University-Backed Bigfoot DNA Study, "Oxford-Lausanne Collateral Hominid Project" Now Accepting Samples

Dr. Bryan Sykes

On April 28, 2012, Dr. Jeff Meldrum of Idaho State had lunch with Dr. Bryan Sykes (a professor and author of and the New York Times best-seller The Seven Daughters of Eve) to talk about the possibility of starting up a Bigfoot DNA study. Meldrum mentioned his discussion with Dr. Sykes at the Pacific Northwest Conference on Primal People last month. Much about the DNA project had never been officially discussed or recognized outside the Bigfoot community-- until now. just published an article about a university-backed Bigfoot DNA project called the "Oxford-Lausanne Collateral Hominid Project" that's being led by Sykes and Michel Sartori of the Lausanne Museum of Zoology. For those of you who are getting tired of waiting for Dr. Melba Ketchum to publish her "Bigfoot DNA Study", there is light at the end of the tunnel. The new study is accepting samples from now through September. Testing should be completed by November of this year, and shortly after that, the results will be published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal-- the first such publication of cryptozoology results ever.

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Bigfoot & Yeti DNA Study Gets Serious
Jeanna Bryner, LiveScience Managing Editor
Date: 22 May 2012 Time: 11:02 AM ET

A new university-backed project aims to investigate cryptic species such as the yeti whose existence is unproven, through genetic testing.

Researchers from Oxford University and the Lausanne Museum of Zoology are asking anyone with a collection of cryptozoological material to submit descriptions of it. The researchers will then ask for hair and other samples for genetic identification.

"I'm challenging and inviting the cryptozoologists to come up with the evidence instead of complaining that science is rejecting what they have to say," said geneticist Bryan Sykes of the University of Oxford.

While Sykes doesn't expect to find solid evidence of a yeti or Bigfoot monster, he says he is keeping an open mind and hopes to identify perhaps 20 of the suspect samples. Along the way, he'd be happy if he found some unknown species. [Rumor or Reality: The Creatures of Cryptozoology]

"It would be wonderful if one or more turned out to be species we don't know about, maybe primates, maybe even collateral hominids," Sykes told LiveScience. Such hominids would include Neanderthals or Denosivans, a mysterious hominin species that lived in Siberia 40,000 years ago.

"That would be the optimal outcome," Sykes said.

The project is called the Oxford-Lausanne Collateral Hominid Project. It is being led by Sykes and Michel Sartori of the zoology museum.

Origin of a legend

The story of a big hairy monster of the Himalayas stomped into popular culture in 1951, when British mountaineer Eric Shipton returned from a Mount Everest expedition with photographs of giant footprints in the snow.

The cryptic creature goes by many names in many places: yeti or migoi in the Himalayas, Bigfoot or sasquatch in the United States and Canada, respectively; almasty in the Caucasus Mountains; orag pendek in Sumatra. [Infographic: Tracking Belief in Bigfoot]

And while reports of such creatures have abounded around the world since then, there is no real proof they exist; the reports inevitably turn out to be of a civet, bear or other known beast.

Yeti hairs

Sykes doesn't want to start receiving loads of skin, hair and other samples haphazardly, so he is asking people to send detailed descriptions of their "yeti" samples.

Once he and his colleagues have looked over the details — including physical descriptions of the sample (even photographs), its origin and ideas about the likely species it belongs to — they will send a sampling kit for those that are deemed suitable for study.

"As an academic I have certain reservations about entering this field, but I think using genetic analysis is entirely objective; it can't be falsified," Sykes said. "So I don't have to put myself into the position of either believing or disbelieving these creatures."

One theory about the yeti is that it belongs to small relic populations of other hominids, such as Neanderthals or Denisovans. While Sykes said this idea is unlikely to be proven true, "if you don't look, you won't find it."

The collection phase of the project will run through September, with genetic testing following that through November. After that, Sykes said, they will write up the results for publication in a peer-reviewed scientific journal; this would be the first such publication of cryptozoology results, he said.

"Several things I've done in my career have seemed impossible and stupid when contemplated, but have impressive results," Sykes said. When he set out to find DNA from ancient human remains, for instance, he thought, "It's never going to work." It did, and he published the first report of DNA from ancient human bones in the journal Nature in 1989.

[Update] Here's another article about this:
[Update #2] Here are the instructions on how to submit samples to the university. Click here.


  1. Wow! Really exciting, hope the many can round up non-injurous samples this summer, up until September!

    1. Ha! Ape, my science friend... you beat me! LOL
      David from the PAC/NW

    2. This article alone proves that Ketchum is a liar and her study complete bullshit. real science finally

    3. Ape! Couldnt have said it better! This is exciting

    4. Lets say it this way: Kerchum's study, when released, MAY be validated by this secondary study.

    5. First Ketchum has to release a study.

    6. idont ask how but I have bigfoot semen samples. Where can I send them?

    7. You took them out of your ass.

  2. This is VERY exciting! I'm interested in what the overall goal is and wether they're trying to identify a species or simply calculating its origin (Sykes' specialty). Either way, this is huge news for the BF and scientific communities! I'm also curious how his peers react to this...
    Is it December yet?! LOL
    David from the PAC/NW

    1. yeah, the scientific community is all atwitter...not.

    2. That, anon, will depend on the results... International press seems to be "all atwitter". Others may follow Dr. Sykes' lead, even prior to the publication phase.
      David from the PAC/NW

    3. David, It will be hard to ignore this level of scrutiny.
      This is something many BFers have been wating for...and it's free...and, apparently free of NDAs as well!
      Now, getting the samples in by September..., hummm....seems some are ready and waiting (if not there already)...should be an interesting/eventful and happy summer, barring any unforeseen tragedies to humans or Sasquatches.

  3. About time. The problem will be in getting him "good" samples. It's not like we find fingers laying around everyday. I do have a couple of poles I know of that routinely have hair on them, some of it is obviously bear, but others up higher are usually long and more human like. I even have a few strands with folicles. I wonder how big of a sample they will need. Would be nice to know what is leaving that hair.

    1. there are several in Bfness that have decent microspoes who will take a look...there aare some differences that could narrow the question for key words as I am not recalling just who can do this anymore

  4. Lets start naming recognized Bigfoot champions who absolutely will NOT submit nor have samples verified by this study: Justin Smeja, Rick Dyer, Adrian Ericksson Derek Randals will not participate, 100% guarntee. And, you are about to see Melba Ketchum and her bullshit DNA study disappear into thin air, just like a Bigfoot

    1. agree 1000%. If any those folks had evidence we would all know by now

    2. While you may or may not be correct, there is not and "end all" study in science and actually, most scientists would rather not be "the first" to put out a paper on a blank subject. There is room for both studies and readistically, one needs the other right now...
      I cannot imagine Dr. Sykes study disappearing, so we can expect result... wether we like them, or not! He could just as easily, shut this subject down, like so much Bhuttan Yetti Hair...
      David from the PAC/NW

    3. I think with his clout, Meldrum can tell every one of those you named (forget Dyer) to put up or be permanently discredited.

      Any legitimate scientific journal Ketchum may be aiming for will REQUIRE samples to remain available for further independent study. So Melba will be forced to share if she wants to publish 'soon' in a legitimate manner. Will be most interesting to see the route she takes -- go for 'soon' and share, or stall until 2013.

    4. I think Dr. Sykes will be surprised as most will be that this species is in fact an unknown hominin, skeptics say well how could they have survived in our time without us knowing. Why, nothing's probably easier since it was their only choice (to retreat back to the mountains and forests) when modern man went elsewhere. Goes for worldwide, the odd sightings remain our species' only interaction with them. My best bet is still very much Dr. Ketchum's study, but the more the merrier.

    5. to Anon at 1140-so many of us hope and pray you are right, for Melba's sake and for the protection of these precious animals. You sound like someone who doesnt typically post here, and you may be an "insider", I do hope you know something we dont ;)

    6. Anon 11:40,

      I'll take your Kethum bet and raise you 3 highly credible and trustworthy Doctors who will be involved in this one. Deal?

    7. With the exception of Dr. Ketchum, for obvious reasons, my guess is the groups you naem will be first in line with samples...

    8. Derek Randles has already submitted samples you douche.

  5. Meldrum/Sykes vs Melba/Sally in a tagteam cagematch. Popcorn?

    1. I predict this study finds no evidence for unknown animals/man, and also that right now Melba is thinking " time to move to costa rica"

    2. Thanks! I love popcorn!

    3. Glad to report that prediction is way off-course.

    4. Meldrum and Sykes could "out Doctor" Ketchum while armed only with an Operation Board Game.

  6. Just saw the report in the news online:

    Can't wait for some results.

  7. What is the old saying if you do not succeed try try again!!! Love it!

  8. It is difficult to conceive of a better scenario for BF DNA study. What will also be gratifying will be seeIng Ketchum's sham fall apart at the seams. If there is to be meaningful progress made along these lines, my bet is on Oxford and not the veterinarian from Texas.

    1. She and her partners have wasted too much time trying to work out how they'll make money from her study.... snooze, ya lose. Jeff Meldrum has cut the legs right out from under their plans. I bet there were more than a few shitting their pants at the conference. Could explain the Melba no-show as well if she got any advance notice. Hahaha!!!

    2. Your peer jealousy can't save you, troll.

    3. Yo mamma, yo Daddy, yo grease- headed Granny Foo! You the Troll! Yeah, WHAT?

    4. Yep everything is bigger in Texas. And that would include the lies and the woman researcher.

    5. That's exactly what has occurred. Ketchum was/has been and probably STILL IS more concerned with ways of lining her pockets with cash than advancing this field of study "scientifically". The big players have grown tired of the charade and decided to "flush her out". Either she has something or she doesn't and I have a feeling we'll know come December (on both studies). If she hasn't released her findings by then its safe to say she's got NOTHING.

  9. This is great news. I have been waiting for something like this a long time. I also feel that this is giving the Ketchum group a lot of credibility. There must be a lot of closed door conversations going on around the scientific community discussing what their findings findings have shown. To have a major university pop up out of the blue showing major interest is not a coincidence!

    Its going to be exciting times in 2012! There's going to be a more studies popping up in the near future, and the proper people will start to get funding for huge feild research projects!

    Cheers to go the Ketchum group for getting the ball rolling!

    Paul from BC

    1. I can only speculate but I think you put the hammer on the nail with this one Paul. Since Meldrum came on board with Derek Randles and the Olympic project their have been rumors of shall I say uneasiness with the Ketchum study, and a need for another study. With the evidence that had been gathered an alternative avenue needed to be pursued. Man I wish I could have been at that lunch with Meldrum and Sykes when Meldrum would have presented Sykes with all the knowledge and potential samples he knows about.

      Just have to like Sykes' attitude about several times in his career doing what seemed impossible and stupid, only to have impressive results. Well Mr. Sykes you are embarking on what most in the science community are saying is impossible and stupid that just may lead to your most impressive result to date and possibly the greatest scientific find of the 21st century and my hat is off to you Sir.


    2. The people that post here and make flagrant statements about Dr. Ketchum is what's wrong this study area. The ones making those statements expect professional researchers to work this area, you are out of your mind.

      I have many friends that look at the people highlighted on bigfoot research shows and they laugh, many look like idiots. They have never supplied one ounce of research to further a hypothesis. They claim they are "Finding Bigfoot" yet haven't found anything of scientific value. There are rumors floating throughout the bigfoot world that one major group that enjoys being on TV was funded for eight years to find DNA and they found NOTHING, doesn't sound research-like to me...

      Even if Dr. Ketchum fails and doesn't get her paper reviewed, she has opened the eyes and ears of others about what SHOULD be done to further this research. Why hasn't other researchers, or so called researchers attempted a DNA study before????

      Be civil, be polite and you might be surprised who walks into the space.

    3. If you know how to read between the lines of what these two professors are saying about their new project, they're saying they actually acknowledge and respect the Ketchum lead study.

    4. You are exactly right! Thats all I've read too. Acknowlagement and Respect for the Ketchum group!

      Paul from BC

    5. I agree also, this is very exciting and it probably wouldn´t have happened if it wasn´t for Ketchum. Let´s hope for the best. I wonder if Erickson is going to hold on to his material for this new study.


    6. I doubt he will. I would think he needs to start recouping some of his major investment sooner rather than later.

      BC Paul

    7. I'm so glad to hear that Dr Meldrum has found someone in the scientific community that is willing to take a chance on this-not knocking the Ketchum Report or Erickson, but to me, Meldrum is near the top of the viable credibility list. I hope they get good results!!

    8. "probably wouldn't have happened if it weren't for Ketchum" okay. Why? You seem to be suggesting Ketchum set some kind of prescedent. Maybe it's just me, but wouldn't it be likely that DNA analysis would enter the picture regardless simply because it is effective? For crying out loud, they've been using it on Maury Povitch for years. It's not like Ketchum invented the process.
      I am willing to bet the Oxford study will avoid the carnival atmosphere and self congratulatory tone of Ketchum's endeavor.

    9. Melba Posts Anonymously Here Now!Tuesday, May 22, 2012 at 2:45:00 PM PDT

      at no point does anyone acknowledge or throw respect towards Ketchum here. Nice try Melba, posting as anon here! Geez.....

    10. Melba better get her butt back to work on putting out a paper, and clear up those embarrassing little BBB cases. Sykes wants 20 good samples. He may have those within a week, close submissions and publish SOONER than expected.

    11. nice post Paul..
      I agree, this attention lends credibility to her efforts...
      and...everyting else you said..ditto!

    12. Pfft! Of course, they'd acknowledge her study... and they've quite effectively demonstrated what they truly think of her work -- it's BS, or they wouldn't be doing it themselves.

  10. Derek Randles, if you're reading this,
    Maybe you could get Bart to send a little blood sample from the boots in too?

    1. Smeja is a fucking liar in case you didnt know. "aww shucks, i uh i uh just dont know why I didnt grab the little un". what a lying piece of shit and I used to respect Randles but screw him!! for sticking so close to Smeja's lying ass then assisting in the coverup!!! Smeja if you lurk here karma is a bitch you liar!!!

    2. It's probably smarter to wait and see...
      you friggin' douche nozzle.

  11. Anybody that doesn't send samples they have is not honestly interested in proving this species.

    1. Like fairy dust and unicorn horns.....samples are hard to come by

  12. Well what do you get when you take snowpounder and put him in a room with baby oil and flabsino? One happy man named rick dyer

  13. I wonder what dyer and flabsino and snowpounder are gonna have to say about this new study? Im sure they will attack it the exact same way they did ketchum. But with meldrum involved will they dare? I dont think any of them quite have the balls to go their. As the few cronies they do have would soon abandon them. Why meldrum has this god like association i dont know but he does. So bottom line, these 3 individuals have the balls to go after a weird woman and her women assoicates but dont have the balls to go after a respected scientist. That right their should be enough to bury these guys. Their really big men. Itll be interesting to see if they even mention it, and im sure we will all know if they do because shawn will definetly be giving them plenty of exposure.

    1. Anon 12:30,

      Are you retarded? Dead serious question there. The Sykes/Meldrum study is seconds old, not years. Sorry the obvious escapes you. You need to open the doors to your trailer and get some fresh air circulating. You sound like a disheartened feminist to boot. News flash, them stating the "obvious" had nothing to do with sex, it has to do with the way she's handled the process. You're obviously a Ketchum fanboy. I'm sure theyre sorry that the truth hurts (sarcasm).

    2. wow your so smart snowpounder, of is this shawn or possibly dyer himself. I guess it could be flabsino but its bigmac hour over at the stonewall, so hes busy.

    3. And just to show you how smart you are. I think Jeff Meldrum has been in the bigfoot world for well over 20 years now and has been working with the ketchum group for several years now. Yet we never hear anything from dyer, snowpacker, flabsino or any of the others attacking him. Why? because they have no balls. And 2 years from now they still wont be attacking this new study, because they still want have the balls. If you want some though you should talk to rick dyers brother, i hear he collects them

    4. You're obviously share an intellect on par with Forrest Gump. So what if Meldrum has worked with Ketchum? That has NO BEARING on the DNA study of which Ketchum is piloting. So, as you can see (Im reaching I know) it would make ZERO sense to clown on Meldrum. Are you HONESTLY this obtuse? Again, open those doors, you're smothering.

    5. You know a comment is going to be a real winner when it starts out with "and just to show you how smart you are." Maybe we shouldn't provoke him though, I've heard retartds are incredibly strong.

    6. Yeah, don't provoke them, or they may fly into a rage all fists and elbows, with the strength of an ape... Not even a bullet would bring them down!

  14. ketchum's study will be out way before the new study takes place

    1. I hope that's true, because then she'll have to allow Sykes to review her samples.

    2. You mean the study that has been rejected for the 3rd time and will not be coming out ??

    3. Bah, it's not been rejected and it will come out.

  15. I'm going to be offering the hair samples I have at home, though they'll likely not be accepted now as they are 3 years old. There was just no one to send them to before this, except Dr. Farenbach. He looked at one set of samples I sent and said they most closely matched what he believes to be squatch hair from other samples. Hope I find new ones this weekend! :)

    For those questioning why we haven't done DNA studies in the past, it is REALLY expensive, even if you can find a lab to do it in.

    1. Since Dr. Sykes expertise is retrieving DNA from ancient bones your 3 year old hair should come in handy, in fact they are requesting the samples be hair. You seem to have success in Minnesota and maybe can get some fresh hair.

      Best of Luck

  16. The MIB must have been a bit concerned about Ketchum's study so they have commisioned this one themselves to "prove" that there is no evidence for bigfoot and therefore doesn't exist,debunk Ketchum's study and shut the door on bigfoot speculation forever.

  17. So once again, another study that will amount to nothing without a body. DNA from an unknown primate. File that under, interesting, but inconclusive. No body, no Bigfoot. Once again for the choir, even Wonder Boy Meldrum acknowledges that he is unaware of a single new species that has been identified solely on DNA.

    1. If that happens, it's still from a source that gives us RELIABLE truth to pursue.

    2. This is a study... A beginning... Not a safari. Even if a corpse is the ultimate scientific goal (which it's not in 2012, BTW), we need to learn more in order to obtain such a specimine.
      This is the type of study that can/will justify further study into other areas, if compelling. No, it won't get you the "touchy-feely" proof you desire, but could be the start of something that leads to that end... and probably not at the end of a rifle.
      David from the PAC/NW

  18. Ketchum bites the dust!!!!

  19. I see they are editing the comments again. I watched 2 network news casts tonight and no mention of this announcment.

    1. More power to the edit button if all you contributed was more lame Dyer and Fatsino garbage. What a waste of space in the midst of this important news!


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