MONSTERS UNDERGROUND Returns to Destination America Starting Friday, Oct 10

It's now official! Our friend Bill Brock has a brand new TV show called Monsters Underground that's premiering on Destination America starting Friday, October 10th. We hate to brag, but we knew Bill Brock when he was just -- Bill Brock. Now he's the host of an awesome new show and we're going to learn a lot about the world we live in and its mysteries. Brock and his team are bad asses and we're going to be taken for a big ride this month. Here's a preview:

For thousands of years, myth and folklore have warned of beasts that prowl the underworld. Now, Bill Brock, Jeremy Bates, Casey Onik, and Richard McGhee dare to trespass on their realm for the sake of discovering the truth, putting their lives on the line to venture deep under the earth’s surface. One wrong move could turn the cave into their tomb. But the most dangerous threat of all is the pitch-black darkness and the risk of coming face to face with a cave creature – such as the shape-shifting Aswang or the bat-like Olitiau – and not seeing it until it’s too late.

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Episode guide:

Shadow Mine Subterralien premieres Friday, October 10 at 10/9c
Bill Brock and the team venture into the abandoned Shadow Mine in Calaveras County, California, to hunt the Subterralien, a possibly armed and hostile creature that might be more sophisticated than any they have hunted.

Cross Creek Cavern Draco premieres Friday, October 10 at 10:30/9:30c
The team travels to Northern California where a river cave called Cross Creek Cavern is believed to house a monster known as the Draco, a vicious lizard/human hybrid that lives beneath the surface of the dark waters.

Apache Death Cave Aswang premieres Friday, October 17 at 10/9c
Bill Brock and his team travel to Two Guns, Arizona, to the Apache Death Cave – the site of an infamous Native American massacre – in search of the Aswang, a legendary shape-shifting, vampiric creature that’s part dog and part human.

Grand Canyon Caverns Rake premieres Friday, October 17 at 10:30/9:30c
The team travels to Peach Springs, Arizona to a show cave called The Grand Canyon Caverns, to investigate a newly discovered section of the cave, unexplored by man but possibly hiding a murderous creature known as the Rake.

Volcano Cavern Olitiau airs Friday, October 24 at 10/9c
Previously aired on Discovery Channel
In the maze that is Flagstaff, Arizona’s Volcano Caverns, Bill Brock and his team believe that a giant, deadly reptilian bat creature known as the Olitiau, or “cave demon” has made this cave its home.

Graveyard Gulch Mapinguari airs Friday, October 24 at 10:30/9:30c
Previously aired on Discovery Channel
Bill Brock and his team suspect recent black bear deaths are due to the Mapinguari, a descendant of the giant prehistoric sloth. Together they travel to Graveyard Gulch, a treacherous cave in Northern California to hunt this deadly monster.


  1. Replies
    1. ^ boy, you just don't learn, do you?

    2. Clearly neither do you if you think there's a monkey out there.

    3. The Asswang? Otherwise known as Big Jon.

    4. Jeeeeeez, this nerd really wants to do the same dance every day of his existence??

      Man... There HAS to be healthier ways of getting attention in this world other than this, has to be???

    5. ^ said by the fat man whose only friends are cyber friends, one of which is a retarded texan and the other an english tranny.

      good job bro.

    6. Negativity only comes from negative people full of hate xx

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. Ha ha ha ha ha!!!

      3:48... One can only imagine what must have happened to you in your development.

      I shudder to think... Poor, poor guy.

    9. ^ Fat. And liking trannies.

    10. Great come back 5:21,now you've asked for it...ner ner ner ner nerrr and let that be a lesson xx

    11. What a Crappy show! I give it 4 episodes before it gets the hook!

    12. I thought it was already cancelled. Stupid show is right, just like Mountain Monsters, and it's copy-cat show Alaska monsters!

    13. NOooo - we got Mountain Monsters Season #3 in the spring! ALaska Monsters on NOW, Swamp Monsters on NOW, SOooo Monsters Underground to seal the deal : )
      AND - Killing Bigfoot premieres on October 24th at 10pm SWEET : )

    14. Bill may have been an honest researcher at one time, but this show is a complete sellout. I doubt Bill believes in any of the things he's investigating, just trying to hoax stupid people.

    15. If I find out this a hoax show !

    16. Had the pleasure of meeting Bill at Stacey's bash in Florida.

      Bill got offered this show around the same time he was going to partner and undoubtedly win Bigfoot Bounty. Not everyday you get offered to host your own show so unsurprisingly, Bill grabbed the opportunity with both hands.

      The show is good honest fun and Bill had a blast recording it. Cancelled? Of course not.

      Here's hoping that 2nd series comes off Bill.


    17. It's all BS! Anybody that watches it must be:
      1. Bored
      2. To stupid
      These shows are for the lower than low IQ people!

    18. technicully tham bigfoots tipes critters bein in tham caves

    19. Is it good honest fun mmg when he fakes evidence to prove that these creatures are real, like all these monster shows do? Are you going soft on all hoaxers now, or just the ones you know personally?

  2. jealous will Merchant and Rictor be about this...
    Plenty I would bet.

    1. Merchant is jealous of everyone. But yeah, since he was close to Brock it has to be that much worse. Merchant ends up alienating just about everyone he associates with. Just ask Shawn, Bill, Rictor, Phil, Ro, Curt, Steve...

    2. Merchant is the only footer who has a clue about the outdoors, wildlife and survival. If he don't find one then it's pretty safe to say bigfoot don't exist.

    3. Isn't Merchant now convinced by the tracks he accumulated?

      That's right.

    4. Actually no ...your Henry Mays exact twin separated at birth are you not?

    5. Actually yes. And for May's twin I sure can spin kick OK. You OK bro? Want a friend?? Lonely???

    6. Merchant may have the biggest ego in Bigfooting with the possible exception of Stacy Brown. He's a great outdoorsman but he doesn't play well with others as history has shown.

    7. Agreed. I really like him though man, what a character. It's been fascinating seeing him progress to the point in which he's clearly embracing things like tracks now.

      He had some of the very best interviews I've ever seen; one with a guy called Mike Phillips and the famous Allagash interview where the poor guy breaks down; all pulled from the internet for some reason, only Merchant could tell you why.

    8. Somebody that spreads animal crap all over him is NO outdoorsman. Watching him on Big foot bounty, I came to my professional opinion, Merchant hasn't a clue what's he doing.

    9. It's Merchants 'character' which lets him down.

      Miss giving the guy a hard time on here!


    10. ^^^ joe proving he`s swayed by the illusion of the internet and he thinks real "personality" is shown when the camera is on..what a dork he is !

    11. whoa, had no idea my comment about Merchant being jealous would spark this much comment.
      Hi joe...Merchant DID have awesome eyewitnesses accounts. He removed them wtf.

    12. I know, that Michael Phillips interview was the best.

    13. Oh yea?? Well i can do 12 ,360 giants on the high bar!
      And hold a iron cross for 15 sec on the rings..
      not bad for a guy weigh's 210
      6-2 ,,

    14. That little shoulder parrot big jon would be out cold in 5sec flat! "

    15. After he got a whiff of my JIFF, EGGS BEANS, BEER!

  3. Joe wouldn't know bigfoot don't exist if he was slapped round the face with a gator leg.

  4. So it looks like Patterson made a homemade recreation of that 50s monster film. He even copied the trackway scene ahaha.

    1. It's like a really dumb episode of Scooby-Do.

    2. Every day... The same quest for attention... Man, it's pretty pathetic not only getting every argument knocked back, but to so obviously need to feel approached in any way possible.

      I'm starting to feel a little sorry for you, do you need a friend? I'm being totally serious now bro...

    3. ^ Every day... The same quest for attention...Man, it`s pretty pathetic not only getting every argument smoked,but to so obviously need to feel appreciated in any way possible.

      I`m starting to feel a little sorry for you,joe,do you need a friend ? I`m being totally serious now bro...

    4. Post an argument, that's how you'll get my attention from now on.

    5. dawgs knows whars them bigfeets gos

    6. ^^ you respond regardless whether there`s any "argument" posed..simply a gasp for attention that you don`t receive elsewhere.

    7. Joe, it is a genetic impossability for a big foot a homo sapien. What say you??

  5. Let me get this straight....

    The latest big bit of evidence you footers have found turned out to be a GATOR leg?


    Not even in the same order of animals. Mistaking a REPTILE arm for a primate arm!!


    1. Only people I know that mistook it for primate arm was the Florida Dnr, fish and game, or whatever they are called. Wonder what else they have been wrong about.

    2. There was like 50 posts on this blog about this "primate arm" hahahahaha you got smoked

    3. Bro... Do you need a friend? I'll be your friend, you don't have to lie to yourself or anyone else any more...

    4. John W. Jones Spoke, shot a WOLF a couple of years ago. The N.Y. Fish and Game said it was a Coyote! (Wolves don't exist in N.Y. they said) But confiscated it anyway. Why?
      Two months later, Two of his Mohawk friends shot 2 WOLVFS but did not confiscate them!
      The Point: A lot of Fish & Game Experts never get out in the flied!

    5. Seriously just stop talking idiot your nothing but a troll

    6. John! I remember when you posted that before, interesting stuff. Hope you are well buddy.

    7. ^ you thick thick thick idiot..the poster above is NOT John.W.Jones but a troll..sheesh you really are a moron

    8. if unkel BOB ses it was a reel bigfoot then it was reel bigfoot

    9. John W. Jones rarely posts here anymore. He assigned me to post some interesting things for those that believe in Big foot.
      And let me clear up about his faked death.
      After John had a severe stroke last winter, it was a "Troll" that wrote he had died. Sick people!
      When I told him about all these Died comments, he said: "Let it ride"! B/c he actually had "Internet Stalkers" come to his home town, sticking their nose into John's business (Real sick people) john needed to recover, to finish his book. They even called the Hospital!
      Also let me clear up that John has no Rap sheet, no arrests at all! Again some "Sick Trolls" spreading rumors about him! Why/ B/c he writes about Big foot? Isn't this a Big foot site?
      Why are they so nosey? Why do they lie? Why do they spread false rumors? B/C they're sick people! and Jealous too!
      John even get love E-mails from Men! They have a severe Man-crush on him!
      I'm here, he not, but I will be watching you sick people! Get a life!

  6. The last show had FLIR video of a possum and a crew member.

  7. Newest bfro report from Kansas. Wildfire back in March has a white Sasquatch on the run and nearly runs into a Dodge Caliber on country road. Woman driver and daughter are completely freaked out. Was not here first time she saw one.

  8. When will that guy with the FISH EYEZ come on here to post a comment???????? I just love to look at that fellas profile pix!

  9. Duh! Where all these monsters coming from? I'm locking my doors, turning the light off, and me and my kids will hide in the basement. I'm sooooooooo scared!

  10. Bigfoot =P.T. Barnum = there is a sucker born every minuet

    1. BIG DADDY - WILD BILL be top DOG, ans old Marine, Expert tracker fer AIMS

    2. PT Barnum this;

      : p

    3. ans WILD BILL gits that thar BIG KNIFE

    4. ands small dick1 That PHONY Marine!

  11. I stop in from time to time...what was that stuff about the bigfoot researcher (stacey) getting $500K for that alligator arm.

    Is that true - or bullcrap...?!?

    1. only tham richns folks gits monies fer reseerchin

    2. I shot the pope! i screwed Paris Hilton! See how easy it is to make BS stories!

  12. Killing BIGFOOT is the Game Changer

  13. Climate Change Linked to Ebola...

  14. not another fake monster show where they come up with an elaborate trap that always seems to fail. How could they ever think they can replace wild Bill in other shows
    better than all the reality crap on tv though
    Bring it on !

  15. Watch out for those GRAYs because they have underground bases and they dont kindly to trespassers !!!

  16. Trapper and the AIMS team went into caves looking for the Cave Creature ...
    Wild Bill said leave that critter be.....

    1. And "Buck" WILD BILL'S lover was to fat to fit in!


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