Sasquatch Makes Path Through Man's Property

From Sasquatch Chronicles:

Tonight we speak to a witness who started noticing a group of Sasquatch's passing through his property at a certain time of year, every year. The witness has noticed that the creatures seem to use the empty land behind his property as a travel corridor. He notices activity from the beginning of summer time until late October or November. The witness describes a lot of behavior we have heard in the past.


  1. First for the new podcast, The Cryptid Lantern.

    Khat Hansen rocks. I guess will find out who this Kaupe character is, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

    1. Khat Hansen is a con artist who should be jailed.

    2. Would any sexy blokes fancy making "a path through my property" ?


    3. #1 in Bigfoot Crapturd research -Squatch (not a real Dr)Wednesday, September 21, 2016 at 6:13:00 AM PDT

      Yes, the CRAPTURD LATRINE, a great debut for Khat

    4. Ms. Gavins "property" is as wide as the grand canyon and full of old tuna. No "blokes" will get near it. Thats why she's on here begging 24x7. Nobody wants to scratch that itch. NOOOOO way.

    5. How does Khat Hansen's "property" smell?

    6. Nobody thinks your funny you demented C8nt.^

    7. Did you notice that on the information post for the Facebook page, Khat and Erik declare that they want to be "hellpful"? That's right, they want to show you the path to "hell" because they are agents for Satan!!! Stay away from these satanists!!

    8. 8:40 Weren't you also posting as that woman with the pic of the black crap running out of her eyes on here? A couple years back. Anyone remember that posters name?

    9. Oh Yaaassss! It was H. You dumb bitch.

    10. Here she is searching for Joe:

      HMonday, December 15, 2014 at 4:57:00 PM PST
      Is Joe still on here?

      Are you in LOVE but scorned? One thing for sure, youre OBSESSED aren't you?

    11. Not as obsessed as Erik is with Khat Hansen!!!

    12. So full of crap it runs out of your eyes! HAHAHAHAHA!

    13. Hell hath no fury like the demented and mentally ill scorned. Its been years hasn't it? You need a new hobby lady.

    14. OH boy the is a moderator here huh?
      You keep removing the blog account address I post for H. here. Well, why don't you take care of this site the way you should? You catch it pretty quick don't you? That says EVERYTHING doesn't it. Anyone can look it up if they want so whatever.

    15. Hell hath no fury like that happening in Khat Hansen's burning, rotten, sulfuric stink hole!

    16. Attacking the other women here is jealous bitch behavior Gavin/H. (with the black crap running out of your eyes).

    17. You were desperate for Harry B's attention too weren't you?

    18. yes he was

      Obsessivion is a form of psychosis.

      And the meds ain't helpin


    19. There is something that I am not bringing up because it would likely cause pain to a very kind person. I think the jealous b*tch was the one responsible for that.

      Mark my words its a mental female.

    20. So you want to see a clear picture of a teen Bigfoot. Look at the main photo on The Cryptid Lantern. Now that's clear, ha ha ha ha

    21. Stuey ^

      Blaming women for your low life behavior. Typical

      I bet you get pounded on a lot

    22. ^ it takes a degree of skill to line up a sweaty brownhole properly with the glory hole I`ll have you know..we`re not just fools you know.

  2. We need some Dogman stuff around midnight for Brother Iktomi!

    1. Dogman vs. Bigfoot, who wins in a fight?

    2. Bigfoot would snap his head off like a cap on a soda bottle.

    3. Like a pansy from its stem sounds more accurate

    4. Ha,you jealous bum, even a drunk like me takes better pictures than you,prove me wrong bum

    5. Ms. Gavin red man- are you smelly and fat? Saggy boobs? 33 cats? Yes. Yes you are. Hate men? Especially the ones who humiliate you on a bigfoot blog? Yes on that too.

    6. ^ love men? YES YES YES

      your a eager pillow biter stuey

    7. ^ grab them ankles Stuey boy. WE ALL know you like it that way.

      You are the biggest fagg this site has ever seen.

      Stuey says " It's better to receive than to give"

    8. ^ Mick licks dick

      Lick a dick Mick

      the dick Mick licked

    9. Animal House Call to Action:

      Stuey in the movies

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Gavin, i have a Lady subscriber in the UK that LOL at your comment about people being locked up for claiming to see Bigfoot or Dogman in the UK...She claims it big time, wants to chat with you!

    2. Ha,halitosis good Dr Squatch

    3. MS. Gavin likes to get on here and spray the most vile and sexually abusive comments around. Then she tries to sign in as "red men" when she is outed as having a facebook page that says shes a female. What a B8tch.

    4. Thats right go clean up that sloppy facebook page if you haven't already.

    5. Uh oh- that was an accidental post up there @1:34 wasn't it? Doh! You meant it to be anonymous. You know since you live in the UK, 1:34 pacific time is not the middle of the night for you. Tell me, Are you housebound and unable to work because of your mental illness?

    6. You would know all about collecting social security payments for a fake disability, wouldn't you Erik?

    7. You are a dumb one aren't you!

    8. Does social security pay for medical treatments for black crap running out of the eyes?

    9. I'm not sure, but they apparently pay for the medical treatments of insane dingbats who think that the earth is flat and that the Nephilim walk among us.


      Here is "gavins" facebook page. As you can see it says "If you know Gavin, send her a message."

      Gavin loves Aberdeen football as you can also clearly see. And they are in the UK. In addition H. the crap face says in their blogger profile that they are from London UK.

    11. and what's wrong with london UK ? it's where I was born.
      Maybe you've been drinking too much of your watered down American beer mate

      Tally ho !


    12. ^ Knows all the gay haunts up the `dilly

    13. Nothing wrong with it, only that there is a common element to the 2 profiles posted here. Smooth down your hackels- or use them on Gavin- that would be good.

  4. Replies
    1. I could have been a contender if just given the chance.

    2. Welfare cereal like kaboom^

    3. Boo Berry is gonna kick your arse count choke.

    4. the count is ok, now this ds fellow aka fruit loops...still has not contacted me about my blue bag if you catch my drift..seems he has a fondness for them


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