Bigfoot Saves A Child

From the Dixie Cryptid youtube channel comes a fantastic story of a bigfoot rescuing a child. There are a few stories here and there of bigfoot helping humans, but this is one of the better ones.


  1. Pedotomi has a different idea for “saving” a child.

  2. 'Gug',I'm saving young lads 'Gug',weep

  3. I bet it was really a gorilla that rescued that child.

  4. ^^^ Moe, Larry and Curly show up as usual. Old codgers with nothing going for them in their lives except playing donkey kong and smoking meth from old beer can tins


    1. ^ hark who`s talking - you silly old cunt with the piss wet bed and dentures in a glass of water.

    2. Pedo Stu was reported to the authorities in the US for threatening the children of posters here. There times he did it.

      Repeated bannings from the admins didn’t work, as any psycho-nerd can get around them, and he’s held the blog to ransom since because of it, because he also got his PGF religion nailed, and because nobody thought he was funny or cool.

      Just letting your imaginary world audience know, Pedo Stu.

    3. Yes I'm so scared, the "Authorities " wouldn't listen to a known child Molester like you, how many years waiting on that knock? I would guess more waiting on bigfoot, ha ha ha

    4. Any facts about that?

      Let’s compare... you to first, and then me.

      As for Bigfoot, you’ve got evidence to debunk on the latest thread. Chop, chop, Pedo!

    5. Well the fact that no "Authorities " showed up at anyone's door shows you're full of shit OR that they paid you no mind and probably informed your parole officer. Either way you're a bore because nothing you say ever materializes nor will it, it's safe to say who lives in fantasyland here. Sorry you're a loser, not ha ha ha

    6. Didn’t you demand me prove my claim because you were terrified? I would be Pedo, people like you get stomped on where I’m from.

    7. You're a threat to no one but children, and the Authorities know that ha ha ha

    8. Give it up, you're full of shit Iktomi

  5. Was it Brenton Sawins daughter?


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