Why Is It So Hard To Find Bigfoot In The Snow?

There are a lot of theories as to why bigfoot are so hard to find when it snows. Some think they don't move around as much. Others think it's the people just not getting out there like they normally do.
Anthony Moffett hits the snow covered wilderness in search of the answers and to seek out the elusive beast.


  1. erm...

    1. cos he wears snow shoes
    2. cos he ain`t real
    3. cos he found a laundered sheet as camouflage
    4. cos he ain`t real

    1. ^^ Says the "researcher" who goes out in the woods to try and befriend a giant monkey man

    2. ^ says the guy who pretends to be the monkey man

  2. Does anyone else think that Neckbeard looks a lot like the computer nerd that the South Park boys face off against in the World of Warcraft Episode?

  3. Same reason bigfoot is hard to find at any time?

    1. ^ that will be No.2 or 4 on the above chart then

  4. I have over 10,000 miles snowmobiling through the mountains. I have only heard branch break Hello's, 2 or 3 times. They do not leave tracks because they are paranormal. Not because they are not there. But most do likely move to lower elevations in the winter.


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