Bigfoot Tree Knocks Captured on Video in North Texas

Some researchers speculate that bigfoot communicate at times by striking trees with large limbs to produce a knocking sound. The following was recorded in North Texas by researcher Blake Downing.


  1. Replies
    1. Worth a try though. Patty sure had a couple of nice knockers.

    2. Bollocks I want more breaking news: Henry May went to the toilet unassisted or put his laundry away.

    3. BREAKING:

      Henry May wiped without his stick!!!!


    4. I likes me some big hairy ass knockers

    5. Ok, School is in session.
      That isn't bigfoot knocks there kids. Yes Bigfoots exist and they are in North Tx.
      Bigfoots NEVER knock as many times as what you heard. Generally, you shouldn't do it. If you do only strike once. If you hear a single, answer with a quick double --- then hide.

      Those kids are near a lake. What they are hearing is a Boathouse banging in the wind. That sound will travell a LONG way across the water and then wind can even make it sound like it's changing location.

      rDR. You looking for a spot in North Tx??? How far are you from Lake Texoma. I have a spot you can hit from land or lake. If you have a boat, I have a plan for you that will get it done if it's possible. I don't think it is because common sense says we have a MAJOR problem in dealing with some Gorilla / ancestroll man. These things toy with us and have abillities beyound our's. There is a way!

    6. WTF has this got to do with Henry May?

    7. I hear you knockin', but you can't come in !

  2. GRAYS control BIGFOOT to collect DNA?

    How and from who are they collecting the DNA from?

  3. That girl looked like she thought the guy had wishful thinking.

  4. Is it possible - that in one section of the video - the same audio is looped on two scenes that are taken in different areas from 2:08 - 2:11 followed by someone whispering " Wowwwwwww" and 2:23 and 2:25 followed by the same person whispering " Wowwwwwww" ?
    - just asking a question. not judging.

    1. You actually watched the video? What a dork!
      -Just judging, not asking a question.

    2. Why u gotz to ask?Justz judge likez everyone else!

  5. Anyone know where in north Texas this is? I'll go check for myself.

    1. It was in southeastern northwest Texas, near the Louisiana New Mexico border.

    2. It was behind a home depot in a San Antonio suburb.

    3. Nice to see the smart-asses are paying attention. Directions only a village idiot would give.

  6. Amazing! Sounds captured on video! Were images captured on audio? This is the greatest achievement since Smellavision!

  7. I'd like to play with little chickeedoodle's knockers.

  8. Would you nail a hemaphrodite?

    1. Depends on what type.Some hermaphrodites, like your sister/brother be ugly.But man,your mom was out fricken standing last night. Tell her we said hi!

  9. The bigfeet of Northern Texas are known for their thunderous bowel movements.

    1. Particularly after eating a tub load of that Texas Chili.

  10. I agree about Henry May, what does h have to do with this video?
    He can't get out of his chair!
    Sorry couldn't resist. Stay in your chair fat basterd.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.


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