Is Todd Standing's Kickstarter Actually Working?

As everyone knows by now, Todd Standing is attempting to raise funds via Kickstarter to fund his documentary, Bigfoot North, and apparently research for the next year, which he claims will allow him to prove the existence of bigfoot once and for all.

Many people, including myself, were somewhat shocked by the amount of money Todd Standing is attempting to raise. He has set a 60 day goal of $900,000 CAD. That's almost a million dollars. But how is his Kickstarter campaign actually doing? Is he on track to reach his goal?

Not quite.

To raise that amount in 60 days, Todd would need $15,000 CAD donated per day. As of this moment he has 53 days left, and has raised a total of...$796 CAD! Or about $700 U.S.

That's about $113 CAD per day. Not quite the $15,000 CAD average per day he needs to accomplish his goal and get the funding he's asking for.

But who knows, things could always change.

If you'd like to make a donation or keep track of how it's doing, you can reach his Kickstarter page by clicking here.


  1. Unfortunately, No it doesn't seem so.

    1. Rioters in Ferguson say burn this B***h DOWN...

    2. Your doing half his promotional work Shawn!

  2. Strange.

    I was convinced that this guy would easily raise the $900K.

    What could have gone wrong here?


    1. If you thought he could raise that much money easily, that was a problem right off the bat.

      Crowd funding has never been a success in Bigfooting, certainly in not a big way.

    2. Who could forget that nut who went by the name Rufus Ray, amongst others? Wanted some great amount of money for a fancy rifle and gear. Meanwhile, he trolled several fb groups, often drunk. He maintained several accounts (some clearly racists) to work his magic. You go "Beastslayer"!

    3. Standing knew as well anyone he'd never be able to raise more than a few bucks.

      Main objective was to highlight and promote further his new found desire to protect and conserve BF.

      All smoke and mirrors my friend.


  3. Sure lets give a hoaxster 900k

  4. With assholes! Like you constantly bad mouthing him it's going to be tough but he'll get it...tides turning a bit on you jealous fatass nobody's

    1. Pwned by his own puppets...

    2. Lol, just like Ricky Dyer was going to show us all right? Calling something as you see (for years no less) isn't jealousy, it's consistency.

    3. Did Standing pay for Meldrum and Bindernagel to visit him?

    4. Not sure if it came out of Toddy's pocket directly but both Meldrum and Bindernagel enjoyed an all expenses trip to Canada.


    5. Meldrum doesn't go anywhere without someone picking up the tab. If it involves a conference of some kind, he will bring the plaster prints for sale.

    6. Most likely rushfer trying to buy some credibility for his man standing. I'm guessing the Bigfoot north podcasts were a stipulation for accepting the ticket.

    7. meldrum and standing should be charged with fraud

    8. Didn't Rushfer boast that Bigfoot North 'wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for me'. We can only assume he stumped up the Franklin's to allow this train wreck to happen.

    9. @ 4:12 Hey bro what else is new? Dumforlife is ALWAYS Wrighting checks his (nobody) Ass cant Cash!! UDIGG?

  5. Hey Todd! Get a real job ya buttwipe! Try sellin muffins at TJ Hortons.

  6. With 39 out of the possible 50 total backers, ponying up $821 so far, there will be a nearly empty FedEx truck coming to Todd's house this year.

  7. If the 40 minute advanced screening of the the documentary is any good he might pull some dollars. I don't understand why he doesn't he make it available globally ? If it is a "Shock the World" film then why restrict it to a select few ? Sounds like he doesn't want to make money to me .

  8. What happened to Fraud Standings documentary he was supposed to show today? anyone know?

  9. ALL I have to say is, sooner or later karma/fate catches up to people like this and then they cry/sob the blues.......

  10. I would take a low tech approach. I watched a documentary once about some Japanese scientist spending almost half a year in a small manhole he dug, eating nothing more than rice and dried fruits, while looking out for Siberian tigers.

    It tooks him months of observation before the tigers passed through the area he could overlook. They did not know he was there, because he never left his manhole. He could observe them, take photos and videos.

    Such an expedition does not have to cost much. It takes time, discipline and dedication. Perhaps it could work similarly for finding bigfoot?

  11. Someone with a lazy million bucks lying around should call his bluff. I wonder exactly how he would spend the money if he did get it? On full body, full motion CGI perhaps?

  12. Did you have a bigfoot encounter or not? Such an expedition does not have to cost much. Then why is he wastly investing that much money for raising his funds.

    Hupictz benzel.


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