Game Warden Confesses About Bigfoot In National Parks

From Brenton Sawin Mysteries To Search:

JT is a Game warden in the North west and has encountered Sasquatch several times. The 411 missing persons cases in the national forests are true and JT has seen it. The Bigfoot is aggressive and it has scared this Game warden.


  1. Replies
    1. Joes ignore the troll campaign officially lasted 3 days. AHHHHHH HAHAHAHAHHAA

    2. Fill in the blank: You dont have to be lonely at >>>>>>> only dot com. Chick?

    3. And ignoring hurts doesn't it 8:21? It makes you desperate for attention online doesn't it? Take the advice of 8:07.

      Hee hee.

    4. I'm stuck in bed with pneumonia, but I will be better very soon. I hope you are in tip top shape Iktome!

    5. Oh Lordy!! I hope you get well soon Chick!!! Awful news!! Hope you're ok.

    6. One tends to get sick frequently when she smokes three packs a day and has a diet consisting of Colt 45's and Taco Bell.

  2. More lies about aggressive Bigfoot...If people were being taken by a Bigfoot, where is the proof of this? Where is the proof of aggression? Where's the proof of this family being terrorized?


    1. It seems as though the whole Bigfoot phenomenon must pass your personal criteria or it's a lie. be careful not to bare false witness against someone because you don't understand!

      And your Biggest problem, you only think there are bigfoots out there. And since YOU are the uninformed one, you may cause someone to get hurt.

  3. why would this be a lie. nobody knows anything about bigfoot and in if it does exist it is a large wild animalso why would it be so hard to believe that a large wild biped wouldnt freak out on humans or be fearful and attack

  4. why would this be a lie. nobody knows anything about bigfoot and in if it does exist it is a large wild animalso why would it be so hard to believe that a large wild biped wouldnt freak out on humans or be fearful and attack

  5. I just wanted to comment about the dog thing. Dogs have different reactions to different animals. I always knew when there was a bear around because my 140 lb rottweiller had a really different type of bark. It was more like a higher pitched, incomplete bark that ended almost with a snorting sound. And, it was the only time he did it.


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