Coast To Coast Featured David Paulides And Missing 411

From Coast to Coast AM July 20th, 2015:

Researcher and author David Paulides has worked in law enforcement in the San Francisco Bay Area - on everything from street crimes, SWAT, and Vice, to a variety of assignments in the detective division. He's become an expert on the disproportionate number of mysterious disappearances happening in our national parks and discussed new hair-raising cases and the patterns associated with them. A recent case involves a two-year old boy, DeOrr Kunz, who vanished suddenly from a reservoir area in Idaho, when his grandparents looked away for a moment. The search continues, but they have no leads, and search dogs were not able to pick up a scent. In similar cases, the children are either found in water, or in a high altitude location that would seemingly be impossible for them to get to, he cited.

Paulides noted certain similarities in the DeOrr case to an incident more than 50 years ago that occurred in Mono Village in the California Sierras. A two-year old boy named David Scott disappeared 100 yards from his family's camper, and the Marines subsequently investigated a steep ridge, and found the boy dead behind a boulder, some 3,000 feet above the valley. There's no way a two-year old could have made it up that trail, and if he did, his walk would have been visible to everyone below, Paulides pointed out. Another recent case involved a 20 year-old hiker in Chilliwack, British Columbia who became separated from his group and was found dead in a boulder field-- a location that perplexed the search and rescue team. "Many, many times these victims are found in the middle [of] or around boulders," Paulides remarked.

So far, he's documented around 1,500-1,600 unexplained disappearance cases, and in about 20% of the incidents the people are found dead, but the majority of the time, the bodies are never found. When people are found alive, they're typically not able to adequately describe what happened, he said. There have been a number of cases where people were missing for around 8 days, and found without most of their clothes, yet they didn't have mosquito bites or a sunburn, he added. Paulides is currently collaborating with filmmakers to create a documentary about his investigations. Visit their Kickstarter campaign for further details.


  1. Tham militia folk be ats tham recruitin center fer tham recruitin folk caws webe heers fer thar safety, so gits u out thar ans guard tham folk

    1. About half way through this, a chilling listen, as always.

    2. tham bigfeet bein a heep of truble cawz thays eat u fer shure lack tham hawgs thays eats heers

    3. Lol iktomi just loves his camp fire ghost stories

    4. I think you'll find plenty of very real people suffering very real tragedies within Paulides' work... How do point a lazy, uninterested, prized prat in the direction of finding out for himself? That's right, you can't...

      Denial is one heck of a thing, pair it with the perverse quest for cyber attention; far more scarier than any campfire ghost story.

      Goodnight all & stay safe!!



    AC collins

    1. He has you on a leash and you know it!

    2. "I think you'll find plenty of very real people suffering very real tragedies within Paulides' work..."

      No doubt, I just don't think telling everyone Bigfoot is behind it helps any.

    3. Anon, instead of thinking that your loved one died in an accident, don't you think that grieving families can take comfort in knowing that their loved one was painfully ripped apart limb by limb and killed and eaten by a 12 foot monster? See, Iktomi is only thinking of the families.

    4. Yes and you have such a reputation of being a soft and compassionate soul Taints.

    5. I'm a soft and compassionate soul, Anon. However, I don't suffer fools gladly.

    6. ❤◦.¸¸. ◦✿ ❤◦.¸¸. ◦✿ HAINTS ❤◦.¸¸. ◦✿❤ ◦.¸¸. ◦✿
      இڿڰۣ-Ú°ۣ— இڿڰۣ-Ú°ۣ— இڿڰۣ-Ú°ۣ— இڿڰۣ-Ú°ۣ—
      ❤◦.¸¸. ◦✿❤◦.¸¸. ◦✿>----(^_^)----<❤◦.¸¸. ◦✿❤◦.¸¸. ◦✿

    7. haints, I think the boy's sweet on you.

    8. MATT K ,,,2. SENTENCES =10 COMMENTS, ,

    9. 3 14" rims runnin on the side ^

    10. 3:21, Biscardi's Yes Man... You are invited to draw your own conclusions, I don't think Sasquatch is behind all of the disappearances, I just think it important to note that there are thousands of years of legends that align perfectly with what's going on. The existence of Sasquatch is not a question for me, and though not a nice idea, I think important enough to draw people's attention to it. Sorry it scares you. In many of the instances, the families have many others to draw from in reading these books that won't be conducive to their hopes, regardless of what little old me says on a blog like this.

    11. Oh... And Haints who claims to be an "active researcher", who condemns others for believing in "magic monkeys" one minute, and then openly supports Biscardi the next... Doesn't suffer fools... Wow, just wow.

  3. tham sumbitch muslimrats killin tham recruitin folk, we git to tham recruitin station loaded fer bear we shure is

  4. "A two-year old boy named David Scott disappeared 100 yards from his family's camper, and the Marines subsequently investigated a steep ridge, and found the boy dead behind a boulder, some 3,000 feet above the valley. There's no way a two-year old could have made it up that trail, and if he did, his walk would have been visible to everyone below, Paulides pointed out." But of course, a 12 foot tall, 800 lb hair-covered beast could have inconspicuously carried the child up the trail. Right, Joe?

    1. Wrong!!!!!!! ,,, A 12ft 1000lb, modern homosapiens sapiens. With
      A nuchial crest (for strong muscle attachment) and a occipital bun!
      Don't. Cha know!!

    2. Biscardi's Yes Man...

      a 8-9 foot tall, 800 lb hair-covered ancient human could have inconspicuously carried the child up the trail with it's sheer speed and agility that is widely reported and accepted to possess... Yes.

      Just ask Biscardi.

      Anon... Just when I think you're learning, you go and do something like that. Ancient homo sapien sapien, and at least one type. I expected as much from someone who didn't know humans were primates.

  5. On Sunday May 1st, J.R. Shoemaker and 2 cousins were visiting their grandfather's house in Augusta, W.VA. The grandfather's property was isolated and had steep and winding roads that would discourage intruders. The boys would often play in the woods nearby , and on this day J.R. told his cousins he was returning to the house to eat. The cousins stayed behind.
    It was noted an hour later that when the cousins had returned to the house 5 year old J.R. was not there. After an initial search law enforcement was notified and for 5 days a formal search was initiated with FLIR heat seeking helicopters, The Appalachian SAR, law enforcement, and many volunteers. Still no sign of J.R.
    On May 4th, 1994 The Freelance Star Newspaper had the following account of what searchers found on May 3rd " About 7p.m. they found a spot where they believe the boy may have slept, said his adult cousin, Valeria Cooper. 3 rocks were arranged in a triangle, with a stick in the middle,3 logs on the sides, and dirt freshly disturbed, Cooper said". The police and SAR workers didn't state the find but the cousin told the papers about it. The paper never stated where this formation was, only that searchers had found it.
    Law enforcement stated that foul play was not a factor in the disappearance, but in a strange twist five days after J.R. went missing, a cousin had this to say to a reporter during an interview about what he thought happened to the missing boy," Somebody hiding behind a tree got up and grabbed him." If there is an ounce of truth in that statement why did law enforcement say there was no foul play involved?
    In November of that year the state requested the FBI's assistance into this investigation. Remember, the FBI has a formal policy that they do not assist in missing persons cases. Why join the J.R. case 6 months after the event?
    Again, maybe law enforcement officers knew more than they were releasing to the public. Remember, the Wolford property is deep in the woods, isolated, and with thick vegetation surrounding the property. Who would be prowling the woods in the hopes that a young child would wander by? It doesn't sound plausible. J.R. is still missing to this day.

    1. Thanks again for taking the time to write this out NC. And no... It doesn't sound plausible at all my friend.


  6. I had sex with a fainting goat once and it fainted when it saw my junk.


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