Breakdown: Giant Redwoods Bigfoot

This alleged Bigfoot was caught on tape chasing a park visitor. An anonymous film producer released the footage back in 2006.


  1. My taterhole has been itching something awful.

    1. Daniel will scratch it for you.He loves to go to POUND TOWN.

    2. My taterhole alarm is going off like a buck during rutting season.

      Stealing someone else's line, but it seemed apropos.

  2. Patty = 100% modern human.

    That's why I always dreamed to have sex with her, now I can say it freely: I want to squeeze my face between her hairy titties!!!

  3. : ) G.W. knowz where da bigfeets beez @ in TX

  4. : ) G.W. knowz where da bigfeets beez @ in TX

  5. AK 47 w/scope be a good huntin rifle – for critters, U be right follow up shots required – 30 round mag w/154SP rounds will take care of it no problem. Looks like bigfoot travels in groups so da one U are shootin @ be aware there beez others about. Been a few cases it these parts of hunters finding this out the hard way. So if U goes out for da big guy U might want to take a few buds with..........

  6. As Phil states"Breakdown is about looking for red flags,..." Come on Phil, any video on you tube claiming it's a bigfoot is a red flag.

    1. This guy Phil is a novice

      Wich is a red flag

  7. thar be a 12 gage shotgun used – dang critters, followed up shots – slugs rounds and take that thar bigfoot down. Thar beez bigfeets abouts for sure, so beez awares they travel in groups. U getz one of them thar critters others be on U. take plenty of ammo and a few buds for backup!

  8. Probably fake but they got the anatomy down sort of okay.

  9. Z man w/AK47 thar be a followed up shots – s. U getz one of them thar critters $$$!

  10. I goz fo da 50 cal hawken, like me grandpapa used to take down da bigfoot fo sure.....

  11. Dragging this old shit out to breakdown? Only the dumb believe it, but I repeat myself. Bigfooters are stupid.

  12. We here takes AKs to goez huntin for them thar critters and others like bigfoot and mega hogs lots of ammo and mags : )

  13. put enough lead into anything and its DEAD....
    lots of ammo and mags


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