Does The Figure In The New Provo Canyon Footage Look a Bigfoot or a Bear?

In cased you didn't see yesterday's post on the new Provo Canyon Bigfoot footage, here's Phil Poling's commentary on the video. According to the YouTube user who uploaded the footage, they was filmed near Sundance Utah just outside of Provo Utah in the Provo Canyon. If this is a Bigfoot, this will be the second purported Bigfoot sighting captured on video in the area.


  1. Replies
    1. mmc has no life. poor guy going thru life with his only dream to be first on a blog. you go mmg loser

    2. You shouldn't pick on mmc he's just a boy

    3. And a big boy at that

      Try getting up a little earlier out of your mamas basement and get a job


    4. Feck off...I don`t need a mom gives me pocket money

  2. There's a figure in that video??

  3. dat aint no bear you can see the son of a bitches arms fer crying out lowd

  4. Well that's a bf if the videos not fake!


  5. Very "Pattyesque" in the coat sheen but it's very inconclusive! So many options for fakery it's too hard to make a call.

  6. That videa be proof that the Shadow Creature has ventured over yonder too utah fer shur

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. "One thing's for sure... It is interesting."

      I'll second that.


  8. I'm going out on a limb. Without even seeing the video, I'm guessing it's MK Davis. Now I'll go watch the video.

    Netherlands! Woo-hoo!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Ok. I really looked at the video. It does look like a bear but it really is impossible to say.

  9. need a person to go and stand between those same 2 trees and get a good comparison..Bobo where are you

    1. He had to run Ranea over to Bass Pro for some new boxers. Since she started making TV money, she doesn't have to shop at the Army/Navy store for undies anymore.

    2. There's nothing sexier than a Kevlar bra.

  10. I don't think it's a bear as it is standing up but it well may be.
    I would direct attention to new bfro report out on carbon county, Montana. It is absolutely fabulous habituation involving a bigfoot family that interacts with a young girl since birth. The bigfoot family enters home and garage at night to take food. Sybilla Irvin does a drawing based on window sighting. Jimmy Chilcutt does analysis on handprint on vehicle. Family dog made friends with the bigfoot family and plays with them. Telepathy with the little girl may happen. When parents realize what is going on they deny access to home and food to the clan and the clan gets extremely frustated and react like spoiled brats. Give it a read you will be amazed.

    1. I'm going to go out on a limb and guess they don't have a single photo. Am I right?

    2. ^^^Good one...LOL....but true....

    3. Chuck, can you post the link to that report please buddy?

    4. JOE go here.

      You will like it. To bad one can not just click on this.
      Also Recent reports. 1st one listed

    5. Oh those crazy romantic habituators!

      Despite having children they are happy to allow huge, powerful monsters into their home without knowing what these creatures are possibly capable of?

      The telepathy and the nice stuff about the dog fits the hab profile perfectly.

      Of course the BFRO follow up didn't yield anything right?

      The investigator would have spent weeks at the site if there was a possibility that this was true.


    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. More and more and more and more and more stories and no darn proof.......

  12. Hi joe ttl hope all is good very busy

  13. Looks like a Bigfoot to me. Utah is a very active area for Bigfoot sightings. People in Utah are more than likely to keep sightings to them selves is why not as many reports come out of Utah. They aren't like the dramatic people of California that call 911, every newspaper and television station when they see a Bigfoot. I would wadger that Utah has more Bigfoot and sightings that California. People here in Utah just keep to themselves.

  14. Now why on earth would you just keep driving by and not stop and keep shooting the video, can anyone guess, correcto, because it is ANOTHER darn hoaxed video.....

  15. Guy in a suite maybe, but this is a good one to look into.


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