Matt Moneymaker claims to have seen Justin Smeja's "Bigfoot steak," says he will bet a whole lot of money that Justin is lying

After Matt Moneymaker commented on about our image of the Sierra Kills story,  he revealed some important clues about the Sierra Kills event that took place in October 2010. Moneymaker claims that the "Bigfoot steak" is really just a coyote hide.

"I saw a photo of the hide piece. I was a roughly rectangular piece of fur and skin which looked like it was cut from a larger hide. The piece in question looked like it came from the belly of a coyote. Supposedly Meldrum also said it looked like it could have come from a coyote," Matt said.

Read the rest of his comment below:
BTW, I would bet a whole lot of money that Justin Smeja is lying and did not shoot a bigfoot at all. In my opinion his story is totally ludicrous, if you know the details he initially described.

He claimed he found the pieces of hide after to returning to the area of the “shooting” after a snow storm. He says he didn’t know if the hide was related to what he claimed he shot. To me that sounds like he’s structuring the story so he can remain blameless when the hide is shown to be from a known animal. On top of that, he mentioned that he’s got a freezer full of dead coyote parts (he hunts those too). I do suspect he cut a piece of hide from one of those dead coyotes and provided that to the people who bought into his shooting story. Here’s the red flag for that: Some folks I know spent a lot of time questioning the dude in person … One of them says that when he heard Ketchum “confirmed” that his samples came from a sasquatch, he said he thought SHE was a hustler … which seemed strange to the person he said that to. It doesn’t puzzle me at all. He would have good reason to say that if he knew the hide came from a coyote. And that’s exactly what it looked like. I saw a photo of the hide piece. I was a roughly rectangular piece of fur and skin which looked like it was cut from a larger hide. The piece in question looked like it came from the belly of a coyote. Supposedly Meldrum also said it looked like it could have come from a coyote.
- Matt Moneymaker




  1. Would Matt be saying all this, if there wasn't anything to the whole DNA study. He has remained so quiet for so long about this subject (Ketchum/Erickson). But now, all of a sudden, he goes from no comments to slanderous ones. Is he feeling like someone is going to beat him to the finish line? Is he feeling that all these years he has put in, isn't showing a lot? Now that someone might have "found bigfoot", is he worried his show will be cancelled?

    So many questions about his strategy right now.

    Maybe he is gonna open the "vault" up at the BFRO and start letting some videos and pics out?

    *From an outsider prospective POV.

    What do u think Matt?


    1. yes! Exactly!!! You've made sense of it all...this is the only thing that fits all of their behaviors.

  2. Matt;
    Thanks for giving your honest opinion. Someone has to be clear about Smeja. If you simply look at his personality, his reactions, his stories, and motives there is something quite "off" about it all and even someone who isn't a psychic can see that. Whether the man shot or did not shoot a BF (and this will come to be known), he will still be vilified. This is one territory he should not have decided to become a "big man" in. He should have stuck to shooting defenseless animals and boasting to his buddies. He's playing with people who actually are informed in the field, such as Finding Bigfoot team, Meldrum and more. Ultimately, he will get his when all is said in done, whether he was telling the truth or lying.

    1. Im totally in love with your comment and you baby!

  3. I agree with Paul. Why wait till now to start commenting? If his does have a plethora (cool word) of video,photographic, or other forms of evidence why hasn't he came out with it before now? Not questioning, really just curious. The only part that I might question is some of the techniques used on the show. Why not have ear buds or throat mics for walkie-talkies (not sure on spelling)? They aren't dumb animals or dumb apes (whatever you want to call them) obviously or we would find more when we go out looking for them. We can hear you loud and clear, why can't they? Well anyways there are more questions but I don't want to rambling on. Not to mock the show I enjoy it and Bobo's antics and I would also like to commend the show on the awareness it has brought to the subject of Bigfoot. It isn't such a taboo and people aren't automaticly put into the crazy column when they tell their stories. You can get it off your chest a little easier.

  4. Where you gonna get all that money to bet with Matt? Pretty sure Wally's not going to give you anymore, you pissed enough of that away, or has stardom finally paid off? Hope so, and good for you. Glad that's working for you because you quit caring about Bigfoot research a long time ago. It's all about being a SUPERSTAR!!! Great that you could throw in your two cent though. I'm sure somebody cares somewhere.

  5. It seems both Ketchum and Smeja are liars according to Moneymaker. What are the odds?

  6. The fact that ketchum hasn't given us anything other than damage control, in my eyes is still good. No information is good information.

    For the amount of time MM has put in, it seems there is nothing to look forward too. Don't get me wrong though, I do like his show, but I believe its called "Finding Bigfoot", not "Found Bigfoot". If they found bigfoot, the show would be over and MM would be out of a job. (At least FB host)

    Personally, maybe that's why it seems his back is up against the wall, because, someone else might find the "big guy" and his show only gets two seasons. :( Maybe MM should've been spending time in the field like other researchers, instead of promoting himself and BFRO.

    But then again, I'm a business owner, and its tough to get ahead in life when u have an expensive hobby. If you want to do it full time, you have to be an opportunist. That's what's MM doin. He's made a business out of it for himself.......that makes money. Tough thing to do. Hats off for that!

    So now that he's in business, you have to crush the competition so you and your family can keep going. That's the way it works.

    The only thing I wonder, with all the years invested, research, money, what does MM have to show for it. You always hear rumors of the "vault" at BFRO, well, MM, maybe its time to open it up, and give all the hard work over the years some recognition........ Bad word....... You have the recognition, and what you have done done for the "big guy" is great, but other than "reports" on your website, there's not much else.

    At least with other projects there is an element of the unknown, and "big news" to come. With the direction BFRO has gone, not much to look forward to other than a great show, where u don't find bigfoot.

    Hope it makes sense, had a few bevys. :l

    1. I am not sure the show would be cancelled because once you see a BF, you would definitely want more, you would want to get to know them and he would be the go to guy for that wouldn't he? Plus the ratings on this show would go way up!!

  7. I have never said anything negative about Dr k and her study. Besides "what in the world is taking so long. Why can't we just share with everybody what we already know now? " I was told "you can't rush good science. We are going to cross our t's and dot our I's. This will be done right and worth the wait when the time comes "
    Not word for word but pretty much. As for the rest of what some people are saying whatever man. We'll see.

  8. Matt says Dr. Meldrum says it looks like a coyote too, well folks the good Dr. Meldrum does not want or believe that this creature is anything but a glorified ape and dismisses the whole ancient human possibilites. Also Meldrum commenting on the Erickson videos has stated many times their not that persuasive and he sees a lot of red flags why because they look human like. Matt and Jeff are Ape Men and will never trust anyone discribing them has human like.

  9. hello Justin - for what it's worth I believe you in the essentials. I must confess I am troubled by the event, but feel if it were not true Dr. Ketchum would have told us a long time ago, as there is little to be gained by allowing BFers to continue to believe or disbelieve...I don't think she is evil or intend to play a joke on the BF community.
    But, I do wonder why that event and those results weren't released right away. That genome could have been put in Genbank and you attached and free to tell you story. Her study isn't dependent on your one sample..if we believe anything on the net...(and you are asking me to)!
    It would have avoided a lot of what you are experiencing now. Taking that step would back you up and not leave you wondering what, if any, the consequences might be.
    She argues that waiting a year and a half, or longer will be "good science," for Dr. Ketchum it is her paper that will identify a species.
    In fact in some ways your sample might be a problem b/c you didn't actually collect it from what you were certain was a Bigfoot, if I recall correctly? You weren't sure when you went back and got a sample?
    My personal opinion- your sample not being released serves Ketchum, and shows little regard for you or BF's. She has many samples, all taken under less difficult circumstances, etc. I am not persuaded by arguments for science on your behalf Justin..but again just me? if her paper is out fro Christmas..well then you haven't much longer to wait.

  10. I am curious also Justin - Have you ever asked Dr. Ketchum if she is applying for any patents on the information she gains from your sample? or any of the samples?

  11. the problem is there are to many folks in the bigfoot community who salivate over stories like this and just gobble up whatever hoax and junk comes folks like this guy who supposedly kills a bigfoot, Biscardi and others obviously realize how stupid, un-informed and gullible many are in the bigfoot community because they fall for this stuff everytime. This is one of the reasons why many folks dont want anything to do with bigfoot dorks...whio act like they see sasqquatches everywhere and believe every line of junk that comes along.

  12. @Anon - well said..

    and strengthens my point - if Ketchum has any regard for Bf's or the Bf community she would have dispelled this a long time ago...
    We are talking about one sample....and the fact that "Big Names" in the BF world are saying it is, and isn't, true...and the only common denominator is Ketchum....makes it a classic point of ridicule..either way. Thanks for pointing that out!

  13. Love him or hate him, Matt Moneymaker has brought more attention to the possibility of Bigfoot being real than most other researchers combined. The BFRO sight has been around for quite some time.

    I had no real thoughts on the Sasquatch mystery until I had a personal encounter in 2009. A researcher from BFRO actually came to my home. (I live in a very isolated area in the eastern US.)Prior to this event, I look at BF at BS. Now I know the creature exists.

    Can anyone blame MM for cashing in on his name and taking advantage of the television to make a few bucks? If I have a passion, millions of people around the world are interested in my passion, a tv show wants to pay to video me while working at my passion...?

    I really enjoy the show, and I occasionally read the BFRO site.

    I hope this DNA studies is finalized soon. If this is shown to be a fake, "put a fork in it, its done." No one will acknowledge bigfoot (outside of the BF community.) Any true momentum the "Bigfoot is a real, yet endangered species" compaign has gained will be lost. Maybe forever.

    No one will want to watch a show about finding Bigfoot, when no one believes anymore.

  14. @anon - Thanks also.. I agree in many one is hitting 100% out there in motives or results...I personally was made aware of Bf's via Goggle earth and the little footpints BFRO pinned on the main layer - one of the first to use the Google feature...then I went looking and like you had my first encounters in 2009...
    I don't think anyone event will "end" believing forever...b/c so far the only believers are witnesses and those who look deeply into the BF paper won't change the Myth status it is too deeply entrenched...but it is a good start!
    Just to be balanced seems the BFRO has not really taken what the information they have collected and really gone in a direction (or shared anyway) that has been as productive as one would hope - for the commercial reasons cited by others...for every BFRO lover/member you will find one or two that have nothing good to say about the group. So, you know ..whatever!

    lol I am still here hoping Justin comes back .. I suppose he is off to work now...peace!

  15. I don't necessarily believe Smeja's story. It's full of holes, but at the same time, Moneymaker needs to learn to stow his opinion sometimes. Looking at a picture of a triangular piece of hide hardly gives him the authority to say it's "just a coyote" or "it can't be bigfoot" or whatever.

    I'm relatively new to the BF community, but I can say that MM chaps MY hide and I'd gladly take a picture to prove THAT fact. He's one of the main reasons that the contemporary science community thinks Squatches are a joke.

    He needs to put up the phallic measuring tape and learn to work WITH other researchers rather than racing against them. Isn't this, in the end, about discovering and PROTECTING an entire species??

  16. Why is Matt being so vocal about all of this now?
    Did he just see the photo of the hide or has he been sitting on it, waiting for an opportunity?Same goes for the return of Dr. Ketchum's paper.
    Is this an attempt to redirect people?Are we being let down slowly?Or is Ketchum close to releasing something?
    Once again, this raises more questions than answers.....maybe that's the goal. Keep interest in the study.
    So far I haven't seen Matt release anything to the public.
    Why hoard all the evidence and not share?

  17. autumn your a jealous bitch that smeja is gonna prove bf

  18. He is only speaking now because he has the chance to paint the DNA study in a negative light. His comments are spurned by jealousy and a strange belief that he should be the one to confirm the species existence.

    Moneymaker has actually stood in the way of proving the creatures existence. He does more field work than anyone but is motivated not by science but a desire to become famous. Did you ever notice that he was rarely seen before finding Bigfoot. He was never on MonsterQuest like other members of the show and there is a concerted effort to cover up certain evidence to prevent him from being the one who can take credit for the discovery.

    I dont believe anyone has a problem with him but just his approach. Lets be honest- look as his analysis of evidence- he will always say a picture shows a Sasquatch and only where it is clear that the image does not depict one does he not make a positive identification. He looks for things and always considers it evidence of the creatures existence when it is unclear what the evidence actually shows. Deer carcasses are a big example. Little can be taken from a deer carcass because as Timbermountain Bigfoot has shown, hunters will cut away portions of after a kill- notable the antlers and has found skulls that show this. Bow hunting is common when hunting deer. If a hunter wounds but does not kill the animal they will often break a limb so as to be able to control the animal to inflict the kill shot. A broken leg cant be cited as evidence of the creature because there are other explanations.

    Moneymaker wants the glory of being the one to take credit for proving the creature exists and those in the scientific community seem dead set against this.

    1. yes, jealously would definitely be a motive, I think

  19. Here is an idea for someone to try- I do not live in an area where sightings persist so I can't do this. Rather than call blasting sounds live or via tape- blast a message in the ancient dialect Sasquatch are said to speak and use to communicate. In this language say "Much has changed, we mean you no harm and would like to communicate", AND "if you are fearful please leave a pile of skunk cabbage or another prlentiful item, the finding of which would not be a coincidence by an area where offerings are left". Blast this every night for two weeks while leaving various "peace offerings". Leave food like candy, fruit and peanut butter but also leave rope and twine, a few knives, pots and blankets. Put these things in baskets throughout the area.

    Nobody has ever taken the approach with these creatures that is and was used when making contact with human tribes who live in remote areas.

    I have researched many ancient indian legends regarding this creature and think it is clear they once interacted with native people. They were driven away-likely because they began to have an interest in indian women as their numbers dwindled. They began to view people as a danger and believed avoiding them was key to their survival. Nobody has ever attempted to find the creature in a manner where the creature is considered more human than animal. Why do you think when Les Stroud and Bear Grylls make shelters they talk of how the shelters date back to ancient indians. These shelters often look like Bigfoot nests most likely because the Bigfoot taught these ancient indians or vice versa.

    Bigfoot are the Apex predator of North America. They can sneak up on a hunter with a gun and rip him to pieces before a shot could be fired. They dont do this and instead throw rocks in the general direction of people to scare them. You also hear stories of Bigfoots watching and entering camps at night but not attacking anyone- why? because they are scavaging for tools and other useful items.

    The creature will be found the minute it is tracked like a human.

  20. @anon really a valid approach and some have/are doing very close to what you describe. The exception might be assuming BFs will respond and say things have changed for the better. I don't they think that and probably see zero hope of interacting with modern humans successfully, for the short or long haul. The question would be...if they can receive the message can they relay it to all of BF's? And come to a consensus, etc...otherwise we end up with isolated friendships btw particular individuals..which we have now...and few willing to spend much in $$ or patience to support... (see EP project!).

    I also posted again b/c so many opinions and looking for reply from Justin...sorry too many posts here! and this off topic

    so, back to MM's does seem late in coming..or early depending on who you are!

  21. Actually, to Anon.. I like the approach, if I didn't make that clear....but it might be tough wrt to the entire species getting to know us and creating a treaty.... so, LOl my thinking had jumped though your approach succeeded!

  22. b/c it does work (myself and others can verify - Robert Morgan wrote out the approach in the 70's!) up to the point you describe..relaying in a language..not sure anyone has gone the whole way with that
    and it is certainly worth a concerted try. I like the idea of a laptop with real time like skype ability just out there...?:) gee again Shawn you can delete these aside off topic posts of mine if you sorry forum..but that kind of thinking I find exciting....and was fruitful for me.

  23. sorry maybe the book I am referring to is much later mine shows 2008.. A BF Observer's Field Guide...but I think he was saying this stuff many years prior? sorry if incorrect , please correct that anyone?

    He recommends going alone b/c of our increased senses hearing, observing and I do agree. But, it eventually has limitations's a fun book and combined with Goodall and good sense...can take one pretty far, it should get more serious attention in the community.

  24. lol okay geez not my morning!

    Robert W. Morgan's Bigfoot Observer's Field Manual.

  25. I will now post as fascinated so there will be no confusion.

    I have a theory that Sasquatch are concentrated in the deepest parts of British Columbia, Yellowstone and in the deep swamps in the Southeastern United States. I believe they have villages and reside primarily in caves in the portions of the country out west and they are concentrated in the deep swamp areas in the Southeastern United States- the portion where the Eastern Cougar hid from eradication.

    I believe some live on the outskirts of these areas and serve as "guards". I believe them highly intelligent and that they have formed tribes and many sightings are actually "messengers" going from one area to the others. I think breeding females may be exchanged between these tribes and this is the main reason for their maintaining a connection. I have seen much written on male Bigfoot driving out other males so as to keep females for themselves- what if the sole male is actually guiding a group of females from one area to another.

    Ohio would be a major highway in getting from one place to another and sightings outside these areas are of Bigfoots traveling back and forth. A reason I believe this is because of the stick structures. I dont believe the small ones are warnings about people in the area- man gives off a strong scent- these animals would not need warnings as a result of this- I believe these are signs indicating how to get back and forth.

    I also would not be surprised if there actually was a treaty in place with our government. There were many many treaties between the government and native tribes. It could be called anything and would be classified as top secret so the public could not access it. If these creatures only wanted to be left alone in exchange for their going away then the government would have agreed not to acknowledge their existence.

    They would not be able to acknowledge it now because people would then bother them-and likely be mauled as a result because people would likely lose that part of them that is careful around a wild animal and think they are dealing with a person. They would not use caution in their approach and scare the sasquatch leading to a mauling.

    You cant warn people to stay away because then they will be officially dangerous leading people to try and kill them.

  26. @fascinated

    Very interesting post. I don't know how long you've been posting here, but nice to recognize u by name now. Seem to remamber named comments a little better.

    I don't about the treaty part, something like that to remain in hiding for this long doesn't seem plausible to me.

    The traveling males and females does sound like a good theory though.

    Not much time, will and post more later.

  27. Matt is a substance abuser and everyone around him knows that... I guess we can either believe in a drug addict or science, personally I'll take Justin's word over a drug addict any day

  28. Thank you- also look at the nests that have been found- some are very complex- likely to house a mother and child during and after birth- the Arizona footage supports this. We do not know how long such a journey would take- a breeding female could be with a baby and not know it or circumstances may require that a female be must continuously breed.

  29. Substance abuser? Please elaborate!

  30. Matt is not a drug addict you anonymous ass. If you are going to cowardly slander someone at least login with your name and be a man about it.

  31. Even look at the Patterson footage- the Bigfoot does not look scared or menacing- it looks annoyed that it has to move and it takes time to look at them- likely because they had been in the area often and been disturbing the bigfoot and it wanted a look at who had been causing all that trouble.

  32. Maybe pot and pill popping is not considered substance abuse I don't know. I didnt post that above but that is sure what his reputation is. Even among his closest friends

  33. Looks like either alot of Justin's friends are commenting here and taking up for him. They are really sounding like 5year old asswipes. Calling Autumn a jealous bitch? Thats just real mature and classy. This is really starting to look and sound exactly like the GA Boy's fiasco. I believe this all is just another joke and it looks like alot of my fellow bigfoot enthusiasts will never learn and just keep being made fool of. Sad.

  34. You know Justin, making stupid comments about Moneymaker just might get your ass sued.

  35. Thats fine. Thanks for your concern. People can come after me if they want. I got no money and no assets so good luck to em. Besides I don't think you can get in trouble for telling the truth. That ain't my America. Obviously I've been around many of the big players in the bf world lately. I can say safely matts not so good in fact very bad reputation is no secret.

    1. I just watched the shoe for the first time. Your story makes nooooooo sense. It's a lie, no questions about it. Theres no logic or sense. IF someone sees a bigfoot and it's a creature that everyone wants to know if they exist or not, why on earth would your immediate reaction be to kill it???? Hahaha why would you get rid of evidence of something so immense??? No photos, no video, no evidence at all. Why wouldn't U suck it up and take the animal out of park regardless of a fine or getting prosecuted, it's an immense find. But firstly whyyyy kill it???? Whatever this poor animal was it didn't attack you, wasn't putting you or Ur friend in any danger. You proudly say you shot it at point blank range, it's baby effectively, U shot the equivalent of a child at point blank? What a load of BS hahahah the shooting animals for fun makes U a murderer anyway but your whole story is full of BS crap. Lol lies lies lies. I think you may be suffering from some kind of mental illness.

  36. WOW!This train got derailed and burst in to flames!!
    I may need popcorn.

  37. Hell we can discuss/argue this stuff till were blue in the face. Simple fact is no one is going to tell us anything new on the project or the shooting. This is just a little more crap to set that fish hook in our jaw a little deeper. I say we all go back to reality (research) and put this on the back burner. Every one of us has been led on at one point in our lives only to be left disappointed and pissed-off in the end. Then you kick yourself for not stopping yourself sooner. How do we know MM wasn't compensated to say something about this because of his recognition and groopies just to pull people in a little more. Also mom won't let Justin come out to play much less release any more details of the incident until he's through being grounded. Sorry for the dig but nobody's gonna tell me what I can or can't do especially if "I got no money and no assets so good luck to them". I'd tell em to go pack sand up their ass, here's all the evidence. But who am I.

  38. Justin

    You need to understand something- if the dna proves your story true it will replace the Patterson and Gimlin account in the study and discussion of Bigfoot- you would become famous and make money from this.

    You will have what Moneymaker wants and thinks he is entitled to and he will and is attacking anyone who makes progress in proving bigfoot exists.

    Allegations of his abusing drugs are not relevent- the man has never done anything to show he should be taken seriously. When you see how he acts and speaks it is clear he should be ignored.

    Look at the extent of the Monsterquest Bigfoot investigations- Moneymaker was never allowed to partcipate and this makes it clear how he is viewed by most if not all people he comes into contact with..

    The only reason he is even on Finding Bigfoot is because he owns the rights to everything "BFRO" and was not going to allow them to use it if he was not put on air. They never wanted him to be a part of it but the show would have gone away if they did not agree. Why do you think season 2 has not started yet.

  39. @last anon

    Its starting on Jan.1, 2012, and we already got the two hour, season 2 special on halloween nite.


  40. @Anonymous-Why would the BFRO be such a big deal to Animal Planet?
    If Matt wasn't someone they wanted,why not choose from others out there?
    Is it the longevity of the BFRO that might them credible?
    Why not give it to Cliff and find another person to fill the spot.Plenty of experienced people on YouTube that the camera likes.
    Just thinking out loud.

  41. They wanted the show to follow the BFRO. Anything else would be just a group of people looking without the backstory and the history. People can see how Moneymaker is- if he was not on the show he would have played politics to sabotage it. He was not having anyone thinking Cliff or someone else was in charge of the BFRO.

  42. Thanks Anonymous.Personally I could care less about the BFRO.I would rather watch a good program with good people.

  43. To be honest I would rather Monsterquest be brought back- that was and is the best way to do these shows. Spend a month in one location gathering information, then send out people to the most promising spots and film everything for two weeks. Then pick out the best stuff and show it.

  44. Ya know matt is probably an OK guy to a lot of people. Most describe him as an ass. Maybe he is a great family man maybe a real good American and a great neighbor I don't know. never gave the guy a second thought either way. As far as I was concerned he could go on with his life and I could go on with mine. No need for our paths to cross or avoid eachother either way. I was fine with that. I kept his name out of my mouth and had no thoughts of him negative or positive. I ignored the trash so many of his friends spoke of him. None of my business who cares attitude.

    Then he makes this post. Basically calling me a liar as well as Dr k as well as spreading misinformation that is not factual.

    That being said like I said last night don't through stones at me when your skeletons are much bigger then mine. I've yet touched the surface with the truthful negative things I know of moneymaker... this all honestly was no secret to most everybody that's been around this field for a while and worked with him for prolonged peroids.

    As far as I'm concerned if he keeps my name out of his mouth ill do the same to him. I don't hold a grudge and life's too short to be bitter.

  45. Hey Jussy I agree buddy, Matt likes to point fingers and has no problem trying to destroy others reps but when someone looks in his dark little closet what do we see once getting through the pile of pill bottles...........................!

  46. Oh gad!!!! Robert Lindsay just came out swinging at Matt. This is what a big mouth get you!!!


  47. Karma will get you sooner or later;)

  48. Fascinated, I loved your posts and suggestions.
    I've often wondered about some of those things.
    Thank you.

  49. Of course Moneymaker is going to shoot down any possible proof of bigfoot's existence. He's an entertainer. If bigfoot is proven to exist, that would end the bigfoot money making gravy train.

  50. Will somebody please ask this Justin guy to do two (2) lie detector tests and if some people in the interrogation law enforsement field study what this guy is saying and do an input on their findings because I myself found a lot of loopholes in his statements.It just didn't fel right and it mae me sick to my stomach listening to this guy.

  51. Of course Smeja is lying. He didn't shoot no damn Bigfoot, and his story is ridiculous and lacks conviction.

    Time will tell how much of a scam this Smeja is.

  52. First time poster, after reading this thread. I have a bs in anthropology from suny Binghampton and i have been researching/reading about bigfoot for over forty years. Sadly, I see very little science in field of bf research; a lot of second hand anecdotal 'evidence' and nothing hard except the ego and money driven bullshit that has driven true scientists away to the point where no respectable researcher would risk their reps by getting into bed with a crowd that includes so-called big game hunters, television characters and warring factions that are not above name calling and slander. Until a peer reviewed paper citing true genome evidence is published, or, at worst, a body is presented, nothing will change. I do believe that any North American hominid, other than homo sapiens, must be considered very
    endangered. I hope the truth appears in time. It's also nice to think that, just as a citizen of the world, that there's something left out there that we haven't got our greasy fingers into. "Discovered and protected" or never found at all would suit me fine. I enjoy all the different perspectives; some very informed dialog here as well as some fantastic (as in 'fantasy') ideas. Thanks.

  53. Thanks for finally writing about > "Matt Moneymaker claims to have seen Justin Smeja's "Bigfoot steak," says he will bet a whole lot of money that Justin is lying" < Loved it!

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  54. Look Justin claims he hauled ass because he was scared the game warden would show up at any minute and bust him. So let me see if I understand this, Justin was so terrified of being caught at any minute that the turned his truck around and drove BACK to the shooting site and then took the time to bury not one but two monsters, one of which was supposedly huge. HUH? How long would it take to bury a 7 foot tall monster anyway, let alone two of them even if one was smaller. Again HUH?

    But folks here's why there is no chance of there being 7 to 8 foot tall creatures living in large populations roaming the same woods that people frequent. For there to be such creatures, they would have had to have existed for tens if not hundreds of thousands of years. And if you go back far enough in time when humans were rare if not all together absent in these remote areas, these sasquatch giants would have inhabited LARGE areas of the map. So over time, tens of thousands of these things would have lived and died all over these areas where these supposed sightings are taking place. Meaning that there would be tens of thousands of skeletal remains of these creatures all over the place.

    Now, lets look at the facts here folks. Throughout modern American history, there have been murderers who have killed little children and then gone to GREAT lengths to bury the bodies of these single murdered children in the hopes that no one would ever find the bodies. And yet, with great regularity, average people who are out hunting or camping or exploring stumble upon these grave sites because their dog sniffs something and begins digging or rain has washed away enough of the soft soil to expose part of a skeleton. A skeleton that a murderer took the time to try and hide from site. The police are called and the bodies are usually identified and linked to a missing child case. CASE CLOSED.

    In fact, even recently in cities with large populations, dinosaur bones have been unearthed on construction sites while people are excavating the land to prep it for building on. But you expect me to believe that not one single person has EVER, let me say that again, EVER found a single skeletal remain of a sasquatch. Not as much as one dead body or one skull or one foot bone NOTHING EVER. NEVER. Let that sink in. EVER. NOT ONCE. Its just not possible. Somewhere at some point when someone was clearing a site for building purposes they would have unearthed a single bone fragment from one of these creatures who had died. And lets remember folks, these sasquatch aren't going down to the local hardware store and buying shovels so they can try and hide their dead from the prying eyes of humans. Yet we find bodies of small children that were intentionally buried with the intent of hiding them from being found, all the time. And you expect me to believe that no one has ever stumbled upon a body or a single bone of one of these creatures.

    Lastly, there is NO DNA evidence in this case. NONE. Thats why when this story aired they conveniently never showed you as much as one paragraph from a lab with any results from a DNA test on the sample Justin provided. There is no lab result to show and thats also why the show conveniently forgot to tell us which lab did the testing and when the testing was done. If the TV network for this show believed they had a legitimate DNA lab result that would have shown the single greatest discovery in the modern era, they would have posted the entire DNA report for the world to see and then it would have went viral.

    Come on people, you don't need a college degree to see through bullshit. Just try thinking a little.

    1. Well said. Smeja and his story are bullshit and these so called Bigfoot enthusiast who believe it need a new hobby, you're far too gullible.

  55. Very interesting, good job and thanks for sharing such a good blog.


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