Ketchum Is Now All-In With Her Bigfoot DNA Study

It’s 4th-down, 4th quarter, with just 15 seconds and 45 yards to go for a touchdown. Dr. Melba Ketchum can't afford another fumble, and now it looks like she's going for the Hail Mary. She has assembled a team of independent scientists to take a look at her data -- to see if it's sound (and as beautiful as she says it is). If the analysis favors her conclusion, it will vindicate her and everyone involved in her study. Ketchum urges supporters on Facebook to be patient and wait for the independent analysis. It's unclear how long the analysis will take, but if history is any indication, we could be waiting for a while:

I have independent analysis of our data going on. If the outcome of what we are doing supports our analysis, then we are vindicated. If not, then I will announce that also. It involves top level scientists that have volunteered after I released the paper. If their findings are the same, they will go public. So, please be patient. They also will assure upload to GenBank and they can make that happen. - Dr. Melba Ketchum


  1. Replies
    1. Go Melba, its your birthday, its your birthday. lets have some cake!

    2. Seriously, does this poor woman not understand that mtDNA that is HUMAN means it came from HUMANS? I read the paper and she matched them against human haplotypes and they were all varied but matched known human haplotypes? That means they are humans....the ones that submitted her animal/human test samples? I actually feel sorry for her....OR she is sending it back to more of her own "specialists and reseaech scientists"?? Wow

    3. Go Melba, its your birthday, its your birthday. lets have some cake!


    4. I don't get it I see 35 published results out of 111 submitted samples and yet the sample numbers go up to 168, damn I wish I had the full paper.

      Ok so these scientists will have to be putting their names to this in house review afterall they did volunteer lets have them with their associated qualifications.


    5. Hi Bullshit, could you give me the haplotype for sample 11 and it's meaning.....thanks.

    6. If you compare the paper, the release and the website, you will find all kinds of inconsistencies in regards to the sample numbers.

    7. Go Melba, its your birthday, its your birthday. lets have some cake!


    8. Seems that Bullsihit hasn't read the paper then.

    9. But does read the Bible which is why they all hate Ketchum's study anyway for the immediate chaos it brings, in the long run though it'll set things straight for future generations and calm the situation.

    10. She can upload the sequences to genbank herself. It would have been done already if she were legitimate.

  2. Get back here with my oreos you hairy ape

  3. Shouldn't she have done this first before proclaiming Sasquatch are people?

  4. Lol amd the wait for proof of bigfoot starts yet again.

    1. The Skeptards' Credo:



      It's a great way to get through life; you don't have to deal with anything.

  5. Replies
    1. That's what I was thinking, too. Another 5 years? If so, she could've just gone the normal peer review route.

    2. She could save time by uploading to genbank herself and letting all of science see it. But I guess her hunt for retarded PhD's will go on as it has been doing.

  6. Wait to we get to see the video of her styling the Bigfoot's hair!

  7. Here we go again. Prolonging judgement.

    If she released her findings, why do we need people that she has handpicked to tell the world whether she's a quack or not?

    Another delay tactic. I bet Wally got impatient with her and forced her to release something. She probably intended on dragging this on for another decade.

    1. I was looking for comments on other blogs bout this and some guy said that the Matilda video was a hoax and had Oxana Malaya (a Ukrainian woman who as a child lived with a pack of feral dogs and became feral herself eating raw meat and behaving like a dog) in a suit? Anyone heard this before?

    2. She wanted to be a real b*tch????


    3. I think there was a rumour that she thought there was another paper being released so she rushed hers out.

    4. Doesn't really matter too much, the more the merrier, her paper's correct so all others coming will only validate and confirm.

  8. Someone needs to ask her why she's using a headshot from 1985.

    1. Those are glamor shots my uncle Rico took. Gosh...

  9. The media is being kinder to Rick than they are Ketchum never thought I would see that.

    1. Yeah, I know, probably because they don't know exactly how angry people were in 2008. Although, he does say he is the most hated guy in the Bigfoot world. Love how both Dyer and Ketchum start out with "I didn't believe in Bigfoot but then I changed my mind..." yep when you saw the big $ signs!

    2. We expected more from Ketchum.

  10. This is the first of this one knows how it will play out! Jusy wait and stop saying anything until more information comes....

    1. It has already played out. Now she's just playing you.

    2. Too bad poop in a jar guy wasn't on the Carnival cruise. He could have gave demonstrations.

  11. Again we are told to "be patient".

    Send us copies of the report and video, Melba, and be patient about us sending you the money.

  12. Quick, everyone email Derek Randles and ask him if it's true or not?

  13. Any scientist worth his salt will see this for what it is. A piece of trash she's trying to make some money off of.

    Independent analysis? LMFAO, that's what a peer review IS and it was considered a joke by all of the "real scientific journals". So what does she do, buys one and makes a website and then charges 30.00 for morons to read.

    The Epic of Gilgamesh and Daniel Boone!!!! Yee haw!!!!

    1. Raging Skeptard at 7:06.

      Has this skeptard read the report? Probably not. And there hasn't been time yet for this skeptard to study the report for a few weeks before dismissing it as "a piece of trash."

      The Skeptard's Credo:



      This approach is incompatible with your claimed scientific method. If you avoid evidence, you have nothing to apply your scientific method to. You must first have a subject, an object, a something, to apply your scientific method to, or you can't apply it to anything.

      You're living in Zero Land.

      You aren't believable; no one takes you seriously.

      What are you afraid of? The idiotic talking heads who put on the forced-fake weirdo giggling any time they cover the topic--why have they been instructed by their bosses to behave in this way? What are they fearful of?

      It's the American way to forge out on your own outside the mainstream and stake your claim. As expected, the mainstream wagon-circling occurred to avoid the topic, so founding her own outlet to release the material through is the independent-minded way to go. The US used to be about independence, not fearful skeptoid group-think.

      Tard on, skeptard, tard on. You look denser with each passing day.

    2. Seriously, the people who doubt this study are the ones of limeted intelligence? We didn't get screwed by a snake oil saleswoman! My guess is you've got home from school and feel like trolling again? It isn't the independent way to go to buy your own journal to publish your paper without proper peer review and charge horse rapists like yourself $30 to read it, that's suspect and at very least. I don't even know why I'm bothering to reply to your comment, talking to a troll like yourself is a waste of time. Just go back to jerking off over Sarah Palin or getting angry about gun control or putting a bucket on your head and walk into walls or whatever you do to enjoy yourself.

    3. Raging Skeptart Alert - Let me guess - you were home-schooled. Am I right?

    4. Hmm. And you home schooled yourself in primate genetics I suppose.

    5. Yes doubting this study and paper in true skeptard homoing group hug back pat fashion will make you look like an imbecile from a past century.

  14. She's progressed from mildly entertaining sideshow kook to full-bore, turbodriven craziness. She's crazier than a shithouse rat.

    Yet even after all of this bullshit, she has supporters. Those supporters need to be checked into a mental facility as much as she does.

    1. The Skeptard's Credo regarding Sasquatch evidence:



      Tard on skeptard, tard on.


    2. The monkeys in the mirror..take a look.

    3. Duck and cover. That's all bleevers have.

      Go from one hoax to the next like a ten dollar hooker in a truckstop.


    4. You can get a hooker for £10 !

    5. Why buy the cow when I get the milk for free^! have a great night you virgin!


    6. A cow sounds to freaky to me, isn't that beastiality.

    7. Bigfoot don't eat cow. I learned that from Melba herself. Page 34, paragraph two, fourth sentence.

    8. Man, the Ketchumites are BITTER about this! They staked their whole identify on her and she screwed them. Now they're taking it out in the skoffniks as if it was THEIR fault. If only you'd listened to the reasonable footers and skeptic agnostics when we tried to warn you about Ketchum you wouldn't be so crushed now.
      For future reference, there's no such thing as Bigfoot ESP. Habituators are only after your money. The government is not hiding Bigfoot, it doesn't come from UFOs or the 5th dimension, and science is not out to get you.
      Put your faith in FACTS, not feelings. Dial down the crazy a little bit, apply the critical thinking skills you learned in school and you'll avoid this kind of embarrassment later.
      The next Dyer hoax is already upon us. Don't say we didn't try to warn you this time...

    9. Guess you tardy skeptards haven't heard the latest developments that high-profiled scientists are right now getting very interested in the study, there's been a total about-face from the more serious truthful sections of the scientific community now it's published.

  15. Load the frigging sequences to Genbank and it'll get plenty of independent review. Game over. Sheesh.

    1. I thought the reason was you couldn't upload an unknown species.

    2. That's not true, apparently you can

    3. 8:08, that's incorrect. GenBank can handle unknown/unnamed species without any problem.

    4. New species are discovered and added all the time.

    5. Makes you wonder how much money she's throwing at the alleged "famous" scientists who are reviewing her work now. Why didn't she have them do that before going public?

  16. The sheets aren't even cold yet and the BFF is already in bed with Rick Dyer again.

    1. Judging by the posters there, it doesn't really surprise me.

    2. Poor Mulder. His mental retirement fund just went up in flames. Poor, sorry bastard.

  17. Shawn: How many site hits does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?

    1. I want to know how many it takes to get out of a chicken coup;)

  18. Were can someone see the rest of the video? Were she gets up and walks to the camera.

    1. The best viewing angle is from Shawn's transverse colon right next to the half-digested gerbil.

    2. And on that happy note, I decided to never post or visit this site again due to reasons already mentioned.

      There are better sites out there and I have wasted way too much time trying to navigate through the bullshit on this one.

      Shawn...Seriously...You cater to nothing but meth-addled trailer trash. Your a big fat disappointment.

      I am taking my ass and my 250 clicks a week out outta here.

    3. ^ Thank God and take your trash talk out of here !

    4. Never, because it's obviously fake. Just sit and think for a second...this DNA study is supposed to prove Bigfoot exists, and they choose the only segment of the video that doesn't show the entire creature as their supporting evidence?
      Seriously guys, take off the blinders already. Bigfoot does not exist. You truly believe that there is a population of 7 foot tall ape men that have managed to avoid leaving physical evidence behind for this long? No one has ever even managed to capture one on camera even though they are spotted in backyards and parks? No bodies left behind?
      Just watch the videos of the Gorilla walking upright because that's the closest thing to a Bigfoot you'll ever see.

    5. Bye, bye if you can't take the heat get out the kitchen! Either that or you're incapable of listening to reason and don't like the fact that yesterday you wasted $30 on something that is either bad science or a way to seperate idiots from their money. Starting to think that even if she stood there and said "sorry guys it's all junk" people would still defend it and believe it, "she was made to denounce it because the government couldn't have us knowing the truth!" would be the response.


    6. The truth, the couldn't handle the truth.

    7. 8:01 skeptard is living proof the world's population is dumbing down, denial on this subject is the only way such goofballs can fall asleep at night knowing the world as they knew it has run by them and will never be the same again with this news they're feverishly trying to suppress.

  19. That Matilda video is horrible. *THIS CRAP* is what Erickson has been holding onto with NDAs and secrecy all these years??? It's not worth anything. Watch them debunk it in 30 seconds on "Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files" show.

    1. Supposedly there is much better footage, although if there is I don't know why they would start with that.


    2. Yep there is matilda snoring, matilda breaking wind and one that shows she actually stops breathing for 30 seconds, I think this is called stacking but apparently this is not uncommon.

    3. Can't conclude much from it, it's basically just an animated version of the b&w picture we know.

  20. Shawn are you going to publish Robert Lindsay's take?


    1. Are you nuts he has gone all quasi religious in the church of St Melba I swear he has taken an Easter Sermon and substituted Jesus with Ketchum.

    2. Well, it's fact that Jesus Christ went through some hard times himself when treated like crap by pretending nonbelievers.

  21. The geneticists are the only savior now, she is correct. However I am not so sure that they can think outside that box.

  22. It appears that the night shift for the National Bigfoot Bigot Coalition, has clocked in. And they are doing their handywork here tonight. So, like when are you guys going to activate another Sleeper Cell, or is this all there is? Another question. How do you guys hold your meetings? Was it one of those skype get togethers where you mapped out your anti-Bigfoot propaganda strategy for the Ketchum DNA announcement? Or do you just handle the coordinated criminal harassment with emails? Did you get court orders to clandestinely wiretap Ketchum too? I am just curious how thugs operate these days, given the electronic age that we now find ourselves in. Inquiring minds want to know stuff like that.

    1. Bigfoot Sleeper Cell! It boggles the mind that you could even think of that, but worse, that you actually believe it. Yes, a sad, sad man.

  23. It's amazing how many people without any credentials in DNA, Biology, science or genealogy think they know so much more than the scientists involved. It's really funny how pathetic it is. It's like a 8 yr old arguing nuclear fusion and quantum mechanics with Einstein, Neil DeGasse or the like.... The study has a long way to go yet folks, so anyone claiming it's true or that it's fake, is way premature.
    The other sadness is that the same people asking others to be "open minded" are the ones who can't be themselves. It's ridiculously ironic.

    1. If it has so far to go why has it been published if it isn't a finished paper? Why all the lies?

    2. Stick a fork in her. She' Toast.

    3. @10:05, it's been published because Melba set up a website and posted it. There was no independent peer review, no "Already existing" journal, no nothing. Find one article from the Journal of Advanced whatever in Zoology and post the citation. I dare you.

  24. So Dr Ketchup is going for the quasi-peer review. If her independent reviewers are asked to sign an NDA they need to walk away from the whole affair. This is a scam and that would be paramount to saying I will help with it. No NDA's or be considered complicit in the scam.

    Why hasn't the data been uploaded to Genebank? If she really wants review then there is the place to start. If she really wants it.

    But I really don't think that's what she wants.

    1. The sad thing is that what she released will never be questioned by the true believers and the next dozen bigfoot shows on Animal Planet or the History Channel won't give a crap about how silly her findings are, they will make her look like she's a legit scientist that proved its existence. And she'll be more than happy to collect her appearance fee for this charade.

    2. One has to ask who are the "TOP SCIENTIST " is she going to release the lists so we know that thier qualified? Or exist?

    3. This analysis Should only take weeks not months right Melba?

    4. It will fall to how much cash Wally is willing to pay for those NDAs, but she's dealing from a much weaker position -- won't be so easy to bully everybody now.

    5. Top scientists? I'm hearing Bill Nye and Dr. Sanjay Gupta.

    6. Maybe they can get her some press.

  25. 2013

    The year bigfoot became equivalent to the mermaid.

    ~The J0k3R


    1. What you mean half woman and half fish, that's just weird it would mean a complete rebrand, something like Bigfin or Sascale.

  26. The funniest thing about this whole situation is that all the believers for a couple of years now kept saying that once the paper is released, it will speak for itself, Melba will be vindicated and science will be forced to recognize bigfoot.

    Guess what? That didn't happen and both science and reality is exposing her for what she is - a scam artist.

    1. She may be a lot of things, but I don't think see is trying to scam anyone. It's more of a case that she thinks that she is smarter than she really is.

    2. When you deliberately decieve people by publishing a 'scientific' paper on a website that you own and try to pass it off as an independent entity, that is the very definition of a scam.

    3. No 10:32, it's just the Dueling Expert Syndrome as usual.

      Anything controversial will suffer under the DES, a sideshow designed to keep the general public in the dark, and to convince them to laugh at all things Sasquatch.

      When you watch the mainstream media on this thing, it's embarrassing to see the bent-over-backwards gasping and hyperventilating in a goofy overkill effort to try to discredit the study. They aren't believable. It's forced-fake behavior, acting, and most talking heads are poor actors, probably failed actors, not journalists.

      I'm not stupid enough to believe them.

      Apparently you are.


      Tard on, skeptard, tard right on.

    4. ^ Geek unaware he has in fact just been crushed himself and all the troll nonsense wrong, new development suggest more scientists have taken a new interest in the paper post release now. Vindication is indeed coming for her and the study no matter how hard the BFRO boys or Tazers fight it.

  27. 2013 will be the Year of Bob Gimlin's Full Confession.

    1. He's already confessed . . . that the creature was a real creature.

      That's that.

      See it for yourself in the film. Try studying it 100 times in succession, stablized, various versions, before pronouncing such idiocy.

    2. Because he's one of the original two attention whores in bigfootery. With Roger being dead BobG can come clean and have the spotlight all to himself.

      That and the money he stands to make peddling his wares to talk shows and such.

    3. 10:15 and 11:39 are 2 jerkoffs who bleeved Kitakaze found the P/G suit.

    4. Footers pretend that watching PGF stabilized helps confirm that it's a Bigfoot, when in fact it only enhances the suits flaws. They often overlook MAJOR anatomical discrepancies in favor of film and video artifacts that almost look like "muscle movement" and wounds if you squint really hard.
      Listen, the idea of Bigfoot is really neat. But to think that there is a population of 7-8 foot tall bipedal ape people that has yet to be captured or documented is just irrational. They would leave SOMETHING behind- hair, poop, bones, etc.
      Having said all that, I don't really have a problem with footers being passionate about something. While most of us are sitting at home shoveling depressing meals into our mouths and pointing out the flaws of celebrities on television, these guys are out hunting a mythical beast. They'll never find it, but at least they're doing something they enjoy.
      I don't know. I guess what I'm saying is, lets all be friends.

    5. Fair enough. But the new age Ketchumites on one side, and the hateful scoffniks on the other, won't have it. They are totally bought into the conflict model, to the death, and the owner of the site thinks its funny.
      Sadly, no peace in our time.

    6. Skeptard 2:02 troll - HAS been found. WE do know now. And saying stabilizing pgf shows a suit is about as insane as it gets, it was a suit before to most people when it looked like a walking fur ball now though only you denying morons still see a suit and have to invent new movie techiques that didn't exist at the time to try covering up. There's nothing ape about these people whoever or whatever they are, they're merely good at hiding and probably already secretly protected by authorites with your very own favorite pastime - denial.

  28. Those Tazer people are some nice folks. From their fan page on facebook,

    Christopher York
    Listen I'm not advocating abusing women in any way nor would I, but doesn't Ketchum make you want to smack a bitch?? And then grab her by that fat you know she has on her arm drag her out of public view and go Bing Crosby on her ass? I'm not saying we should. I'm just saying....
    about an hour ago

    Bigfoot people are kind of dicks.

    1. ^ Severe insanity in critical stage.


    2. Yeah TT have the best fans out there they like to fantasize a lot but this one seems to be a little to extreme.

  29. Wheres the better video this shows no face,can be a suit,costume.

  30. Could you just imagine if Bob G did make a confession to hoaxing the film. Boy would that turn the bf world upside down. Wonder how the footers would react to it.


    1. I don't know how would you react, your a footer right.

    2. That won't happen, Gimlin knows this is a real squatch so that's not what he's holding back, only thing he may not know is what precisely a squatch is but that he saw a real one he knows he did indeed and may even have fired at her which would explain his slight embarrassment and single regret today.

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