This "Skunk Ape" Footage Was Brought To Our Attention

This footage has been out for almost a month now but hasn't received any attention. The original footage was really far away and details were too small. The owner of the footage Mitch W. recently uploaded an enhanced view of the "skunk ape" filmed at Alderman's Ford Nature Preserve. Check it out:


  1. You can't see much, which is par for the course.

  2. Poe's law is an Internet adage which states that, without a clear indicator of the author's intent, parodies of extreme views will, to some readers, be indistinguishable from sincere expressions of the parodied views.

    Joe in a nutshell.

    1. Sod's law is a name for the axiom that "if something can go wrong, it will", with the further addendum, in British culture, that it will happen at "the worst possible time". This may simply be construed, again in British culture, as "hope for the best, expect the worst" The phrase is seemingly derived, at least in part, from the colloquialism an "unlucky sod"; a term for someone who has had some bad unlucky experience, and is usually used as a sympathetic reference to the person. The term is still used in the United Kingdom, though in North America the eponymous "Murphy's law" is more popular.

      Anon above in a nutsa*k.

    2. Some people around here act like nutsa*ks, I'll agree to that.

    3. Just a little something I came across. Thought you might enjoy.

  3. This camera is what I need


    1. Wow, thats a crazy good zoom in. Makes me think some people could get into trouble with this thing lol. Not you of Course MMC. :)

    2. Trouble is my middle name. ;-)


  4. Wouldn't Monkeyman footage contain a monkeyman? Call it what it is hoax footage that contains a hoax,Merchant is right Shawn you promote hoaxes so does he but thats not the point Merchant is insane but Shawn is just crafty.

  5. stopped it at 38 seconds. Looks like it has a neck, go figure

  6. I've been hoaxing for 20+ years and to be honest it started off as an innocent misidentification,I saw a bear on two legs and took a second look before I left the area and told someone that at first I thought it was a bigfoot and bing bang boom a Bigfoot story was born and is still going strong today.I suspect that this is the case with many "sightings".Hoaxing tracks is very easy as well,all I used for that was one of my ex's slippers moving it back and forth,side to side and used my thumb turned sideways for the toes.I took pictures and those were bought by some of the best around like Derek Randles,so easy to fool the monkeyman believers and its fun too.

    1. ^^^ hoaxing from yur mamas basement ?

      How u do dat ?

    2. Mothers basement,you dickheads have been using that for years,try something new.I hoax and you buy it every time and you will continue to buy it.....from your mothers basement.

    3. It's a shame your imagination, most prominent at the end of the day alone in bed when you have yourself in your hand, couldn't invent a means of showing how one can hoax dermals, right?

      6:27; angry being in the basement and that everyone knows it. Nerve well and truly hit.

    4. Yah right hoaxing for 20 years. The only hoax in his life was the original his mother wrought on the world when she gave birth to him. Or maybe he was hatched.

    5. 6:17 absolutely lives in his mother's basement, only basement dwellers react as he did.

    6. I'm guessing you live in the family's backyard, with occasional indoor privileges. Not a bad life, other than the food.

    7. yeah vegas is a joe yes man...never add's a damn thing to any discussion just throws hate around, just another troll...and i would love to see your thesis on this basement dweller argument you have..since you seem to be the authority of all things basement

    8. Where the *%#$ is Grahm R. Natzi? This place is really going to hell. All this ... instead of , or . Paragraphs without a solitary . just a few inappropriate ,,, thrown in haphazardly. Capitals go at the beginning of a sentence and the letter i should be an I when you are referring to yourself. There are more infractions here, but I will leave you to correct yourselves.

    9. 9:19 ain't too smart see... Not to mention a basement boy who doesn't like it when Vegas gets up in his grill.

      Vegas schools again.

      : p

    10. Really Sandy? Your grammar is by far the most atrocious on this blog.Further more you've plagiarized your entire arguments.Without giving any credit to the real author.Thus making you a thieving hack

    11. "Your grammar is by far the most atrocious on this blog.Further more you've plagiarized your entire arguments.Without giving any credit to the real author.Thus making you a thieving hack"

      ... Need I say anymore? Where is Grahm R. Natzi?


      12:21 just got "DFed" with Only One Word!! LOL!! ya gotta love it !

    13. I think you'll find that's just how the gentleman identified likes to have it spelled... Chump.

      : )

  7. Hold the damm camera still...

  8. This is not a skunk ape. It's a human in a costume.

    -Captain Obvious


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