Loren Coleman Gives His Opinions On The Controversial Subjects

From The After Hours With Rictor Webcast:

After Hours concludes it's interview with acclaimed cryptozoologist author, Loren Coleman. What is the fundamental problem with the Bigfoot world? Is it the media? Sensationalism? Backbiting? Using unknowns to explain the unknown? Is all of this attention on Bigfoot creating a "they vs us" problem? Loren Coleman addresses all of those questions. Dr. Ketchum's DNA work, Dr. Johnson's portals, Newsweek, and the History Channel's recent "Bigfoot Captured" are also discussed. "Look at the data..." This cryptozoologist author tells it like it is!


  1. Replies
    1. I am voting a little of both. Mix in a blender and serve ice cold. I really enjoy it.

    2. ^ Clearly you do enjoy it ... your head is obviously full of sh it.

  2. D minor. the saddest of all keys.

    1. There is no such thing...but there are many sad people posing as players.

  3. Replies
    1. ^ big time loser ... with nothing at all to say it is blatantly apparent ... so maybe you are the person who needs to "piss off" ... try to spend the time working out why you`re so mentally out of balance ... perhaps you need to eat more fibre in your diet ( as your head is full of shite)...oh,and by the way,you`re obviously a complete cretin.

  4. It's Lorens job to educate the uninformed and the mislead. Which is Rictor and Tammy in a nutshell. Albeit, a very large nutshell. No make that a HUGE nutshell.

  5. Neither one of these monkeys got it; that Loren was talking to them!


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