These Bigfoot Locations Are Dangerous
Not all bigfoot stories are about warm and fuzzy gentle giants. Some bigfoot locations seem to get pretty dangerous. The Bigfoot Outlaws talk about some of the more hair-raising areas they've been and what happened there.
"I am convinced that the Sasquatch exists, but whether it is all that it is cracked up to be is another matter altogether. There must be SOMETHING in north-west America that needs explaining, and that something leaves man-like footprints. The evidence I have adduced in favour of the reality of the Sasquatch is not hard evidence; few physicists, biologists or chemists would accept it, but nevertheless it IS evidence and cannot be ignored."
ReplyDeleteJohn Napier MRCS, LRCP, DSC(Lond.) "Bigfoot- The Yeti and Sasquatch in Myth and Reality"- Sphere Books Ltd.
Got monkey?
DeleteLegal evidence we have my friend!
DeleteGovernments have granted protections in certain areas based on such.
But Scientific, well we even have that, but considerably weaker since we cannot track said evidence all the way back to a body.
But then again, who was it that said-- lack of evidence for a subject is not evidence of the lack of the subject? Something like that.
My problem is, there is just way to much stuff outside the realm of currently excepted scientific norms coupled with the fact ---- we just go around in endless circles --- and yet, I've seen it myself!
Something is just not normal about this whole thing ---- and that is a fact.
If you see watchers ten by L A Marzulli ----- They have a little "winged fairy and tiny humanoid with a tale, both of wich have been X-rayed and DNA Pulled. Human plus. Just like Melba said about Bigfoot DNA??? Also, they have just discovered three of those large ELONGATED skulls in ANTARCTICA, HA HA HA HA HA HA.
Nephilim creatures, no other explination!
Real faries, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Real faries ---- wings and all, more than one found in a different location. They found a guy in Europe with a basement full of weird critter cadavers, skulls and skeletons, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
BOOOOOOOOOOO! Nephilim creatures modified by the fallen ones! Your worst nightmares are coming true skeptics!
"Something is just not normal about this whole thing ---- and that is a fact."
DeleteThe only problem i see, is that there aren't enough serious researchers, researching this phenomenon.
There are tons of wacko's that make the whole subject look like a fairy tale ( Finding BF, Dr. Johnson, Robert Dudson, Rick Dyer, on and on!)
We don't have a Nephilim to compare ANY DNA to, so to mention "Nephilim" just makes more of a mockery of the subject.
All of these "Legends" and Mythical creatures are REAL, and they throw it right in our faces, yet won't acknowledge their existence??
Well, when you got a little 10 inch tall creature that looks like a vampire and it has wings, x-rayed skelatel system --- the modern science has a problem.
DeleteDo you even know what I mean when I say Nephilim???
By the way, not as crazy as blue bags --- Idiot!
DeleteIf they were nothing but mear flesh and blood, we would have the body ---- simple as that!
That's some real fine bigfoot evidence you brought out here, Mr.Footer. 'Course I don't know what that bastard squatch's gonna do with it, might eat it I suppose. Saw one eat a plaster cast once.
DeleteI love how Joe drags out a quote from a book published 43 years ago where the author admits that his evidence is not scientific evidence. I wonder if Napier would be as impressed with is soft evidence 43 years later when we still do not have hard, scientific evidence?
Delete^ FAKE Troll Killer .
DeleteThere`s no ranting and raving .. neither are there any glaring errors in spelling .. although the usual bizarre mental aberrations are present .. so I guess it could be him after all.
lowsey photos...mear flesh and blood...
DeleteYou were saying something about no glaring spelling errors?
Hey, it's lard ass polling, ha ha ha.
DeleteYou'll have to excuse Don-Donz, folks... It's been a little rough for him lately. Let's not go down the route of the current state of evidence, we need to better look after your blood pressure.
Delete7:12 ha haha .. tbh i only gave it a glance and didn`t see that ha hahaha
DeleteDid you guys see the sun come around this morning, beautiful, ha ha ha.
DeleteSpinning ball, covered in water-------- water at the north poll, any where near it, frozen or not??? huh?
Were now told it's pear shaped by Bozo Tyson. Uh, the earlier astronauts didn't say any thing about that when they were on the moon, oh wait, that doesn't really help since we never went ..........
Ha ha ha ha
The only way you leave
Cern is the space project, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Actually. the cern shit isn't funny at all. Look into dark matter and what it is theorized about it's potential. fuck!!!!
Dmaker, seriously man, it's getting ridiculous. It's obvious you are obsessed with Iktomi. Explain again why you come here if you don't believe in the subject matter?
Deletecan't you just not love donald's attitude "i don't believe in bigfoot, it doesn't exist therefor i shall spend most of my life going on a site and troll those who believe.
DeletePerhaps you really need a girlfriend Donny - or maybe you may prefer a big furry 9ft bigfoot plush doll instead. Happy trails cowboy
^ Discusses his evening pursuits with his blow-up dolly before taking her out to "dinner" of beans on toast...jerk.
DeleteJoerg sure is takinga pounding today at the hands of dmaker, haints, and the trolls.
DeleteVegas, I'd say it's more obvious that your are obsessed with Iktomi, Fluff Girl
DeleteTRUMP... the real DONALD
DeleteGood Sunday morning Iktomi and everyone here!
ReplyDeleteBtw Iktomi, Awesome quote above .
Have you read the new book "The Encyclopedia of Giants of North America" it is fascinating for read for people such as you and I who are interested in those ancient peoples who's remains were here and then *poof* were taken away and vanished once given into the care of many of our state run museums. If you
haven't read I suggest it highly! :)
Thanks for the head's up, Khat! I do believe I have heard of it, I'll give it a go on your recommendation!
Delete^ I bet you get your "head up" as often as possible - nose first and all "atwitchin`" for the brown aroma that seems to be your life sustenance .. you weirdo creep.
Yes... Now proceed to post another million vulgar comments on a forum where children can see them.
DeleteYou didn't seem to worried about kids when you said people who don't believe in aliens should be lined up and shot.
DeleteYou didn't seem to worried about kids when you said people who don't believe in aliens should be lined up and shot.
DeleteDon , how long is your man crush on Iktomi going to last. It's really unbecoming. Ted Cruz'ish Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha hah ahha hah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ahhah ahahahha hah ah hhh hhah ahhah ah ah ah ha!
That's because even a kid would identify dark humour, but when they are presented with sexually explicit comments... That's another thing altogether. It's a shame you don't have the same moral stance on the racism that's posted around here by your number one fan.
DeleteOh snap !
DeleteDonny boy has been called out on the carpet. probably not the best weekend for him. hehehe
Dmaker is blowing Joerg the f#ck out as normal. Nothing to see here. Move along.
DeleteGood Sunday morning Iktomi and everyone here!
ReplyDeleteBtw Iktomi, Awesome quote above .
Have you read the new book "The Encyclopedia of Giants of North America" it is fascinating for read for people such as you and I who are interested in those ancient peoples who's remains were here and then *poof* were taken away and vanished once given into the care of many of our state run museums. If you
haven't read I suggest it highly! :)
Hi Khat, How is the Digging going. Probably not out there in july?
DeleteI think that was you that told me you had a dig site near death Valley???
DeleteIf anyone mentions Abholi, i will track them down and kill them!
Ayup TK you are correct! No way, I won't go to DV until around September or so. It's hot enough here in Sedona as it is. LOL.
ReplyDeleteBe well my friend!!
I'd like to "dig" in your "Death Valley" pumpken.
DeleteThat wasn't me ^^^ khat, I apologize for the fake ass-whole!
DeleteIf anyone messes with Khatt and her ever changing profile pics, i will track them down and beat them up. Come get some