New Trailer for a Cryptid Horror Movie "XMOOR"

This trailer is for a new cryptid horror movie about the Beast of Exmoor, a large cat-like creature that roams the countryside in the UK.

Sightings of the Beast of Exmoor were first reported in the 1970s, although the period of its notoriety began in 1983, when a South Molton farmer named Eric Ley claimed to have lost over a hundred sheep in the space of three months, all of them apparently killed by violent throat injuries. There was even a report of the Beast seen "fishing" with its paw into the River Barle at Simonsbath, whilst some locals theorised that its lair might be in old mine workings on the Moor. The Daily Express offered a reward for the capture or slaying of the Beast. Farm animal deaths in the area have been sporadically blamed on the Beast ever since.
For the full article, click here. 


  1. Replies
    1. Good one Chick! I think Onu has finally gone back to school. Yay for the school year finally starting and some of the immature brats starting to leave!!!

    2. immature brats are the staple of this blog doncha know ?

    3. Chick,Chick,Chick,Chick,Chicken,Lay alittle egg for me.....
      Chick,Chick,Chick,Chick,Chicken,I want one for my tea.......

      Ah`s laken em frard !!!

    4. You put eggs in your tea? Bock bock baby ; o

  2. Replies
    1. Well hi this is where you have been...and I thought you were at the gay bar all this time.

  3. Will the last person to leave this blog turn out the lights (and say goodbye to Joe)?

    1. Um, if the last person here said goodbye to Joe, then he or she wouldn't be the last person here would they numbnuts?

    2. ^ ...a case of "fermé la Porter" please !

  4. Finding Bigfoot already has another block of episodes filmed. Has any decision been made yet if they will be filming more, or is this probably the end of a very successful run? Anybody know?

    1. ^ surely folk can just watch the shows already made...any episode...they`re all the same

  5. It has been theorized that there is a "cat" that is in fact native to Britain.....the sightings do not tally with any of the known "cat" family and so the "released" or "escaped" big cat is not repsonsible for these sightings.....whatever,it is highly elusive.....and there are the many reports from the historical record of wild "devil" dogs that it is postulated are in fact "cats"...all the tracks and signs are of a big cat existing in the wilds.......bit like bigfoot.

  6. Another Bigfoot horror flick? You have got to be kidding me. The public does not need yet another Bigfoot horror flick for a number of reasons. The most important reason is that it drastically misrepresents the Bigfoot people. By instilling fear in what some may think to be a harmless movie, it actually causes that fear to linger to when the viewer may later come into contact with a Bigfoot. Then he is scared out of his wits, when there is no need to be scared in the first place. Bigfoot would much rather be your friend than your worst enemy.


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