"Mountain Monsters" Season 3 Premieres in March!
Everyone's favorite hillbilly monster hunting show returns for season 3 on Saturday, March 7th on Destination America, 10/9c.
(Silver Spring, Md.) – For hundreds of years, Bigfoot has put Americans on edge with sightings of giant man-beasts lurking in the forest, discoveries of massive footprints in the mud, and reports of disembodied howls floating in the nighttime. Nowhere does the mystery of Bigfoot’s existence run deeper than in the backcountry of Appalachia where, over the last 10 years alone, the Appalachian Investigators of Mysterious Sightings (AIMS) has uncovered more than a dozen different clans of Bigfoot that call the mountain region home. Locals have their own names for these enormous ape-like creatures, from Midnight Whistlers to the Wildman, but they’re all Bigfoot in the end. Trapper and his team of expert hunters and outdoorsmen – including Jeff, Willy, Wild Bill, Huckleberry, and Buck – have spent their entire lives navigating Appalachia’s rough terrain, surviving off the land, and practicing do-it-yourself resourcefulness in preparation for their toughest challenge yet: defending mountain communities from Bigfoot, the most legendary monster ever rumored to exist. Now, in the third season of Destination America’s hit series MOUNTAIN MONSTERS, AIMS travels to remote corners of the Appalachian wilderness, putting a lifetime of training to the ultimate test, as they track and attempt to trap local Bigfoots across the region in a quest to prove they are fact, not folklore. MOUNTAIN MONSTERS: BIGFOOT EDITION premieres Saturday, March 7 at 10/9c on Destination America with eight episodes pursuing Bigfoots across the mountain region. The second half of the 16-episode season will premiere later in 2015.
“In the age-old battle between man and monster, the stakes have never been higher than in MOUNTAIN MONSTERS: BIGFOOT EDITION as AIMS and America’s most legendary monster, Bigfoot, go head to hairy head in an epic turf war over Appalachia,” said Marc Etkind, general manager of Destination America. “AIMS has had run-ins before with Bigfoot like the Yahoo and the Grassman, their arch nemesis for two seasons running, but they are back this season stronger, braver, and more prepared than ever to track down Bigfoot and take back the mountains.”
In the season premiere of MOUNTAIN MONSTERS: BIGFOOT EDITION on March 7, AIMS begins its epic quest to prove the existence of Bigfoot in Appalachia. AIMS believes that central Kentucky’s clan of Midnight Whistlers – enormous ape-like monsters known for their ear-piercing whistle, green eyes, jet-black hair, and nocturnal behavior – were the first variation of Bigfoot to emerge from the Mammoth Cave system some 3,000 years ago. The AIMS team goes hot on the trail of one Midnight Whistler after discovering the most elaborate and massive nest they’ve seen to date and must construct a customized trap large enough to contain this 8-foot tall monster. Little does AIMS know that where there’s one Midnight Whistler, others are not far behind.
For the entire article, click here.
A third season of this crap? You have got to be kidding me!
ReplyDeleteHow on earth did this "program" make it to a third season??? Then again "Finding Bigfoot is on it's sixth season. Go figure.
DeleteIs the TV show Mountain Monsters fake?
DeleteI THINK NOT !!!!
I can't believe that train wreck lasted three episodes, much less three seasons. What do you think the gross tonnage of the team is?
gits tham critters Trapper & WILD BILL ans gits the JOB DONE
This guy just had multiple orgasms.
Deletejust give BOBO a shotgun and BFRO ratings will go up!!!!
DeleteBobo always reminds me of Bubba from Forest Gump.
Deleteas long as thar be goood folks minds to poot at eese TEEM AIMS aint goin noware
DeleteSo, Wild Bill, are you teaming up with Huckleberry, Buck, Wiley, and Jeff.
DeleteSo, Wild Bill, are you teaming up with Huckleberry, Buck, Wiley, and Jeff.
DeleteSo, Wild Bill, are you teaming up with Huckleberry, Buck, Wiley, and Jeff.
Deletejist watin fer that thar Mountin Monstars sesshun 3 fer shure
ReplyDelete@ TRAPPER 6 for his SAFETY : )
DeleteWHAT THHE !!!
DeleteMARCH 7th GAME ON !!! AIMS TEAM : )
ReplyDeleteWhy you get excited over Hillbillies who fake "hunting monsters" is beyond me.
DeleteHillbillies with GUNs huntin critters @ night, and Wild Bills BIG KNIFE for cuttin up them critters
Deleteslised gutted an stuffd
DeleteLove this show!!!
ReplyDeleteMore fat guys with guns.
ReplyDeleteU not talkin about BUCK !!! he a husky ninja : )
DeleteYeeee-haaaawe !
ReplyDeleteWild Bill campfire vittles what will be on da MENU !!!
Deletewes gonna eet owr enimee PORK POWER OORAH!
DeleteMountain Monsters AIMS team - Trapper called it the Bear Beast is a KIA , Devil Dogs pack trapped, Hawgzilla trapped, Lizard Demon shots Fired, Fire Dragon shots Fired....
ReplyDeleteMore to come in Season #3 : )
lung blud be prooof ol mr BEAR BEEST aint gonna be harmin no mor baers
DeleteIf you are lost in the Bush follow a road back to civilization, just sayin.
ReplyDeleteGPS for U SAFETY : )
DeleteCrack heads are best left alone, just sayin.
Delete6 days out in da ho I got screamed at.
like 24 dayz for the new Mountain Monsters show
Deletelike we cant wait that long .....
man dat YAHOO sownded lik a locomotiv wen he let dat big ol sqwall owt scard tha livin daylits owta me1
DeleteBigfoot dont exist
ReplyDeletebut WILL BILL doooooooo
Deletei tell yoo wut dat thar nogoood hary sonufabitch is goin down i cant wate till i gits to sho offf my neew bigfoot bigfur coat sliced gutted an stuffd OORAH!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteyou go git 'em Bill !
DeleteIs this that show with Honey Bobo?
ReplyDeleteBOBO + WILD BILL = BIGFOOT trapped and found
DeleteTrapper Tice got that big knife nice and sharp. Huckleberry still best point man I da business. Jeff got plenty of news clippins and Buck recovered in full from moth man incident. Git ur vcr recorders on da ready!
ReplyDeleteBIGGER than WILD BILLs KNIFE !!!!
DeleteSo fucking pumped my show is back for more! Hell yeah ninja's!
ReplyDeleteAtleast there getting pictures of bigfoot the shepsquatch and other kinds of bigfoots. What does finding bigfoot do besides nothing. Then you got these assholes like the rev roilio, Standing and who the hell ever running there mouths but never any evidence. Traper Tice wild Bill Hickberry Buck acrually showmus videos of perry county Gassman sheepsquatch fire breathing lizards mothmen and so forth.
ReplyDeleteThis is like professional wrestling, only idiots will think it's real