Sasquatches Shot and Killed: Interview with the Shooter [30 Minute YouTube Clip]

Justin Smeja

According to Squatch-Detective Steve Kulls, Sunday night's show featuring Sierra Kills shooter Justin Smeja, made history by linking three different networks consisting of Crpyto 4 Corners Radio, of G-Streaming, hosted by JC Johnson, MNBRT Radio of BlogTalk Radio, hosted by Abe DelRio, and Squatch-D TV by the Paranormal TV Network.

Turn out was great, to hear the alleged story of Justin Smeja, in his own voice, tell the tale of how he allegedly shot two Sasquatch, much to the chagrin of the other person he was with. Also on the call was the driver as well, and for the first time, gave his recollection of events.

Plus the follow up of veteran Bigfoot researcher Bart Cutino, explaining the area where the alleged incident took place.

Many questions were asked to dispel rumors, and many new facets of information came out of the interviews.

Some pertinent information came out regarding the size and type of sample, turning out that it was not a “steak” at all, but more of a hide, according to Smeja. The fact that there are pictures, yet uncirculated, pertaining to the collection of the sample. That the sample weighed only 2 lbs., on the high side.

There were many other gems to come out of this program as well, and the tough questions were not held back.

As I’ve said in the past, the job of a host, is not to be an arbiter of opinion, but the conduit in which the audience can communicate with the guests. So we tried not to miss any questions, and a lot were answered by Smeja’s recounting at the very onset of the link up of the three networks.

We act like a judge at a jury trial, the decision to believe the account is completely up to our audience’s own opinion, which remained tactful and tasteful in chat, and I wish to thank all of the chat participants, for voicing their opinions in a tasteful manner and not fighting those with opposing views in chat.

- Steve Kulls

Listen to the clip below (30 minutes):

Uploaded by impossiblevisits on Jan 1, 2012
On October 8, 2010, in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, Justin Smeja and his hunting buddy allegedly came upon an adult Sasquatch and two young ones. Smeja says that In the confusion that followed, he killed the adult and one of the juveniles. Here is his story.

Update: Someone Bigfoot Forums posted a transcript of Justin Smeja speaking.



  1. To the "chagrin" of the two with him? Objectivity in interviews and writing is difficult. Would "horror" have been a better choice?

  2. If this is true, then it's cold blooded murder. If an animal raises its arms in a don't shoot gesture, then it's clearly intelligent enough to communicate. The only monster here is Smeja.

  3. This day will go down in history. Folks, you are watching history unfold right in front of you.


    2. That's not what your mom said! Robert is yo daddy!

  4. Seriously you guys that are getting your panties in a twist over this...COME ON HES A LIAR!!!!!! He didnt shoot a bigfoot!!! He didnt shoot a baby...HES SHOPPING HIS STORY AND WRITING A BOOK!!!!!

  5. Two quotes: 'it looked like a man in a suit' and 'it held it's arms up as if to say don't shoot', this guy is f##king idiot and should never have been let loose with a firearm!

  6. History? Do you remember the name of the gy who shot 59 gorillas in the 1800's? He wrote a book, describing how they cried with human sounding agony as they died. I don't remember his name, just what a sad person he must have been to cause so much destruction and pain.
    I do remember George Schaller, Diane Fossey, and Jane Goodall, for all the right reasons. That's history worth remembering.

  7. Anon in TExas,

    2 words come to mind; stupidity and murderer.

    I hope this guy is full of sh!T and making it up.

  8. I remember Elizabeth Strum. If this shooter read her 1970's book (nothing new here), "Almost Human," he might find a better place in the human tribe. The behavior of Baboons explains a lot about so-called modern human behavior.

  9. If someone finds a transcript of this interview or at least of the most interesting parts of it, please post the URL here. As I am German I have a tough time trying to understand the speech in this video.

  10. That interview really really exposed the degree with with Smeja lies. He wasn't even comfortable trying to repeat things he's rehearsed. How that went down and if that went down are still up in the air, but either way, the guy is seriously disturbed.

  11. I would have to say he is still lying about what happen. Only because if he is writing abook why tell the whole story to a blogtalk radio audience ? I think they do have the baby and they have to keep secret for NDA teasons.

  12. I think Smeja's Bigfoot story is a cover-up for the fact that he was poaching and killing bears.

  13. Absolutely incredible story. Finding the tissue under three feet of snow is hard to comprehend but the proof is in the freezer.
    I know the DNA work is pending but is there any official word on the microscopic evaluation of the hair on this sample.

  14. If you shoot something "behind the shoulder" you ARE shooting it in the back! How can anyone describe something as a"kid" and then proceed to to shoot it in the neck. This guy is either a bull sh###er or evil.

  15. For Andrea. You can go to MNBRT radio to get the full interview as they conducted this last night, and it is a little clearer. You can skip the first 13 minutes, until they get Justin on the phone. This interview really needs to be done by
    Coast to Coast AM. No knock against the MNBRT people, you did a good job, it is simply an audio issue.

    To many emotions going through me, but I am terribly sad. I just can not believe that he could shot the toddler and watch it die at his feet. Who could do such a thing?

    Chuck in Ohio

  16. IF ... this turns out to be true, three things will happen:

    1. These guys will go to prison.
    2. They'll be stripped of any book or movie deal rights or earnings.
    3. Legislation will pass protecting whatever this was they shot.

  17. Spare me. If he actually shot a guy in a bear suit, he wouldn't go to prison. Furthermore, you can't convict someone for shooting a creature that's been mocked out of existence.

    Common sense, people.

  18. This whole story smells of bigfoot dung. No hunter would shoot a bigfoot and leave it there. The pick-up truck window frame was used to steady the shot. So, the truck was right there. No hunter would shoot a small bigfoot and not put the body in the back of the truck and take it out of there. Leaving it there would never happen. Regardless of what kind of excuse can be given for not doing this, if this was a true story, leaving the body would not happen.

  19. This is like many other bigfoot stories. All talk, no proof.

  20. What a load of bigfoot manure.

  21. [RE
    This whole story smells of bigfoot dung. No hunter would shoot a bigfoot and leave it there. The pick-up truck window frame was used to steady the shot. So, the truck was right there. No hunter would shoot a small bigfoot and not put the body in the back of the truck and take it out of there. Leaving it there would never happen. Regardless of what kind of excuse can be given for not doing this, if this was a true story, leaving the body would not happen.]

    You didn't listen to his words. He said the little one looked like a black child. He wasn't about to put that out there as a trophy. When everyone saw it, they would have had him hung. Personally, I hope to see him at a conference. I am going to blind side his ass with a nice hard punch. No different than what he did to a female and a child.

  22. I found his descriptions of the bigfoots interesting. Not really how they are usually described. This sort of makes it seem more beleivable, instead of saying the same old thing. Then again, he could be lying and didn't really do his research.

  23. @Chuck from Ohio:
    Thank you, this one is much better and not giving me the headaches i got from the youtube one.

  24. so you guys complain about this guy for shooting a BF, then complain about him for not taking in a human like body

  25. If any of this actually happened the way that this person explains it, a couple of things more than bother me. First, isn't there a law against shooting game animals from a road or roadside, whether you are in or out of your vehicle? There is in my state. And second, if he did in fact shoot an animal that he couldn't readily identify, logically it wasn't a game animal. So if he shot it, in my book he's not a hunter ... he was just being a dumbass. Now, if this animal that he couldn't identify was charging him and/or he was in fear for his life, I could understand stopping the potential threat. However, from the account linked above this was NOT the case and this person is NOT a (responsible) hunter.

    I know that there's something out there, and I have been trying to find out exactly what it is for a while now. However, the only reason that I would ever shoot one was if I felt that I was in fear for my life. This would only be a LAST RESORT. And from my personal experience or from anything (credible) that I've read so far, as long as this particular animal is not provoked it doesn't seem to be a threat.

  26. If this is true, this guy is a real POS.

  27. In the original post on, he stated the creature looked like a strange bear...and he was bear hunting.

    Why he didn't mention that in the interview is beyond me.

  28. Murderers of humans often leave behind the body in their guilt and haste. His story indicates he knew they were not bear, but rather a hairy type human. He shot and killed a mother and child according to his story. Watched them die and went back to get samples to get rich. What an asshole.

  29. To the anonymous who ended with common sense people.

    You are completely wrong that a guy can't go to jail for shooting an animal that's been mocked out of.existence. If he shot a Bigfoot in CA he can face fines and jail time because CA gives you the right to hunt any Mammals, birds, fish, and reptiles that you specifically have a tag for, or that is listed as a animal that can be hunted without a tag (coyote, squirrels, gopher)

    A few years ago a man of Catalina caught a Oar Fish which he wanted to keep, but because CA didn't have it listed it was illegal to kill the animal.

  30. I don't think anyone has to worry about what Justin did to the bigfoots ... because it didn't happen. Losers like Smeja have spun tales like this for years. It's a typical over-the-top fishy smelling "I killed Bigfoot" story. If you've been reading reports for years you'll see all the red flags with this guy's story. It's just a variation of the bogus stories told on Coast-to-Coast AM from time to time. Justin is not a murderer, he's just a liar.

    Obviously he would have taken something home with him after the incident. Justin is a poacher who hangs around pot growers. You don't think it would occur to him to retrieve something so unusual? He made up the whole thing because he has nothing to lose.

  31. So what happened to the man from Catalina? Is he in prison? Come on. Besides, Smeja has stated previously he was looking at a strange bear. If he was indeed bear hunting, then it was arguably a misidentification (with a heretofore fictitious animal).

    He's already stated the DFG aren't taking an interest. Again, no one is going to jail over this.

  32. Under such circumstances, no jury would convict a guy, with a bear hunting licence, of shooting a large hairy animal. He could claim it was an accident. Hunters shoot other hunters and don't go to jail.

  33. I don't believe this is the first time this has happened. It just happens to be that Justin came forward, was able to retrieve the tissue that was used in the DNA study. It doesn't matter whether you think it was the hide described or the body. If we don't take this and learn from it, push some kind of legislation or hunter education of the existence of this creature, these kinds of scenarios will keep happening. It was always just a matter of time.

  34. Really? He didn't take the dead small bigfoot out with him in his truck because it looked like a black child. What an asinine excuse. Does he really expect anyone to believe that. Unless he actually shot a black child and not a bigfoot, there would have been no reason that the small bigfoot wasn't put into the truck and taken out of there. In a day or two he would have been famous around the world and likely made a good deal of money from the find of the century.

  35. I was hoping that hearing Justin's voice telling the story would change my impression of him. It did. It reinforced and strengthened my conviction that he is an evil soul without any sense of morals or ethics - completely without a conscience. Disgusting individual.

  36. Almost everyone posting here believes that they would all think rationally about this whole situation. Think about it, your hunting, see what you have been told your whole life is a legend, and kill it, only to see that it is extremely man like. Most people would freak out in this situation, because most people wouldn't be aware of any convictions they may recieve for doing so. If I shot something that looked like a man, i wouldn't really be thinking so rationally.

    He shot the big one, panicked, realized he had no proof to show, so he shot the little one, saw it was extremely human-like, and panicked again. Him finding the hide makes sense. If the corpse was foraged by scavangers, it's not hard to believe there were some pieces left. And with it snowing, the idea that traces of the animal remained are not far fetched.

    Eveyones making this guy look either evil or stupid. First of all, Bigfoot will not get proven until we bring in a corpse. They are reportedly next to impossible to capture, and DNA and film can only do so much. As grim as it is, we NEED a body to prove that they are real. This guy does just that, and suddenly he's wanted for murder (lol).

    Yes he didnt bring the body of the younger one. That says something about his morals, and just how rational he was at the time. If you had just killed a legend, you're not exactly going to be thinking straight.

  37. It's amazing how people will make excuses for this guy to make it seem that he actually shot two sasquatches. This story is much like many other bigfoot shooting stories, an interesting story with absolutely not one shred of evidence to support the story.

    The idea that someone would shoot a sasquatch, let alone two sasquatches, and leave with nothing but a story is ridiculous, especially since the truck was right there in which to carry away the body.

  38. He has a hide that came back as an unidentified, close to human primate. What else do you want?

  39. It came back as what? Where is the data at? He is like all the other BF Liars....all talk!

  40. Just curious, did Biscardi's $50 thousand offer to buy the "steak" come up at all? If so, is Smeja interested?

  41. No Anonymous he had to release the oar fish. Of course he isn't going to jail because he didn't do anything, but I can guarantee if it comes to light that this actually happened then he will be in trouble. Right now its a BS story and DFG have real things to worry about.

  42. This is definitely another bigfoot BS story. It's amazing that so many people are falling for this story hook, line, and sinker.

  43. This the same guy who calimed this last Maarch 2011 on Lindsay's blog, for a sample he said he sent to Ketchum's famed but unavailable study in November 2010. Ketchum and all the contributors would jepordize their study with such a questionable and possibly illegal sample, so it does sound like total BS. Many, many interviews later the story gets less credible.

  44. I doubt the story, but if true I have a lot of trouble with what he did.
    If he did actually kill a little one, he should have brought it back and revealed it. Then we would have the proof that a corpse would provide, and could put a stop to the "kill BF" crowd. And provide protective legislation. If he really did kill and leave it behind then it is a missed opportunity.

  45. Or he could have picked up the living youngster(s) and brought them out to reveal to the world. Much better than killing one and leaving the other an orphan alone.
    If Smeja's story is true, he messed up all around.

  46. The sample is in Ketchum's study. I know some folks think they can divine the truth without any research but alas, it doesn't work that way.

  47. I am a Hollywood-style director, based in San Diego, and I would like to partner with an outstanding Bigfoot researcher to produce "Baby Bigfoot in New York", a horror-thriller film based on the famous baby Bigfoot footage featured on last night's episode of Finding Bigfoot.

    Please respond to this posting via email ( my Google+/Facebook page and present your qualifications as a Bigfoot hunter as well as a one paragraph "elevator pitch" outlining your ideas for the film's treatment (plot.) In the pitch paragraph please incorporate creative ideas and intertwine them with your actual Bigfoot encounter experiences, while keeping in mind the Baby Bigfoot angle.

    I will only respond to the very best pitches.

    Please do not submit if you don't have perfunctory writing skills and Bigfoot hunting experience -- your background will help me sell this film to distributors via substantiation and verification.

    This will be my second Bigfoot film in a planned Trilogy. The first was widely distributed and was a theatrical, literary and home video success. I plan on building on the first film's success and popularity with this proposed second installment - all I need is the right Bigfoot researcher with phenomenal stories and the correct pedigree.

    Pay is non-committal, but the right researcher will receive gross profit points in the 3rd installment, tentatively titled "Bigfoot 3D: Sasquatch Unchained."

    This is not a crackpot deal. I am a completely trustworthy Industry professional with bond and license pending.

    I will only be accepting submissions between 01/02/12 and 01/07/12.

    Good luck!

  48. What is bond and license pending mean Mr. FilmGuy.?? Sounds kinda crackpot to me... Especially advertisingl like this on blog posts. and then to put a time limit on as well. ROFLMAO

    Your intents might be genuine, but your methodologies are def crackpot and scream Run Forest Run.

  49. I must say that I am a 100% believer in BF. I am also deeply saddened if any BF was muredred. I also listen to the interview 3 times. No photo's, no video, and no evidence from the day of the shooting? Today hunters record eveything, just check youtube.IMO It is really difficult to figure out if Smeja really shot the female and child. The entire story seems strange enough to be true but, going back weeks later to find the bodies makes no sense. I don't want to call Smeja a liar but, the story has some holes in it. This was made clear by two specific examples that were brought up in the interview last night. The first example is that Smeja claims he never spoke to Dr. Ketchum? One would think she would have a series of questions for the person who "took" the sample. Not for nothing but, you would think a scientist researching DNA would need to verify the source of the sample from the provider of the sample. There has be some serious chain of custody questions concerning any contamnation at the least.Furthermore, in attempting to discover a new spieces one would really need to cover the bases before submitting a report. The second reason is that during the inerview in was meentioned that Dr. Meldrum, who visted the shooting site with Smeja and others, was skeptical about the whole sample story because he thought the hide was from a coyote. I have been following the BF saga for a while. I have tried to read everything out there. I can't recall anybody questioning Dr. Meldrum's integirty. If he had a problem with the sample, this should open many peoples eyes. Hopefully, the true believers are not being thrown a curveball.

  50. I did not listen to the interview because I have serious doubts about this guys truthfulness/honesty.

    I can say that as a hunter for many years that I have been around men who look at killing another creature as a pure adrenaline rush.

    Most life long big game hunters would not look at the sasquatch from an emotional stand point prior to shooting it. They would look at the animal as another "trophy" to list on their resume of hunting accomplishments. Only after seeing a humanlike reaction after the shots are fired would this cause a big game hunter to second guess what they had just done and if they should flee the scene.

    IF this shooting actually occurred, I firmly believe this is exactly what happened. This guy shot before he thought. I do believe that guys like this can justify anything they do with a gun. (In their own mind anyway.)

    I have many years of law enforcement experience, and I have shot a killed people in the line of duty. I was recruited to be part of an elite sniper team because of my prior firearms expertise. But for me, the idea of killing someone who was not necessarily wanting to kill me first didn't set well with me.

    I can honestly say that I do know those out there that look forward to this type of "run in" though. Whether it be with a bigfoot, or a gun yeilding crack dealer, many firearms experts/big game hunters are very cold and calculated when it comes to taking lives.


  51. It can't just be a "steak" or "hide" from the creature. "If" this story is true, I think they would have some sort of specimen. It only makes sense. Can you imagine the attention this story would gather if it got out that he had a full bigfoot, it would no doubt damage the paper submittal process.

    Right from day one justins been in touch with the proper people, and in order for this whole DNA study/erickson project to be successful, they had to keep the cover of the full body so there was minimal attention.

    I wouldn't be surprised, when everythings out in the open, one day, that we find out there is a baby specimen.

    Just a theory if turns out to be true.

  52. I don't find it hard to believe that BFs exist & have likely been shot by "Soul-less"game hunters however I do find these particular descriptions of events somewhat ridiculous, mostly due to the contradictions, discrepancies and illogical behaviours. Can someone tell me why a "Blind" sample cannot be submitted to an independent DNA lab, thereby(hopefully) preventing any conflict of interest or questionable "scientific integrity". Something is out there, let's just prove it & protect it ALREADY!

  53. Dear Mr. Anonymous:

    I am bonded and licensed through a friend and those bonds and licenses are pending. Is that clear enough? Perhaps Independent filmmaking jargon is unfamiliar to you?

    I am a respected filmmaker in the greater San Diego area and the reason I'm "advertising" on this blog is because I was told this is the place to find genuine Bigfoot researchers with authentic stories. My backers will settle for nothing less.

    If you doubt my credibility please reference my IMDb page. I have written, directed and produced many known films that were distributed on DVD and theaters in outlying territories. I was recently the guest of honor at the Independent filmmakers convention at the Al Bahr temple in Clairemont, CA. and I once hosted a Hollywood-style party at the W. Hotel in downtown San Diego, which is also known as "America's Finest City."

    Some have said that I produced & directed the most realistic Bigfoot film to date, and who are we to refute them? My production spend hundreds of dollars on that Sasquatch suit.

    Anyone with minimal writing ability and genuine Bigfoot hunting/encounter stories please email me at This could be the opportunity of a lifetime: your chance to tell the world your story while rubbing elbows with the Hollywood elite.

    Again: My standards are very high and I will only acknowledge the very best entries.

    My deadline is my deadline (01/07/12). It cannot be undone.

    Best of luck! The entries are already pouring in -- will yours be the winner?

  54. Well....... Mr. FilmGuy. What is your web page and what is your name.

  55. @anonymous: my name is Karl Kozak. My qualifications and certifications can be found here:

    I directed the most celebrated Bigfoot film in the history of cinema: Clawed, the Legend of Bigfoot (AKA Unknown)

  56. It must be Chris Munch. He's the guy who made "Letters to the Big Man".

    Here's his bio and filmography:

    Chris, you may not have realized the biggest challenge for your proposal. It is possible to have a great make-up/costume artist like Lee Romaire create a great costume for an actor with a very large frame, and make it look pretty realistic .... but when you're trying to create a representation of a young bigfoot, a baby bigfoot (which look like a very buff gibbon) that can run on all four like a baboon and then up into climb trees arm-over-arm like and ape, and swing on branches, etc. .... make-up and good costume aren't going to help much. Humans simply cannot move the way baby bigfoots do. Not even very small and athletic humans can climb around in trees like a gibbon.

    So you'll be let with two choices, neither of which are very attractive: 1) You'll have to fictionalize the appearance of a baby bigfoot (i.e. make a completely false representation), so that baby bigfoot can be portrayed by a costumed actor.

    Or ... 2) Create a digital baby bigfoot that looks more anatomically correct ... But then you've got to create a really good digitally animated bigfoot. That will be expensive ... and it's just not the Chris Much way to do things ... but neither is laughably misrepresented baby bigfoot figure.

    I'd love to hear how you will deal with that difficult issue.

  57. They should make a movie in which a sasquatch finds a hunter's gun and learns how to use it. Instead of throwing rocks at intruders, he shoots live ammo over their heads.

  58. "The most celebrated Bigfoot film in the history of cinema" ... that most people have never heard of, and didn't even rise to amusing schlock status because it was so completely stupid. It was, in fact, one of the worst Bigfoot films in cinema history, and it was celebrated by no one but you, sir ... and the rest of your movies are just as unknown as "Unknown". Go peddle your bullshit somewhere else.

    "The most celebrated bigfoot film in cinema history ..." I thought you were being sarcastic, but I think you're being serious. What a joke !!

  59. I have a dedicated CGI team leasing time at Skywalker Ranch. This team of go getters are ready to create a baby Bigfoot that will blow your proverbial mind. Our initial wireframe models are based on adult Gibbons -- but much more muscular and savage, think: a four foot tall gibbon on steroids.

    I am not Chris Munch, however: I am Karl Kozak... my friends call me "Zack"

  60. Was that Harry and the Hendersons?

  61. Dear Mr. Anonymous: there is no cause to hurl insults. My films are unimpeachable. The New York Times calls Clawed: the Legend of Sasquatch a "A reflection of the spirit of the wild; a triumph."

    Also@Anonymous:The next time I see you building my sandwich at Subway I will ask for extra everything.

  62. Pleeeease Zach... I also thought you must be letters from the big man movie. Please stop your own insults here on this respectable forum. Make your movies, but please don't try to off the backs of true Bigfoot enthusiasts... Create all the fiction yu want, but don't try to be factual with what you don't now.

  63. I checked out your page... Your latest 'movie' was skidarks? Is that a play off dirty underwear? We don't blame you for trying to make a move on the Bigfoot scene, but pay your dues first... Show some interest..some sincerity.. And maybe someone credible will let you close enough to make a movie worth watching. if you are after another B-movie horror flick, then you don't need anyone m the forum to assist you.

  64. As a certified Hollywood-style Director I am indeed a fan of Bigfoot and the whole Bigfoot scene. My favorite episodes of the Six Million Dollar Man featured Ted Cassidy as the Sasquatch himself.

    I wouldn't bother you folks but I need the ideas and qualifications of genuine Bigfoot enthusiasts to complete my project. My investors insist.

    But good news: I have already received six submissions from readers of this website, five of which are incomprehensible, but the remaining entry is usable and will be much improved by the thespian stylings of one Mr. Miles O'Keefe. He has been cast as the voice of Baby Bigfoot, who we are calling, "Milo."

    All that being said, I am still open for submissions and I'm awaiting brilliance, my fellow bigfooters! Please submit your treatment before the deadline. I know you can do it!

  65. That was seriously the most bizarre comments section on any blog that I've read all year.

  66. Anon in Tx

    Not to hijack this or anything, but let's get back to the killing and forget this "Hollywood-Style" idiot.

    Did anyone else think it was strange that the squatch:

    "waved its arms in the air to draw attention to itself".

    This is an human thing and I cannot recall a single report supporting the behavior or anything similar.

    Help me out here.

  67. Didn't that Marble Mtn. Clip show a similar reaction with that supposed Bigfoot putting its hands on its head when it is theorized it saw the group at its nest area. Maybe if all this is true, the Bigfoot that was shot knew its young we're in possible danger and was trying to either warn the hunters or draw them away from its babies. Maybe in heightened emotions of vulnerability Bigfoot will display human reactions such as those described.

  68. Andre the Giant played the bigfoot in the Six Million Dollar Man bigfoot episode.

    Chuck in Ohio

  69. Of course Bigfoots would use "human" type reactions. That type of waving is a universal indication to STOP or HEY, OVER HERE. If the DNA stuff pans out and they are indeed 1/3 between human and chimp (I think I got that right) and they've been around us lowly humans for thousands of years, there's no doubt they've adopted some very universal gestures, sounds and...dare I say...language?

    One more jab at the film-dude. You have ONE submission out of 6 (!!) that might work? Hahahahaha...good LUCK. I love that you state the other 5 were "incomprehensible".

  70. If this the DNA Dr. Ketchum has, and she says hers is real, that makes Justin A**hole a murderer. If his story's even true, which I somehow doubt. I smell another Georgia stinker here. Why would he even shoot something upright on two feet, that he even claims he first thought was a guy in a suit, then shoot anyway because it was 'just a monster' to him. This is a bad movie come to life. Bigfoots first of all aren't animals, they have a language which means culture basically, it's why they've been able to hide for so long. Higher intelligence, the opposite of Smeja. Bigfoots simply don't just drop and die, they take care of their own. That's why his story of waiting weeks sounds fishy, as other Bigfoots would've removed any dead bodies. He sounds like another Bob Heironimus liar, same ignorant attitude of movie people too, oblivion to what Bigfoots really are. No way Bigfoots let remains rot on the spot, they haven't made it this far for that to happen. That's the smelly thing in his tale. But if it's true, maybe he's the Lee Harvey Oswald in the Bigfoot conspiracy, surely authorities already know and let them be. Now they figure Bigfoots will be found soon anyway, let's hire this fool as the blame gun.

  71. You shoot the most elusive creature on the planet and you didnt think to bring the bodies in for observation and declare to the rest of the world this creature finally exsist? The two of you couldve easily hauled the little one to the truck. Anyway whats done is done!!!,...Hope you can live with yourself now Justin.

  72. @ Andrea
    If you still want a transcript, there is one here:

  73. After reading the transcript, and listening to the audio, it seems to be a plausible story. I am thinking from psychological stand point that a) this guy is a hunter and knows what a bear is b) initially hesitates to fire because he recognizes that it does not seem to be "normal" looking animal c) decides to fire because the adrenaline is flowing, there is a fear element, and just maybe he is thinking that this IS a bigfoot. He basically admits later he wanted to just shoot a smaller one instead of looking for the adult, which of course he does. The guilt sets in AFTER the smaller one has come to rest on his foot. I think most people would have resignations about being the guy that killed bigfoot. Unfortunately for this guy, he found his humanity after the fact, and some of the tension in this guys voice says to me that he wishes none of it had occurred. I am not a follower of this stuff, just found it randomly, but far too many times I have seen people do effed up stuff. Just trying to look at this from a prespective that does not include saying this true or not. Have a nice day.

  74. Fake! he and his buddy thinks it could be a man in a suit and he still shoots then tries to justify his decision and says it's a monster? If he could clearly see it wasn't a bear he DID NOT need to kill it..

  75. It sounds as though Smeja was bear hunting gone wrong. It is illegal to shoot sows with cubs so he shot the mamma bear then when the cubs came out it was OH SH?T, I'm in trouble!

  76. If this turns out to be true, and I will admit his attention to small details does seem to be truthful. If it is true this man is a piece of garbage. He shot the young one because of the blood lust he felt after shooting the mother. This type of so called hunter, hunting from the back of a truck wow what a mans man you are. Idiot. Give me five minutes alone with this jack ass and I will tell you exactly what happened.

  77. Anyone in Justin's shoes would have shit their pants and probably done the same thing. I wouldn't know what to do in that situation. If this story is true, it's absolutely amazing and I could only imagine the amount of adrenaline running through their bodies while all this unfolded. I think they did take the little ones body but can't say anything and they made up the story about finding the steak sample under the snow. That sounds like bullshit to me but if its true those two guys are some of the luckiest mofos now involved in the Bigfoot Community.

  78. To Anon in Tx

    Exactly. Why the hell would a Sasquatch waves it's arms in the air as to say "hey" or "don't shoot". They have no idea what that gesture means. It's not instinctive. Give me a break. Some of you people are stupid. He's not a murderer. He acted on instincts and obviously now knows he made a mistake shooting the little one. I guarantee that if he would have brought the little one home and showed it to the rest of the world you all wouldn't being calling him a murderer. He would have been one of the most famous men alive.

  79. I don't know if this clown is so starved for attention that he will admit to being a weak kneed chicken shit poaching, baby killing, momma killing, jack off, that shits his pants rather than thinks about what the hell is on the other end of his rifle before he pulls a trigger. Or if he is an ignorant panty waste of a liar, that his dad left in the sun to long, and mom didn't give a good shit about. whatever the case maybe, I can't stand people like that. I'm a fifty year old hunter and a real true conservationist, and people that do these kind of things or even lie about them, make people that love the wilderness and all it's animals seen and not seen look bad. Please kick this little ass wipes guts out no matter what he did, both choices are unbelievable and need to be taken care of the country boy way. PS bring him to TN> my friends and I will deal with him for you. Keep looking for the big guy, and protect him from the fools of the world. thank you..


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