Top 5 Incredible Photos From Mulder's World [7/25/2014]

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Here are some fascinating photographs from, the front page of the strange and unexplained:

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  1. I'm in the process of adding structure to the much revered Superfriends regime. Keep in mind this is still a working copy so all feedback from within the organization will be appreciated and considered.

    Joe: 1st acting President

    Ernie: Special advisor to the President

    Mike B: Legal counsel and consigliere

    Big Jon: Vice President in charge of troll rehabilitation and conversion

    Chick: Vice President in charge of public relations and smiley faces

    Eva: Foreign Ambassador specializing in xx's

    ALL CAPS: Firsting specialist

    Uno!: Firsting specialist

    MMC: Resident expert on chivalry and friendliness

    Chuck: Master bigfoot researcher and tracker

    There are plenty positions still open, please apply by contacting one of the above mentioned.

    1. What type of a schedule do you keep for posting under your other accounts Joe? Is it like every hour you switch accounts, or do you do it when people are trolling one of your alias's too hard. Right now its Big Jon time, i wonder when you will bust out Ernie

    2. Hahahaha! What type of schedule do you keep? Clearly you have no life because you say the same thing every hour of every day. Seriously! You don't think people notice? Honestly, please tell me who you think you're fooling. Joe's a good guy, I understand why you have such a crush on him.

    3. Can't wait till he shoes up, he'll be flattered I promise!

    4. Everybody here knows your gay jon!

    5. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!! Great post Jon!!!!

      Honestly though, I would have you 1st acting president!!!

      Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!

    6. You've been elected. Except it my friend.

    7. Jesus Christ why dont u guys just make out now! Queers!!!!

    8. jealous he isn't loved ^

    9. Queers. What's with the labels? You do understand that if it wasn't for my wife and kids, I would post my new address online, right? I've almost had it with you pathetic online trolls. Actually I'm literally to the point where I don't give a shit. Between insomnia an assholes such as yourself, how about you come on down to Dallas Texas and find out why they call Me "Big Jon" you shithead!

    10. Big jon you are clearly gay! Quit denying it! Why else would you stick up for dirty trannys? QUEER!!

    11. Big Jon clearly isn't gay although it wouldn't matter if he was and me dirty?i've had a bath you cheeky label giver xx

    12. I bet big jon won't fight me!

    13. In America we call people like big jon pussified!!!!

    14. Yep, big dork^^ the dork just goes on for miles and ever.

    15. Big pussyfied jon! Doesn't give a shit about assholes! Yet he's the biggest asshole here! Then the wannabe tough guy expect's someone to waste thier gas just to kick
      his Ass!! And he is the instigator! What a nutcase!

  2. Replies
    1. Ooooohhhhh I guess Eva, whatever..... : )

    2. Jon, u do realize that eva is a guy right??

    3. Um, no I didn't realize that. What are you? Insecure perhaps?

    4. 12:57. Joe is very aware that Eva is a transgender individual. But then again, i wouldnt be surprised if Eva was a Joe account. I dont think thats the case, but with as many accounts as Joe uses here, it wouldnt truly surprise me. Just know that when you address Big Jon or Ernie, or 75 percent of the anon comments, you really are addressing Joe.

    5. Refer to my response above. I'm too lazy to repeat it.

    6. Refer to my response above lazy b*tch!

    7. 12:57,read what she says and take note xx

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    9. What happened to you that you in your pathetic existence that you should act like such a loon, saying such things about people. Were you truly denied your one and only means of social interaction when people such as myself came along and challenged you and your lies & ignorance about this subject?

      What is telling, is your maintained dribble about people being multiple posters and is indicative of something very relative to yourself. Your level of paranoia suggests someone who spends far more time here than anyone you claim does, and you have a level of gross narcissism and sociopathy that's akin to anything you'd see in Funny Games.

      Eva is ten of you. Anyone can see that... Anyone that would stoop to such a creepy, perversely evil level needs help though, they are in need of real affection or maybe a nice big hug from their mother.

      Your actions smell of someone who's never been told "I love you" and though your comments warrant no sympathy, I actually feel deeply sorry for you and want you to know if you ever want a chat, direct all your aggression and anger at me... I can help you and I am not the monster you think I am.

      ... Shoot me an email bro, you can call me names aaaaaaaall day if you want.

    10. Eva- Pay that jerk no mind. We all love you and you can be anyone, including yourself, that you want to be! xx

    11. ^Eva responding to herself!!

    12. There have at times been debates on what bigfoot eat,here's an interesting piece which might shed some light on things xx

    13. Oooops xx

    14. Very interesting, thanks for that Eva.

    15. Yes, thanks Eva! Uno ;-)

    16. Sorry, but if you have XY chromosomes YOU ARE A DUDE.

      Science says so.

    17. Shut up you are a mean pig!! Science says so^

    18. You don't have to say sorry 3:57 even thou your wrong xx

    19. Eva always gracious and witty!

    20. The sun is coming up so mean trolls should be slinking off to their dark corners under the bed again.


      ALL CAPS


      ALL CAPS


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