Hmmm, I Wonder What Killed This Deer

The RMSO investigates an area known as Lost Creek, where various individuals have had bigfoot sightings, an deer apparently end up dead for no reason. Check it out:


  1. Replies
    1. sure as f-ck was not a bigfoot.

    2. 41 minutes ?

      ya` gotta be shittin` me !

    3. 8;08 -- what IS your problem and obsession with turd ?

  2. Someone please define "expedition".

    1. 35 feet from the parking lot to the poaching kill site.

  3. Replies
    1. have you noticed that "smegma" uses some of the same letters as "eggs" ?

      the significance being that you shall henceforth be known as "Smeggs" by all and sundry

  4. Stuart get in here we are going to be late to see your crazy doctor!

    1. The comfort strap fitted to all new SizeGenetics Penis Extenders replaces the traditional ‘silicone noose’ that most extenders still use to attach the head of the penis to the device. It’s a very simple idea, but it’s extremely effective for a few reasons:

      Simple to use: Its one-piece design makes it very simple to put on and take off the penis. Feeding the penile head through the alternative silicone noose is a fiddly and sometimes painful process because the penile skin has a habit of getting pinched as you tighten the noose.

      Secure attachment: The comfort strap also keeps the head of your penis attached very securely. Because of this you can really crank up the tension to maximum without worrying about the device slipping off the penis. Consistent usage is massively important for maximising penis size gains; and the extremely reliable grip of the comfort strap ensures the device requires little monitoring or readjusting.

      Evenly distributed, firmer tension: You feel a much better penis stretch all the way along the length of the penile shaft with the comfort strap. With the noose versions on the other hand, you tend to feel most of the resistance just behind the head of your penis. This can be disconcerting, as it feels as if the noose is slowly slipping off. Often, the only remedy is to apply less tension to compensate.

      More comfortable: As the name suggests the ‘comfort strap’ feels a great deal more comfortable on your penis – you don’t have a thin bit of silicone digging into your penis. Success with penile traction is all down to accumulated wearing time – approximately 1 inch for every 1,000 usage. Increased comfort obviously encourages longer wearing time.

      Safe: The new comfort strap design doesn’t restrict circulation to the tip of your penis like the traditional silicone noose does. Because of that you can leave it on for extended periods of time without the end of your penis going cold and numb.

  5. What killed this deer ?

    Looks like disease .

  6. My guess would be , Ferguson or Baltimore Police ? They are racist ! I sure the deer was shot in bad traffic stop.

  7. It wasn't bigfoot that killed that deer
    It was beauty

    1. King Kong reference. As a fan of the King Kong franchise I appreciate your humor.


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