Something Kept Tapping At The Window

June 14 2015 Carol from NH appears on Sasquatch Chronicles to tell about her experiences over the years...


  1. Replies
    1. TROLL KILLER (not AC collins)Sunday, June 14, 2015 at 3:16:00 PM PDT

      Sorry! MIKE! but a 10inch x 3inch print with a fuzed arch is HoreHay the illegal alien gardner!!

    2. Don't be sorry. We can each have an opinion. Morley agrees with you. Fahrenbach's ratio is more in line with Claer's belief that the presence of an os perineum bone and the presence of an exact 1:4:6 ratio in this print means Sasquatch. As for me, I leave if up to the experts. And as usual. They disagree. ;).

    3. Thanks Mike ,I never knew I was a Sasquatch 12.4 x 3.6 (ball) 2.9 @ heel ...

      UNO who !


    5. His name is Henner Fahrebach. Don't worry. You're much smarter AC

    6. Are you sure it 100% confirms Sasquatch Mike? Surely you have an open mind on this one?

    7. Ummm. I just stated Morley thought human. Claerr disagreed. My mind remains open. Free of anything except a slightly damaged cerebral cortex and overused hind brain. :).

    8. As the bartender said in " Pulp Fiction". " my names' Paul and that's between you all". :)

    9. Correct me if I am wrong but if you have a mid tarsal flex/break why would you need and kind of arch at all?

      Isn't the only things that our feet have in common is the basic shape and five toes ?


    10. The answer is easy, sasquatch are MEXICANS!!

    11. MMC. I wouldn't know. Truly. Again. I'm no expert. The only certainty is that experts will certainly disagree.

    12. I'll tell you what I have observed. I had an old piece of carpet at a very active area. It drew water when stepped on. I found a huge print with a clear mid tarsal "crease" in it. I also observed a clear mid tarsal area "crease" in a very clear 18" inch track I found. But if you bring up the mid tarsal "break" to many bigfooters, they go crazy. I have no idea why. It's just a point of contention amongst the crowd. Sometimes ignorance is bliss I suppose.

    13. I understand and appreciate your position on my question Mike B. God willing and the day comes when I can dedicate more time to the BF subject I will also refrain many opinions. Presenting findings and possible evidence is really what it is all about. Let the experts decipher it. And let people form their own opinion. It's the smart way to go about it


    14. That mid tarsal would sure help in climbing. Especially up trees


    15. Stand back cause now I'm extrapolating on the mid tarsal break

      One more joint than we have in our feet. That would mean that when it comes to running the ends or balls of their feet could be moving much faster than the leg/ ankle joint. Like a pitchers hand snaps from the forearm due to the wrist. And the forearm snaps from the upper arm due to the elbow joint. And the upper arm snaps from the body due to the shoulder joint. All increasing hand speed And allowing the pitcher to throw over 100 mph. So one more major joint between the body and ball of the foot could explain the incredible speeds that BF can archive.

      Budweiser time now guys


    16. Now I'm extrapolating

      One more joint than we have in our feet. That would mean that when it comes to running the ends or bals of their feet could be moving much faster than the leg/ ankle joint. Like a pitchers hand snaps from the forearm due to the wrist. And the forearm snaps from the upper arm due to the elbow joint. And the upper arm snaps from the body due to the shoulder joint. All increasing hand speed And allowing the pitcher to throw over 100 mph. So one more major joint between the body and bal of the foot could explain the incredible speeds that BF can archive.


    17. Good point MMC,what makes US,, homo
      Sapien Sapien the ALPHA predator on this planet ,is the fused arch and naked skin , I will let the occiptal loaf itself (joelene) come Along and BLOW IT for
      My Gawfaws,
      Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

    18. Ouch^ classic ROPE A DOPE setup!

    19. What I would argue with ch'all makes us the alpha predator is the fused blue steel at the end of our barells. But ch'all know more than I do.

    20. 35,000Years ago ??come mikey its baby food ,and it aint no jump for a show dog!



  2. Sasquatch Chronicles. The last word in Bigfoot bullsheet.

  3. The arch was a problem which seems to have been talked away.... That's what happens in Bigfoot world huh? Eyes see what the heart needs.

    1. "Legolas, what do your elf eyes see?" The jury is still out on arches falling with weight and mass. Whether they appear in a reduced percentage of children, juveniles or sub adults, or whether they are present at all. If I was any good at footprints I wouldn't need Claerr or Morley. In truth DSA, I need all the help I can get. Now go get on your outfit and raise your banner, it's the season Finale of Game of a Thrones.

    2. MIKE, if you truly believe you have legit prints ,send a quick Email to jamie Avalos an meldrum, I would bet 100/1
      That your dermals will be consistant with a MEXICAN from Zacatecas
      Not DERMAL SPECIFIC sasquatch (vertical not horizontal),,
      I would value Dr.Meldrum's expertise ,in foot morphology. Over Bendernagles ,
      Just say'in
      BIG DORIS ; )

    3. "Mike",Is it to much to ask for a clear photo of your frequent visitors after ALL these years you are claiming that they (Bigfoot) have been on or around your property and your never ending so-called evidence that they(Sasquatch) have been there/around where you reside,I mean even Dr Squatch has shown us his so-called photos of this elusive species of which I think is, the ONLY one being fooled is himself in his own mind,"any clear photo(s) Mike........

    4. I just now acquired thermal cameras. Night is your best chance. We hung trail cams. They took some down. Avoided others. I hear a great deal about the claims I allegedly make. I don't hear myself making too many claims other than I have opened up the ranch to researchers to give it their best shot to obtain some and they seem to be taking me up on that droves. I also find it very difficult to demur to an anonymous persons' request for or demand for anything. You can't even put up your name. So it makes your demand of me a cross between ironic, superfluous, and of course.....absurd.

    5. 6:15. I have already shared some evidence with Jaime and he has expressed interest in coming out sometime. I collaborate with likely more people than you would imagine. As for anyone else's opinion at this juncture. It's premature. I don't have any need for it at this juncture. Time will tell. I wouldn't want you to wager anything just yet. Just like I wouldn't wager you're the real Big Doris. :)

    6. Fire for effect !!

    7. Ha ha ha ha ha lol^ I always thought MAXWELL SMART'S !!
      JAIME !! Was and is the pinnacle of

      Mkb in all honesty i would have keept it to myself ,FFS!!

  4. I also heard a tapping on my window once upon a midnight dreary
    Nevermore quoth the sasquatch

    1. Thank you Poe for classing up this comment section. Just please, stay out of the Rue Morgue at midnight. I heard they saw a Sasquatch with a razor round the chimney. They said his color was orang-orange and that his hair was perfect. ;)


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