairs under microscope and appreciate how different they are to animals;



      As touched upon previously, by the late 90’s enthusiasts could reference a dozen hair samples, all morphologically congruent which rules out hoaxing. Take it away Bryan Sykes;
      “The Walla Walla sample matched an individual from Uzbekistan! How on Earth could that be explained? I have not had long to think about it, but my immediate thought is that I find it very difficult to reconcile this result on the Walla Walla with the impressive provenance provided for it by Paul Freeman and his companions. The hair was caught in the splintered wood of a tree whose branch had been twisted off with tremendous force. Had the Walla Walla hair been found lying on the ground in the vicinity of a Bigfoot “experience” then a loose human hair is always a possibility. But this hair must have belonged to whatever creature broke the branch, even it was not one of the Sasquatch the trackers saw in the vicinity soon after.”
      - Dr Bryan Sykes, Nature of The Beast

      And as for thermal, enthusiasts can even reference hits on subjects ranging in height from 7-8.5 feet in height. Best stick to your Travel Channel PS, leave the facts to people who are accustomed to picking up books on occasion. I’m glad you can giggle when getting pounded with facts, they call that masochism.

    12. PS is into S and M cus he luvs getting pounded by facts while giggling . Maybe we should start calling him giggles from now on. We at the bigfoot community always groan at those like him who know bigfoot is real but still insist at their form of tomfoolery in role playing as skeptics


    13. Actually it's not all that unusual for people who live in the city or small countries that have nothing left to explore and fantasize about, to lash out at people about the subject. I understand it's human nature that drives you to explore the next big unknown. Let me suggest the space program to you eager beavers. Plenty of wide open spaces and who knows what's around the next bend. I'll say this, keep looking for new adventures boys but let's all agree to keep it real.

      You'll thank me for this someday.

    14. Was that one big fart, PS? Nobody is lashing out at you PS, you’re quite the useful idiot. And when you’re not trolling for attention because of your depression, everyone who frequents here knows you’re more obsessed about Bigfoot than anyone else. Who would you have to enjoy this subject with if we all ran off and got into space exploration at your request?

      ; )

    15. Fart, PS, idiot, depression ?

      I believe that last post was the definition of lashing out:)

      They say I'm pretty good at this...

    16. This comment has been removed by the author.

    17. Nwah, you getting all sensitive on me now, PS? I know it’s been a rough 48 hours, with Matt not putting out another thread and all. And I’m sure you’re good at many things... but if only your crypto blog had hit off, eh?

    18. Sorry, wrong number. (again)

      You remind me of a vampire whose been shown a cross when confronted with facts about Bigfoot. You kind of freak out ya know.

      We all have to grow up sometime.

    19. I’m sorry PS, but I haven’t seen one reference of a fact on your part. “Experts and producers from Atlantic Triangle” would and should get laughed at in any adult debate.

      But I suppose you have a point. Hopefully one day I can grow up and watch boogeyman shows from the Travel Channel.

    20. AnonymousMonday, June 1, 2020 at 8:03:00 AM PDT
      Bigfoot must be paranormal...

      AnonymousTuesday, June 2, 2020 at 11:58:00 AM PDT
      ... We all have to grow up sometime.

      (Facepalm, sigh)

    21. Calm down for a minute and try to get past your defensiveness and hostility. You're showing signs of a typical Bigfoot Supremacist with worship of the written word of Meldrum and his side kicks in the media. Sorry but there are 5,416 living mammals identified on earth and Bigfoot isn't on the list. There are no bones, no hair, no nothing.

      Sometimes I have to be the bearer of bad news.

    22. PWAAAHH!!! So Meldrum has “sidekicks in the media” now? Would you like to explain that a little for me please, PS? Are we incorporating the media in your grand hoax conspiracy now? Please explain.

      Oh PS, please, there’s nothing to defend. You haven’t presented a single fact backed by anything remotely scientific. But I have faith in you PS... I believe you can at least attempt to prove something with respect to your ghoul-squatch ideas.

      No wonder you NEED to Jedi mind-trick yourself about what’s written in black & white (above), doesn’t exist... I bet you’ve got Egon Spengler’s PKE meter by your bedside waiting for the bumps at night.

    23. See you tomorrow Egon.

      I know who I’m gonna call if needed.

  8. There are no facts to present when it comes to the Bigfoot myth. The only thing people get are sideshow barkers like yourself. Step right up ladies & gentlemen and play the game. But there is no prize to win. A Bigfoot Supremacist thinks only he has the key to the mystery and for a few bucks he will share the so called knowledge. A footprint here and a hair there but in the end, nothing.

    Sorry Poncho but the burden of proof lies with you.

    Ouch ! That truth hurt way over here.

    1. Oh Jesus PS, start with what I’ve presented as evidence up top and start to refute it then. This is how adult debate works. For example... I’m not remotely qualified enough to claim that the evidence is solid based on my opinion alone, and expect that to stick as proof. I have no scientific credentials, so this is why I provide references from scientists along with the accompanying data and studies, as is provided up top.

      This may come as a surprise to you, but regardless of how you stamp and shout, your opinion is worthless. You need to provide some substance to challenge the data, because as it stands it’s you crying “no nothing” and me providing actual data. There is no contest.

      And... The burden of proof, in fact, lies with anyone making a claim, and is a logical fallacy to claim otherwise. Facts are that the evidence is so solid that it is now peer reviewed. You have the links up top. I’ll check back in in the morning to see if you’ve attempted them. Facts please, not psychological safe space money-making conspiracy theories, that make you feel intelligent.

      Night PS xxx

    2. Ha, no facts, no facts PS says -so hilarious, so inane , so ridiculous it borders or satire. I think we are wasting our bloody time trying to present facts and evidence to PS as he's already made up his mind.
      Please go back to your safe space on the air force base PS


    3. Rule number 3 - (I try my best)

      Talk to people with disabilities as adults and talk to them directly rather than to an accompanying person.

  9. Since nothing else is going on I'd like to recommend Les Strouds directors commentary video about Todd Standing on Youtube. Good way to kill an hour. As a bonus he kicks the Finding Bigfoot folks square in the junk!

  10. 85 comments and 95% of them are from Iktomi.

    1. Yet you keep coming back for more, PS.

    2. PS can't help it being the lonely bored twonk during a pandemic . it's just his nature
      I do believe I am the 100th comment on this thread ! I deserved a prize, lol


    3. (Like I said, there is no prize.)

      Step right up ladies and gentlemen - play the game, win a prize !

      The Bigfoot Supremacist will take your money now.

    4. ... Says PS whilst making the blog owner money from clicks, eeeeeevery day of his life. You’re your own worst enemy boyo! Hey! Wasn’t that why you tried making your own crypto blog? Guess you’re as bad as the people you point fingers at.


      Oh and PS, you’re getting ahead of yourself there. You need to prove Bigfoot is a hoax before claiming anyone is making money fraudulently.

      False Attribution (logical fallacy).

  11. Here's a little something for people to think about when folks start throwing around "peer reviews" by Steven Novella.

    It’s an excellent business model. The only real infrastructure you need is a website, and you can have a custom site made for $5-10 thousand. Then you just have the monthly bandwidth charges. The rest is just e-marketing, which can be done for free, or the cost of some e-mails lists. After that, the money just comes rolling in.
    The best part is that other people do all the actual work. All you have to do is charge them for publishing on your open-access online journal.
    What you are selling is essentially scientific/academic fraud.
    Unfortunately, this is a good business model, even though it is a terrible scientific model, and so it has proliferated. We may be living in the heyday of dubious open-access scientific journals.

    And this is just the tip of the iceberg.

    You all can thank me later I'm busy now.

    1. Yeah, I’ve been the first to condemn the peer review process... but for years pseudosceptics have cried for it as the benchmark of legit evidence, so now they’ve got it.

    2. “Results” are what constitutes the most prolific body of scientific data that permits repeatable objective evaluation - and this is what we have in the footprint evidence that is now peer reviewed and consistent with hominin trackway studies. This type of evidence is simply impossible to hoax.

      Move a little to the left...and I'll help you get your foot out of your mouth.

      Sorry but I had to use that wreaking ball of truth.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Oh dear... I’m sorry, but was that an attempt at trying to highlight a contradiction on my part? I can’t tell. It was hard to understand. If it WAS, then allow me to elaborate...

      Results, as in progress within this subject is solid evidence. Solid scientific evidence must be repeatable to objective evaluation. And it is. And as for consistency, the evidence for Bigfoot is just that when comparing it to homo erectus trackways studied by the best anthropologists for decades.

      And to top it all off (and regardless of my opinion on the peer review process, which is published here in many comment sections)... it is now peer reviewed, which to most is the benchmark of scientific acceptance.

      If you’d but spend the same time looking for an argument against the evidence, as you have in flunking an attempt at sourcing a contradiction... you might have been able to claim you’re putting your big boy pants on.

    5. Find the most remote bridge over the most remote logging road in a sasquatch hotspot. Blanket it with cameras. Cameras looking at cameras. Give it months. A raccoon will use a log to cross a stream over swimming everytime. Why would a sasquatch be any different? Nature takes the path of least resistance.

    6. Because of their intelligence. Primatologists are now aware that chimps, for example, are caught on trail cameras because the majority of the time, they’re aware of the camera... they just don’t care due to their social groups and confidence. You are expecting a dumb ape to walk across a trail scratching his crotch.

    7. The post above has been peer reviewed.

    8. You’re giving yourself some credit there, PS.

    9. I recommended Les Stroud and you thanked me. Next I recommended a plan and you felt the need to kick me in the junk. unless you have a better one, piss off. You dateless wanker.

    10. I take that back. You'r worse. A big fish in a very small pond. Your self worth is wrapped around this websight isn't it? You have nothing else going. Bet you are fat. And alone. And you are a failed bully. No one takes you serious. you are a loser. Fatass.

    11. PWAAAHHH!!!!

      Did you have a little drink at the laptop again PS?

      Do you imagine what other posters look like on the other side of the world regularly?

  12. Communicating with people with a learning disability.

    Talk to persons with disabilities in the same way and with a normal tone of voice (not shouting) as you would talk to anyone else.

    Avoid being self-conscious about your use of wording such as “Do you see what I mean?” when talking to someone without logic.

    Talk to people with disabilities as adults and talk to them directly rather than to an accompanying person.

    Ask the person with a disability if assistance is needed; do not assume that help is needed until you ask.

    Use “people-first language”: refer to “a person with a disability” rather than “the disabled person” or “the disabled”.

    When communicating with a person with a disability, it is important to take steps to ensure that effective communication strategies are used.

    I apologize for coming in here and trying to set a few you straight on Bigfoot. Forgot who I was dealing with:) I'm putting these messages up as a reminder to me and others when teaching people about the facts of this myth. I'll sincerely try to be more patient and gentle from now on.

    1. Argh come on PS! You’re supposed to be exchanging with someone with a learning disability...
      I’m still not seeing facts. This should be easy considering your myth assertions. Plus... where does your ghoul-squatch fit in with all this “mythology”?

      Am I really being “lectured” about readily accessible data by someone who thinks Bigfoot doesn’t leave tracks because he’s paranormal? Ha ha ha ha!!

    2. The post above has been peer reviewed.

  13. Rule number 2 - Avoid being self-conscious about your use of wording such as “Do you see what I mean?” when talking to someone without logic.

    1. Please explain to me how illogical Bigfoot is, after claiming Bigfoot are paranormal.


      PS, do you know the meaning of the word logic? Maybe a little “note to self” about looking up the words you’re using, eh?

    2. The post above has been peer reviewed.

    3. Again... a little more credit than I’d be inclined to give you there, old boy.

  14. Where are the new articles on this site?

    Where's the article about the dead unknown primate that was found in Australia this week? Although it was only four feet tall, many are saying that it's a juvenile Yowie.

    1. Humans are the only primates that have lived in Australia. Except for some pets or in zoo's.

    2. ... as well as archaic humans that are still reported extensively to this day.

    3. I’m more than happy to discuss it with you PS.

    4. Don't waste your time trying to explain anything to PS, he's tone deaf to everything except his own voice. If a bigfoot appeared in front of him he'd say it was a bloke in a suit . Got monkey suit stu ?


  15. Well, it looks like management saw my posts of wisdom & REALITY and decided to shut this place down.

    You all will thank me in the long run.

    The Shocking Truth

    1. Go back to bed PS, the only thing that needs to shut down is your comments on this site. be a good lad and find another site to bugger with your rubbish


    2. (Simple stuff) Calling everyone the same name is an old childish ploy to camouflage your own lack of debate & knowledge.

      Rule number 4 - Ask the person with a disability if assistance is needed; do not assume that help is needed until you ask.

      The scoundrel in me couldn't resist:)

    3. PS Reality Check -

      You still haven’t even attempted to argue the stuff in top.

    4. PS Reality Check -

      You haven’t debated the evidence up top with anything, let alone knowledge.

    5. Another one...Hook...Line...&...Sinker

      Unless there is real physical evidence I'm really to busy for small talk at this time.

      (I'm kind of a big deal ya know)

    6. too busy for small talk ? maybe if you watched less porn hub mate. you have never really debated anything in a logical way PS, just ran your bloody mouth off at the seams ! Science has determined much more to be facts with much less evidence than we have for bigfoot so pooh on you boyo !


    7. Yet you cannot fathom the meaning of physical evidence, PS.


      One must walk you through definitions of words like a child, even before getting on to debating the state of evidence with you.

      I can see why you’re resorted to copy & pasting from the internet at the expense of people suffering with learning disabilities. If you weren’t summed up by having a meltdown and calling people fat out of frustration, you certainly are now.

    8. Here we go PS, in case you missed it the first time;

      “ The most important kinds of physical evidence are fingerprints, tire marks, footprints, fibers [sic], paint, and building materials.”

      Physical Evidence - Encyclopedia.com

    9. ^ Bingo ! Now that PS has been schooled as far as evidence goes I wonder how long before his wounds heal and he'll be back with his usual bollocks trying to convince us bigfoot doesn't exist even though there are literal heaps and heaps of evidence surrounding him . He's become a running joke, a jester for the court of bigfoot evidence ! here here !


  16. I worked with a guy whose nickname at work was skunk ape.

  17. Anybody seen the size comparison in Todd Standing’s latest on YouTube?

    Considering how fast the subject negotiated that terrain, and now the size comparison - whether you like Todd or not, it’s easily the most interesting thing I’ve seen in a while.

    1. Just watched it , here it is in case anyone wants to check it out

      Have to say it does make a pretty solid case of the creature in the film being massive and despite my hesitation about the muppet looking creatures he filmed later on looking dodgy the one running up the hill does indeed look like the real deal


    2. It's pretty convincing to me that he most likely filmed a real bigfoot and a massive one compared to his size. Very unlikely there are 10 foot actors out there who are that agile while climbing up a steep hill like that. Even the best climbers would have issues being that graceful in their motion. I think this hits it out of the park as they say although I still think there is something off about the muppet looking ones he later filmed.


    3. The pipe like arms convinced me right away ! ...And the source, oh the source, that really put a seal on it for me. No one could ever question the credibility of the explorer & original thinker that Todd Standing is.

      Leave to "Joe" to keep picking at the crust of the Bigfoot mystery.

      Keep up the comedy routine, it's the best I've seen since the Bob Gimlin show.

      (My apologies for the chest thumping but I can be a bit of a toothache to "Footers":)

    4. Ok... I’m just trying to work out what you’re trying to say...

      I’m not seeing “pipe like arms”... I’m seeing, in the size comparison that anyone can see... a subject that is literally twice the size of Todd, and arms thick enough to account for almost half of his body, maybe more. I have taken a screenshot and could upload in a link here it if I knew how.

      Oh, and by the way... got monkey suit?

    5. Oh and PS? There’s nothing more cringe than someone giving themselves praise, I’d like to remind you that the evidence provided to you up top has still gone unchallenged.


    6. there was another piece of footage from Standing that they compared to BOBO for size and it looks far more massive than he is . They seem to think it's a bloke in a suit but watching it over and over again it just too big to be anything but a bigfoot


  18. and who is green with envy today ^ this bloke !
    Stop your childish whining Scotty boy, save it for your ISP when they curtail your porn hub addiction soon. Listen mate, every time I walk by the mirror and look at myself I thank god I am an adonis of a man and not some sniveling low class sot named Scotty Green (with envy) Looks good on you boyo !


  19. Here’s a doozy...

    Contribute to discussion then. I don’t know what’s stopping you, are you worried you have nothing of any worth to contribute?

  20. Mean Ol' Scotty Green never contributes, he just rants on here about Brit scum . He has nothing to contribute in any way that is positive. When he's doing playing with himself this is what he does to bring him joy. so sad


  21. ^ has nothing to contribute in any way that is positive. When he's doing playing with himself this is what he does to bring him joy. so pathetic he even needs to use his alter-ego cucktomi

    how sad

  22. Oh blimey ! Role playing once again are we PS ? you must enjoy going back and forth between all your different characters pretending that there is an audience of hundreds where in reality it's just sad old lonely pathetic you .Try some milk and honey in your morning tea old boy, do you wonders


  23. so why don't you contribute something to the convo you useless full grown twit ? All you do is rant about me and if you could you'd have a full sized poster of me hanging up on your basement wall while you chug your mountain dew. Get a life Scotty green with envy


  24. Really mean Scott Green never talks about bigfoot.He is definitely a troll xx

  25. ^ As far as this site history tells I see that your "ps" humiliated both you AND the alter-cucktomi-ego boy you play at on a daily basis...it really IS HILARIOUS to watch you both squirm and creep about when your ludicrous inadequacies are shown to the world.....still inadequate are we Joeboy?

  26. ^ and the biggest troll of all Joke-tomi isn`t a troll ?

    what a ridiculous thing to say pus-in-booties...you have seen just who began the nasty sniping here so why do you pretend it is different ? - unless of course YOU are yet another Joe moniker...it wouldn`t surprise anybody here at all...YOU remember when Jokeboy used to snipe at people for being "gay" etc don`t you? YES you DO...so WHY whistle an untruthful tune to yourself ?

  27. Argh shut up and post some evidence of it, ya strange little psycho.

    The onus is on your to prove you don’t live in a fantasy world riddled with cognitive dissonance.

  28. Of course he’s a troll. A troll that spends his entire life obsessed about Bigfoot and then harasses enthusiasts on a blog for less crazy beliefs based on no evidence whatsoever (paranormal Bigfoot).

    “Scott Green” is likely another “Bruce Kirray” character, which likely ANOTHER PS character... the name comprising of two of his favourite researches - Scott Carpenter and John Green.

    The boy ain’t playing with a full deck.

  29. Sure thing PS. You’re a reeeeeeeaaaal freedom fighter.

  30. Someone please change this broken record named Scotty Green. it seems like it's playing the same song over and over again and it's not a good ditty anyways . So Scotty, tis time you get your arse handed to you and say tata to this site so we can all enjoy it without your toxic rubbish. Have a good day


  31. Is there something bothering you by any chance?

  32. Seems like everything bothers Scotty boy. What a mean old grump


  33. Wow. No wonder Matt shut down this site.

  34. Me and my badass biker buddies are headed to the woods this weekend to find us a squatch. We gonna bait us a spot and wait for them to come in. My friend Troy saw one of them last Saturday and we're going to get it starting tomorrow. Can't wait to get a hold of one of them critters.

  35. My oh my - I`ve just been reading through some of the site history - it simply is shocking just how the guys way back used to HAMMER the idiot JokeTomi EVERY DAY ... hahahahaha HAHAHAHAHAHAH - Joe and his spastic buddy-monikers were shown up for the complete MORONS they truly ARE - and THAT IS IN THE SITE HISTORY...


    1. • Select the text that you want to copy, cut, or paste.
      • Then press and hold on the text you want to edit.
      • After you long press the text, options will come up on screen.
      • Select cut and go to the desired internet page you would like to paste it.
      • Go to the desired place of the desired internet page, press and hold for the same list of options.
      • Press “paste” and then, “publish”.

    2. Me and my billy badass biker buddies are headed out tonight for the bigfoot hunt of a lifetime. With all the bate we have this will be the weekend that we catch the beast. Troy is leading us to the exact spot where he saw one last weekend and we are prepared to bring home the bacon. This will be in all the papers if we succeed. Epic!

    3. Ps is using one of his many alter egos in responding here. Talk about a total wanker with no life. The devil will find work for idle hands to do Scotty boy


    4. He’s a strange one, that’s for sure.

  36. Me and my billy badass biker buddies are headed out tonight for the bigfoot hunt of a lifetime. With all the bate we have this will be the weekend that we catch the beast. Troy is leading us to the exact spot where he saw one last weekend and we are prepared to bring home the bacon. This will be in all the papers if we succeed. Epic!

    1. Good luck to you and you billy bad-ass biker buddies this weekend. You have all the signs of a serious footer. Go get em Tiger.

  37. I worked with a guy whose nickname was skunk ape.

    1. Right. Are you sure that you didn't work by yourself? Cheers.


    2. On again are we PS ? you seem to luv copying and pasting the same rant over and over again. Do you have any new thoughts other than calling me a pomey ? Good grief old boy, you need to get outside and have some fresh air, you're becoming very stale


    3. Bruce is having a bit of an episode.

  38. Nope i can't say i remember that 9:52.You must be thinking of some one else xx

  39. When is the next article coming so Iktomi and I can write 99.9% of the comments? What's taking so long?


    1. Bored are we PS ? or should I say Scotty or Bruce or whatever alias you decide to role play today . Stop being a utter pillock by ruining this site with your toxic energy. the next article will come when it comes and you'll have your chance to role play the skeptic part in due time and as usual you will get schooled by Iktomi, run off to lick your wounds and come back like a moron for more punishment


  40. HAHAHAHA silly Joe LOSING AS EVERSunday, June 14, 2020 at 11:12:00 AM PDT

    It is SO FUNNY to read the hilarious put downs that humiliated JokeTomi EVERY DAY - sad Joe is used to losing since childhood as he is a Lefty Democrap moron......not like Trump who KEEPS WINNING AND WINNING - 2020 will be another Trump victory...Lefty-losers will hide away and blame others for their failures in life - that is the essential bad character of Joe ...keep on losing you Hillary twerp.


    1. Hahahaha, Silly PS with his special pleading case . Not sure what rubbish you are referring to since i don't give a toss about your elections but seeing as you are a Trump supporter really says a lot about you as a person so you sir should be the one who should be feeling humiliated . Good day


    2. "Joe" Biden supporter ^

    3. Put down the drinky poo Bruce. Seeing too many pokemon tree creatures has made you go daft


    4. Stuey's life is more imaginary than Bigfoot.

    5. Where can I read these “put downs”? Does PS have something I can join in on the laugh about?

      PS, you seem a little reflective of people’s time spent here - you worried about something?

    6. ^ you KNOW where they are - there`s page after page after page of your utter humiliation in THIS sites history....but you ALREADY KNEW THAT DIDN`T YOU - hahahaha you were shown your utterly small limitations on all sorts of subjects.....and you know it - the comical part is that you know we all know too.




    7. ^

      Knows ALL about his humiliations...and exactly where they are -there are SO MANY of them it`s hard not to find a page of hilarious put-downs and you squirming and crawling....as always eh you paedophile...you`re the one here with the criminal record for interfering with children you sick boy.

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    1. good for you jr but i think you're on the wrong page mate. If you want a cookie for your achievement I can't help you but maybe a slow clap will suffice


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    3. Hi- You just came right in time for poor Ollie who is in desperate need of turning into a real man . He's been in the books too long and i think you can totally help him get his mojo back


  42. Me and my billy badass biker buddies had a wild trip to the woods last weekend. We didn't get that bigfoot but we heard him scream a few times late Saturday night. I set out some apples and goodies on a stump down by Troy's uncles pond and waited for over eight hours for him to come out & eat. It's just a matter of time before I outsmart him. Just a matter of time.

    1. Hey mate , if u were any where near my flat then you might herd me screaming when a cute bloke came over , bent me over and gave me a proper shagging ! Tiddly doo !


    2. ^ A fool and his mind are soon parted eh PS ? You should hook up with Scotty Green and Bruce for a threesome ! wouldn't be a traditional one because all 3 of you twits are the same person . But carry on ...


    3. Listen here Joe, I dig chicks and chicks dig me. I came here to share what's going on with my buddies and bigfoot hunting. Get out of this place and go to where you and your buddies have fun. Shagging blokes is not what anyone on a bigfoot website wants to even think about. Go to a Ru Paul site and knock yourself out !

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  44. Hahahah poor Scott Green-with-Envy
    - he`s all messed up with his imaginary enemy
    - he sees him here and sees him there
    - but in the real world poor Scotty is jes` a lil` boy with a sad sad turmoil runnin` `round his brain (his very simple brain).


  45. Blah, blah, blah, anything else you want to get off your mind Bruce ?
    BTW, still waiting for your valuable contribution to this site. Don't disappoint us chum


  46. Blah, blah, blah. Enough Bruce, we are still waiting for you to contribute to this site without the usual rubbish you post. Time to step down from your pram and stop acting like s spoiled toddler Bruce.
    Choice is yours mate


  47. This is the last article on this dying website. It's been a fun ride.

    -The Management

  48. Sure thing PS. I’ll be sure to think of you every time I pass a mirror, for the rest of my life.


  49. Well am glad that is all settled. Bigfoot is real. Patty was real. The guy taking pictures of "tree creatures" in Pennsylvania is a lunatic and Todd Standing is a complete fraud.

    Truth triumphs.

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  52. We may be launching another bigfoot site that will be more interactive and provide a more serious tone for those interested in discussing the bigfoot mystery. Stay tuned.

    -The Management


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