Tim Fasano Knows Where TimberGiantBigfoot May Have Filmed "Big Red"

Here's a response video from Tim Fasano to TimberGiantBigfoot who claims to have shot footage of a Bigfoot named "Big Red". According to Fasano, "Big Red" is probably made up, and he thinks TimberGiantBigfoot may have filmed an animal in a wildlife sanctuary that's far from being a "Bigfoot". Watch below:


  1. Replies
    1. Exactly... Words well spoken.

    2. Harry, glad to have met you and yours.! I would never stab you. I never bring a knife to a gun fight.

    3. Lol that was just the first impression I've subsequently learned your an awesome dude

  2. T-Fat has to ride someones coattails

    1. He sounds really really angry in this video, I guess he's upset that TGBF's shoddy video is still better than anything he's come up with.

    2. TGBF has a better camera for the job


    3. Of course Tim Fatsano is angry, he cant find anymore Liver Pudding

  3. Is Tim saying , he is the only one whp can film primates and try to pass it off as bigfoot?

  4. Replies
    1. We ARE at home. We've got the internet connected to our households.
      Are you posting from an internet cafe????

    2. where home ,were on the net. if you choose to believe 10thousands 8ft 600pd aope people roam aboput national parks thats your buisness and opinion. I think you are idiot who has delusions as to what autyhority you have! ths site is for [people to discuss bigfoot. Id happily discuss but people like you want us all to hold the same opinion or 'go home' which is impossible as im on my PC which is at 'home'

    3. God bless Trollandia, blog that I love.
      we will mock you, and chide you, when you're making stuff up
      In the mountains or the prairies, or the oceans, white with foam,
      There is no Biggyfoot, no land that he roams.

    4. 8:01^^^#tooneyloon approved

  5. Why is he so sure that the video either shows an "upright walking unclassified primate" or a gorilla??? There's nothing in the actual video to suggest that it might be bipedal or a primate or unclassified. It's definitely something furry but there's no clear identifiable details to allow anyone to be able to tell what it is.

    1. b/c Fatsano is a chronic hoaxer and supporter of hoaxers

  6. Not sure why Fasano needs to bitch about fellow hoaxers.

    He was very keen to comment on the Daisy and Dyer fiascos but anyone who remembers his own attempts to pass off a gorilla pic as a BF (Fasano's 'Palmetto Monster') knows this guy is just another hoaxing low life that does not need further coverage here.


  7. anything for that reality show timbo! Tim FAT-sano is a hoax himself. I bet if you look at timbo's birth certificate his first name is Tammy! ya bitch!

    1. At what point do these things become slander?^^^

      Perhaps BEB will create a post explaining where the line is between legal criticism and slander for blog comments.

    2. Go back home Tim, we will always enjoy slandering you

  8. He's got a point, this wasn't the first time that timbergiantbigfoot has uploaded a vague video of some furry forest creature obscured by foliage and panning away before he gets a clear shot at what it is:

  9. It does not seem to make a whole lot of sense. How many wildlife sanctuaries have bipedal creatures in them? I know of none, since the only continously bipedal creatues I know are humans.

    So if we assume the creature is not bipedial, but is some kind of ape in a sanctuary, what could it be? An orang utan? They are generally darker and their fur is much longer.

    Could it be a bear or some other animal? Possible, except for if you look closely at the video there are a dozen or so frames that appear to show a very ape-like hand.

    Seeing how naturally the hair looks and moves, I am inclined to think it is the real thing, but can not rule out some guy in some bear skin or something similar.

    So, to summarize; this is either a guy in a suit or the real thing lol

    1. What are the frames that show the hand? I've looked really close but I can't spot it.
      Here's the direct link to timbergiantbigfoot's video:

    2. I thought the same about how natural the hair looks and moves, that's why I said it looks like a real animal. It could be a bear or another primate and if it is a suit it's a well done one because most suits out there wouldn't foll me as far as how the hair looks. from his past rep I think it might be a hoax so that would mean he filmed some other animal and not a bigfoot

  10. How many red silverback gorillas have you seen you pathetic fat fuck!

    1. Um, lots?

      Did you even check to see if there were any silverback gorillas with red coloration or did you just jump to an unsubstantiated conclusion and angrypost about it?

    2. But I agree with the main thrust of your point - the creature in timbergiantbigfoot's video clearly isn't a gorilla.

    3. er,he conecting timbergiants recent bigfoot post with a past one. which he adnmitted was a oic of a 'gorilla' which he took at the zoo. he had a whole back story aout it being under a bridge etc... the poster is relating to that not that the latest one is a gorilla.
      hmmmmmm why do i bother

    4. Naw he was talking about the Tim Fasano video (ie: the "pathetic fat fuck!") posted at the start of this blog post where Tim thinks that the reddish brown creature in timbergiant's latest video is a gorilla.

    5. the Squatchmaster was the one who posted the gorilla pic with the back story of it being under a bridge.

    6. If you think the gentleman has a weight problem, encourage him to trim down and support him, rather than calling him lowlife names which reflect poorly on yourself.

    7. Have you not learned this already????? Anyone that Shawn promotes on his blog is a hoaxer. Someones gotta make shit up to draw in blog hits

  11. First, Tim should be the last person to crystalize anyone. He is a known hoaxer, and is just jealous that TG made a better Video than he.

    Second, A big foot would not just sit there eating berries with a human watching him, not to far away. In un-expected close encounters a Big foot would either lie down on the ground (flat), run away fast, or get behind a tree. 99% of the times a human would never be able to walk upon a Big foot. Almost always they travel in pairs, and one is the "Sentential".

    I question this man's experience, I question, why he thinks that was thick brush (when it wasn't) I question, why did he not approach it, I question the way he dresses and especially the shoes he wears, I question the way he was reacting and what he was saying. I have a lot of questions about this video, and have "a lot' of doubts! he was even concerned that there was poison ivy! Poor boy! City boy in the woods again!

    I also wonder hard in from a road he was. True Big foot research is not a "Backyard hobby" or a "weekend Hobby" either.

    As stated numerous times on this site, Me and my team have a lot of experience with this subject, that this Video is not of a Big foot at all.

    John w. Jones
    Ok! hit me with all your in-mature childish, name calling comments, they make us laugh. Or give me an intelligent argument why this TG video is of a real big foot. It's your choice!

    1. I agree on all points. (Well, except the way you spell 'sentinel')

    2. You can tell the subject is considerably larger when it walks away by the surrounding branches when you compare it to when it was sitting on a log. I would think that you of all people would know that this is REAL hair and not a fake fur suit.

    3. JJ, crystalize someone? And who is your team? Can you give us any evidence that anything you say is real? Again, Mr. jones, someone who writes as badly as you do should think twice about challenging anyone's intelligence.

    4. From yesterday posting:

      I stated earlier."Wow for now". As I listened thru studio headphones and had time to think about it in a whole perspective, I have many questions. Such as I have a feel of a set up scenario. And if you have so much evidence, then why are you touching it with bare hands. I also believe a creature of that proportion would not need a rock to get in side of what seems like acorns and nuts. The force of the jaw would seem suffice. If you are out there on a hot trail from previous siting's, then I feel that you should be prepared by bringing some else to bring credibility and assist in filming. In that settings, one could film and never take that camera out of view as the other approach and film the reactions of the subject so you can possible get the greatest testament of all time with many angles and positioning of the subject.

      I read a post by Mike Br.earlier and agree on what he said about the edits to this particular video. As a field researcher I only hope that I am wrong and feel their was enough hair and samples if not contaminated with human contact..So so many questions from the audio..it seemed odd when ever the camera zoomed in, you get a nut cracking vivid sound of clearity all most on que. And I find it odd that he states about previous nut cracking sounds from a week earlier and before the encounter, he point to an apple tree and there you have it a subject eating apples and nuts..Maybe I am wrong and hope for the best, but expect the worst and hope to be able to handle the truth in the end..

      I hope the tools, food, and hair samples hold the key..??

    5. Nail on the head John W Jones.

      Loving your posts dude!


    6. Finally, the two gentlemen Ive been wanting to talk to. Guys I can't go with it. I just can't. Heres the problem for me, and remember, I was with Jim right up until a few years back he had a subject in a bush, he felt was a sasaquatch and just walked away. Later he said recreation showed it was clearly a squatch due to length of vegitation and now this. Here we have a man who has been looking for this subject all his life. He has his camera. He allegedly hears a strange noise. OK, then he gets the subject on camera. What follows is more bizarre than any behavior Ive ever seen from any supposedly authentic video. He pans away repeatedly. He stop edits at least 4 times at CRITICAL moments when hes just obtaining focus. Then, he unexpectedly wood knocks. FOR WHAT PURPOSE? The Wood knock is a form of long distance communication at best, an alarm at worst, what is he doing wood knocking with a subject in frame. The only logical response would be he was trying to alert it to his presence so it would stand up and reveal itself and walk away bipedally aka Patty. But he doesnt film that at all. Instead he cuts away during the CRITICAL post wood knock phase to remove his crocs for stealth???? Am I crazy John, Stevie, MMG? well of course, but what i mean is why, why, why. Look at that point we get to the vacated area that he has sneaked up on scoobey doo style and find the unfinished buffet from Whole Foods. Guys.....Its time Phil Poling took a close look at this. I cannot reconcile any of it with the behavior of a serious field researcher M

    7. And I want to say thanks, to John, MMG, Stevie, Joe and the new breed of courteous skeptical Anons out there. We arent all believers who jump head first into yelling "Sasquatch" every time we see purported evidence. The guys i just paid props to are the real deal. Im the pathetic weekend enthusiast that John correctly identified. Nevertheless, my views on this are strong and I feel we need answers to these questions sooner than later.

    8. Furthermore I invite commentary and criticism to my position, in fact I welcome it. Someone please explain these enigmatic anomalies (a joke for you Tim) to me and i'll gladly concede the points. As Ive stated, Im a Timbergiant fan, love the hat. But Lucy, you got some splainin to do.

    9. I am in much in agreement with you sirs and have respected your assessments in the past. ..Playing cards with a cheater is a death sentence my friend. This man will be under a lot of scrutiny from both sides of the BF coin..salutations MMG..MB and of course Joe.

    10. First, yeah I misspelled some words and do not use good gamma, so what! I didn.t have a formal education like most of you. I hardly went to what you would call a school. my school was the woods, My teachers was "Mother Nature". Anyway what difference does make,i really don't care about how I write. Hell, I didn't learn to use a computer until I was 50 years old!

      Secondly, The first time I saw TG video was on a I phone of a friend. I watched it a 2nd time on a Big HD monitor. I revise my conclusions a little.

      Since I've Trap and skinned just about every normal North American Furbearer and know my furs well, I cannot identify what this animal could be. By it's size, it could only be a bear or a dog, but I highly doubt that. That leaves only two other possibilities; "It is staged". Or an unknown animal. When humans get to close they run, that looks like a 2nd growth forest with young trees and brush. When a big foot runs, like all primates it grab branches, break branches etc, all hell would have broke loose.

      Any/all "close encounters" are all different, very rarely the same. I would need a lot more info of this location, to make a better judgment.

      john W. Jones

    11. Hey Mr. Jones I'm under the impression you're a good dude so don't let it get to ya

    12. They pulled me back in, Just when I thought I was getting out! thanks Harry b.

      John w. Jones

    13. Meh they can get to anyone with enough teasing we aren't used to this new generation talking so awful cause they don't need to take responsibility for their actions behind a monitor Mr. Jones

  12. The idea of a gorilla living in a wildlife preserve in Ontario is more preposterous than the the fact that Timbergiant filmed an actual living breathing bipedal primate unknown to science.

  13. What's up with Timmy's hair? Is he going on a date? Now that's a video I'd like to see.

    1. From the photo that I've seen, trust me, you don't!

  14. A gorilla living in freedom in an Ontario Canada wildlife sanctuary, where winter time temperatures will hit 30 degrees F below zero?


    Tim Fasano drives a cab in sunny Florida, and has no concept of what winter is, and is clearly attempting to discredit his competition for a Spike TV series. But then, Fasano seeks to discredit all other researchers for one reason or another. Move over Matt Moneymaker, your twin brother whom you were separated from at birth, is in town.


  16. Tim.....why do you keep......turning your head.......left.....to right.....to left.....to right..............to left?

    Little dramatic, are we?

  17. http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2007/oct/26/endangered

  18. http://www.orangutanindonesia.com/orangutans-of-indonesia.htm

  19. John are you suggesting an orang is the source in the photo perhaps edited in help

    1. No, but perhaps the orang is what he actually shot......I don't know, just throwing ideas out there.

  20. there are no gorillas living in a sanctuary in Ontario.

    I do have reason to be wary of timbergiant but it does look like an animal by the way the hair looks so it could very well be a bear

  21. Is it me or is lime green Tim`s color?

  22. I will be selling tickets all this week for your turn to piss in Fatsanos face. Charge will be free. Next week we will be offering turns to piss in Stacy Browns face, and the week after, Timbergiantbigfoot. Then in November we will be offering tickets to piss in Shawns face. We are charging for that one though b/c he enjoys that kind of thing. We will also be hosting an all you can muster opportunity to crap in all the faces of Team Tazer. And last but not least we are running a special in December for the free t-bagging of both fat ass Phil Poling, and fished eyed Steven Streufert. Sign up now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. It's so sad that you won't get a turn b/c you are dickless..he he he!

    2. So which of the above people are you???

  23. It's fucking hilarious seeing other Bigfoot "experts" constantly shun other people's work. Tim is a fucking moron.

  24. Hey fat boy why don't you get a real job?

    1. Driving a cab, eating cheesburgers, and hoaxing bigfoot vids is hard work man. What r u talking about? Someone has to take the hoaxing torch from Team Tazer, Phil Poling, Steven Streufert, Rick dyer, etc. It might as well be Fatsano. He already has a solid foundation in hoaxing, so he should have no problems.


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