Breaking: Russian Almasty Is Actually an Ancient Hominid?

For hundreds of years, Russian Almasty hunters have believed that Zana, a captured Russian "Bigfoot", could be a surviving Neanderthal, the human-like species that is thought to have died out tens of thousands of years ago. In a groundbreaking new study by Dr. Bryan Sykes of Oxford University, that Neanderthal theory may be correct. This Sunday, on Channel 4's (U.K.) special documentary, The Bigfoot Files, Dr. Sykes is set to unveil the true origins of "Zana". Here's the report via Channel 4 News:

A leading British geneticist, who recently found the DNA key that could answer the mystery of the ‘Yeti’, has now solved the riddle of Russia’s own Bigfoot, ‘Zana’.

Bryan Sykes, Professor of Human Genetics at the University of Oxford, has carried out DNA tests on saliva samples taken from descendants of Zana - a so-called ‘wild woman’ captured in the late 19th century in southern Russia, who local people believe was an ‘Almasty’.

Professor Sykes’ research (part of a worldwide analysis of alleged Bigfoot samples), has yielded a remarkable result: that Zana's ancestry was 100% Sub-Saharan African and that she was most probably a slave brought to the region by the ruling Ottomans.

His findings feature in a new Channel 4 documentary series, Bigfoot Files (November 3rd), presented by Mark Evans, who is on a global quest to unlock the real story of Bigfoot.

Zana’s story is extraordinary. She is said to have been captured in the forests of Abkhazia, a remote part of Russia’s Caucasus region, in the 1870s. Imprisoned, it's said, for two decades by a local landowner, she was described by eyewitnesses as being ‘very big, strong, her whole body covered with hair’. Chillingly, Zana had four children with local men.

Russia's 'Almasty Hunters' have been obsessed with her story for over half a century and have always believed that Zana could be a surviving Neanderthal, the human-like species that is thought to have died out tens of thousands of years ago.

To answer the riddle and establish what species she belonged to, Professor Sykes has tested samples from six of Zana's living descendants. He has also recovered DNA from a tooth taken from the skull of one of her sons, Khwit. Such work is highly specialized and Sykes was the first geneticist ever to extract DNA from ancient bone.

The results are complex and fascinating. First, they show that Zana was, in fact, no more Neanderthal than many of the rest of modern humans. When the Neanderthal genome was sequenced in 2010 it became clear that Europeans and Asians contain around 2 to 4% of Neanderthal DNA; almost certainly the result of interbreeding.

But the big surprise in Sykes' results was that Zana's DNA is not Caucasian at all, but African. Khwit's tooth sample confirms her maternal African ancestry and the saliva tests on the six living descendants show that they all contain African DNA in the right proportions for Zana to have been genetically 100% sub-Saharan African.

“The most obvious solution that springs to mind is that Zana or her ancestors were brought from Africa to Abkhazia as slaves, when it was part of the slave trading Ottoman Empire, to work as servants or labourers,” says Professor Sykes. “While the Russians ended slavery when they took over the region in the late 1850s, some Africans remained behind. Was Zana one of them, who was living wild in the forest when she was captured?“

But that theory would not explain her extraordinary features, described by reliable eyewitnesses. There is an even more intriguing alternative theory. Having carefully studied the skull of Zana's son, Khwit, Professor Sykes believes there are some unusual morphological skull features – such as very wide eye sockets, an elevated brow ridge and what appears to be an additional bone at the back of the skull – that could suggest ancient, as opposed to modern, human origins.

And Sykes has raised the bold theoretical possibility that Zana could be a remnant of an earlier human migration out of Africa, perhaps tens of thousands, of years ago. If correct, Zana could be evidence of a hitherto unknown human 'tribe', dating from a distant time when the human species was still evolving and whose ancestors were forced into remote regions, like the Caucasus mountains, by later waves of modern humans coming out of Africa.

One of the Russian Almasty hunters, Dr Igor Burtsev, offers testimony in the Channel 4 documentary that may back this theory up. He unearthed Khwit's skull in 1971 and a few years later, showed it to a group of anthropologists in Moscow. They were, he says 'amazed', and identified a mix of 'primitive' and 'progressive' (modern) features in the skull. Lacking the scientific tools at Sykes' disposal, they could take it no further. Now Sykes is able to propose the theory with some confidence.

It is only a theory at this stage - and a bold and speculative one at that. But Professor Sykes intends to study it much further before reaching his final conclusions.

Zana’s story will feature in Bigfoot Files on Channel 4 on Sunday, November 3rd at 8.00pm. In the programme Mark Evans also meets former heavyweight boxing champion of the world, seven foot tall Nikolai Valuev, who admits to having a bit of a Neanderthal look himself. He is now Duma Deputy (the equivalent of an MP) for Kemerovo in Siberia and fascinated in Almasty. The programme also investigates some of the other claimed sightings of the creatures in Russia.

The series, made by Icon Films, examines the stories behind famous Bigfoot sightings and Mark Evans meets people who believe passionately that other species of hominid exist. A book by Professor Sykes about his research The Yeti Enigma: A DNA Detective Story will be published by Coronet in Spring 2014.

The programme is available to view and there are images available.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Replies
    1. No, a big hairy person apparently.

    2. I've got big Harry balls does that count

    3. Depends where they are Harry!

      Have a great weekend my friend.


    4. My uncle's name is Harry Balls.


    6. I like me some big ass hairy titties.

    7. On my forehead it's horrible I'm so self conscious

    8. That Russian boxer is pretty hairy, I bet he's related to the Almas.

  3. Pretty stunning stuff.

    Sykes sure won't regret looking at BF.

    Much more than he bargained for.


    1. Stunning stuff? Did you actually read the article?

    2. You obviously didn't.

      Take your hands away from your eyes and your ears.


  4. well there ya go PROOF that almastys are REAL !! SUCK THAT !! DANIEL CAMPBELL ,,

    1. Maybe proof that a slave from Africa had traits from an older linage of man. Or maybe simply genetic defects. But no not proof of a monkey man.

    2. Muir is fear personified.

      Sykes hunch was right.

      Using desperate terms like 'monkey man' won't save you now Muir.


    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Muir you really are a skeptard idiot. Give your mind a chance to expand instead of living in ignorance.

    5. If the story is true, and she had offspring, what desperate kind of Russian man would screw something like that. I guess maybe Daniel Campbell would, judging by his girlfriends looks!

    6. In my country, we believe in three things: vodka, hookers, and our president, PIAJG.

  5. Replies
    1. I wonder if valuev has a big ruskie pecker


    3. Valuev is half yeti and half bear therefore he is apetard descendant of homo gaywad

  6. babylon shall fall...

    white devil slave master shall suffer for all eternity in hell for the crimes against african kings...

  7. So Joe, how does it feel to be properly SCHOOLED? Now humble yourself asswipe. "Sykes is coming..." HAHAHAHAHAHA he surely did and boy did he clear things up. Don't be stupid and say there's more. There isn't.

    1. Well there clearly is... Unless you know something the world doesn't? That is the reality of it and by farting it out on this blog; doesn't make it reality in afraid.

      Old news too! Zane was proven a human years ago.

      We still don't know the results of these two samples that are due to 'change the world'... That is fact and nothing that groundbreaking can be put to the world in a documentary series; hence the same old recycled stuff that we can expect Sunday.

      Pipe up though by all means... If his long term results should suggest something that can be interpreted as Bigfoot DNA... Note I said 'if'... Then you'll have the plate of crow I've put in the freezer for that point in the study.

    2. As per usual Joe has verbal diarrhea

    3. They hate Joe.. because he is right !!!

    4. Stop it everyone. Joe is correct. Billy Zane was proven human years ago. Hey Dan. Looks like I'm back till the study concludes. Porkchop my friend. We have alot to discuss.

  8. Sorry to disappoint you guys, but this story is very bogus. The skulls turns out to be completely human. It is of African descent.

    1. You'll get nothing but old news and like it.

    2. And Sykes has raised the bold theoretical possibility that Zana could be a remnant of an earlier human migration out of Africa, perhaps tens of thousands, of years ago. If correct, Zana could be evidence of a hitherto unknown human 'tribe', dating from a distant time when the human species was still evolving and whose ancestors were forced into remote regions, like the Caucasus mountains, by later waves of modern humans coming out of Africa.

    3. ONE, excellent hypothesis out of TWO interesting possibilities.

  9. He is taking his time..first Zana with living questions there on DNA and duh, perhaps out of africa long before the last ice Age. In Asia, and here, when modern humans show up. Sasquatch, bigfoot, cavemen, all the same. And us. Too funny.

  10. I wonder what the next big Dud on the Sasquatch horizon will be?

  11. fucking pwned joe

    fucking pwned my son

    1. I would imagine that you'd need to debunk Bigfoot before that happens old boy.


    2. And how exactly s Joe "pwned" as you say?

    3. And you need evidence as per usual Joe

    4. Take a look at the evidence as opposed to muttering it's not there... Like some therapeutic reassurance exercise. If a creature didn't exist, it wouldn't leave tracks.

      Hey Count!!!

  12. getting close but no bigfoot . at least it didn't turn out to be porcupine, bear, dog, dear or oppossum.

    1. Bigfoot is bullshit and Sykes is thoroughly exposing it as so. The truth is he got tired of all the footers and their incessant whining about science not taking the religion seriously. Now he has and boy are you footards sorry you called down the thunder. ***EXPOSED***

    2. 3:52 Sharon Shill? That's one weak comment. Shilling away. Quite skeptardical from a typical skeptard.

    3. Religion 3:52? Skeptards have that; they worship skepscience. Fervently. In a frothing at the mouth obsessively kneejerk kind of way. It causes them to uncontrollably write pathetic comments just like yours.

    4. Bunch of butthurt delusional footers^

    5. ^you got that backwards tardy.

    6. 3:52 is a typical bf denier bigfoot's no ape but apparently et, doh. thanx for the exposure.

  13. How does the possibility of a huge, hair covered human pwn Joe? Instead take a step back. We all may have been pwned. Melba could be right!

    1. What? Wait, what was all of that incoherent psychobabble? You must have drank your lunch.

    2. I think he is saying Zana is a human being with an interesting lineage. When you get down to it, it has little to do with cryptozoology except for the fact the samples were submitted by enthusiasts..Zana is not a relic hominid or a previously unknown animal..

      In my opinion, the polar bear result is much more relevant to anyone wishing to defend cryptozoology..

    3. 'Giant Neanderthal Hybrids With Double Rows of Teeth Discovered in Minnesota'

      The Aborigines of Minnesota 1906 - Mr. R. M. Van DeVoort gave information concerning the exploration of a mound of this group about the year 1885. The bones were about 3 ft. from the surface and consisted of six skeletons, each skeleton occupying a space about 18 inches by 30 inches. The lower jawbone was large, the teeth, so far as found, all double, the brow considerably receding backward, thigh-bone 22 inches long, upper arm-bone 14 inches long. These bones were taken to Chicago by a doctor some five years after they were discovered.

      '9 Foot Ancient Giant Examined by San Bernardino, California Coroner'

      Los Angeles Times, July 21, 1936 - Suspension of work in a Lytle Creek gravel pit, where Saturday the skull of an ancient giant was unearthed by a contracting company's steam shovel, today constituted the county's contribution to science. There will be no further digging in the pit until scientists have had an opportunity to examine the gravel and excavate with more precision for possible additional information on the early inhabitants of California. Meanwhile, the skull of the giant, together with several small bones, today rested on an improvised table in the County Coroner's office while hundreds of curious filed past. The skull, far larger than that of the present-day man, has characteristics that, to the layman, seem to classify it with the Mongolian race. High cheek bones, powerful jaws and teeth that would not be amiss on a carnivorous animal immediately attract attention. Local amateur scientists have expressed the opinion that if the remainder of the skeleton were of corresponding size with a skull, a man of eight or nine feet in height could easily be visioned. Coroner Williams is satisfied that clues to early life on this continent have been uncovered. Several vertebrae, a leg bone and several finger bones bear out his contention. They are on the same enormous scale as the skull.

    4. The possibility of a population of unknown humans being described as huge, hairy, strong, being found doesn't sound like a Sasquatch to the skeptical?

    5. That's because most skeptics are still claiming a victory over the old mindset that Bigfoot is a bipedal gorilla. It's not.


    6. Melba is right. DNA doesn't lie.

    7. Wow! This is unreal. If his theory is correct these beings could be hiding everywhere.

    8. EXACTLY.because bigfoot could be a sub species of homo sapiens JUST LIKE A IRISH WOLFHOUND AND A LITTLE CHIHUAHUA.. ... PS, ALMASTYS ARE REAL!

    9. ^ not everywhere,, just not in your MOMMEYS basement,

    10. Joe fitz hey! It the Canadian guy ! Got an idea for u here! U really like the bf world so why don't I send u a map or email u a map of my area and I'll let u pick any spot u want there and I'll set up a hubituation area for u, put whatever u want there I'll supply it, and put one of my game cameras up, take some pics of it, send u some pics and then u can wait a year or two and I'll send u the SD card when it's done??? U be big footing in Canada from home sound cool to me!! Ttl

    11. Those measurements are bullshit. I'm only 5'11 and my upper arm and upper leg are only 2" shorter than what is listed above. Go ahead and measure your own. If you extrapolate those it would probably be in the 6'5" range not 9' feet. Also doesn't bigfoot have very long arms. A 14 " upper arm isn't that long for something that's supposed to be 9'. Use your fucking brains and stop quoting shit without actually thinking about it.

    12. I don't know about you but I always believe in the conclusions of 1930s coroners and 19th century diggers, they really knew their stuff back then. Especially when it comes to to identifying relic humans, of course all our ancestors had those sharp canine teeth that the coroner noted. Who needs DNA evidence when you have unsubstantiated claims from newspaper stories from 80+ years ago? Well, call me a believer I'm sold.

    13. All along Melba's been right and Sykes trying to cover his tracks...

  14. Not sure what all this circle jerk celebrations are about from the footers. Still no bigfoot ya jackasses.

    1. No but if your reading comprehension skills were as good as you running your mouth, you would understand the skeptics could be very close to having their foot in their mouths.

    2. If correct,
      Zana could be
      evidence of a
      hitherto unknown
      human 'tribe', dating
      from a distant time
      when the human
      species was still
      evolving and whose
      ancestors were
      forced into remote
      regions, like the
      mountains, by later
      waves of modern
      humans coming out
      of Africa.

    3. And that makes a magic monkey man as depicted by Rogers vision in the pgf real?

    4. 4:05, excellent comment on some skeptics, though it would be 'big" foot in their mouths.

    5. I only ever have read where the skeptics call Bigfoot a magic monkey man. If you would take the time to actually study the subject of Bigfoot you would know that they were always called a possible relic human species.

    6. PGF shows them on film, accept it suckers.

  15. ya could have saved all that time and money and asked me and i could told you there is such thing as a furry fella roaming in your backyards. it makes me wonder what are people thinking out on expeditions, camping out all the while latching onto that hope that they will see eye shine( owl) wood knock (woodpeckers) and o the occassional video of a hoaxter. get real people.

  16. If correct,
    Zana could be
    evidence of a
    hitherto unknown
    human 'tribe', dating
    from a distant time
    when the human
    species was still
    evolving and whose
    ancestors were
    forced into remote
    regions, like the
    mountains, by later
    waves of modern
    humans coming out
    of Africa.

    1. Yes just a theory. But man, sure sounds like our modern descriptions of the unknown species described running around.


    3. Still holding out for the fantasy, are you?

    4. Not fantasy but reality. Religion on the other hand is fantasy, and even that is being covered up by science Vatican and authorities in cahoots.

  17. Don't you people know? Zana, is Dan Campbell mother!

    1. And all this time I thought it was his wife.

  18. Footers don't even know when they have been pwned. They truelly are living in a fantasy world.

    1. Apparently you can't read.

    2. Once more so you can start to think logically.

      If correct,
      Zana could be
      evidence of a
      hitherto unknown
      human 'tribe', dating
      from a distant time
      when the human
      species was still
      evolving and whose
      ancestors were
      forced into remote
      regions, like the
      mountains, by later
      waves of modern
      humans coming out
      of Africa.

    3. And that has fuck all to do with a North American ape. Fucking smoked.

    4. Nope 4:33, nothing at all. No crossing the land bridge theory or hell, just because it completely describes the modern thought of what Bigfoot is, nothing at all. Just keep telling yourself that.

      These sure aren't the A team of skeptics here. Not even the B,C,D, or E team. They sent the biggest idiots to make themselves look foolish.

    5. Can't you suckers tell we're being played along by some covert forces covering this up, this would've been officially discovered decades ago if they wanted to let us know. Eight foot apes running loose, are you kidding us get real. Ergo, this species remains hidden for whatever reason not least its own willing seemingly but also our own powers. Realize that or be eternally miserable.

  19. Kitakaze called,he wants his dignity back.

    1. Sorry we took it and it's not being returned...


    2. Now that's funny right there I tell you what.

  20. Common sense and research will do nothing for bigfooters. Sykes' research makes sense. Bigfooters? Not so much.

    1. Only that this:

      If correct,
      Zana could be
      evidence of a
      hitherto unknown
      human 'tribe', dating
      from a distant time
      when the human
      species was still
      evolving and whose
      ancestors were
      forced into remote
      regions, like the
      mountains, by later
      waves of modern
      humans coming out
      of Africa.

      Is what Sykes said and also, wait for it, read this next part slow so you can understand....

      What "Footers" have been saying for quite awhile now. So thank you for saying how correct the "Footers" are.

    2. You rise beneath ignorance and stupidity.

  21. And as the Sykes study episodes come to and end, the pendulum swings once more....

    Ending on a high for FOOTERS everywhere.


    1. It always amazes me how footers can put the best possible spin on any result. No matter how the Sykes study will turn out the footers will embrace it as proving their point. It IS their religion now - no doubt about it and they will NEVER, EVER give it up!

    2. It's spun itself moron. Reading comprehension?

      If correct,
      Zana could be
      evidence of a
      hitherto unknown
      human 'tribe', dating
      from a distant time
      when the human
      species was still
      evolving and whose
      ancestors were
      forced into remote
      regions, like the
      mountains, by later
      waves of modern
      humans coming out
      of Africa.

    3. Bigfootery isn't about evidence, it's about belief. Arguing about evidence is pointless.

    4. My manly tackle swings like a pendulum. Just thought I'd mention that.

    5. So you will take that and run with it in proving the existence of a hairy man-beast which is what footers have been describing all along all along? Okay gotcha - whatever you say . . . . . . . . fanatic..

    6. There's a ton of evidence the only problem is the powers controlling it won't release the final proof to the public, they're under orders not to.

  22. I'm Zana's dad.
    Yeah I own a time machine. No I'm not a grey alien. I'm the bitchin kind that swoops in and rapes your women while you brandish sickles and swill bad vodka.


    2. In my country, we believe in three things: vodka, hookers, and radiation poisoning.

  23. i came here for evidence and now i can finally rest assured based on sykes study that bigfoot has always been been misidentifications and hoaxes. cheesuz even the guy on who started the bigfoot craze (wallace) fessed up that he was the one who fooled the people with his fake feet. then the footers said he was hoaxing the hoax. unbelievable. its over folks. yep 2013 was indeed the year of the bigfoot. the year bigfoot question was answered in a conclusive and resounding yes it is a fake and always was a fake. i know the true hurts but "YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUE..."
    Jack Bigfoot

    1. If correct,
      Zana could be
      evidence of a
      hitherto unknown
      human 'tribe', dating
      from a distant time
      when the human
      species was still
      evolving and whose
      ancestors were
      forced into remote
      regions, like the
      mountains, by later
      waves of modern
      humans coming out
      of Africa.

    2. Sorry, I didn't realise the Caucasus mountains were in USA

    3. No, but if you think about human migration and crossing the land bridge? Or is your mind that closed to anything but being a total contrarian? I know it's hard to wrap your dumbfounded irrational skeptical mind around. But you just have to admit the possibility has been opened for these beings to exist. We'll all have to wait for the further study that will be conducted. As for right now the "Footers" have every right to gloat.

  24. And with her ugly features she still had kids,see,she helped invent booze goggles,that in turn led tothe fall of the soviet union,Putin comes into power as a major dickbag,see,it all comes back to bigfoot

  25. I need a jar after reading all the skeptards dribble. I wonder if PIAJG can spare one?

  26. Igor Burtsev also believes Janice Carter's BS story about a family of bigfoot living on and around her farm in Tennessee and that the alpha male named Fox comes to her door, knock, and asks for garlic. Burtsev called Carter the "Jane Goodall of bigfoot."

    Don't believe me? Watch season 1 episode 2 of the National Geographic show Is It Real on Netflix.

    1. ^ Gullible git. Nat Geo is under government control, they're essentially a debunking channel.

  27. Part of the article reads, "Chillingly, Zana had four children with local men."

    Come on. Doesn't that tell you that the story is BS?

  28. Having carefully studied the skull of Zana’s son, Khwit, Professor Sykes believes there are some unusual morphological skull features – such as very wide eye sockets, an elevated brow ridge and what appears to be an additional bone at the back of the skull – that could suggest ancient, as opposed to modern, human origins.

    Uhhh....relict hominid?

    It is only a theory at this stage – and a bold and speculative one at that. But Professor Sykes intends to study it much further before reaching his final conclusions.

  29. BS? This is an old story. Go do some reading before looking like a fool.

  30. A possible branch species to humans living in the not to distant past appears to be making a case for the existence of a bigfoot and these skeptics on here are trying to make it look like they've been vindicated? What a confusing page this is to read! Dig in your insanity heels a bit further.

  31. What about all those side show freaks? I mean I heard there were half ape half man. So anything is likely.

  32. Poor skeptics. I'm sure some day you will be half right on something. JREF, lolololololololoooloool!!!!!!

  33. I have a family of almasty living next door to me and I never knew it, sweet.

  34. The Niggar Family


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