Possible Western PA Bigfoot Sighting?

Bigfoot Evidence reader Dr. Squatch told us a few days ago he was uploading awesome footage. Since we were squatchin' in the Sierras, we almost forgot to follow up on the story. This morning, Dr. Squatch sent us this video explaining a possible Bigfoot him and his crew filmed somewhere in Western PA. He writes on his blog:

"The only thing blurry in the entire video, is the subject in question. Even the crew member at the beginning is clear. The creature remains blurry, until the sun comes in. As the sun passes right to left, the creature becomes visible! I do not have zoom on my cell, the creature was blurry the entire time, until the sun hit it’s face. This PROVES IT IS NOT A HOAX, I CANNOT CONTROL THE SUN!  I believe the video would have remained blurry, if the sun had not come in. I was literally 6-8 feet away from this creature…it never budged an inch!! You can see the creature has it’s nose perched on the branch, resting it’s head so it will not move…talk about “Super Stealth Mode!” The over abundance of tree breaks, visible from the road, is what led us to scout this area. A bridge going under the highway, is what we believe they are traveling through, to avoid detection. This tunnel connects two, decent sized woods, that no people would ever go in….except us!"

Here's the video:


  1. Replies
    1. obama got the NSA to surveil all
      for your SAFETY

    2. HOLDER needs to be placed as the Generalissimo of the civilian army that just as well trained and equipped as our Military

    3. iam sayin that thar Rand Paul goin be president fer 2016

  2. Why would a skeptic be upset if bigfoot is proven? I think many of them with a genuine interest would be pleased.

    It is the hardcore proponents, that stretch rational belief by accepting so many pieces of evidence as genuine, who are shattered time after time after time when nothing ever turns out to be bigfoot.

    Is the PGF all we have and someone is trying to take it away?

    I just read the Eureka Times-Standard article Kit linked regarding Scoop Beal, Wallace and Bluff Creek. It is from a 3rd party, complete with confessions, and people here are still wearing blinders.

    Go Figure.

    1. I found a book from 1975 in the barn entitled The World's Greatest Monsters. The evidence for figboot has not advanced an inch. If anything it has receded a few miles.

    2. The exponential growth in technology is a proof that bigfoot don't exist.

    3. ^ you say "we" but then you say "people". Playing both sides are you? And you are assuming a lot when you say that "hard core proponents are shattered".

      Nice try skeptard. Need to work on Grammer also

      Anyways, this vid has nothing


    4. MMC we all know you are pretending to believe

    5. mmc did you give yourself that moniker because it reminds you of the ccm that was on your special helmet you wore to school??

    6. No sweetheart^^

      It stands for mid-Michigan-calling

    7. MMC=CCM?

      Someone's dyslexic

    8. ART BILL a guy Bugs killed 2 bigfoots in TX . as i recall he gave ART BELL a map so ART could claim the bodies and the proof

    9. 9:00...

      "Why would a skeptic be upset if bigfoot is proven? I think many of them with a genuine interest would be pleased."

      It's simple, most are ignorant of the facts and celebrate their own ignorance to attain a sense of community. In sheer naivity of the facts regarding evidence, it's easy to come across so confident, but it only lasts as long as someone can point out these facts to which it then turns into aggresive denial, because they've sounded off so much, for so long. Ego's require preserving.

      "It is the hardcore proponents, that stretch rational belief by accepting so many pieces of evidence as genuine, who are shattered time after time after time when nothing ever turns out to be bigfoot."

      It is in fact enthusiasts that are not ignorant of facts and recognize consistent scientific method that points to the evidence from consistent means. There is no requirement to stretch rational belief, because anyone can look at the consistent methods without any fear or agenda, and realize that these are the same impartial scientific techniques that have excelled the very people endorsing the evidence prior to them transitioning into this field. To ignore this fact is abiding to preserving ego and masking fear.

      "Is the PGF all we have and someone is trying to take it away?"

      Actually, there are mounds of physical and even biological evidence to accompany that source. Psuedoskeptics treat this like a taboo of course, like some silently agknowledged blasphemy they have a collective understanding about.

      "I just read the Eureka Times-Standard article Kit linked regarding Scoop Beal, Wallace and Bluff Creek. It is from a 3rd party, complete with confessions, and people here are still wearing blinders."

      You see, this is another angle psuedoskeptics will use to promote the idea that Sasquatch related events were none existent prior to "Wallace hoaxing tracks" or "Patterson hoaxing footage" in the 50's and 60's, embarrassingly maintaining that the whole field started from "questionable sources"... When in fact, if they stop patting eachother on the backs and spend five minutes researching, there is ridiculous amounts of evidence to support to notion of an unknown primate was circulating prior to anything of the sort of time frame.

      "In 1932, Ellis Wright found human tracks in the gypsum rock at White Sands, New Mexico. His discovery was later backed up by Fred Arthur, Supervisor of the Lincoln National Park and others who reported that each footprint was 22 inches long and from 8 to 10 inches wide. They were certain the prints were human in origin due to the outline of the perfect prints coupled with a readily apparent instep."

      In the next link provided, Al Hodgson who was a resident at Willow creek either side of the war, States that when he returned from serving in the army, that the community were well aware of giant hairy humanoids in the area;


      Go Figure!

    10. ans WILD BILL gots a BIG KNIFE he shure do

    11. but tham grassmans in the boosh ors iam a FOOL !!!

    12. What happend to BUGs BIGFOOTS!!!!!

    13. 9:39 ...yeah...but they were never dug up or found were they ? ...answer = No ...why...coz they never existed and the story was just that,a story...as it seems are nearly ALL of the so called sightings...I do think there`s a possibility something is out there but the odds are getting shorter day after day and this week has the odds less that evens...the whwole thing has become laughable and a sick laugh at that.

    14. If you truly think that a couple of stories is warranting enough to tarnish "nearly all of the so called sightings", when you have so many accounts from professional sources, and evidence like tracks and ducking eyeshine for example (all brought as evidence just this week), then you're simply trying too hard to reinforce a position to outrightly dismiss.

      You believe this subject is a possibility, but what would you base these 'possibilities' on if you don't have any evidence to base that probability around?

      You're very welcome to your opinion... But you sound confused man.

  3. i miss captain kangaroo...and mr greenjeans

    1. But there are always bozo's around to make you feel better

    2. but no friendly giants it seems

  4. So lame the lamer the persons name the worst the evidence. What dumbass gives himself a name like Dr squatching. Its so bad its funny. I give him s F .embarrassing!!!

  5. Is this the video from joes youtube account?

  6. Oh Brother! Not another BLOBSQUATCH! It's a dark bush, that all! He blew it because he said he was 6-8 feet away. He didn't mention the stench! All big foots stink! you can usually smell them 100 yards away! When nobody DOESN'T mention the stench, IT'S A HOAX!

    1. I guess you never heard of wind? If it's sitting down wind, you won't smell anything.

    2. BS! Then you have no experience with them!

    3. I've smelled them at least 5x..they arent dummies, they know how to play the wind.

    4. ^ they p[lay tunes with their assholes ?

  7. On a FINDING BIG FOOT episode, Bobo says: "There here"! but DOESN'T mention the stench! Phony, as the script he was reading!

    1. BOBO finds the GRAYs he will find a BIGFOOT

    2. BOBO been tracking bigfoots for years and MATT been looking for bigfoots for 25 years

    3. Bobo is 10 × the Man 10:02 is,
      Retarded or not.

    4. ^ Bobo hero worshipper...idiot...(guffaw)

  8. These Hoaxers and "Wannabe" Big foot researchers all fail because they leave out the small, but important details.
    Because they lack any REAL experiences or encounters!

    1. 9:44 , That is exactly why, a certain sombody was called out as a BALD FACED LIER!
      Notice how that certain sombody rarely posts on this blog anymore????

    2. In all fairness, it's not possible to have a "real" encounter with something that doesn't exist. Just sayin'.

  9. GRAYs set up these portals so that the BIGFOOTs can complete their DNA collections and safely return

  10. There is approximately 10 to 15 million bigfoots in North America.

    This is also a skeptical estimate. It is probable that this figure could be out by a factor of 20 to 30 million.

    47 years and no suit.

    Don't need to read the book to know I am right.

    1. read the book, you dumb bich

    2. No need.

      Whether I read the book or not those thousands of eye witness accounts aren't going anywhere.

      47 years and not a single damn one of you wants to put a guy in that damn suit.

    3. is tham thar wurds ins tham book bein fer reglar folk

    4. 15 million bigfoots in America ? ...you are stupid

  11. if anything it looks like a man and the camera looks higher which would make it seem like a small bigfoot unless it was bent over.
    I do believe they exist but i'm skeptical about this being one

    1. It looks like a spooky human to me, and yes, I am 6'0 tall, and it seems the creature was squatting down, with it;s nose perched on that tree branch. I never saw it, and it never budged!

    2. did you know it was there while filming ?
      And what happened after you stopped filming ?
      I know that some people have described bigfoot to look more human than ape but I still don't know. If it was squatting maybe that would explain why it looks low compared to the camera. I have seen other videos around where a possible creature remains perfectly still . If it is a real sighting than you have been lucky to be near one

  12. KK smoked Bill's book on amazon reviews

    1. WILD BILLs campfire vittles

    2. Yep destroyed it.

      If you want a good laugh go read the reviews of "Abominable Science". Bill Munns wrote a review and emailed the publishers to get them to recall the book. 200 comments of him getting smoked on Amazon later and he was either banned or deleted all his comments.


      Crazy crazy hobby.

    3. Spending all your time on a Bigfoot blog, watching Sasquatch related interviews, documentaries, reading all the information and latest news and theories... Only to maintain you're 'skeptical'... Then going into gross almost perverse lengths of denial regarding several sources of evidence regularly put your way?

      Crazy hobby.

      Want to see something funny? Watch these skepfooters repeatedly attack Munns for lack of counter argument regarding his research, nothing more ironic than a costume expert kicking your costume argument back down the basement at you.

      Got monkey suit?

    4. Got an actual bigfoot? Got scientific acceptance? Got published paper?

      Pwned old boy.

    5. You must be confused, science is a tool, not a thinking entity... And it's used very regularly to identify evidence you require self serving reasurance from. Oh... I've also got plenty of the best about endorsing that evidence, I would recommend your 'scientific unaccepting' folk listen to their superiors.

      Plenty found;




      ... None caught.

    6. He's no expert. Competent for his time period but certainly no elite member of the field.

      Even he/Meldrum cannot and do not rule out the chance of a hoax. Elaborate in it's way but it cannot be ruled out using true skepticism.

      You do not follow true skepticism. You believe unequivocally that PGF shows an authentic Sasquatch.

    7. Actually, this says he is an expert;


      Whilst his methods on costume far outdate any method of suit making in the 1960's, so he's qualified to pass on his opinion.

      It's not uncommon for scientists to impartially reflect on any proposition they present... Remember his findings have yet to be tested.

      If you practice true skepticism and not stop asking the questions once you arive at your preferred conclusions, you'll notice those conclusions can't stand.

      Got monkey suit?

    8. Its hilarious to me that people end up here and they have nothing but crap to talk to people who believe or have seen a Bigfoot... If you don't believe or your not curious about them existing now or in the past. How did you end up here and how horrible is your life that your not open minded about them... If only we were all like you doubters.. The world would still be flat and we would all be living in ancient times and technology would be non existent.. You need people like us to believe and strive for answers while you doubt.

  13. If there are mounds of evidence Joe then why do you get so butthurt when the pgf gets smoked

    1. obamacare covers butts and its FREE : )

    2. You'll have to find me a monkey suit before that happens, old boy.

      Got monkey suit?

    3. got monkey = boosh meat = Ebola : )

    4. Why do I have to find a monkey suit? Your argument makes no sense.

    5. Science needs to be tested; like scientists presenting the source to be organic tissue... How do you test that?

    6. ^ the latest bigfoot audio has just been "tested" huh ? ...and just what were the results...yet again ? ..was it another example of somebody pulling the wool over the gullible fools eyes ? ....err pardon ? ...louder please !!!

    7. And who debunked that source? It's amusing you keep patting yourself on the back on the sources the majority of enthusiasts not only are very doubtful about, but even debunk themselves.

      Keep doing your theory group proud bro, ha ha ha!!

    8. ^ if it was you then i am thankful...somebody needs to get a grip of this field and start stomping some heads...seems there are more than a few charlatans around and it`s time they were stomped.

    9. No it wasn't me... But it was people who are adamant that the subject is legitmate that did. But I do agree with you on the whole, something needs to be done.

  14. The hoaxes are comin thick and fast . Or like this crap photo of light hitting plant matter. Just plain dumb. Shame....where there's a will there a smeja.

    1. The photo was run through infrared software, which filters out all shadows, and light. You can't fool infrared! Everything was red or white, except the creature, proving it's not a showdown, or a stump, it is a living being, whatever it is!

  15. I think this is the real deal here. You can make out a dark area just to the right of the figure in question suggesting a possible body or other squatches. Almost appears as if the creature is lying low. How high off the ground was this? Looks like a possible nest area perhaps. Did you pick up on any other signs such as unusual smells, tree knocks etc near the stick formations?

    1. Id say it was 3 feet off ground, hunkered down...You are correct, this is the real deal!

  16. Anybody who calls himself Dr. Squatch is full of $hit !!

    1. I'm a Chiropractor, and a patient called me that..Kinda stuck....I like it!

  17. Can we say Bigfoot bulls_ _t........

  18. Looks like a creature to me-bigfoot or not! I'd like to see more evidence to shut up these skeptics


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