The Kentucky Bigfoot Research Organization Just Found Some Fresh Tracks

The Kentucky Bigfoot Research Organization has been pretty low key. If they're showing more evidence like this, we'd be happy to show them here. Check out these tracks with 4 foot strides!


  1. Bigfoot dont exist so we know a bigfoot didnt make them

  2. We've collected so many Plaster Bigfoot tracks, we shot them all up with our .22's. Plaster Tracks mean nothing, other than the FACT a Bigfoot made them!

  3. KBRO are a bunch of inbred hicks that think they see the monkeyman all the time when its really just some mutant distant relation looking to make enough of the hoax to buy his wifesistercousin a pork chop and a rebel flag.Charlie Raymond will come bursting out of the closet along with that sexy diva Dan Benoit from the ECBRO later this year.

    1. I agree with you 100%, use to watch their videos but after seeing all the one they made with fake bigfoot in them, i consider them hoaxers.

    2. Sounds like a comment from Lonnie Hawks? He's been jealous of the KBRO for years. BTW, the video was taken by the landowner this past winter. Plus not one of the videos on their website have a bigfoot in them. Just witness testimonies.

  4. It's snowing in June in Kentucky?

    1. My thought as well. But it's all BS anyway, so why sweat it?

    2. date on the video says march 18th

  5. It's generally accepted these days that what we would typically know as "trolls" are actually misidentified sasquatch.

  6. If you measure your bigfoot tracks with a tobacco stick...

    You just might be a redneck.

  7. You guys bashing the KBRO sound like a bunch of jealous childish whiners, or should I say Wieners?


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