Breaking: Here's the footage of Matilda [Bigfood DNA] (Updated)

Here's the proof of Bigfoot that skeptics have been waiting for. This is the famous Erickson Project footage of Matilda, a female Bigfoot. This was just release by Dr. Melba Ketchum's group. "There is a nice short clip of Matilda breathing in the supplemental part of the paper. When and how the rest comes out is up to Adrian," Ketchum wrote on Facebook.

The man in the video appears to be Dennis Phol, a project manager and chief videographer for Erickson. Matilda is laying down for a nap, and you can definitely see her breathing.

[Update] It appears Ketchum's web person made a boo boo and inadvertently left the video up for public viewing. The video is now set to private. Ketchum explains why the video is in her paper: "The video was not intended to prove the existence of Sasquatch, the science did that. It was requested though so we put it in. It is just like there are pictures in the Lesula paper. If pictures or video would do it, proof would have been out a long time ago what with the PG film. Nobody will ever believe video or pictures conclusively. They are just nice entertainment to add."

[Update #2] ParaBreakdown has a breakdown of the video:

[Update #3] Ketchum just made the decision to repost the video: "After discussing it with the others, we are allowing the video to go public with the following requirements:

This is a very short clip of a female Sasquatch sleeping that we licensed from the Erickson Project for use with the paper. Her respiration was timed at 6 breaths per minute, which is an indication that the video shows something unusual. This clip is now copyrighted to the Sasquatch Genome Project and any use or reposting MUST give proper attribution."


  1. Replies
    1. someone filmed a bathmat being moved by an off camera closed

    2. Someone filmed your mom sucking my cock while bigfoot watched on. It's on youtube now, just search for "ignorant naysayer's mother brutally ass fucked by sasquatch sympathizer"

  2. Yeah, uhm, that's a nice blob of fur alright. Bigfoot? Not so much.

    1. Why do you look at this and complain. Spend time with your children or friends. Damn

  3. come on .. really ? Anyone could create that effect

    1. they have...ever seen thriller?

    2. They have and you're fooled by it.

    3. Y'all are all morons, complete idiots. Did you know the world is round?

    4. er,they hve. yutube is full of furry creatures. the p/g film is an even beter hoax. It is at least walking. This is a heaving carpet. no head,to legs defination,NO FEET [why ,if you are within a meterof the BF,would you not film its feet.step 1 meter to either side and you get all these geatures].Thats why this is a hoax.If indeed,as they cl;aim,thios thing gets up and snarls at camera,i will glady say Im wrong.Since that hasnt happned or imo going to happen,i can confidantly think this is a hoax.if they had footage of a bogfoot theyu wouldnt be sitting on it for years.why,what purpose does it serve. There would be no point in doing the priject if the idea is not to show it! whythe delay?? they have jack or realsie nobody will swallow what they are going to show ,hence the delay or no show

  4. Replies
    1. Hey everybody

      I put a bad word on here and Shawn took it down. He is watching and I feel lucky he still lets me post

    2. good..this site should be available and safe for everyone from profanity and ignorance

    3. You are lucky. Where else can you get such a good laugh.

    4. I am sorry for my ignorant word.

    5. But I gotta tell ya I am not sorry for letting the non-bleevin trolls know where to get off. I just hav to do it with tact. And that's no problem.

  5. Now we know why the Erickson Project disappeared into thin air.

  6. relax its the first clip,and obv a preview....

    remember the good footage of matilda shows her face

    1. If the footage is so good, why isn't that the clip released? Instead we get more indistinct nonsense.

    2. Matilda's face is NEVER shown. Erickson realized that he didn't have dick and just dropped out. This is the most you'll ever see by that goon; a ball of fur on top of an airbag that is controlled just out of view of the lens. You gullible schmucks, Dennis Phol is a hoaxer.

  7. It seems like a great day for the skeptics. Not a single Bigfoot was proven to exist.

  8. Really?? This is the "High Def" video she was talking about?, and this is what she expects people to pay $30 for?

  9. Replies
    1. No, it was Todd Standing and his make-up artist sister that "consulted" on this video.

    2. It was Standing? I knew there was some hoary bs to do with this but couldn't remember what! Yeah, it's so easy to fake this, there are better effects in school plays!

  10. Can't these people just make money the easy way at a 9-5 instead of going through all these elaborate, time-consuming scams about non-existent monsters?

  11. Father of the Year right there ~ missed Christmas, birthdays and graduations with his kids in order to get you footage of a heaving rug.

  12. LOL! There's not a whole lot more to it than that! Don't expect much from the video guys and gals.

  13. It just gets worse and worse. What purpose can it possibly serve to even include this "footage" with the paper?

  14. This better be a preview. If this thing doesnt wake up and pop a squat in front of the camera it will be the biggest load of crud since Ketchums report......$30.00 lol

    1. Even as a preview clip, who would select THIS as the segment to use? For anything (except a scam, of course)? It's useless, and suggests there really is nothing better available.

    2. Exactly! Lets go ahead and release a 5year study with this. Instead of releasing the footage of Matilda licking the camera to go along with a study that proves Squatches exist they release this BS.

      I am more intrigued to get an actual opinion from Shawn, Moneymaker, and Meldrum on this whole 5 yr steaming pile of a study. How bout it Shawn.

  15. I am just glad the cards are now finally down. There is no reason to even attack the "Report" or the "Footage".

    Creating a website and calling it a "scientific journal" does itself in. Video that shows fur moving up and down can not go very far.

    I do think the timing is very "Dyer" inspired! The clowns are all massing in one place. Expect them to have a Bigfoot Con 2013. Lets let them all put their own necks in that noose.


  16. If they breathe that means these things could be the greatest saxophone players ever! -move over Charlie Parker

    1. Yes, everyone knows Bfs are masters of improvisation.

  17. Enoch ya! Emkay Daveeeeeeeeeeees! Enoch! Enoch ya!

  18. Its all on dyer now don't let us down

    1. I have been listening to Rick dyers radio show the last few nights.. he seems like a nice guy and just a little rough around the edges with all the cusing. I was let down in 2008 but I do believe in bigfoots existence. The situation he describes about why he was able to locate the Bigfoot,Due to it being trapped in a small geographical area, and why he was able to get close enough to shoot it makes since. It would not be so easy in the forest in a wildrness area, but in a metopalitain area sorounded by development and highway Loops the Bigfoot can't really go anywhere whithout being seen. I hope I am not let down again, but i will wait and see what happens in April.

    2. Ahhhh. We have to wait til April? Why???????????

    3. That is when the movie comes out that doucments the killing. He said he can't release the body till after the film.

    4. Club their young like baby seals. They are wrong and should not be here. Smeja was right! Kill their young. Kill! Kill! Kill!

  19. So Bigfoot exists and they are everywhere, but this is the lead-off video (and apparently only video) they have.

    Every time I think the 'footers have hit the absolute peak of gullibility, they soar right past it.

  20. the video has become private. i wont be waltzing with Matilda today :(

    1. I missed out did anyone make a copy?

    2. I'm sure it will turn up again. Believe me, it's three seconds of crap.

    3. It didnt show anything. It took a deep breath and exhaled. NO facial footage or hands or feet or movement. It looked like someone was filling a shag carpet with air

    4. I didn't get to see it either. Whatever it was, I still wanted to give it a look or two.

  21. Better take the video down.....Melba just posted "Somebody needs to tell Shawn Evidence that the video is copyrighted and he has no right to post it."

    1. Shawn is going to get his butt sued if he keeps doing this. Careful with copyrights ect...need to be careful.

    2. Pft. What a dolt that woman is. If you can watch it on YouTube, it is public. He has every right to post it.

    3. She at least should have elected to exclude the embed code with her video. Problem solved.

    4. Its called fair use.. lol.. She can't even get that right. How have the lame reach new heights. (insert :rolleyes here)

  22. Video is now private. Didn't take too long.

  23. Guess he got the message can't see the vid...

    1. No she just changed it to private after realizing her mistake of posting the video publicly to YouTube.

  24. Geez Shawn. What did you do to make Melba so mad at you?

  25. You didn't miss much - don't worry.

  26. Why the Hell is she worried about anybody seeing a video that doesn't show anything?!!

    1. because she's mad that we're all laughing at her absurd hoax and beyond-pathetic video of a bison calf.

    2. Money money money money


    3. Yup. That's what this is all about. Witness the licensing, marketing and non disclosure agreements. Anyone who doesn't see that is a pitiful sucker.
      Footers don't fall for this! Melba Ketchum is Rick Dyer in drag!

    4. Moneymaker? He's the best..and he's got cool hair.

  27. Now that's a bigfoot!!! see it's private and we can't see it.

  28. I'm considering signing up for the bff to see what Mulder is posting

  29. Which hoax do you believe in? Depends on your media BF media outlet!

    BFE = Smeja
    BFF = Ketchum
    FBFB= Dyer

    See y'all at Bigfoot Con 2013!


    1. Lmao. Too funny. The BFF sucks now days that it switched hands, It used to be really good until Paul changed it. Now its a dud... lol go figure

  30. Has Musky Allen destroyed any of his credibility by teaming with Rick Dyer?
    And is Melba so afraid of by knocking out a video that doesnt prove or really show anything?

    1. Musky Allen had credibility? That guy doesn't know much of anything. That's why he's kickin' it with Dyer.

  31. She just shot herself in the foot by mistakenly making the video public on youtube. Now everyone knows that the "High Def" video included with her paper is a bunch of crap. Erikson should now release the rest of what he has. No more excuses.

    1. Well it's been hyped for ever so whatever he releases will be underwhelming even if it's Sasquatch in a tutu performing Swan Lake everyone will be "meh"! If you have proof show it, what's the point in telling everyone then not showing it? If it's to protect the Bigfoot from us nasty humans why tell so many people what you've got, keep it quiet! Didn't I read that Erickson has some involvement with an SFX artist?

    2. Yes, that was the hook she figured a lot of people would fork out $30 to see.

      Can this woman do anything right?

  32. I didn't get to see the video! damn you melba!

  33. Her science has not proven any thing other than the gullibility of footers

    Bigfoot is not real. Footers are by and large delusional and mentally unstable.

    1. This is the epilog of Shooting Bigfoot. They are doing final edits and naration as we speak.

    2. final edits being the key phrase there.

  34. It's a widely available but modified Chewbacca costume - as insinuated by Bill Munns. Fur might have been post treated with a red dye - easy to do.

  35. Why is the video private? I mean, other than the fact that it's clearly a hoax?

  36. You know this rly upsets me. would it not truly be headline news if infsct a new species of this high alert caliber?
    The say they dnt need to put a video up, dnt need to prove. science did tht. they say. hmph!
    this is truly disheartening . shows wht is gain to them. not what is important here. the saftey of proving the existing of these creatures, and wht will become of them, after they hv found them. ver woriesome. not the value of a dollar, but the value of a intelligent creature . that is whats at stake here. TheSearchForSassy

  37. They've already did the breakdown

  38. What a complete load of bullshit. People there is no such thing as a "bigfoot". In this day and age, with the available technology out there, and no real video or proof of any type. Cmon...I'd love to believe but common sense just says no.

  39. which is the head and which is the arse?

    1. Matilda is of the ass faced Bigfoot breed so it doesn't matter.

    2. Enoch ya, plak nock, glub glub!

  40. looks like a highland cow sleeping..

  41. A breathing ragged carpet remnant is more frightening than Bigfoot.

  42. cleary its allone big hoax. if you were going to mistakingly let seconds of film out[like we re going to believe that. im not a IT technican but kuploaing a film.iknow enough to know there is a long process to it. you dont just press send a go 'oh shit']

    they have jack shit in the way of fim. why would they require a heaving rug as part of her report.
    anyone walking up to touchng distance of a BF would film the whole animal not its trunk which is only going to annoy people and yull be called a hoaxer. step to either side .
    we see if it does in fact stand up and growl. if so ill glady believe. I know it wont though as that would have been the teaser clip. since they have some equaly ropey film to try and squeeze out a few more thousand people to spend $30 they hope this would help
    aas for waiting for dyer dead bod in april with some dumb back story of not being able to show it
    2008 was not long ago.whats the chances that the same person who perpitrated the biggest hoax[p/gnot includedgiven it was 50years ago,and technology tells us that was a hoax]so he has somehow managed to become the person who proves the most ground breaking natural history moment ever. lol

    only in america would this happen

  43. $30.00??? Is the sideshow back in town.

  44. Well, if this is some of Erickson's best stuff on film, I'd hate to see the worst. Really, this is NOTHING. Pfffft. And they're worried about copyright? LMAO!! I just made a video of my bath mat moving up and down, if anyone puts it online, I'll sue for millions. Again, Pffft. What a waste, no wonder he hasn't released the documentary.


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