Photo of the day: Rocksquatch in Phoenix

Is this Bigfoot, or something else? BFE reader JT sent in this photograph last night. He writes:

"Rock formation on a hillside in phoenix,,,,,  its bigfoot" - JT

Here's a closer look:



  1. First for uneven chick peas!!!

    1. Patty was a bloke in a suit.

    2. I always heard that patterson guy was a known hoaxer before the bigfoot film.

    3. Gref long the christian music singer? What would he know about it?

    4. Greg long is a male adult film star. Joe's getting his 2 favorite subjects mixed up again.

    5. There's something on the hill!

    6. I need to see more bigfoot encounter videos, not pics of rocks.

    7. Why is it anyone who posts "PGF was a hoax" or "It was a guy in a suit" never really gives reasons why they know it was? Even if it were, It's really arrogant to think that we humans have everything figured out and there's nothing we don't know and understand. People talk about being closed minded, but anybody who thinks it's not possible for squatches to exist needs to get off their high chair and shut the F up!

    8. I never said bf's don't exist, I said PGF was a hoax. Learn to read.

    9. bigfoots real Matt and BOBO been tracking them for years.

  2. first for the non-cowards who post using thier real name

    1. Would that be you? Don't think so!

    2. John w jones is a known hoaxer, wake up people

    3. TBP!!!!

      Just got the photograph... Gimme an email when you can!!!!

    4. 3:12 of course its a penis pic! You must not know Joe at all.

    5. ^ Said by one that goes around on a Bigfoot blog screaming


    6. Hey Joe, you always say that Patterson passed the polygraph test (forgetting that polygraphs in the 60s were incredibly easy to pass in comparison to the modern ones)...

      Check this out

      End of the journey, my friend


    7. Check this out fake MMC...

      ... Psychopaths get by polygraphs no problem.

      End of the who?

    8. So Heironimus passes a modern polygraph live on national TV because he is a psychopath and Patterson passes a 60's polygraph because he says the true.

      Nice special pleading.


    9. 5:09... You got it in one, bro.

      Read the BFF link I posted you, I particularly like a comment from Mulder that states;

      "Most likely because he was/is a sociopath. "Lie detectors" don't detect deceit per se. They detect physiological stress. Most people, when telling a lie, experience stress symptoms (increased heartbeat, breathing hitches, sweat (which increases the galvanic skin response), etc. These symptoms are very subtle, and exist even if there is no obvious visual "tell". All that "passing" a lie detector test means is that the subject experienced no abnormal stress responses during the test."

      "I wanna get paid!!"

      - Bob H

      Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!

    10. AH AH!

      Why bob h should be a psycvhopath?

      PJ, you are scraping the bottom

    11. Thays joe for ya, tunnel vision.

    12. yeah, and patterson not. and everyone could pass a polygraph test in the 60s, one of my old time friends did it once while completely drunk

    13. Reading further Mulder's comment;

      "Sociopaths are wired different in the brain, though. Since they lack a conscience, they don't stress about doing bad things, including lying. So a sociopath can "pass" a lie detector test while lying through his proverbial teeth, because lying for him doesn't produce a stress response.

      Likewise, (bringing it back to Bob), a person who has in his own head, convinced himself of his absolute sincerity on a topic will not produce a stress response (since in his mind he is not lying)."

      I thought this beautiful. Anyone who's willing to go public after the long line of contradictions he's expected people to swallow, can't be the full shilling.

      5:12... Scraping the bottom of the barrel would be resorting to anything other than explain a magic monkey suit... Would it not? It should be easy for you people, get to work already!

      5:13... You may have a point there bro, isn't Bob H an alcoholic?

      ; )

    14. Its actually much easier to do, drunk

    15. Is the coo coo for 5:23? Because it really is easier ti pass a polygraph when intoxicated. You clearly don't understand how a polygraph works.

    16. obviously is for joe, you stupid

    17. Joe quoting Mulder

      Epic LOL!

  3. Replies
    1. AC, for somebody that claims to despise trolls, you sure do post some random ignorant crap sometimes.

    2. ALL CAPS, check out LIVE FROM DARYL's House, all gifted musicians playing with Daryl Hall at his Chicago Home and of course I know you didn't write that....Joe.....glad you woke up early this when you can and oh by the way, "I got troubled thoughts and self esteem to match, What a catch....What a catch......" Last album --FOB after Pete took off Ashley's eyeliner

    3. Im not married, and you should never refer to your mother like that.....we are just deer friends. now run along and poke someone else, literally or figuratively for that matter.

    4. Its dear friends not deer friends, moron

    5. I think he is friends with a bunch of bucks.

    6. hey mike

      it's been two months you announced a clear HD video of Bigfoot, where is it? would you not be a liar like fatsano, would you?

    7. get your facts straight it was dec 6 2013,, and I am a lying attention needing wierdo!!

  4. Bob Heironimus in a rock suit

  5. Locally that is known as Penis Rock, or for the older set, Prospector Rock. lows.

  6. Hey joe fitz! It's Ttl! Will u be giving me your email on here or how does this work?? We're in the uk do u live?? And how long have u been interested in the bf subject?? And how old r u??

    1. Ttl again joe fitz! Can u also send a pic of ur penis?

    2. Let me know when you're ready for my email and ill post it here for you buddy.

      I've been into this subject for a good few years amongst other things, but this subject has really got hold of me in recent times, purely because I think we're capable of getting to the bottom of it sooner than others.

    3. Please post your email, Joe! Thats the door I need.

    4. I agree with u strongly that the end is very near On bf subject! , what do u think with be next though? Cause 95% of these bf researcher will be in a way pushed out of the field! What do u think will be the next big subject joe fitz or what is your number 2 subject your interested in??? UFO s , aliens? Etc TTL!!!

    5. I would say UFO's my friend... There are so many similarities with that field and this, it's unbelievable! Do you like that subject at all buddy? Where you're from there are some amazing reports!

  7. Hey joe fitz! It's Ttl! Will u be giving me your email on here or how does this work?? We're in the uk do u live?? And how long have u been interested in the bf subject?? And how old r u??

  8. HEY JOE. Missed you yesterday, but we had a good discussion. Even Daniel Perez dropped by briefly. Mr. Patriot and Mr. Jones were also on board to discuss things. Also a few Anon with neat stuff.

    PS for the Anon that posted back at me about Rogers Rangers please try again. I am a big history nut. I did a little searching but could not come up with much. Only that Robert Rogers force during the 7 years war or French and Indian War came in contact with some unknown animals they referred to as mountain apes that were hurling rocks at his men. They chased them off with a volley. If you have more info. I would like to hear about it.

    Apparently the moderator had deleted this entry even though the guy noted there was nothing bad in the post, only a historical note. This happened to me last Saturday I believe and I could not figure out why.


    1. "In the 1700s the Northeast Kingdom was (and still is to a certain degree) frontier country. It was inhabited by woodsmen, hunters, trappers, and fishermen extended families, mostly Wabanaki, but also a few sturdy others. It is told that it was also the haunt of Slipperyskin, a bear, which is supposed to have caused a general misery among the settlers. His name Slipperyskin was because he managed to elude every trap that was ever set for him. The Indians knew him and called him Wejuk or Wet Skin.

      The animal seemed to derive satisfaction from terrorizing cows and sheep, pushing over newly stacked woodpiles, throwing rocks in hayfields, poking logs into bear traps, he was a wily one. There is a doubt as to the age of Wejuk or Slipperyskin, this animal that evidently had a grudge against humans, at least against the others. The earliest written report about him came from a man named Duluth, a scout with Roger’s Rangers, who passed through the then unsettled country in 1759 returning from the raid on Odanak. Duluth wrote in his journal, that as they made their way from Memphremagog Bay, the scouts: “were ever being annoid, for naught reason,, by a large black bear, who would large pinecones and nuts down upon us from trees and ledges, the Indians being also disgusted, and knowe him, and call him Wejuk or Wet Skine.” He was still harassing folks in the 1800s when towns and villages were growing in population."

      - Scott Wheeler

    2. Hey Chuck!!

      What thread was that on buddy? The exchange with Perez and Jones of course... I feel like I've missed out majorly there!!

  9. Oh and by the way Mr. Brookreson. How are you doing and what is new. Have not heard in a while.


  10. Too easy.

    Bloke in an ape suit strolling across bluff creek like a boss. Delivering a smoking to last through the decades.

    Debunked by doing absolutely nothing. Bloke in a suit by default. Too easy. Got monkey?

    1. Walter Peck. Are you back again today.

    2. Monkey suits exist you moron. Google it.

      Too easy.

    3. Just did... None that are magic.

      Too easy.

    4. What's magic about a furry suit with 2 arms and 2 legs? Nothing. They exist. Bigfoot don't. Deal with it. Fish in a barrel. Too easy.

    5. Magic proportions suits such a commodity these days.

    6. Yeah its called the Blevins suit Joe.

  11. Hey joe fitz ! Ttl one other main thing for me these spring will be to contact William jenving and explain to him my situation and see if he gives it the green light or if maybee he would change anything I'm about to do that would help me, so I'm looking forward to that conversation and his opinion! Ttl!

    1. Just Email him TTL. I have sent a few and he will answer. Guy really know his stuff. It is interesting how some of his opinions have changed since his book in mid 2000s.

    2. I'm a big fan of Jevning... He's very approachable I've heard as well, and getting someone like him apply a little input would be incredible.

    3. Cbrippee it's ttl !! What did u ask will jenving and what he have to say?? He really seems like the best person to talk to about bf!

    4. Oh TTL. I sent him an email after listening to a show a few weeks back about a witness they had on in Central Michigan. I told him about the encounter I had when one screamed in my friends back yard at us in 1996, in Midland County, MI which is not that far away from the witness. I also praised his show. Then I did not look at emails for 5 days. He had sent me an email to get my phone number and come on this show which would have been the Sunday before I read his email on Tuesday. My encounter while frightening in my opinion is not near as unique as some of the guest they have been interviewing and I told him such but am open about appearing should they desire.


  12. 5:07 is not me ttl! Joe fitz!!

    1. HEY JOE. That would be the fold out P/G postcards Dan is selling and the MK Davis article just before it.

      Joe you never cease to amaze me. I ask for yesterdays Anon of Roberts Rangers and very quickly you come forward with some details from Robert's scout. Reading between the lines, it is quite evident they were being harassed by bigfoot's.

      Thanks much buddy

    2. Anytime my friend, and I'll check that thread out at the first opportunity.

      Thanks Chuck.

    3. Hey Joe & Chuck, that was my grandson's post yesterday I believe about Roger Ranger's encounters with Big foots. but for some reason, Shawn deleted it!
      Very busy got to go
      John W. Jones Spoke

    4. You mean Corey "Hoaxer" Hawk Jones. Didnt he buzz the mohawk not too long ago, and i dont mean hair. Hoaxers, you all are hoaxers


  13. Hey joe fitz! it's tTL I'm glad u said UFO I have a story that will honestly blow your mind and it's about a actual alien and not a UFO, I will tell u the story by email or by phone, I do think after doing some looking around on the Internet there r only two or three comparable stories and this is a 110% true I would never post it on here sorry! But if u have interest in that subject your in for a big surprise anyways come spring just remind me and I'll give u all the detials and u would probably now were to go from there!! TTL joe fitz!!!

    1. Hurry up and get your email sorted TTL!!

    2. That wasnt ttl u idiot. Joe Fitz, the most gullible idiot in Wales.

    3. GRAYs for sure they been here doing DNA testing for years.

  14. Ya I now joe!! On the whole UFO subject I could email anyone and it's like phone numbers don't exsist on the Internet at one point after watching the show on history channel with the UFO hunters or ancient aliens I got fed up and actually tryed to phone the guy with crazy hair from ancient aliens to just say I'm as normal as it gets and if u guys want some real answers to the same questions I see on all these shows I got them for u, cause in all these shows there r certain things they have no answer or discreption for? Even when I went on the Internet to do a comparison there wasn't that much to compare and I can easily pick out a fake but it's exactly like the bf subject after u see what u see u never wish it would have happen or wish it to happen to anyone else way to scary and that's the truth! Just like bf there's no sunshine and flowers if u here that it's bullshit!! Belive i! When you have goose bumps and sweating at the same time your scared! That I can promise! Ttl joe fitz!

    1. that be Giorgio Tsoukalos he say UFOs and bigfoots are linked, people see UFOs will also report bigfoots conection.

    2. Giorgio is the guy who I tryed to contact buy phone and no luck cause everything is buy email! Yes I'm 20 years behind! Have a good laugh! Lol I did see some of that episode thoUgh, pretty interesting considering the people involved were official type people I thought. I have never seen anything like that and if I did there would be no more hunting for me lol I just wish I could have 20 minutes of that mans time on the phone !! Thanks for the name though ttl !!



    1. No... I'm in fact very skeptical of Bigfoot related stuff; that's how I have come to my conditions.

      ; )

    2. And by 'conditions' I meant 'conclusions'... Obviously.

    3. Hey joe fitz!! If u want to see a real alien than look on the Internet for a pic of one that has a orb near it and that orb has to be a blue ish green and about a foot in diameter or greater I did see one pic like that years ago buy some news crew in some jungle type place I can't remember but that's what u look for and the subject or alien would only be 3 to 4' feet tall bigger head, small body , grey in color etc take this for what it is, make fun but I'm telling u the truth if u r interested in this subject! I just went way out there posting this I got no reason to lie to u have a good day joe fitz hope this helps for now and we will be in touch by email soon!

  16. And joe u should be especially when u get a bf guy talking about hunting stuff and u can't relate in that subject were as a hunter can pick apart the bullshit like I have in different stories here!! I could really see how things get turned upside down on this subject to other people just not having the outdoor knowledge so stay skeptical! TTL!

  17. tham bez rock gaints folks knowin aboutz tham fer yeers

  18. For all of you who have bothered to read all of the above drivel....I would like to address the actual photo that was submitted for this entry. This is a rock formation easily visible on "Camelback mountain" in the Phoenix valley area known as the "Praying Monk".

    1. We all now there rocks that's why we're not talking about a pic of rocks sorry bud! Not much rock interest???

  19. GRAYs marking thier underground base, so they can conduct DNA testing,

    1. grays William Birnes say they been taking DNA here like forever.

    2. bigfoots + grays = planetary takeover

  20. Caulk mouth Joe quoting Mulder psychosis is precious.

    Mulder has been institiutionalzed on several occasions. The clinical diagnosis was that Mulder had Donkey Brains.

    You should find another hobby Joe. You're not very good at this one.

  21. Joe fitz I'll get someone in the next two weeks to show me how to email on my iPhone !! And this might be a stupid question but can I send any pics or videos that I have on my iPhone to your email?? TTL!

  22. Send it to me.


  23. GW knows where the bigfoots goes

    1. Gov officials knows abouts bigfoots, keep it under wraps to not alarm people that are out and about.

    2. Doubt it. If Bigfoot is so human like I'm almost positive the government would want him to pay taxes.

  24. bigfoots animulls eatin U rightup fer shure


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