Bigfoot Conference Coming To Idaho!

A bigfoot conference is coming to Pocatello, home of Dr. Jeff Meldrum!

Brandon Tennant, proprietor of, is hosting the Pocatello Bigfoot Conference 2018 on Friday, Sept. 21, and Saturday, Sept. 22, at the Warehouse, home of the Westside Players, at 1009 S. 2nd Ave. in Pocatello.

Featured speakers are Dr. Jeff Meldrum, professor of anatomy & anthropology at Idaho State University, who wrote "Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science," and "The Sasquatch Field Guide," and Cliff Barackman of "Finding Bigfoot."

A guest appearance is planned by Beck Cook, author of "Bigfoot Lives in Idaho."

On Friday the doors open at 4 p.m. and Dr. Meldrum will speak at 7 p.m.
For more, click here.


  1. Two great speakers in one conference ! Wish i was there ! Barrackman was studing bigfoot when Pedo Stu savile was still in diapers (sadly he still is) and Meldrum is a legend in the bigfoot field !
    This is going to be such an ace weekend, i wont be there but i'll lift a pint to both of these fine chaps !


    1. Hi pedo stu savile ! why aren't you in jail ? i mean of all the things you have said on here you really should be locked away for being the bloody cretin you are . Back in the day they would have tar and feathered you which is probably a worse fate than sitting in a cell.
      cheers anyways wanker


    2. He grosses the other inmates out too badly. It's better as far as they are concerned to let his mother jail him in her basement. She can just slide food under the door and hose out the containment room once in a while.

    3. Don't know what the old man was talking about but good for him anyway. At his age he can say anything he wants !

  2. Hurry, hurry, hurry. Tickets are just $35 bucks and there will be vendors there selling Bigfoot related stuff. I'm sure Meldrum will have his books for sale and will even autograph them for you! Have your wallets and pursues full of cash when you come because you won't find anything free here.

    1. ^Has a life size poster of the large breasted Patty sasquatch on his bedroom wall. And its sticky.

    2. now that would be creampie wank material for PSS except he's more into the juvenile sasquatches . Silly wabbit


    3. Haha - Good one. My grandfather use to say silly wabbit sometimes. Thanks for the memories.

    4. Pedo Stu’s still being a tease about how to make money planting all that evidence. He’s so rich off the stuff that he’s too busy counting dosh to elaborate.


    5. Hey Chick - cashed in yet? Since you have them in your backyard you could charge admittance.....or will they mysteriously not show when there are people around?

    6. HEEEEEEEEEYYYYYY PS!! Stop your teasing! The big money’s where the footprints are! But I wanna fool a long line of scientists and indigenous cultures! I may need a time machine for the latter but when did sense get in the way of money?!!!

      Stop being a tease!!!

    7. PSS thinks there is big money to be made in the bigfoot field. I'll bet he's just jealous because he can't get off his sofa to properly contribute to society . C'mon PSS, show us how you secretly plant all those prints all over the pacific north west . If people want to make money off bigfoot why should PSS give a toss ? he's making money on illegal smut and will be in jail soon



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