Geocacher finds massive footprint in the middle of nowhere

A geochacher in Oklahoma named "Master Hughes" doesn't really want to believe this, but during a film shoot for his YouTube channel, he encounters something he cannot explain. He thinks he may have found a footprint that belongs Bigfoot:

Among other things, while shooting a video short in the Oklahoma mountains, they found this interesting geocache:


  1. Somewhere in Maine Micheal Merchant is going to be complaining that this isn't evidence. And about some other things.

    1. I remember the golden age of Michael Merchant well....

      I wonder what half baked reality show he'll pop up on next


    2. WILD BILL + Survivorman = BIGFOOT Found : )

  2. Is he related to Master Baiter?

  3. el PataGrande es muy inteligente pero tiene un olor feo.

  4. Geocachers are notorious trespassers, murderers and thieves.

  5. yes, he is first but your still both tied for being LOSERS

  6. sup homies...............its Da Bigfoot in da crib. Holla l8tr

  7. Mista Sasquatch Man be in da Ok Hood

  8. Another explanation for tracks in the middle of nowhere- geocachers.

  9. Oh my gosh - it HAS to be a bigfoot track!!! It was found THIRTY miles up in those mountains - what else could it possibly be? I wonder if any of those FIVE people who signed that geocache nearby spotted it? Wow - I hope they didn't run into any of those BEARS he said was around there. A single footprint - proof POSITIVE for bigfoot presence. I'm leaving from North Dakota and headed to Oklahoma today because that must be a hotspot for bigfoot.

  10. Ha - I have cracked your defense system. Now you will all DIE!

  11. Rick Dyer says he shot and killed another bigfoot last night.

    1. Not exactly. He said he "emptied his load" into a bigfoot.

  12. Yeah he did say that was on an EXPEDITION in Penn. Says he first saw a little girl walking through the woods, he already knows that little girls walking through the woods means Big foots nearby.


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