Breaking: Todd Standing Throws In The Towel

No one knows for sure what has led Todd Standing down this road. Maybe it was the lack of support for Bigfoot North, or perhaps the pressure for him to produce has proven too much for him to handle. Whatever the cause maybe, it's clear that Standing has given up on his latest project. Here's the breaking news this evening, and we'll be following up with more later tonight:

News of Standing's announcement is all over social media.

Standing says he will be taking down his Facebook profile after tonight

Last month, Standing started a Kickstarter page and told donors he will be releasing a full documentary on his "interaction" with sasquatch. With only 26 days left, Standing only received a total of $1,235 out of $900,000 that he's asking for.

[Thanks to everyone for bringing this to our attention]


  1. Replies
    1. Not the retirement fund he was hoping for, but followed through and retired none the less.

      Good riddence

  2. What A Phony Baloney. What an Ignaramus. What a maroon.

  3. I still would prefer to see this miscreant de-bearded.

  4. maybe he was visited by the ghost of three squatches,

  5. Temper tantrum drama queen. Typical of the frauds. We could only hope he would be gone. He will not be, not yet...

  6. Just release your "finished video" and maybe, just maybe someone will actually believe you ..

  7. Well, arguing the results of a DNA test performed by professionals because you did internet research and disagree with their results doesn't help much. Not so much Todd, not so much...

  8. Ok. Some nice people just shared this with me as I had just gotten back from feeding real subjects at a real site. I think I'm sick to my stomach. Why I continue to look for the good in people is beyond my own pitiful comprehension. I've spent all this money on a few blurry pictures and some wonderful experiences. But one or two hucksters can do just what Jerry Garcia sang " Steal your face right off your head "

    1. This is why we are still a fringe science. This is why we can't get university funding. Because of nonsense like this. This and the endless bickering of fools. Man I'm pissed off right now. Who is going to pick up the mantle and release some real fucxing evidence? I volunteered to work the ground crew for Willam Barnes Falcon Project. I will let a qualified research team come to my ranch and collect real evidence. I'll do whatever I can do to prove that we are all not like this. It's time for me to get off my soapbox and go to bed. Kickstarter campaigns my ass.

    2. Id like as my final comment to start a kickstarter campaign to fund the kicking in the balls of the next person to start a kickstarter campaign on tne promise of a future reveal. This is like pistol whipping a blind person. Cheezus

    3. Clive. I wish I were more like you instead of James Woods in True Believsr.

    4. If you believe in bigfoot, you should be pissed at all the foolishness that goes on... setting your cause back again and again.

    5. This is as mad as I've been at the genre, the machine that feeds the greed, and the charismatic people who tie money into it at the expense of the self funded nitwits like myself. I use humor to deflect the fact that I take this stuff seriously. And now I find no humor whatsoever. Just hypocrisy.

    6. "Some day they'll find it....the rainbow connection, the lovers, the dreamers, and me ...."

    7. Mike, do you think Standing is a hoaxer?

  9. Maybe he and Dyer can put their footage together and come up with an off-the-chain DVD.

  10. Next he'll start blaming the haters.

  11. Between conmen and junk scientists, no one will ever take bigfooters seriously.

  12. Will he issue refunds? Betcha he won't. Those that donated should get a gander of that super fly evidence video. Then they can tell the rest of us how blurry it is.

    Too bad. But no surprise.


    1. Doesn't work that way, you only get billed if he reaches the target amount. So no refund because nobody has paid yet!

  13. "This is the end, beautiful friend
    This is the end, my only friend, the end
    Of our elaborate plans, the end
    Of everything that's Todd Standing, the end
    No safety or surprise, the end
    I'll never look into your eyes, again..."

  14. The Canadian Rick Dyer throwing in the towel?

    I'll believe it when i see it.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Cry me a river... Who cares if he does? He's only in it for the money! just like almost 95% of them...FFS!

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. I learn new information from your article , you are doing a great job.


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