Dee's Message to Dyer and Smeja: "Let's all have respect for all that is beautiful" [Video]

Thanks to Dee (DustyPawPaws) for sharing this amazing video on YouTube. Dee has a message for the likes of Rick Dyer (wants to kill Bigfoot), and Justin Smeja (has killed Bigfoot).

Saw this and had to share. And by the way, Talk of killing BF, and saying they are the Best BF hunters etc., You Rick whatever your last name is ...You are a jerk....and also that Justin guy ...quess you never had any attention as kids...not worth the time of day, any of you. You guys just crave attention. To the good folks out there...sorry, just had to get that off my chest..


In the video below, Dee reminds us to have respect for all that is beautiful.

An incredible chance encounter with a troop of wild Mountain Gorillas in Uganda. This group of 19 are among only 750 Mountain Gorillas now left in the world.

Here's the short clip from Dee:

Silverback Family...I am sure this was " Thrill of a Lifetime"

The full video of an amazing chance encounter with a troop of wild mountain gorillas near Bwindi National Park, Uganda:

 An incredible chance encounter with a troop of wild Mountain Gorillas in Uganda. This group of 19 are among only 750 Mountain Gorillas now left in the world.


  1. Dee's absolutely right. It doesn't matter if skeptics won't believe it unless there's a body, they never did anyway, somehow someday there probably will be naturally. The upcoming DNA should hopefully settle everything, hope Dr. Ketchum can beat any mad killer out there to it. It's not necessary to destroy any new species of mammal in order to prove it, no primate discoveries of new monkeys and apes in Africa are killed by researchers. That shit is for poachers. So why should the ethical approach be any different with the Sasquatch, it's even more humanlike than any other great ape. Might even turn out to be one of us in the end, much study seems to indicate that now. It would be extremely embarrassing for America if we had to kill something large like this, especially morally.

  2. Dee, unbelievable video and unbelievable experience. Thank you for sharing. Wow!

  3. Kill a bigfoot and face prison time. They'll be no book deals, no movie deals, nothing but hard pounding prison time.

    And there will be hundreds of thousands of us out here petitioning for just that.

  4. What an amazing experience to have. Anon no.l is spot on.

    Chuck in Ohio

  5. Dee thank you an also Shawn for posting.
    If a garden is full of flowers it is hard to crush them all. Grow more flowers! You are a beautiful flower Dee!

  6. That is one of the coolist things I've ever seen. What an experience! He must have been feeling so much emotion. Incredible!

  7. to both Anonymous posters, GREAT comments, where's the petition cause I want to sign it and all of my family.

  8. Dee, I love your mind and spirit, dear. You are a hero. (cue the song by Bonnie Tyler).

  9. Awesome at about the 2:40 mark the Silverback tries to give the young one a nudge to leave John alone, and then after a few moments, you can see him check things out and decide that its not a bad spot for a rest and a little lesson about another species.

  10. Amazing how this situation PROVES that BF IS NOT possible! A white guy walks into a dense jungle in Uganda and is somehow able to locate a group of extremely rare primates, then hang out like a buddy. If BF were real, even if they avoided humans at all times we would still be able to follow their signs and scat to determine where they'd been, just like these rare apes. Instead we have investigators telling us that BF can tell when we have cameras, can hear electronics clicking, can detect all hidden technology, etc. What a load of crap! Think about the Monkeymaker's Skookum cast; a giant, ssuper smart primate is going to belly crawl through mud at night, avoiding all human detection, for a couple of APPLES? LOL its ridiculous if you think about it. And if Smeja shot a sasquatch he and the driver would be super rich for bringing it in...yet they didnt? Geez

  11. How would BigfootF even know what a camera trap is? Are they Amish or something? good points Real Bigfoot

  12. Amazing video,thanks for posting it Shawn.Great find Dee!
    What a moment to enjoy.

  13. Great video , although I would have crapped my pants or been pounded mercilessly into the ground by that big silver back for shaking to much, awesome video.

  14. Maybe Smeja and his buddy were forward thinkers and didn't want all the hassle's that come with money and a little bit of fame. I can hear Justin's dad, " loan your old man a few bucks, so I can get a bigger tv to watch Jerry Springer"

  15. Hilarious. A guy walks up on stupid gorillas and you think that proves there is no bigfoot. Like those things are even related.

  16. Bad points from 'Real Bigfoot', actually. Sasquatches most likely aren't apes, but another species of human type. That's why they know you're coming, and why there's no discovery so far. Surely that's all about to change soon, hopefully. And yes, they may even know that cameras are traps. Here's why. They're very attentive beings, right? Anything an intruding human's been busy with, investigating tracks or setting up cameras, means it's something important enough for us to spend time on and therefore to be avoided by them. Simple, really. They just watch where they walk, basically. If they're humanlike, and that's certainly the case, then they're that clever. They don't know what the camera is technically of course, but they see and understand enough motive to avoid it. And those that undoubtedly do get caught on cams, well, consider the owner's livelihood.

  17. I hope that someone takes one out and ends all of the bigfoot idiocy.

  18. Dee whatever your name is. Perhaps you need to learn who are you are insulting and not trying to play footsie with gorillas. Yes Dyer did hoax and from his actions since, he does appear to be an awhole. But when you start insulting Justin and putting him in the category of a hoaxer you really need to stop preaching from your armchair and maybe do a little research. This did happen, it will help to get the species get recognized and it will probably be because of him that all this happens. In addition this guy has not done one thing to seek attention. He simply has stated what has happened, he hasnt tried to get anything for it what so ever. Even turning down biscardi because of his reputation. He coulda pocketed 50 grand but thanks to some good advice biscardi wont get his chance to make it into a circus. I speak from knowing Justin personally and i can tell you he isnt anything the critics are saying about him. And you as well as have the people out their will be left with egg on your faces. Again, its easy to make opinions when you have no facts and you rely on being armchair skeptics. Be opening up and casting insults on topics you know nothing about you are sounding as ignorant as those who you are bashing. Wow... youve been touched by some gorillas, well congratulations, but news flash, when did that give you any right to open your mouth on bigfoot matters that you know nothing about. The answer is it doesnt. It seems if anyone here is trying to get fame here it might be you. As you are basically a no name in all of this and because youve had a youtube video you now are trying to get involved. So i question your motives. Doesnt feel very good does it.


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