Top 5 Incredible Photos From Mulder's World [12/19/2013]

Read more: Ghostly Figure In Abandoned Building

Here are some fascinating photographs from, the front page of the strange and unexplained:

Read more: Photo of hand cranked (anti-gravity?) generator at Coral Castle

Read more: The Giant Crystal Cave of Mexico :

Read more: Believe it or not, This is oil painting by Teresa Elliott

Read more: The 12 Days Of Creepy Santa: #8


  1. Hhhhiiiiiiiiii, Daniel!!

    Ball Boy

  2. I was talking about a friend of mine last night who is a filmmaker. His girlfriend is a painter. She does amazing paints like the one in picture four of the boys in the mud. First time I saw them I just assumed it was pictures she had taken.Just amazing talent.

    1. Amazing? Yes. But Reddit is full of people who do the same stuff for pennies on the street corner.

    2. Good for them. Her's start around $5,500 and she makes a very good living. Could care less about bums on reddit.

    3. She can ask all she wants for them but that won't get her a gallery in New York.

    4. LOL ok you got me. Not sure why you care.

    5. I don't care. Just pointing out that it's not all that uncommon of a talent.

  3. Ahhhh....a no Joe zone. I just look for the story with 100+ posts and avoid it completely.


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